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15Troublesome Encounter! - Page 2 Empty Re: Troublesome Encounter! Tue Dec 29, 2015 8:15 pm



Stole 10% of beli

Melissa would laugh gently as she looked at the young person, she would hold out the wallet as he passed her, allowing him to take it from her like he had asked to do. Alas it seemed to be rather full, a thief like Melissa could tell that from the weight though, this was good news because Melissa drank a lot of Soda, not like you could tell from her physique but man the girl adored the stuff. "Perfect, then lets go" she would say, yet she would halt herself, the man had obviously failed to see she was holding separate beli also. This beli actually belonged to the man...if he did not notice though then he was rich enough right? Thus with such sound logic and reasoning, she would pocket the small amount of beli.

A choice would have to be made, a grumble in her stomach would show that the female wasn't as gracious as she came off. Another giggle, "Looks like the cafe it is, not only am I thirsty but I am frigging starving. LETS GO EAT FANCY" Melissa would shout as she fist bumped the air. She would take a step to the edge of the roof and look to the man. "See ya at the bottom" she would say as she fell. Wind pushed up at her, seemingly trying to halt her movement, it did not want her to meet her demise at the ground. Yet it would not be enough, her body made contact, it shuddered as it burst into snow along with her clothing. Alas the coins she carried hit the ground, this was why she did not carry beli on her person as often. So the three bags plus the coins from Ryuuka would hit the ground. Yet the snowy form of the female would regenerate becoming whole along with her clothing once more. Picking up the coins she would pocket the bag and seperate coins once more. Awaiting for the man to join her by whichever means as soon as he was in her vision she would utter a simple phrase. "Lead the way" with this, she would follow him to the cafe.


made by sei

16Troublesome Encounter! - Page 2 Empty Re: Troublesome Encounter! Tue Dec 29, 2015 9:07 pm



Ryuuka less gracefully than the first lady jumps off and lands crouching on his feet then rolls to absorb some of the shock damage. The Shipwright brushes himself off as he stands up and bows, he starts walking down the main street looking around at the people surrounding the two and as they finally reach a fork in the road Ryuuka looks left then right. the left road looks to be a road full of cafes and clothing stores and the right side is full of restaurants and leisure activities such as small carnival rides and little game stores, "This way m'ady" he says as he walks down the left road and into a small cafe with a light brown exterior. as Ryuuka walks in he is overwhelmed with the smell of ground coffee and freshly baked pastries, the interior is a humble with its maroon red colored  walls and the carefully carved wood chairs and tables with metal parts to hold them together. He walks over to a table for 2 and pulls out a chair and pushes it in when the woman sits then does so for himself. Ryuuka pulls out the wallet once again and asks while sliding a menu to the elegant woman and calling over a waitress "what would you like to eat today miss Melissa?"

17Troublesome Encounter! - Page 2 Empty Re: Troublesome Encounter! Tue Dec 29, 2015 9:50 pm




Melissa would follow the young man, taking in the sights of ohara, it was a beautiful place. She was so impressed with the place, she could picture herself settling down here, a family, a strange sensation why was she thinking about this. Shaking this out of her head she would follow the young man to the cafe, he seemed well spoken, had manners. Strange for a thief. Perhaps though many found it strange that she too was one of these scoundrels of the sea. Sitting down she would pick up a menue. "Honestly, you can drop the ladies and the miss, I'm a pirate same as you, who needs all the idiotic formalities" Melissa would say as she closed the menu. Calling the waitress over she would order a a large chicken burger with cheese and a soda concoction that made the waitress look utterly shocked. Once the man ordered or didn't or did whatever he was going to do, the female would look at him.

"So tell me about you Ryuuka, whats your story. How did you end up as a fugitive on the sea?" Melissa asked, she knew what Leparo wanted, but she wasn't going to follow what he wanted until she knew more about him. The crew was growing quickly and Melissa did not like not knowing as much as possible about those she shares her ship with. "I should warn you, im good at detecting lies" she uttered.

made by sei

18Troublesome Encounter! - Page 2 Empty Re: Troublesome Encounter! Wed Dec 30, 2015 12:55 am



After ordering his meal which happened to be fish and chips, an unusual thing for a cafe but pretty normal for a town near the sea he assumes, Ryuuka looked around to see that a few customers had moved away and were staring at them oddly like they were a couple or even a pair of thugs, since neither were true he brushed it off like the sand in flip flops and continued to pay attention to what Melissa had to say. in regards to her first statement about formalities the young man felt slightly offended that she would think that such a thing would be idiotic, regardless of what she thought Ryuuka would do as she wished and would simply say "As you wish."
Following up what she questioned after about his "story" he knew he should probably keep it short and sweet so she wouldn't get bored "My story started on a small island in the south blue called shimizu island, its where i grew up and where I've been for most of my life. my father was a carpenter and my mother was a housewife so she didn't do much besides tending for me and a few of the other boys, i started off singing with the local band at the bar in town but i found building ships was better. my dad taught me how to make ships and one day i just decided to move on, they all threw me a big going away party and i just sailed off. as for the pirate life well that just became second nature to make a little money on the side from building ships, it started off with just pick pocketing and small things but eventually the marines caught on and i had to start using these bad boys" he would say as he raised his fists and then put them back down on the the table, "So.....what about you, what's your story?"

19Troublesome Encounter! - Page 2 Empty Re: Troublesome Encounter! Wed Dec 30, 2015 1:10 pm




"Interesting" Melissa would say gently, finally her food along with Ryuuka's would arrive, taking a sip of her juice, she would devour her food with gusto. The lady like demeanour would shut down nigh instantly as she devoured her food. Upon finishing, she would pat her slightly expanded belly and release a powerful burp. This brought even further dirty looks towards the pair. Taking a big drink she would hiccup before wiping her mouth. "My story, hmm, it's been awhile since i thought about it. I lived with my dad..until a couple of bad men killed him. I was brought up on Crescent Island and fell in with pirates whom frequented the local bar. I had a couple of brothers, though one of them has died...the other i don't know what happened to him. I met Leparo and essentially we have been together ever since, occasionally i take a few holidays to have my alone time of course, can't be tied to one person all the time right" Melissa would say with a laugh.

After she had fully finished she would lean forward. "So do you have a plan for what your doing next? Do you have a crew? people you can join up with?" Melissa would ask softly. "I mean if not you could come with us...we have a flying ship" She offered as a selling point.

made by sei

20Troublesome Encounter! - Page 2 Empty Re: Troublesome Encounter! Fri Jan 01, 2016 1:39 am



Ryuuka listened open minded and accepting to what she said and felt that even at the loss of her dad she got to live a life of adventure and excitement. Ryuuka had taken into account that the ship that they had was probably extremely advanced if they were pirates that could take down marines so easily and that the ship he had recently built would not be able to be handled by one person, when Melissa mentioned their ship being able to fly he almost choked on his food "WHAT?!" he exclaimed after downing his food. "i don't really have anyone i can call on here as the pirates around here are all pansies, i mean i was planning to sell this ship i just built and catching a ride by stowing away in some chumps boat to the next island, but that deal is kinda hard to resist i must say." Then immediately after saying that it hit him "Are you offering me to join your crew? if so i got nothing better to do and it would help me get my name out there and get me on my way to becoming the bet martial artist So, i accept. but before i set off with you i have to sell this ship somehow.

21Troublesome Encounter! - Page 2 Empty Re: Troublesome Encounter! Sat Jan 02, 2016 1:50 am




A simple smile would escape Melissa's lips at the realization of what she offered, Strange that she had offered such a thing concidering she felt the ship was too crowded. "I'm sure we could find an actual use for your ship, if we speak to the captain he may compensate you for the price of the ship, perhaps we should return and find him?" Melissa would say as she stood up, dabbing a napkin at her face to rid herself of any excess moisture from the soda or crumbs from her food. Even now they were still being stared at alas though Melissa would pay no attention. If Ryuuka were to follow the young girl would make small talk. "Martial artist huh? Perhaps we should spar some day, I may not look it, but i'm pretty strong" Melissa would say slightly tooting her own trumpet so to say.

She was heading in the direction of the docks. Hoping to find Leparo there, though upon arrival of the ship if Ryuuka were to follow her she would ask that he wait up on deck as she descended to the shared room. Opening the door she would see the sleeping mass, thus returned without Leparo. "Still asleep, hangover must be driving him insanse" Melissa said a slight smile upon her lips. "Feel free to explore, this is the dutchman, tiz my ship though i lend it out to Leparo, its a beauty even though its all haunted looking and shit, but hey adds to the ambiance right? I mean who cares what it looks like as long as it flies" Melissa said with a wing.

made by sei

22Troublesome Encounter! - Page 2 Empty Re: Troublesome Encounter! Sun Jan 03, 2016 2:23 am



Agreeing with Melissa's statement "It sure is"Ryuuka said in delighted as it is like a dream to be on a ship with such craftsmanship, looking like a child in a candy store he runs his fingers along the rails "How did you get this?! this is like a heavenly ship in its spooky sort of way". Admiring every single part on the ship Ryuuka wanders off and loses track of time taking a look at every nook and cranny. After much needed time of checking out his new Crew mate's ship Ryuuka was exhausted and looked like he had been trapped in a chamber of sleeping gas barely making his way to a hammock he flops onto the floor not realizing he missed the hammock and "mumbles "Surely She wont mind, i'll be up before that Leparo guy does....

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