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1ATLiens Empty ATLiens Thu Oct 20, 2016 4:22 pm


Pappa Smexy
Pappa Smexy

ATLiens Giphy

"So, this is Jaya Island. Err Mock Town." Cappadonna would mumble to himself as he would begin to disembark the ship. The ship wasn't anything like that it was pretty small. But, it had got them to where they wanted to be. None of them would speak to each other once they disembarked, and all would head in different directions.

One the ship....

"Listen, our new assignment is to each infiltrate a Pirate Crew. From your previous missions of taking out an high profile target you all should have a decent amount of Bounty. Once within that Crew...."

The Man that was giving them thier assignment was part of the Revolutionaries, he wasn't a big name but he did handle a lot of things. Like the pictures of these men being put on Bounty posters already, having someone within the process of that quickly having those sent out.

So back to the present...

Cappadonna would be walking the streets, it being around ten pm. The streets though were actually bursting with life, as it seemed a halloween festival would be going on. Cappadonna though has never really celebrate any type of holiday or festival, though he as seen some. So, all of this was really new to him. As everyone seemed to be in somewhat a merry mood, and only the occasional brawl would be seen in the streets. But they never escalated into anything too bad. Cappadonna though just wanted to find a cheap Inn to stay at. He had a assignment but he wanted to get some rest.

"Mister what is your name?" A small child with a pumpkin on thier head would ask as they tugged on the back of Cappadonna's shirt.

"Ca-...Daniels Bloom., Child." Cappadonna would tell her. As he needed to get used to using his new name.

2ATLiens Empty Re: ATLiens Thu Oct 20, 2016 4:53 pm


Pappa Smexy
Pappa Smexy

ATLiens Giphy

" is this you?" The child will pull out a stack of posters and thumb through them. FInally he would hold one up so Cappadonna could see it. The poster was his bounty poster, and the Kid seemed to have other Pirates to.

"Well...ugh.." Cappadonna didn't know if he should lie or just admit that was him. As the only thing you can say about the picture is that the marking over the eye matches, as it seemed to be a really young picture of him. Since they were on a fully Pirate inhabited Island there really wasn't a real reason to lie, so he would nod his head yes.

"SO COOL! GUYS I FOUND A GOOD ONE!" The Kid would yell and a few others, dressed up, would come over with posters.

"You ure this is him?"

"Isn't the person in the picture younger?"

"Maybe this is his Dad."

"More Like Grandpa."

'What is going on.' Cappadonna was really confused at all of this, and he kinda wanted to move away from them. These kids were rude and annoying, but each time he tried to slowly step away one of them would tug at him while speaking to the others. Trying to tell his friends that Cappadonna was really right here.

"Kids, what do you want." Cappadonna would finally ask the.

"Are you really this guy in the poster?"

"Yes. I am Cappadonna, no one else alive has this mark on thier face but me." He would tell them as he bent over to show them a closer look of it. "But tell me what do you guys won't? I'm tired and i'm trying to go find a place to stay. And why do you guys even have those posters? Bounty Hunters?" Obviously the bounty hunter thing was a little joke, a few of the chuckled at.

3ATLiens Empty Re: ATLiens Thu Oct 20, 2016 5:47 pm


Pappa Smexy
Pappa Smexy

ATLiens Giphy

"Don't be dumb! We need this so our group can win the competition. Collect the most signatures and turn the posters in. WE GET PIE MAN! PIE! So we must win this, at all costs." The one that first recognized Cappadonna would say.

'Shit isn't even that serious, but okay.' Cappdonna would stand up straight. "Just give me something to sign with, I am really busy." He would tell them. But, as he signed each of thier posters he wondered who would hold such a contest. This wasn't something you should have kids going out doing, even if this place isn't that bad at the moment. There are many truly evil pirates here that probably are just sticking to the shadows plotting. Could that be the case here? Or could it even be Marines. It isn't unknown that if you catch a big name you can move up in the ranks, as it is the same with if you kill someone of high standing. This was truly strange and worried Cappadonna. Not really about these kids or others, but the only person that matters. Himself. And by the looks of the kids posters, a lot of those pirates were here. So was whoever was sending these out confirming something?

'I need a gun.' Was the thought that went through Cappdonna's head as he signed the last poster. As he watched the kids run to find the next person to ask he felt a hand on his shoulder, and as he turned around he would see that someone even taller than him was standing there. "Can I help you?"

If only Cappadonna had a weapon could he just kill this guy for putting hands on him, but he is glad he didn't. As the guy would fall over, Cappdona moving out the way cause he isn't catching him, and hit the ground.

4ATLiens Empty Re: ATLiens Thu Oct 20, 2016 8:12 pm


Pappa Smexy
Pappa Smexy

ATLiens Giphy

'You gotta be fucking kidding me. He got blood my my pants, piece of shit.' Cappadonna would say as he didn't even notice the guy was bleeding until he saw the blood on his own pants; it getting on him from him not fully getting away from the falling guy. Cappadonna wouldn't kick the guy, like he felt he should. This outfit was just something to get out of those Impel Down guard clothes that he had stolen a while back.

No one even paid attention to this incident, everyone in thier own little world. The guy would begin to mumble something; Cappadonna's curiosity made him flip the guy over so he could hear what he had to say.

"Why...why the fuck was I shot?"

Immediately Cappadonna would examine the guy, there was a bullet wound on his chest. 'Shit.' This guy was right behind Cappadonna, when he got shot. 'Was I the target? This guy doesn't even look like an important Pirate.' The guy would get hit once again, and the blood would splatter on the face of Cappadonna.

"Fuck me!" Cappadonna would say as he would jump to his feet and take the nearest cover, which would be behind a few barrels in front of a store. He was the target of someone already, and that was fucked up. He had just arrived to this place and he was getting attacked, by a sniper. This wasn't a random attack this had to do with him signing that poster. He needed to find those kids, and ask them questions. First though Cappadonna would activate his haki so that he could pinpoint where this guy was. As he held some malicious intent toward Cappadonna.

5ATLiens Empty Re: ATLiens Thu Oct 27, 2016 7:44 pm


Pappa Smexy
Pappa Smexy

ATLiens Giphy

Without peering from behind his cover he would be able to see everything, well people mainly. The outline of each of them showing not just their size but also a glimpse at what power they held. For a moment he was surprised that there were many powerful Pirates, and maybe just those that took this place as refuge. But, soon he would realize that this shouldn't be that much of a surprise to him as he was in the Grand Line around a dense amount of Pirates. There had to be more of a reason that Marines choose not to come here. Not only because of how much income comes from this place, but because of who are here.

'Hmm, now where are you.' Cappadonna would think to himself as he would continue to search for the individual who held malice toward him. It was a bit difficult as he had to discern the malice others had for each other and focus on who held I toward him. And it was weird as more than one person is was on multiple roofs, this place was wild.

'Okay, okay Cappadonna. What should you do at this moment? Try to continue to search for this guy or get out of dodge. You are rusty and also don't have a weapon, so you can't even do anything to combat this guy.' Cappadonna would think to himself, as he was a rock in a had place right now.

In the distance the one that had fired upon Cappadona would stop looking through their scope, and would pull out a den den mushi. "I think I missed my chance, I'm heading back."

"Okay, take care of the other ones that signed. We will just send someone after him since we got conformation on him being here on Jaya." The other person on the Den Den Mushi would say.

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