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16Death ain't bad [Fruit arc Final]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Death ain't bad [Fruit arc Final] Thu Nov 26, 2015 3:06 am



OOC: It is Jester's post. Whatever he decides in his post is what we go with.

17Death ain't bad [Fruit arc Final]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Death ain't bad [Fruit arc Final] Thu Nov 26, 2015 8:01 pm



Welcome aboard... the rowboat
Desperation in an attempt to obtain Glory

cartes evil demon clause
The marine in front of his feet would collapse after the hit was connected, 'Grown, have you?' Jester spoke while he placed the tip of his spear on the ground, ready to restart motion had the situation called for it. Jester moved away from the staircase as he was being spoken to, from a fair distance. With nobody being around as far as he could notice, the lights of the room were quite bright once he got to near the center of the room. A few meters away from the man who spoke. 'Work with you?' A sly grin shown, Jester had just defeated a marine soldier in front of his eyes and this man seemed unfazed. It was almost as if he had met someone completely different from the time at the bar.

You can have anything you want down there with my help, except one item.

‘I see; what is it that you desire down there then?’ Jester questioned, his playful mood calmed down and his true smugness was shown. Whatever it was down there, this guy wouldn't mind getting it if it meant dying. ‘Very well; I shall assist you in this matter on the basis of: I receive a portion of the treasury that's down there; and I want a favor. You see, I'm trying to expand my reputation and want to sail to the grandline at one point; issue is ... I don't have a ship, or crew to navigate me.’ Jester used the key-word - reputation - as to seem as if he was a marine but wasn't. All he wanted was a trip or rather a ticket to the grandline had this guy owned a ship with competent crew. ‘Grant me that favor, and my aid shall be yours. Do note, if I notice that the fight is literally unwinnable, I will flee. This means that when you get incapacitated, or rather if you get incapacitated and whatever help you might have brought along I will flee the scene; surely I might attempt to drag you out with me if I can but I won't promise doing so if it entails jeopardizing my own life.’

Jester explained, as soon as he was done talking the other man seemed to start talking as well, Jester assumed that he also would react to what he had to say thus took a slight pause. ‘That guy is dead, his pulse stopped as soon as my spear pierced his heart.’ Jester lied; but, if the off-duty marine didn't believe him he would consider it as a sign of mistrust. This was more so a test set up by Jester; if he approached the marine and made sure he was dead then Jester would not trust this person and consider abandoning him, trust in this situation was valuable, and the incapacitated marine on the ground would be the perfect test. ‘So go ahead then, and tell me what your plan is.’ Jester spoke, all the while the guy was still some meters away from him; and nobody else had entered the room. Jester was a cautious person; it would be difficult to get him to drop his guard as much as the marine who laid on the ground did. There was a mention of an item, there were a few very valuable items on the world; only a few that Jester knew of.

Since he lacked the historic knowledge it was not exactly clear to him just yet what devil fruits exactly were. The sound of fighting could still be heard from the staircase; it didn't seem as if it was going to cease at any point soon, the sounds inside the room were clearly audible. The hollow architecture made sounds bounce of walls in an efficient way, echoing them. Jester reached into his pocket with the hand that was free and grabbed a fag, lightning up by using the torch in the center of the room he would inhale and exhale - as if the cliche came to him he spoke; ‘They call him the big bad, as in the big bad wolf. His teeth are neon black and he carries a large weapon; he seems aware enough of people trying to backstab him; he's quite ansy, tall and fat. The rumor, among revolutionaries is that he has some fruit that enables him to lick vagina’ That's all that Jester knew about this mans personality; maybe that helped the guy make a better plan. He was unaware that him licking vagina was a joke among Revolutionaries. The ol' tongaroo lickaroo figaroo. ‘The name is Jester, what is yours?’

Requesting 1EXP for defeating a T1 - PC
Requesting Bounty for defeating a PC

18Death ain't bad [Fruit arc Final]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Death ain't bad [Fruit arc Final] Sat Nov 28, 2015 11:14 am




"I just want.... what that big baddy is after, for myself. Selfish...yes.. but I think I deserve the most valuable possession of this Kingdom." Derous would say, his sights not swaying from Jester. Yes, Derous had a bit of trust with the man, but not all of it. He withheld some just because he couldn't bring himself to trusting someone he barely knew, or anyone in this world for that matter. His facial expressions or way of speaking wouldn't delude that though, as Derous was superb at keeping his true motives hidden.

Derous would go into his left pocket, with his left hand, and pull out a few things. The objects that he pulled out where easily able to fit within his, abnormally large, hands. Derous would then hold his left hand out to reveal the items, "I will not hold it against you to value your life, more than mine, as I will do the same. Passage into the grand line though, is something. Something I don't think I can give you at this time. As I do, indeed, have a suitable vessel. But, most of my crew will die today. So, if you can wait. I believe, I should have a competent enough crew to take us to the Grandline. " Derous spoke; still watching his partner as he did so. Why he said all of that first though, instead of telling his plan, was to get things clear and understood. Just as Jester said he will flee if the fight proved unwinnable, Derous felt the same way. They weren't fighting for something at stake here, not at all. This fight was going to be just for pure greed, nothing more.

Those that have died today mean't nothing to Derous, and he felt jester felt the exact same way. Though, he didn't really care for how the other felt. "Okay, I will just report that he died doing something honorable." Derous would then, proceed to explain his plan, finally. "So, in my hand. I have this small golf-ball sized green ball, along with that I have a piece of gum. Both aren't ordinary at all. One is a extremely toxic poison that will kill those within it with long enough exposure. Whilst the gum is the only antidote. I have more than one of these and would like you to take theses two. What my plan is... is to simply... kill the guy and take what I want or leave with my life." Derous, plan was great. Yes, it may not have any real details but what details were needed? Derous, from jester's information, knew a great deal already of what to do.

The pussy licking Rev was most likely a close quarters combatant, wielding a large weapon and along with that had a nasty mouth. Something Derous needed to stay away from. Whenever Jester took the two items, or refused to, Derous would put his hands back at his side.

Derous, was ready to move at any time. The sounds resonating from the staircase were getting him excited, as he thought his men had all perished. But this notice was evidence he could still enter the fighting, and with a greater chance of not being noticed. One thing was for sure though; he didn't expect to hear anyone but an enemy to come up the staircase, if someone did.

Items :

19Death ain't bad [Fruit arc Final]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Death ain't bad [Fruit arc Final] Mon Nov 30, 2015 4:16 pm



Delightful screams had filled his halls, had filled his place of slumber. A throne must have a king after all. Insignificant bugs had come to his home only to be swatted. Anything that wandered in to his house would be dealt with accordingly. In fact just an hour or so prior to these human's entering, a little mutt had stumbled in. How? Who knows? yet it was still a delightful meal. Sounds may have resonated from the stair case, but they would stop. The final bullet shot, the final man devoured. It wasn't really his kingdom, not yet anyway. Once he had gained this island for the revolutionary army he planned on remaining, making him the king, he had simply started thinking of himself as the king much early than planned. One would except to see bodies, armour and weapons scattered from the deaths of those whom had entered. Alas this was not to be, only one man remained. One giant amongst the litter of rubble, even that looked good to the man whom could devour all. How he had come to be there was of no importance, how he destroyed those around him, the large chunks taken from the environment would probably give hint of this.

Inhaling deeply, scents filled his nose, the bodies of those whom had been devoured did not interfere, the scents that filled his nose would grant him the knowledge of three other people currently located within the throne room. The large mass of a man would make his way up the stairs, with such weight even the stone staircase sounded as though it was groaning under the feet of the man. His large staff in hand, wooden with a large speared tip of iron was roughly 5 foot taller than the male himself. Possibly the strangest part to his appearance was the dog like nose. "More food, this is great, i get to to be better in the revolutionary army, i get to give the boss guys a devil fruit and i get all these free people to eat, what could be better " he uttered. Now with both men being so close to the stair case, and only a few meters from each other, the waft of his large pointed stick enhanced by his reach would sweep across the floor. The horizontal swing would destroy all in its path, making quick work of the throne.

made by sei

[Note: I do apologize for the short post]

20Death ain't bad [Fruit arc Final]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Death ain't bad [Fruit arc Final] Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:15 pm



Dead by npc

21Death ain't bad [Fruit arc Final]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Death ain't bad [Fruit arc Final] Fri Dec 18, 2015 7:35 pm




Sadly, the first conflict would be over now; but as the second arose soon it would be dealt with. Derous, who had felt the excitement from hearing others fight soon lost that excitement. This didn't mean that he was giving up; but rather that he would need to be calm and collective, think about how things were going to play out and how he needed to twist them into his favor. Just as the last shot was heard Derous would turn his back to Jester, as this man, at this time, wasn't going to be an enemy. Quickly, and to the best to his ability, Derous would do the following things. First, he would place the gum, just the end, in his mouth. This was to have it ready. Still, at this time, only foot steps were heard. Second he would get into a more relax stance, even though he was already able to move in any short of way in his previous stance. Each step he heard begun to paint a picture. A picture of how massive his hurdle would be. Yes, this being was considered just a simple hurdle. As it was something he needed to get over to reach his main goal, which was some Devil Fruit.

Derous didn't exactly know the amount of steps the hurdle would need to ascend, but that didn't matter. He kept his eyes on the staircase and soon the time to act came, and he would try to end it quickly. The tip of the hurdle's head, right before his eyebrow would be visible, was the first thing visible, and Derous would kick forward as quickly as he could. It being a deadly sharp and long compressed air blade that move forward, somewhat like a bullet. The chance of this attack, that hasn't even been seen yet by the target, was something that could only miss by the luck of god. Ah, but in this strange twisted world many strange unforeseen miracles happen. But if it did land this would indeed be a killing blow. As it would be aimed at a somewhat average  sized target, due to the hurdle head being a bit massive, it would have the potential to easily pierce through the bare head of the target, and even keep traveling through the other side. Maybe if the target wasn't so large maybe he would be able a more harder target.

If the attack indeed didn't land and there wasn't any sign of Derous being a victor. Well, he had a few things that would follow. Regardless though Derous would toss forward the KYP ball he held, and it would crash against the ground at the mid point of the staircase. The gas that would instantly come from it would fill a large portion of the room, and into the staircase. This was to serve as not only a thick lime green smokescreen but also the hide is next actions. The gum he held between his lips would also be sucked into his mouth and chewed right after the KYP ball was tossed. Derous would stay within, just, the limits of the gas. This to keep himself hidden and out of reach of any close or mid quarters type of weaponry.

Everything I did:

ooc: Okay, like everyone was skipped. But we also had that maintenance. So Yea. I'm going to post now to get this moving. And will be skipping again so I can end this topic, if need be.

22Death ain't bad [Fruit arc Final]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Death ain't bad [Fruit arc Final] Wed Dec 23, 2015 7:46 am




Death ain't bad [Fruit arc Final]  - Page 2 Tumblr_nl4lybN8X71qfezupo2_1280

"Guess I didn't need any assistance, nor a real plan." Derous would comment after his, first, attack would hit it's mark. Though, Derous would still toss the KYP ball he held into the staircase, thinking that maybe someone else may come up. Then he would begin to chew his gum as he began to, cautiously, head over to the staircase. If he would hear anything, he believed, suspicious he would retreat, as fast as he could, backwards and away from the staircase.  As no living being would be able to live after such an attack to the head would land, it wasn't physically possible. So, if the blow truly did kill the foe and the staircase didn't emit any strange sounds Derous would descend them.

The place he would reach was actually beautiful, even with all the corpses around. Derous couldn't see any corpses that belong to his men, so he would believe his foe had eaten them. Derous did see Revolutionaries scattered, and would see many if not all had bullet holes in them. So, that lead him to believe they died to his men and his men died too the pussy eater. All of that though wasn't much to care about, as Derous needed to get what was his. So, as he made his way to the treasury he would see the King, not dead but close to it. "Your Majesty. What has happened to you?" Derous would ask as he would kneel down to speak to the King of Ilusia.

"He... he beat me, but I never told him where it was. Never will someone take our precious treasure." The King would tell Derous.

"Is that so... But, he said he did when I fought him." Derous would tell the King, lying.

"W-what!?! No, this couldn't be." The King would cry out, believing the words Derous would tell him. The Old, wounded, man would begin to rise up and force himself inside of the Treasury. He would walk passed all of the shiny jewels, vast amounts of gold, and other beautiful and priceless objects. Where he would go is to where a statue of his Father was, "How did he get it? It isn't broken... He couldn't have taken it th-" The King wouldn't be able to finish talking as Derous would kick the Old King into the statue, breaking it. What would come from the statue would be a small chest. Derous would pick it up and open it to see a fruit.

"Amazing, a easy kill and a simple trick granted me this. I hope things do get more hard, or I will be bored forever." Derous would say as he would pull out he fruit and devour it whole, the disgusting taste making his face turn and twisted for a bit, but it was fine after a few seconds.

The Old King was speechless and would tr to get up an attack Derous, but a simple kick to the throat would stop all of that noise. The Old King would fall back and finally be killed. After that ordeal Derous would head back up and passed his so-called partner. "Take what you want." Is all he would tell the man. Following that Derous would leave the Throne room and see the Prince resting, but the boy would awake after Derous would clap. "Prince, you are now the King. Sadly, I couldn't save anyone but you and your people, please forgive me. But, I was able to slay every last one of those that did this. So, please, rebuild this place. Make your country stronger, and as my word as Derous. I will have more Marines here to assist in that endeavor. " And with that Derous would take his remaining two men and leave to his ship.

ooc: Hit claimed & Fruit taken.

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