ensign Dasnet
The ferry he had just disembarked was far off out to sea already. With no notice to him at that. Now that he thought about it, the ship he had come on was not even a ferry at all, definitely it was not the ship the travel agent had showed him the picture of the day before. At that, the travel agent also seemed shady in retrospect.
He punched the nearest tree, with power enough to sprain a normal hand and leave it broken for months. But his hand was mechanical, so it was barely scratched. Adamantune was seething. He punched the tree again. He landed a high kick with a roar, falling down he followed up with a sweeping kick, smashing his shin against the lower part of the trunk, which dislodged a small piece of bark. Breathing heavily, he got up, his anger remaining unsated.
However he knew that he should place his energies towards finding a way off the island, so some exploration was in order. Would there be other people on the island? Well, there were those dressed up skel -
huh, where'd they go? They were just standing right there a moment ago, weren't they?This was concerning. Was his memory failing him? Had the skeletons with the weapons in hand just been his imagination? Mirage? Or could someone be playing a prank on him? Then who? He was not close enough to anyone to warrant such an act, he thought. Perhaps, he considered, it was a prank aimed at a random unsuspecting passerby?
OI, WHO THE SHIT DID THAT?!He bellowed as he found himself falling forward. It appeared as though someone had pushed him over. He got up onto all fours. Looking up, Adamantune saw a spoopy scurry skriliton looming over him. Not just one, in fact. TWO SPOOPY SCURRY SKRILITONZ!
EDIT: have installed: Riptide (gun), Firefly (jumping thing), Thriller (punching thing)
have inventory: 2x clips of 21 darts for Riptide
Last edited by Dasnet on Tue Nov 03, 2015 1:24 am; edited 1 time in total