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1Stranded (open :3) Empty Stranded (open :3) Tue May 03, 2016 6:33 pm

Farside Turns


Farside Turns
It had been several days since his isolation. Farside knew he shouldn't have stowed away on that ship. It was too well guarded. Too many people. But he was desperate and his desperation led him to being stranded here, on this Jungle Island. The fishman had built a decent shelter made of the various sticks and leaves generously provided by the environment. 'Twas a small hut, but a well built one. It kept out the rain whenever it came, it served as a shelter when one of the more dangerous predators came hunting... Farside might've been content to live here, had he not had a job to do already. Become the Pirate king. He had built his shelter on the south beach of this small, unnamed island. He was inside now, deep in his meditation. It was something he did whenever his food reserves were especially low. The fish in the ocean's waters now drew too far out from the island with the presence of a fishman in the waters and on land, the smallest creatures hunted and stalked him. Large Jungle cats, reptilian goliaths, massive arachnids. Each one would have enough meat on them to feed the fishman for days but hunting what was just as good as yourself required careful planning and preparation. Simply running up to one would only end in death. Honor couldn't sustain him now. Farside held in one hand, a cooked, salted fish on a spit, a large chunk torn from it. This was all the rations he could get today unless the fish suddenly decided to swim back to shore. He took another bite, chewing on the the fish's sweet, juicy meat as he contemplated his ration plan for the coming days.

2Stranded (open :3) Empty Re: Stranded (open :3) Tue May 03, 2016 7:38 pm


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Byron would be flying around the Blue. Looking for something to truely pique his interest in things in all honesty. There wasn't exactly much attracting his attention in the area known as South Blue, On that note. He'd come across a small looking island and was starting to feel kind of tired from his flight around the area, figuring hey it's not like landing right here will get me killed right?As he would land on the shore of the island and turn back into his normal form, stretching his legs for a bit. Hm, what on earth could possibly be around here?

3Stranded (open :3) Empty Re: Stranded (open :3) Tue May 03, 2016 7:59 pm

Farside Turns


Farside Turns
Farside heard the sound of feet on the sand outside his shelter. Human (or fishman) feet.How could that be? There were no other men on this island other than himself and he was sure he would have heard the approach of any ship. The fishman got to his feet and exited his shelter, cracking his knuckles in case the newcomer meant him any trouble. He was surprised to find that this man came on neither a ship, nor boey. There was no water-craft around so how did this man get aboard his island? Did he swim? He was human so... he couldn't have... And he wasn't wet! Confuse, but not stupid, Farside kept his distance from the strange man and spoke to him by raising his voice.

"How did you get here, Human?" the fishman asked him, his arms crossed. Did this man possess some kind of devil fruit? Something that could allow him to fly? Farside knew not what it could possibly be and that made the newcomer EVEN MORE dangerous. A lack of knowledge leads to more warrior's downfalls than many of his kind would like to admit. They so arrogantly believe that they are genetically stronger, better and tougher than humans and Farside believed that wholeheartedly. But believing in that to an unhealthy intensity had turned the majority of his kind stupid. Arrogant. That was probably why there was so few of them now.

Out in the light, Farside's full fishy form came into view. His skin was black and rough like that of a great white. He stood well over 7 feet tall with much muscle bulk to back it up. He had no hair nor fins on his body, but his teeth were long and jagged. Perfect for flesh tearing. His hands and feet were webbed, just as any other fishman's but his nails were long and jagged, repeated use turning them into claws of a sort. He wore white gi pants, tied to his waist with a black belt, a symbol of his training in the art of Fishman Karate. His wrists were covered in black arm bands and he wore no shirt, truly proving the martial artist stereotype right.

4Stranded (open :3) Empty Re: Stranded (open :3) Tue May 03, 2016 8:09 pm


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Byron was only looking around when he would notice a voice speak up at him, torwards the voice. He would see what appeared to be....A Fishman? This guy didn't exactly look like good news to byron, so he knew immediatly to keep his distance and be wary for any form of a possible attack from this guy. Why Uh....Hello there. Person?I just got here by....A Boat yeah.A clear bluff, Byron wasn't exactly too sure on how far he'd go to trust this man, nor what he would say to him right now. The fishman was clearly dressed like some kind of martial artist, judging from his own physical state at the moment and the clothing he was wearing. In fact this guy was rather intimidating in his own right.

I could ask you the same thing actually, How did YOU get here?

5Stranded (open :3) Empty Re: Stranded (open :3) Tue May 03, 2016 8:37 pm

Farside Turns


Farside Turns
"Do you think me a fool?" Farside asked, not a hint of sarcasm or outrage in his tone. He honestly wished to know if that was what the human though he was. As for the human's question, he ignored it for the time being. "There is no ship on this shore and were there on the other, the animal life would have gotten to you." The fishman cocked his head to the side, staring at the man. Surely his claim seemed transparent, even to him. "Why bother lying? I am no threat to you." This was probably the strangest thing a human would ever hear from a fishman. Likely, they would expect insults, threats, attacks maybe, but not from But not from Wardanje G. Turns. He may believe that he is superior to humans is every aspect, but that doesn't mean he has to flaunt it at every opportunity. The fishman decided that the human was of no real threat to him. He may possibly possess a devil fruit, but the fact he felt it necessary to tell such a transparent lie to him immediately, that made him believe that this man was no threat to him. He didn't look like navy and didn't seem to have the grit of a pirate. If he was stranded here like he was, the least he could do was offer some of his food. "Help the drowning" and all that. Farside gestured a webbed hand for the human to come closer, so that they can talk man to Fishman rather than from 10 to 20 feet apart.

"I am Wardanje G. Turns. Call me Farside. To answer your question, I'm stranded here on this island."

6Stranded (open :3) Empty Re: Stranded (open :3) Tue May 03, 2016 9:16 pm


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Hmmmmm, Depends what you mean by Fool. I don't really know you.Byron at this point was messing around with the fishman and merely being a tease, but that seemed to fail as the fish-man showed some form of hostility. Ah. Your rather smart then haha. You got me, I flew here myself. As the fishman would throw some kind of reassurance to Byron that he wasn't a threat, he wasn't exactly sure as to whether or not he could even trust him. Why should I believe that? Though, you don't exactly seem hostile.The Okama would move over rather cautiously towards the man. Wondering just what exactly was his intentions.... Then came the introduction, fantastic. He was stranded on this island apparently. Stranded huh?In all honesty, I was wandering the area and stopped around here, How exactly did you get stuck? Your a fishman I mean. You can swim correct?Unless something's stopping you of course.

7Stranded (open :3) Empty Re: Stranded (open :3) Tue May 03, 2016 9:39 pm

Farside Turns


Farside Turns
"Stranded does not mean stuck, despite popular context." Farside noted, cocking an eyebrow. "I am staying here of my own free will." Apparently, the human was trying to play the fishman, make him say something that would make him look like more of an idiot than the human was right now. Wardanje's patience, however, haven't run dry yet. The human explained that he had, indeed flown here, as per Farside's suspicion, but that didn't really bother him. The human wasn't aggressive and didn't seem to be escalating to that point. Likely, they could both just sit down on the beach, spitting banter unworthy of the words that speak them for hours, or at least until the night predators of the island come hunting. The human also asked why he should believe him at all, lower his guard and trust the fishman and to that, Farside simply shrugged his shoulders and sat down on the beach, crossing his legs.

"You don't have to trust anything. You humans are always so twitchy." The slit-pupil eyes of the fishman probed the human up and down, as if peering into his soul. "If you care to listen, I was stranded by a previous ship. Decided I wasn't worth my weight." The large fishman shrugged his shoulders again, his disposition more relaxed, but what he said next seemed to be more directed at himself than at the newcomer.

"They thought that the predators on this island would be enough to kill me." He sighed, remembering how the humans found him stowed away on their ship. An image passed through his mind, a memory of the humans casting him in irons and tossing him at the shores of this cursed place. He brushed the image out of his head, shaking it in an attempt to clear it. "We'll all find Judgement sooner or later." Those last words were more for himself than for the human, but maybe he'd get something out of it. The fishman was intrigued to find out.

8Stranded (open :3) Empty Re: Stranded (open :3) Tue May 03, 2016 10:08 pm


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Staying here on your own free will huh?So this guy was making this place his residence or some shit along those lines. Alright he could understand it, So this place is like what....Your home or something?I'm surprised your not in one of the more populated areas, then again. Some people just don't like being around those. The man seemed rather relaxed when it came to Byron questioning if he should trust him in the first place, and to that. Byron would just go, fuck it. Twitchy?I just don't like to take any unnecessary risks. So you were stranded on a previous ship huh? Seems this guy must have worked for a crew of some sort, or maybe even a pirate crew. Or an Independent crew.Enough to kill you?You look kinda strong yourself actually, So I don't get why they'd assume that. The fishman seemed rather resilient with how he was built actually to Byron, so why would they resort to something that just did not look like it would work?

We All Find Judgement at some point in Our Lives, @War. Though, What Kind of Judgement, depends on what we've done. If that's what your getting at.

9Stranded (open :3) Empty Re: Stranded (open :3) Wed May 04, 2016 6:32 pm

Farside Turns


Farside Turns
"There may be hope for your kind yet." Farside commented after hearing the human's views on judgment. "It is something we all must face, human or fishman, though it is curious that someone like you might understand that." Of course, Farside was referring to the being's humanity. It was common knowledge that Fishmen were more naturally gifted than humans as well as being far better suited to the world. Being able to swim underwater, being able to live and breath beneath the waves better, if not moreso than on land and, not to mention, Fishmen were more firmly united than the scattered factions that humans left behind in their wake. With all the differing factors and opinions that came with humanity, it truly surprised the superior being that one could share his philosophy and share it openly.

"You are an interesting human." Farside concluded, craning his neck to get out a small crick that had formed. "I imagine there are few such as yourself. Most men wouldn't hesitate to attack a fishman, much less converse and swap philosophy with one. It makes me have hope that one day the difference between our kinds may not be so great." He was only half joking. There was a theory that was passed around his people that the fishmen had evolved from a certain subset of humans to become the superior beings they were today. Although that made their race a bit more mundane than they once were, it did explain their origins.

10Stranded (open :3) Empty Re: Stranded (open :3) Wed May 04, 2016 7:07 pm


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Some Hope for my Kind?I take it you don't exactly have the fondest view of humans from what you seem to be saying over there!Byron commented on War's own views upon humanity. Well I do alot of thinking on my own time, It doesn't help to be strong and stupid if you catch my drift, you gotta know your way around things and be able to solve them.Then appeared to come the comment of how Byron was a Interesting human. Well you are, a Interesting fishman, and also the only one I've ever met so far, bahahahahaha. The Okama threw out as a casual laugh.By the way, My Name is Byron. I don't understand why most people would assault fishmen, Just cause your a different race, doesn't mean you are bad whatsoever. Byron was pretty aloof to racism, but in all honesty. He did not see any reason as to why he should disrespect this man because of his race. One day I hope the differences between alot of people will be settled, so we don't fight over the stupidest reasons.

11Stranded (open :3) Empty Re: Stranded (open :3) Sat May 07, 2016 6:57 pm

Farside Turns


Farside Turns
"It is known that we, as Fishmen, view ourselves as above you humans. In many ways, we are physically superior and, in some cases, it would be easy to push ourselves off as something entirely different. It is... Refreshing to hear those words from a human. Or anyone really. Sometimes it feels as though our inter-species quarrel will be the death of us." Farside got to his feet, a small smile on his face. He walked over the human, Okama, and offered out his webbed hand as a proper greeting. If the human would take his hand, the fishman's smile would grow wider, his sharp shark teeth becoming more evident. His body language would remain relaxed, the fishman believing that the human was not here for any kind of brawl.

"You think a bit, huh?" Farside commenhgted on the human's previous words. "Surely in this day and age where everyone is scrambling desperately, there isn't time for deep thinking. Especially when everyone is trying to kill each other."

12Stranded (open :3) Empty Re: Stranded (open :3) Sat May 07, 2016 7:32 pm


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Free Agents

Or so I've Heard. Sure there are people amongst your species that view themselves differently, and above humans. I mean you guys are a different race haha, Of course your going to be different!I understand you guys have your own advantages as a species. I mean you guys get really strong in water for example from what I heard. Alongside that fishman karate stuff you guys do. Really deadly. Inter-Species Quarrel will be the death of everybody if it continues at the rate it is now. One day...I wanna do something about that~!Truth be told, Byron wanted some kind of change in the world, especially from hearing the fishman's situation and honestly thinking about everything, did stuff really have to be the way it was right now?Men being slaves to their greed,avarice and racism onto others. One day things like that could be fixed.... As the fishman offered his hand, Byron would offer his own back. There is time to think you see. You just, have to take advantage of what you have to work with. Otherwise you won't get anything done at all. It just takes a little time out of our day to really see the effects of what simply "thinking" does.With the rate he was going at, Byron almost thought of himself as a philosopher, a flamboyant okama philosopher to be specific. What exactly do you intend to do yourself?Given you seem to have some form of a...Fresh start over here.

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