It had been a homecoming of sorts but Asher was finally free. he had been released from marine custody and reinstated indefinitely as a marine but of different title. No longer was he Rear Admiral Asher but a man with a new title. He was that of Commodore, which didn't bother me. Now however Asher had to do something. He had been out for awhile but he hadn't returned home to that of Water 7, his post before his infamous lockup situation. Here Asher was greeted by Mercy, his number two at the train station after the great blonde had arrived. No words were exchanged between the Cyborg and her maker but the two had this weird bond that went beyond anything else. Anyway Asher was pleased when the duo eventually made it to the Queen Anne's Revenge, where Asher would be setting them up for their next adventure. On his person was the information he had regarding the Sea Train. Asher would go to his quarters but before getting there he was stopped "What would you like me to set a waypoint for?" said Zed. Asher simply turned back smirking "We're going to Baltigo." after that Asher walked into his quarters and closed the door.