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Naga D. Linnea


Naga D. Linnea

WORDS: 524 | TAG: @Uroboros & Melissa | NOTES:  Haki: 20/70

This is it...? The man that she'd been trying to kill all this time...? And he was finally fallen? As Raziel's aura finally faded for good, Linnea was washed over by an undescribable sense of relief. She never had a nemesis before, at least not one who actually defeated her so one sidedly and got in her way so vehemently. But then part of her also felt a certain sadness. She knew deep down that defeating this man had been her greatest motivation to grow stronger.

"It's over...", she sighed, brushing her fluttering platinum hair behind her ear as she turned to Melissa smiling with a brimming sense of accomplishment, "Sorry i busted up your new home... But It shouldn't be too hard to sell its contents and have it restored. As I said, I only want what's in the chest he took."

With this, Linnea would put away her bow and headed inside the mansion. The inside was filled with snow and blood, staining the otherwise flawless white marble. Quite a good bit of debris littered the floor too, courtesy of Linnea's desctructive arrows and Melissa's powerful punches. Some of these grunts were still alive but they wouldn't be going anywhere soon. Without further ado, Linnea climbed up the large stairway... The Collector's corpse was a little further away, thought only his bloodstained suit allowed him to be recognized for who he'd been, courtesy of the arrow blowing apart most of his head. She gasped when she saw the broken treasure chest, recognizing it as the one Raziel took from her... Which meant this Devil Fruit was the treasure she'd been looking for...? Linnea picked up the fruit and eyed it with wonder:


This was defenitely the Hie Hie no Mi, an Ice Logia she once assumed Melissa to have. It turned out that she actually had the Yuki Yuki no Mi, a different fruit using snow. Thus she wasted no time locating her friend and showing her finding, "Look, Mel!! I found this inside the treasure chest! Do you think I should eat it...?", she asked curiously, in a way asking for an honest opinion about what it felt like to posess a Devil Fruit power. Thus, she'd take whatever Melissa would tell her into account, but in the end her decision likely wouldn't change. She did indeed recognize this fruit as one of the few she ever desired to posess, and now it was in her hands. This reason above all other would compel her to eat the fruit, and once she made that decision, she wouldn't change it:

"Well... Here goes nothing!", and with these words, Linnea ate her fruit. She was a lover of fruit, particularly apples which this one almost looked like (if apples were blue and swirly)... But not once in her life had she tasted a fruit this awful! She scowled and cringed, "BLEGH!!! Gross!", but still held it in, and ate the rest of the fruit with a vengeance, trying her hardest not to let it touch her tongue. If she didn't eat the whole thing, she wouldn't gain its powers after all...

[Aquired the Hie Hie no Mi!]

Revenge is best served cold.

"You can't hide from me."
- Naga D. Linnea

credit to nat of adoxography.

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