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1Bathhouse = Relaxation Empty Bathhouse = Relaxation Fri Mar 25, 2016 11:45 am



The Songstress
Reference Picture

It was one, maybe two, in the afternoon when the dark-haired Kuja emerged from her temporary abode at Natsuki’s Inn - a quaint place with nice rooms and complimentary breakfast. She had just enjoyed a cup of steamy, hot black tea with three spoonful of sugar and a splash of milk which went perfectly with the two or three buttery biscuits she had consumed over a conversation with the owner of the inn. A conversation that may have continued well into the evening if not for the simple fact that she planned on hitting the local sentō to meet up with a friend. It helped that she believed she had distracted the owner from her duties long enough and so, after downing the remainder of her tea and biding the woman farewell, she left.

Honora headed down the street to her left for she was aware of a sentō a couple buildings away from her current residence. From the brief glimpse that she got of it, the sentō looked nice enough and big enough to contain a large volume of people. She didn’t expect too many people to be there though. It was, after all, still the middle of the afternoon and people had jobs, but she did expect them to begin rolling into the sentō in droves. She did not mind this, she had a good hour before that happened and she planned to be gone by then.

She paid the entrance fee of four hundred and fifty beli upon her arrival, striking up a brief conversation with the gentleman at the front desk. It was forgotten just as quickly as she left the front desk, a testament to just how mundane their conversation had been. Clothes and shoes were neatly tucked away into her assigned locker, a soft white towel being the only thing to cover her. With a clothe and soap in hand, she slipped into the bathing area.  

There were five women there already - two at the wash area and three in the bath. None of whom bore green hair. She sighed and headed for an unoccupied stall to wash off. Honora knew the woman would be there soon enough and as she submerged herself in the warm bath water, she took that moment to relax. One arm was draped on the side of the bath, her towel providing some cushion for her head which rested on the side. One deep sigh and her eyes were closed.

0412 | 0412

2Bathhouse = Relaxation Empty Re: Bathhouse = Relaxation Fri Mar 25, 2016 4:00 pm



Loki found himself sitting in front of a bath house on a small bench. He had a bit of free time on his hands and didn't feel like going into the bath house himself, nor did he even check to see if it had separate baths for men. While the idea of catching a peek of the female anatomy was normally quite the exciting adventure he wanted to just take this time to relax. He had saw Honora head into the baths earlier and he was quite certain Elizabeth would make her way here eventually, as it was getting peculiar for those two to be separated for any amount of time. The relationship those three had was still somewhat curious but it was quite a beneficial one. He smiled at the thought, he was still amazed that three complete strangers such as themselves just happened to bump into each other and after some other turn of events decided to work together. Even so stranger things have happened and now that he thought about it, their partnership wasn't all that strange. But now as he found himself sitting on that bench he couldn't help but look back on little bit of time they spent together. That being said he was a little curious as to what the world had in store for them, were they going to turn into a pirate crew that would ravage the seas? Or perhaps they were more suited to join the Revolutionaries doing whatever those guys did. As awful as the idea seemed there was the Marine's as well but Loki didn't see himself as a Navy man let alone the rest of the group.

The blonde haired closed his eyes, scratched his head and leaned back on the bench before letting out a long sigh and slumping into a more comfortable position. Peeking one of his eyelids open he got a clear look of the sun and clouds resting over top the far edge of the sea. The view was quite nice, but it seemed that all of the these small village towns they swung through always had the best views, much better than those big towns that were all industrious. Loki would go on to contemplate his future with his eyes closed a for a little bit longer. He was well overdue a break like this one.

3Bathhouse = Relaxation Empty Re: Bathhouse = Relaxation Sat Mar 26, 2016 9:22 pm



It seemed to be about noon by the time Elizabeth dragged herself out of bed. She had quite the eventful night with her getting distracted, wandering off, and then getting lost. It had taken her about an hour to decide what to do once she realized she had misplaced herself. Once she decided, she changed her mind at the site of a bar of some sort. After a drink or two, Elizabeth had wandered her way up the street before running into some young girl. What the kid was doing out at such an hour was beyond Elizabeth but she couldn't seem to shake the kid. It wouldn't talk to her but it wouldn't stop following her either. It followed her for about an hour. Of course, she found it really odd but ended up bribing it into conversation with delicious sweets. The kid then talked about how it ran away from home because of something to do with a stuffed toy. So, Elizabeth bought the kid a toy and brought it home. At about 2 that morning, Elizabeth had finally found her way to her room at the inn. It wasn't anything big nor was it anything fancy but it would certainly do.

When the green haired female had finally realized what time it was, she would panick and run to get ready. The girl would change into a floral patterened dress she had bought at some shop with an old, crazy woman that only had one working eye. It was quite the cute dress though and it matched with her hat and boots. Elizabeth would rebraid her hair having messed it all up when she slept on it. Although after living with her hair braided every day since she could remember, it basically curled right into place making it seem as if it were braiding itself.

Once she was ready, the cowgirl would waltz out of her room at the inn and head for the bathhouse where she was to meet with Honora. However, along the way she would get distracted by a few random things. Then once she made it to the bathhouse, she would see Loki lounging around outside. So of course, Elizabeth just had to say hi. The pirate would walk right over to him and lean over his face leaving quite a bit of room. She would smile noticing his eyes were open, "Well, Howdy. Not plannin' on peeking at the girls now are ya?" The woman would giggle before continuing, "I'm just messin' with you. Anyway, I'm supposed to meet with Honora. I'm sure I'll see ya later!" Elizabeth would then quickly turn away to pay her entrance fee and receive her locker. After doing so, she would remove her clothing, place it in the locker, and take her towel, along with other bathing material into the bathing area.

Once inside, Elizabeth would spot Honora and waltz right over to say hello. Of course, the woman with all of her confidence wouldn't bother to cover herself leaving her body exposed for all to see. At least she was lucky enough to be well endowed. "Howdy, Princess. Sorry I'm late. I had one rowdy night. At least it wasn't boring!"

4Bathhouse = Relaxation Empty Re: Bathhouse = Relaxation Sun Mar 27, 2016 3:01 pm



The Songstress
It had been three, maybe four minutes since Honora submerged herself in the steamy waters of the bathe when her green-haired companion arrived. Her eyes may not have been open, but she knew that voice anywhere and it helped that Elizabeth was the only person who called her ‘princess’. She opened her eyes and turned her body around, pressing her chest against the side of the bath. Her gaze would be on the green-haired woman who stood before her in all her naked glory. For a flitting second she wondered where Elizabeth’s poor towel may have run off to, but a quick reminder that the towel would’ve done little to cover up a well endowed woman such as her companion had whisked the question from her mind.

“Glad you could make it.”

Were the first words out of Honora’s mouth. She folded her arms on the edge of the bath, lying her head down as she continued to look up at Elizabeth with a grin on her face. She was a little intrigued by what her companion meant by ‘rowdy night’, though she knew the chances of the woman being involved in a bar fight of some kind was pretty high. Alas, there was always the chance that something out of the norm occurred and so, she was compelled to wonder and ask.

“Should come in.”

She paused for a second, a thoughtful look quickly crossing her face. Yet, it disappeared as quickly as it had appeared.

“The bath is hot.”

She added, scooting over just a little bit. She turned around again, pressing her back to the bath since facing it would be incredibly uncomfortable for Elizabeth. She turned her head to the side, so that she may get a better look at her companion before diving into idle chit-chat.

“So, do tell me about the rowdy night you had.”

0311 | 0723

5Bathhouse = Relaxation Empty Re: Bathhouse = Relaxation Sun Mar 27, 2016 8:45 pm





Loki was still resting on the same old park bench he sat on when Honora first entered the bath house. He had lost track of time while sitting there resting. It felt like it had been and hour or two but it could've been less, or more for that matter. Either way he enjoyed the bit of time he got to take a breather. The view wasn't so bad either. If the sun was setting it probably would have been better but Loki wasn't one to complain about something trivial as a view. Elizabeth made her way to the bath house as he expected she would. If she hadn't he might of thought she was dead in a tavern somewhere. As she neared his cozy little park bench he thought she would head right in but instead she eased up behind him and dropped her head over his blocking the sun. He gave soft soft smile as she teased him about sneaking in to the baths. Not that the thought hadn't crossed his mind, but it just wasn't something he felt like doing. She went on to say she was going in to see Honora and went on her way. He gave her a small wave as she left him to go relax in her own way.

With Elizabeth now gone he had the bench to himself once again. His head titled back and he looked up towards the sky, watching the clouds drift above him. The clouds held his gaze for some time before they started to slowly close. Something about the clouds was just so soothing. After what seemed like minutes of watching his eyes close they finally touched and all he could see was darkness. The pitch black was relaxing and his time on the bench felt right, taking in the ambient sounds of the slow market out and the faint crashing of waves in the distance. He let out a yawn and simply sat there enjoying his day.

Free Agent

6Bathhouse = Relaxation Empty Re: Bathhouse = Relaxation Sun Mar 27, 2016 9:34 pm





Elizabeth would blink as Honora told her she should join in the bath. "Right. That would probably be better. Sorry 'bout that," the green haired woman would say with a light blush. The woman would slowly make her way into the warm bath being cautious, as Honora informed her it was hot. Once she was submerged in the water, the woman would let out a small, relaxed sigh. Elizabeth only visited the bathhouse every once in a while but when she did, she enjoyed every single second of it. If she were to sit in this bath in complete silence, Elizabeth may fall asleep quicker than she normally did. However, Honora was quite curious of Elizabeth's rowdy night, which would perk her right up. Elizabeth's head would turn towards Honora and purple eyes would stare at her with much excitement. The cowgirl sure did love to tell of her adventures.

"Well, first of all... I kinda found myself chasing down a critter because it was just so cute and fluffy. I think it was a rabbit but it was so quick. Anyway, I got lost, of course. So for a while, I sat on a bench and wondered if I was up for another trip or if I should find my way to the inn. Well, I was trying to find my way to my room when I spotted a bar. It looked real nice so I just had to go get a drink and see what kind of trouble I could cause. After I had a few drinks, I got bored and left. THEN, This kid started following me around! It didn't even speak to me! It just followed me. You know that was kinda scary for me but I finally figured I'd find a way to talk to it. I mean.. it couldn't go to my room with me. So, I bought it candy. Then, it talked to me and long story short I half bought it a toy. Then, I brought it back home," The green haired cowgirl would shrug before turning her head towards the ceiling. It was quite the odd little child but it was also very sweet. Elizabeth didn't really care much for it now but at the time, it was quite worrisome. After a moment of thinking, Elizabeth would be interrupted and her head would turn towards Honora quite slowly.

"Uhh... so... I forgot to eat today. Can we go get some food? Maybe we can drag that Loki there with us? He seems to have free time," Elizabeth would smile as she finished asking.

Free Agent

7Bathhouse = Relaxation Empty Re: Bathhouse = Relaxation Tue Mar 29, 2016 6:26 am



The Songstress
Honora would admit, she hadn’t expected that to be the reason Elizabeth was out and about at ungodly hours. She guessed she should give the woman credit for not being in a bar getting into fights with the locals, but getting lost whilst chasing a critter didn’t sound any better. A smile replaced the look of flabbergast that had been on her face seconds before - she even chuckled a little as she leaned her head back.

“That’s quite the story.”

She said, doing little to hide the amusement that was evident in her voice. She would jerk up abruptly, though, the sound of a dying whale reaching her ears. It had been unexpected and so, yes, it had startled her just a little bit. Her gaze shifted towards Elizabeth, the green-haired woman already launching into an explanation. It was decent enough and not being the sort of person to let her companions starve to death so she may enjoy the bath longer, she agreed to get a bite to eat.

As to what they would eat, well they could go over that detail after they found a Loki. With a small smile, she got up, using the tile around her head to cover up her body as she got out of the bath. Since Elizabeth had waltzed into the area without one, Honora would be surprise if the woman wasn’t cold as they headed for the lockers. She was dressed pretty quickly - it wasn’t like she had anything to fight with in terms of clothes - and so she opted to wait for Elizabeth before heading out.

She had been prepared to ask the green-haired woman where Loki was, but she caught sight of the slightly older boy and the question died on her tongue. Honora shook her head before approaching, taking it upon herself to flick his head - she thought he was sleeping - before announcing their intention to drag him to a nearby restaurant so that they may eat. The process of deciding what they wanted and where to go for it was longer than she would’ve liked, but they would find themselves seated at a rather popular restaurant.

“Mmm. Why were you sleeping outside the bathhouse?”

She asked, not sparing the menu a second glance as her eyes locked onto Loki’s. She was just a little intrigued and it sounded like a good enough conversation starter so long as it went somewhere. And it better go somewhere.

0413 | 1136

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