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1To The Highest Roller - Finale Stage Empty To The Highest Roller - Finale Stage Fri Aug 26, 2016 3:19 pm



Task V:

OCC: Bean and the other's don't enter until later in the thread unless stated otherwise.


Why live your life chasing an ideal everyone crafts for you? We all kick the bucket' in the end, fam. Just do what you want. Worry about the' other shit later.

he horrifying sound of screams from second floor was drown out by the sounds of the loud musical instruments percussions. As the Jazz music set the climax for the conversations and conflicts between Ubuntu and Q. Entering through the upstairs window, Q and his remaining underlings filled the room, counting the money from the last heist. Ubuntu flew straight through the boarded window, coating his shoulder in Haki as he entered. To the visible eye, there was nothing different about Ubuntu, it was something those who didn't have the instinct for it could pick up on anyway. Instantly, the prince drew his pistol's from his holsters, emptying several, approximately six different bullets point blank through the skull's of Q's grunts. Walking over to his min-bar, the sounds of one of his men moaning in agony because the bullet had slightly missed his mark, lodging itself into the man's eye. Ubuntu slowly walked over to the table, picking up a glass and pouring himself a cup of bourbon. Reloading his flintlock, the man turned to the groaning grunt and fired one shot through his skull. "You must've known this was coming, yet you stayed in town. Your confidence will be your downfall, Q." Ubuntu said. "All I just witness was a Captain of the Royal Guard murder an innocent man." Q said nervously. "Is a child punished by his parents for squashing ants, please." Ubuntu said, chuckling to himself amused. "I thought we had an understanding Q. I allow your syndicate to run as long as I get my monthly taxes. You haven't paid me in two months now... Why is that?" Ubuntu asked walking over to the vacant office chair. "I've been paying you consistently for four years you little shit! I told you. One of my men lost a shipment that was carrying quite a bit of funds on them. I haven't been able to make the money yet. I ask for a meetin-" Q's speech was interrupted by the man placing his his pistol toward's Q's forehead. "Do you think I'm an idiot, you useless knave? You don't think I know about the backdoor deals you've been doing under my nose? In my casino of all places? That's why I had to personally handle that useless informant of yours. I don't think you understand me Q. I don't give third chances. I've forgiven you once, then once more on the backdoor deals as it gave me reasoning for asking for more soldiers to be stationed here to build my own little palace but I won't warn you anymore. Tonight, I'll murder all of you solo. I'll kill you, your men and burn this place to the ground. However, before that can happen, I need to know one piece of information from you. Let's begin the interrogation shall we?" Ubuntu stated calmly, sipping his liquor with his other hand occupied with his steel maiden.

"You and my father used to be thick as thieves, being a former member of the Royal Court. If he saw you now, he'd turn in his grave. I digress. My question is simple. It's the same question I asked you four years ago before we became members of the 'Club House' Party. Where's the hidden tomb of Prince Shaheed?" Ubuntu inquired crudely, finger tightening on the trigger. "I don't know-" Q stumbled out but he was frozen by Ubuntu's rebuttal, "For years, in the Royal Family... There's been this secret floating around about an Ancient Weapon concealed somewhere in Alabasta. It's said to have the power to cripple nations and make them super-powers. Yet... I've never been able to find any official records on them. Until a conversation I overheard as a child between you and my father. "Pluton isn't a relic this world needs to remember!" Ubuntu said mimicking the late King's voice. "I remember those words like yesterday. It liberated me... I actually think soiled myself in that moment. The Weapon i've known to be a Myth Pluton, depicted by my own Father with such fear in his eyes. Do you know who he was talking to?" Ubuntu said sticking out his tongue licking his lips creepily. "You!" the man exclaimed, his eyes popped open widely like a madman. "The reason you left capital... The reason you've been working so hard since his death to build this crime syndicate... It's all been to build a rebel force to combat the throne in finding Pluton isn't Uncle!?" Ubuntu exclaimed, breathing heavily from the quick pace of his heartbeat. "You're delusion, Ubuntu. I told you, I'm no longer part of the Royal-" Q exclaimed but his words were shortened by the freshly position bullet wound in the man's shoulder. "I know I KNOW. I KNOW. I know. Shut up already! I know we've banished the likes of you for awhile now." Ubuntu shouted. "I thought calling you Uncle would soften you up but I guess you despise our movement huh? The Current Neferati wanting to use Pluton to restore our nation to it's glory must boil your blood huh?" Ubuntu said crazed. "But you know whose the hold up in our planning... You are. Father died abruptly before he could pass on the secrets of the Family to us, his sons. Only you know them now." Ubuntu stated. "Yes! And until a King I deem worthy appears to these lands once again! I shall die with those secrets in my heart!" Q exclaimed furiously. "I shall be the villain he'll slay one day to cement his legacy!" Q shouted frustrated. "Just admit it Unc. It felt good selling off your wife and kids to those slavers... It wasn't anything to do with civil duty... was it?" Ubuntu said chuckling. "I!" Q shot up off the ground punching the man square in his jaw. "I didn't want to do anything! What else was I suppose to do!? It was either them or" Q said overwhelmed as he began to broke down in tears. "Don't go crying over old news. We all had to offer up Royal Blood to 'him'. He's the breeder of many women on these seas. Forget about it. Get a new wife and make some daughters like I plan to." Ubuntu said coldly. "Fuck off!" Q exclaimed.


Stamina | Techs :

2To The Highest Roller - Finale Stage Empty Re: To The Highest Roller - Finale Stage Fri Aug 26, 2016 3:59 pm





Why live your life chasing an ideal everyone crafts for you? We all kick the bucket' in the end, fam. Just do what you want. Worry about the' other shit later.

dead silence befell the room as Ubuntu and Q now stared each other down with hatred. "It's funny how life works. You used to be my favourite Uncle. Now I have to kill you." Ubuntu said coldly. "Do your worst kid. I'd rather die than to let you and your brothers run this country- No this world into a chaotic state." Q exclaimed. "Doesn't matter. I have someone with unique skills who'll be able to rip the information from your dead carcass once I deliver her the body." Ubuntu said confidently. Ubuntu fired a single shot into the man's knee caps, ripping away the ligaments from it's force. The sound of the gunshot could be heard from downstairs, as the music stopped temporarily. A pack of goons from downstairs, heard the sound and rushed to their boss on the second floor, only to be shot through their temple's as they all rushed towards the winged sniper. Walking up the stairs gingerly, Gideon came in from the front of the club, walking attentively up the staircase. Picking a dead body off the ground, Gideon entered the room, using the man as shield, whoever he was that is.

"You look pretty banged up. Boss."
Gideon said smirking. "Took you long enough" Q said gritting his teeth. "You're the man whose been working for Q nowadays aren't you?" Ubuntu inquired. "I don't know if 'working for him' is the proper phrase. More like, temporary business partner,punk." Gideon stated. Raising his pistol towards Gideon, "I can sense that your pretty strong kid but you don't know how to use Haki yet, so it's advised you back away now. You might've beaten my brother from the reports but I assure you-" Ubuntu's statement was interrupted from Gideon's direct dash toward's man's position, curdling his body low toward's the ground. The sudden advance startled him causing Ubuntu fire off one shot toward's the man's shoulder. Gideon dodged the bullet, examining the trajectory of the shot from inception, tilting his body to the left, altering his course slightly. Dashing forwards, Gideon now stood one meter from the man's current position, stepping in-ward, he fired a feint toward's the man's face and followed up with a right hook. The hook lifted the man's body slight off the ground, as it was angled upward towards the jaw, Gideon responded by firing off a wicked shot toward's the man's liver, "Liver Punch" Gideon thought. The force of the punch knocked all of the oxygen out of the man's body, sending him tumbling backwards. Stunned, Ubuntu retreat to outside the window, flying onto the rough for a chance to clear his head.

"Are you okay, Q?" Gideon asked. "Heh... If things like this killed me kid... I'd be dead a longtime ago." Q said grinning. "I heard most of the conversation from outside of the club, listening from underneath window. I knew I heard gunshots, so I didn't respond until I was sure what I was hearing was the real deal." Gideon said grinning. "Meaning you knew something was going on for awhile now, you're such a dick." Q said, laughing but moving his body made the pain surging through his leg pulsate. On the roof of the club, Ubuntu propped against the railing, his body stunned from the speed of Gideon's movements. "Damn... Even though I could see his movements, my body couldn't respond. Now something odd's going on with my vision...I wasn't even able to fly to a farther point and snipe... What in the world is going on!?" Ubuntu questioned frustrated.


Skils | Stamina:

3To The Highest Roller - Finale Stage Empty Re: To The Highest Roller - Finale Stage Sat Aug 27, 2016 4:18 pm





Why live your life chasing an ideal everyone crafts for you? We all kick the bucket' in the end, fam. Just do what you want. Worry about the' other shit later.

limbing out the window and latching onto the ladder which connects to the ceiling, Gideon hopped over to the rooftop area, where Ubuntu sat startled. Dashing towards the man Gideon slammed his fist into the birdman's jawline. "Mega-Injection Dragoon Force" Gideon exclaimed grinning, the force of the punch set the man tumbling towards the floor, in which he bounce back, regaining strength to his wings, firing off two shots toward's Gideon's shoulder and chest. Startled from the shock of the first bullet wound, Gideon lunged backwards to avoid the second shot, while Ubuntu tries to shake off the grogginess. "You move pretty quick. I've never fought someone of your caliber with a gun before... This should be fun, oi." Gideon said grinning, gingerly trying not to move his arm due to the bullet fragment's wedged into them. "What- have- you done to me!?" Ubuntu exclaimed, unable to speak properly due to the break in his jaw from Gideon's punch. Cringing, Gideon lifted his fists to his chin once more dashing forward towards Ubuntu. Though the man's vision was blurred, he relied on his Kenbunshoku Haki to perceive, climbing into the sky, 10 Meters above ground to avoid head to head contact with Gideon. Ubuntu fired off several shots, which Gideon avoided by lunging backwards from Ubuntu's field of fire, however, the impact from the last shot, left a bullet wedged in his left shoulder blade.

"The minute you let me take flight, I had the advantage."
Ubuntu exclaimed. Dashing towards the ledge, Gideon hopped over it almost in a diving motion, hanging onto the ladder which he scaled with his right arm, Gideon pulled himself up, climbing through the window of Q's office, tucking his body behind a bookshelf. "Heh... I've never met someone who can fly before... This shit's new, fam." Gideon thought to himself. Gideon, alert facing the window charged up Haki in his fist. Flying through the window, Ubuntu landed directly adjacent from Gideon, picking up his position from the Haki. "White Noise!", the man exclaimed and the gusto of whirlwind knocked the man back about five meters into another nearby bookshelf, through which Ubuntu's head bumped on the marble wood fixture. His response time was delayed but Gideon returned to his feet dashing toward's Ubuntu. The man lost all feeling in his legs from the Chi in his body, pulling towards the left, flapping his wings to avoid face to face combat with Gideon. Shuffling around towards his opponent in an advanced pace, Gideon circled around the man's escape route, firing off a feint with a left jab, shifting to the right, changing the momentum of his wing's flapping, Gideon landed an uppercut which shot the man's body sky bound momentarily before his body plopped onto the ground.


Tasks | Stamina:

4To The Highest Roller - Finale Stage Empty Re: To The Highest Roller - Finale Stage Sat Aug 27, 2016 5:01 pm





Why live your life chasing an ideal everyone crafts for you? We all kick the bucket' in the end, fam. Just do what you want. Worry about the' other shit later.

low walking over towards the wounded winged man, whose wings were damaged from the crash, Gideon watched as he slid across the floor, leaving a trail of blood as he advanced. The moonlight shone through the window, giving a luminous marble lick glow from the refraction of Gideon's eyes agains the subtle moonlight glare. Unable to move his left hand, firmly clutching his right fist, Gideon cornered the man until rose his pistol in one final attempt to fire. However, panic had drawn his lax tendencies to the surface, the gun had no more rounds. Trying to reload, Gideon slammed his knee against the man's hand, plastering the gun on the wall. Applying force, the man's grip loosened and the gun dropped to the floor. Mounting the man on his stomach, covering his hand in Chi, Gideon began to pummel away at the man's face with his right fist, "Injection Contact!" the man exclaimed, firing of two quick right hooks to the man's jaw, placing the final nail in the coffin, not only was cheek bones and jaw demolished, the Chi which now trickled through man's fram was enough to cause paralysis. "Explain one thing to me." Gideon declared tearing his direction towards Q. "Are you really the monster everyone makes you out to be?" Gideon inquired. Pulling out a cigar from his jacket, the man lit the cigar's tip, placing the bottom into his mouth he inhaled slowly. "Does it really matter? You don't strike me as someone who cares about whose good or whose evil?" Q said exhaling calmly. "Your right. I don't actually care to be honest but curiosity is a hobby of mine." Gideon concluded smiling, reaching into his pocket a package of black licorice. Gnawing on the sugar's snack's contents with disgust, "You should get out of here. Once the townspeople find out you've defeated the Mayor, Capital will probably send one of the higher ups." Q said smugly.  

"And what about you?" Gideon inquired, walking over to the desk and picking up two briefcases filled with money, searching around the room for a sack. "You're going to rob a defenseless man. Ha! I'll be fine kid! I'm leaving Rainbase shortly anyway and heading for the Capital, that's where all the good doctor's stay and I need my hand repaired." Q said sternly. Finally locating a sack from one of Q's desks, he tossed the suitcase and other valuables int the sack, tying it onto his good shoulder, which took longer than expected due to the bullet wound in his left shoulder blade.  "What about you kid? Interesting in accompanying me to the Capital?" Q said grinning, "They'll be alot more than those suitcase your taking, which by the way is your money anyway Uloloolololhaha..." the man stated, giving off his odd signature laugh at the end. "This is more than enough to get me where I need to be. I'll probably search for a crew to travel with. The party downstairs is dead anyway, I'mma cut out through the window." Gideon said chuckling. The sound of the guards approaching via horse back from the casino could be heard from the distance. "Yeah hehe... This is definitely my cue to leave." Gideon said grinning. Hopping through the window, sitting in it's fram, "Protect the secrets you have to the way you know how to old man. Don't be ashamed of the path you took, it's all we got in this life." Gideon said, before sliding down the outside ladder to the adjacent alley. To the side of the Club House, they were a bunch of ducks chained in shackles to the clubs side, much like how horses where strapped. Unleashing the ducks chains, "Oi! All ya' get out of here! I'm in a good mood!" the man exclaimed causing the ducks to run away, all accept one. The tiny little duck shook, it was a new born. All of the other ducks were strong enough to run but this little one, barely standing at three ft' tall in comparison couldn't run. Whether it be fear or malnutrition.


5To The Highest Roller - Finale Stage Empty Re: To The Highest Roller - Finale Stage Sat Aug 27, 2016 5:22 pm




Why live your life chasing an ideal everyone crafts for you? We all kick the bucket' in the end, fam. Just do what you want. Worry about the' other shit later.

ate brought many people together in mysterious ways. Whether for rivalry, friendship or for love. However, tonight it was more about coincidence, because sometimes fate comes in that form too. Picking up the duck with his free hand, he raised the duck eye level, making eye contact. "Why didn'tcha run off with the rest of your buddies,punk?" Gideon asked. The duck trembling slowly, as he grabbed it by it's thick feathers. "I must be loosing my shit... I'm out here talking to a duck. Look, you can do whatever you want. You might not understand me but just run along!" Gideon said tossing the duck onto the floor, in a manner it could land on it's legs. "Now then. Escape Route." Gideon thought, walking deeper in the alley, about to make the right turn or left, depending on safety at the next available chance. For every step he took, the duck waddled slowly behind him. Looking over his shoulder, he saw nothing as the duck cowered behind various dumpsters and crates. Advancing his pace, Gideon made a mad dash to the left, trying to evade the duck, only to find the duck waddling panically after him. After standing on the outskirts of the alleyway, the duck looked left then looked with tears in his eyes. Turning to the right, he saw Gideon's glaring face, rushing back a few inches and hiding behind a crate, sticking out his head to shyly stare at the man.

"Look. I wish I could take you with me, punk. I ain't no ordinary citizen. I don't got time to be looking after dead weight, ya dig?" the man explained as the duck looked at him with a dead stare. "Alright. Alright." Gideon shaking his head realising the silliness of this situation. "If you can catch me... Then I'll let you stay." Gideon announce pretty confident in his speed. Dashing away, Gideon rushed through the street-ways, making several lefts and rights, with the absolute resolve of loosing the duck. However, before him was the Spotted Bill Duck. "I... lost... to... a duck..." Gideon sulked, wiping his finger in the dirt next to the nearby saloon he was standing by. The duck patted his wing on the man's back in comfort, it was then he heard a commotion from the bar. It was an announcement that ushered through Rainbase via the Snail Transponder's System. "BE ON THE LOOK OUT FOR A DINGY BLONDE HAIRED MAN WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ASSAULT ON OUR MAYOR, PRINCE UBUNTU." the first broadcast chimed several times before ending. "Did they just call my hair dingy... I mean... I haven't washed it in awhile but damn." Gideon thought. "HE'S WANTED IN CONNECTION WITH THE Q FAMILIA CIRCUIT." the final broadcast echoed out, clicking like a loud clank when finishing. The alarm woke up most of the citizen's in Rainbase while the nightlife, which boomed greatly in response to the news. Many people who believed Ubuntu had stolen money from them via the casino rushed the doors, causing a civil unrest that forced the guards to call in for reinforcement from the main Capital, which was six to seven days trip away from Rainbase.


6To The Highest Roller - Finale Stage Empty Re: To The Highest Roller - Finale Stage Sat Aug 27, 2016 7:21 pm

Blanco Bean


Blanco Bean
There wasn't much going on tonight in the life of Bazel. He hadn't done much which is why he was surprised to have found himself in Rainbase. With his sister recently broken out it seemed more and more of Bazel was leaning towards gathering stronger members of his crew. Having been in Rainbase for most of the day. This granted Bazel the chance to watch the events unfold between an unnamed Pirate beat Ubuntu who wasn't much of a push over. Bazel was actually impressed in how things played out which made him consider adding this blonde haired guy to his crew. "Hope that wasn't a fluke" Bazel said under his breathe as he looked downwards to the blonde haired male. Bazel himself was on an adjacent room 10 meters away 19 meters up north. The alarms began to go off and Bazel didn't lose focus as he continued to look wondering if the man he was studying was going to panic now that he was being targeted or if he was going to embrace the situation and get his ass up out of here in the most stylish way possible.

The last portion of the broadcast mentioned his times to some family which Bazel wasn't familiar with which didn't surprise him much. He didn't care about things like that. "Guess I should help him. They really want him." and it was then Bazel leaped from his position on the roof, he'd descend three meters before his arms burst aflame sprouting wings shrouded in fire. "Oi, you want to make it out of here, follow me" it was then Bazel flew back upwards five meters and waited for the response of the male. If he wanted Bazel's help he would show him the way out of Rainbase that offered safest passage for someone who just pissed off all of their people. Bazel knew people would be arriving any second if the two men hadn't decided to move. Hopefully he accepted Bazel's invitation

7To The Highest Roller - Finale Stage Empty Re: To The Highest Roller - Finale Stage Sat Aug 27, 2016 7:37 pm





Why live your life chasing an ideal everyone crafts for you? We all kick the bucket' in the end, fam. Just do what you want. Worry about the' other shit later.

ubbing his eyes for a few moments, Gideon tried to process the sight that was currently before him. "How many people in this damn city can fly?" Gideon exclaimed almost dumbfounded as he peered at the man's flaming wings. Turkey? No,No, those wings where too wide and broad to be that of a turkey's. They were also nothing like the ones Ubuntu had, compared the mental image of Ubuntu and the stranger in his head. "Ah... Ubuntu's one are from his back. His arms are wings... That's the difference." Gideon exclaimed proudly as he made the connection. Spilling out from the nearby pub, one of the drunk onlooker's shouted, "Eh! Come ere' for a minute brat!". "Shit. Alright." Gideon resolved, grabbing the duck and dashing through another alleyway. Gideon was keeping decent pace, approximately three or so meters ahead of the winged gentlemen, he wasn't running his hardest because he still had to pay attention the location as to which the man would lead him, though in this scenario, he already broke ahead due to citizen notice him. If the pub was to the East of Gideon's former position, the winged man was to the north and that was the direction of Gideon's advance, North.

"Lead the way I guess!" Gideon exclaimed. Gideon could feel the Spotted Duck trembling under his arm. "It's him!" one of the townspeople exclaimed. "I think!" the same man followed up with making noticed towards Gideon's spiky blonde hair. "I feel like I'm being stereotyped" Gideon said sighing as he made quick pace. Gideon continued to ponder, "Alright, it's definitely not chicken wings... Yeah... They are way to broad... Maybe an Eagle... Or A Hawk." Gideon said audibly, taking frequent glare's at the man's wings. As Gideon advanced, he wondered if Nitro and Q escaped safely, though Nitro sounded that he wanted to come on the seas with him. However, the road Gideon wanted to travel was beyond his capabilities, besides, Q would need Nitro more than anyone in the next upcoming days. Gingerly during this quick escaped, Gideon grabbed at his arm, in pain form the variety of bullet wounds Ubuntu wedged in his body over the course of the fight. His body was sweating significantly, in a manner that is was starting to soak through his undershirt and black leather jacket. The moisture from his perspiration added to the heat that was tiring Gideon in the dead of the night but he was fuelled with the prospect of a new adventure ahead of him.  


8To The Highest Roller - Finale Stage Empty Re: To The Highest Roller - Finale Stage Sat Aug 27, 2016 10:30 pm

Blanco Bean


Blanco Bean
Bazel began to think about his first time at Rainbase when he was younger. He use to come here all the time with his adoptive parents. Well at first they didn't know he was with them. He was a little menace harassing the residence of Rainbase as a means of coping with what had happened to his parents. Bazel was always a bad child to the world but his adoptive parents saw the best in him and raised him to be the fine pirate he is today. Now Bazel was here in Rainbase once again and this time he was helping someone escape from the place. Bazel had spent much of his youth escaping Rainbase and long and behold that would have its own reward later in his life. The way this blonde haired guy looked at Bazel was as if he didn't believe someone with flaming wings was talking to him, or maybe was it him using wings after he just fought Ubuntu who also used wings. Bazel wasn't here to figure that out "Well? We don't got all day man. They'll be here soon" and on cue one of the residents was going for the blonde haired male and it was then he agreed to listen to Bazel.

The two would take off and it was then the hoard of people would begin to follow them. Bazel knew how restless this bunch could be and it wasn't a joke because all the ass whippings he took here as a kid it was only a matter of time before Bazel would be recognized. Speeding up Bazel and the blonde male would be heading north and Bazel would speed up to take the lead. "Watch your head I'm going to make us some space." following his words Bazel would angle upwards before twisting upside down to circle back and create space. He'd edge some of the storefronts causing their banners and signs to block off the route the guards and patrons were using to follow the duo. After the collapsing of five storefronts Bazel would circle back and catch up to his partner for the moment. Bazel looked at him from the 3 meters upwards and 1 meter apart that separated the two and tried to put a name to the face but couldn't. This guy couldn't be known but yet he took someone like Ubuntu out. "So, whats your name?" asked Baz. When the blonde responded Bazel would respond "I'm Bazel, but everyone calls me Baz. Nice to meet ya" he was trying to feel this guy out before he asked him to join his crew.

9To The Highest Roller - Finale Stage Empty Re: To The Highest Roller - Finale Stage Sat Aug 27, 2016 11:04 pm



Task VI:

OCC: This task started from Bean's last post. So this is the first round for both of us.


Why live your life chasing an ideal everyone crafts for you? We all kick the bucket' in the end, fam. Just do what you want. Worry about the' other shit later.

he glimmering bird-man sent him a message from the skies about clearing a path for their escape. "Watch my head..." Gideon said examining as the man climbed in height slightly. Gideon increased his pace to mirror the man's quick ascent, figuring something was coming up, he ran ahead of the man's current position about three meters just to be sure. In an instant, the phoenix dipped and a loud crash similar to that of when giant trees would crash in the rain forest of his hometown was observed. Much like he heard as a child, a tiny flicker of butterflies would shoot off in his stomach. Slowing his pace, only to turn behind and run backwards momentarily, Gideon assessed the damage that the man had now caused in the streets of Rainbase. Whistling in an impressed mannar, Gideon gingerly turned around once again, quickening his pace slightly until a one meter distance between the two was maintained evenly. "What in the world... is he?" Gideon inquired, pondering what would give the majestic bird-man such power and prowess. To Gideon, this was an absolutely weird sight. He'd never in his life seen... someone like this man. Was he cursed? Was he the result of a bad experiment gone wrong or maybe even a race he'd never encountered before much like Ubuntu was? It was intriguing yet unsettling to the Southerner.

Snapping out of his own mental debate, Gideon chimed back in at the man's declaration of his name, Bazel. "Bazel. Baz. Alright, punk." Gideon exclaimed quickly. To people who didn't know his personality it definitely could come off rough. "My name is... Gideon Zion. Where I'm from most people call me Zi-Zi, oi." the man exclaimed with a very southern blue, islander type accent. It was the kind of accent he'd use when he's nervous around new people. "You gotta be pretty strong to cause that much damage with so little effort, fam." Gideon exclaimed, continuing his pace, exhausted from the wounds and energy he'd spent during his fight with Ubuntu. Nonetheless, the man pushed through the pain and the large alleyway they were traversing through, came to an opening. A junction more specifically, it was the main street district strip. Ahead was the Casino, to the right would lead the men to the exit of Rainbase and to the left would take them downtown into the shopping district. Stopping at the top of the junction, the angry mob was stunted in their advance by Baz's ruckus. Gideon leaned over towards his knees to catch his breathe, exhaling quickly, looking up in the sky towards the bird-man. "What in the world are you?" Gideon said bluntly. "Are you the same race as that Ubuntu guy I fought... Ugh... Right you don't look like a local or else why would you be helping me. Right, he had big white wings and he's a pretty tall guy" Gideon exclaimed trying to explain physically Ubuntu's traits.  

At this stage, he'd forgotten about his pursuers and honestly wanted an answer to what made this man tick. The townspeople in this miniature recess began to surround the two men. Gideon's face was now plastered across the city in the form of flyers and the sun began to crack in the sky, it was almost dawn. When the townspeople would awaken, they'd notice the streets fashion with flyers. The pelican's news carriers who were currently flying over the city, dropped a plethora of flyers as to inform Rainbase of the man's identity, that man being Gideon. The townspeople who were awake, stood in their corners or from the steps of their homes whispering. Gideon checked for the duck's safety, however, the spotted duck had passed out from all the excitement. "Whimp." Gideon thought. "Oh my... It's the man who defeated the mayor... First Q and now he's running around with that criminal!" the women exclaimed pointing towards Baz with a slight fear in her eyes.


10To The Highest Roller - Finale Stage Empty Re: To The Highest Roller - Finale Stage Sun Aug 28, 2016 12:37 am

Blanco Bean


Blanco Bean
Still flying Bazel began to look around and just absorb in how beautiful Rainbase was. Bazel couldn't escape how gorgeous this place remained after all these years. When he realized the blonde was deep in thought Bazel gave up on getting an answer when he introduced himself. The guy would repeat what Bazel said name wise and then proceed to call Bazel a punk which through Bazel off because he wasn't used to being called a punk by people he was saving. "Hey! Who you calling a punk!" said Bazel who was legitimately offended right now by such words. After that the man would go on to say his name was Gideon Zion and his nickname was Zi-zi. "Well, Giddy nice to meet ya man. Its always fun to meet other pirates." their conversation continued with Giddy mentioning Bazel had to be pretty strong to do what he did with the amount of effort or lack there of. "Yeaaaaa I'm pretty average. Always room for more when you want to be the king right?" said Bazel as the two reached a fork in the road. It was now the had to decide which way they wanted to do. Anyway they chose Bazel could fly them out of here but he was waiting to get Giddy in his crew.

"Do you really want to take a break right now dude? These people are crazy over here, especially this early before the have their plum sake!" Bazel was shut up pretty quick by the blunt outburst of Giddy who wanted to know what Bazel was. "Uhhh, what do you mean what I am? I'm a pirate.." Giddy would go on to clarify what he meant and what he was referring to was race. "Ohhhhhhhh, you meant my race haha" he would go on to attempt to describe what Ubuntu was. "Okay, mate give up please." Bazel's flaming wings would turn back to regular arms as he would land directly to the left of Giddy. "I'm a human. Just like you and just like most people here in Rainbase. I ate a crazy devil fruit a couple years ago and it turned out to be pretty good. Now... we have other things to worry about" calmly said Bazel as he looked around them and saw people coming from left and right. One of them was Mrs. Rivas someone Bazel use to get a special kind of pleasure in bothering on a daily basis. "Oi, Mrs. R nice to see you" Bazel halfway smirked as he looked at the older woman. "Bazzy, I'm going to tell your parents about you!" the firebird pirate was now ashamed as someone used that card on him after all of these years. He went and stood behind Giddy to avoid further humiliation. "Look Giddy, tell you what. You join my crew I'll get us out of here right now." said Bazel holding his fist out waiting for Giddy to meet him with his own fist.

11To The Highest Roller - Finale Stage Empty Re: To The Highest Roller - Finale Stage Sun Aug 28, 2016 1:00 am





Why live your life chasing an ideal everyone crafts for you? We all kick the bucket' in the end, fam. Just do what you want. Worry about the' other shit later.

he overload of information came rushing from the man's mouth like a waterfall from a cliff. It was so fast but Gideon was very attentive when it comes to fixing problems or solving theorems he couldn't quite understand. Much like the art of building a ship, the art of building- knowing a person begins with his raw materials. On Gideon's list of Baz, was simply, energetic, powerful and full of animation in his responses to almost any and everyone. The man, though significantly stronger than the onlooker, now stood behind Gideon, in attempts of diverting the woman's informative gaze. "King... Devil Fruit... Pirate..." Gideon would exclaim, inspecting the man's body, poking his arms which just magical transformed from wings. "I didn't follow everything you said, fam honestly. I've grown up in the South Blue my whole life on an island known as Karate Island. Even cities this huge amaze me. I don't even really know where I am to be honest. Big culture shock, fam." Gideon said scratching his head. Gideon's expression got serious for a moment, "As for joining your crew, I'd always had one question for my Captain one day if I was to get one, if your answer is good enough, I'll join ya crew, Baz, fam." the man stated, adding his utterance at the end of sentence as usual. "What's your goal on these seas? Is it money? Fame? Power? If it's things that small, then I have no intention of joining your crew." Gideon inquired, clutching at his shoulder.

From the left side of the junction, the angry mob had circled around the barricaded road and now approached from the left, almost thirty meters from their current position but their voices and footsteps could've been heard, more or less. "Did these people increase in number... That Ubuntu fella must've been pretty famous." Gideon said grinning, almost feeling proud of himself pummelling on Rainbase's pride and joy. "I know said one question but before ya answer, I also have a statement to make. I'm going to be one of the greatest shipwright's this sea's every seen. So if ya' ship has a shipwright already you can count me out! I don't like sharing when it comes to building vessels unless their an assistant!" Gideon exclaimed with pride, beating his chest with confidence. It all was clutched on Baz's response now moving forward. Honestly, Gideon had long dreamed of the seas and making across the Grandline with a crew of his own. Being a Captain would've been a drag, so his plan was to join a crew and secure top tier supplies for his own experiments from the get-go.


12To The Highest Roller - Finale Stage Empty Re: To The Highest Roller - Finale Stage Sun Aug 28, 2016 1:39 am

Blanco Bean


Blanco Bean
Giddy was definitely a weird person. He couldn't fathom what Bazel was so he began to poke him and give him weird stares at one point. It was clear he probably had never seen a devil fruit. Bazel was probably his first encounter with someone who had eaten one of them. "South Blue eh? I stayed there once, for like a good two years. Had a lot of fun almost got executed in Briss Kingdom" said Bazel as he looked around and smiled. He had experienced a lot in his short life such as traversing through most of the four blues a means of seeing them before he died since he was born with the rare luxury of being born in the first half of the Grandline which was known as Paradise. "This is Rainbase.. It's a casino town in Alabasta which is where I'm from. I like to think of myself as the first son of Alabasta ya know? It's protector whenever I'm in town." it was always fun when people from the Blue's came to the Grandline because not only was the terrain different but so was everything else, including the enemies... No one was prepared for what the Grandline could do to you.

Giddy would explain he had always had a question for his captain before he agreed to join his or her crew and that question was simple.. What did they want from the sea. Bazel would think for a second or two. What did he really want from the sea? He hadn't spent much time wondering over that. Sure he wanted to claim Alabasta as his own but not yet. Before Bazel could answer he was cut off by Giddy explaining that he wanted to be a shipwright which threw Bazel Off, he didn't think someone who wanted to build ships would be causing this much trouble in Rainbase. That made Bazel even more enthusiastic to speak. "I want people to know its okay, to go left when others go right... To be a pirate you have to own your shit and become the best version of yourself or these seas will eat you alive and feed you to a seaking. I just want to become the guy that brought Piracy to a respectable place" it was now that the mob had returned. Bazel would jump flapping his arms that would turn into his signature wings. "Gran my legs, we have to go now Shipwright" said Bazel as he looked down at Giddy with a smile. If the shipwright had agreed to leave with Bazel the duo would fly off towards the mainland of Alabasta.

13To The Highest Roller - Finale Stage Empty Re: To The Highest Roller - Finale Stage Sun Aug 28, 2016 1:58 am





Why live your life chasing an ideal everyone crafts for you? We all kick the bucket' in the end, fam. Just do what you want. Worry about the' other shit later.

smile shot across Gideon's face at Baz's response. The man actually began to laugh somewhat, "Piracy... Respectable. That's a pretty freaking good answer, Baz." Gideon exclaimed with a hug grin. n this moment, Gideon flashed back to the pirates who had murdered his family all those years ago and all of the scuffles he'd gotten into on Karate Island. The breakdown he had when he'd finally come to terms with everything that had happened, the countless nights he'd stay awake from bruises due Lloyd not knowing how to hold back when teaching him the Roaring Wave Style, to the odd marine who used chains to his abrupt landing in Alabasta. Before he couldn't even give his answer, Baz had taken flight, transforming in his Devil Fruit form, as he described it. Before the man couldn't even think, he was sprung into another adventure in Paradise, he'd like the fast pace life he was living nowadays. Before his mouth could even reply, he squat jumped, grabbing onto Baz's legs with his good shoulder, as he began to climb in height. "These Devil Fruit things seem quite useful... I might try to grab my hands on one!" Gideon exclaimed. With the duck firmly clutched underneath his left arm, though, his shoulder was beginning to burn from the bullet wounds, Gideon made sure keep the duck firmly tucked.

Even from the slight height the duo had now reached, the townspeople became to look more and more like ants as they advanced. "I want to see it, Baz! This better version of yourself you're chasing after! They're so many places and things I want to do and see on these seas! Something tells me sticking with you will let me see them!" Gideon exclaimed excited. The town's people all screamed various things at Gideon, 'outsider', 'murderer' , 'criminal' and 'villain', however among the mob they were those mouthing the words 'Thank You'. Gideon hadn't even understood the magnitude of what he'd just done. By defeating Ubuntu, he'd have to be court-martial on all of the incident's in Rainbase, including the operations which he turned a blind-eye too. Also, as a member of the Royal Family that guards Alabasta, attacking a member of the court was like declaring War against the World Government's call for justice and order.  Springing himself upwards for a better grip, Gideon charged Chi into his hand to strengthen his grip, as he on-look Rainbase. "Wherever you ya' going fam, just know Gideon Zion's gotcha back!" Gideon exclaimed exhilarated from the massive climb above Rainbase.



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