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15Turn Back the Clock: Part 1 Arc - Page 2 Empty Re: Turn Back the Clock: Part 1 Arc Sun Feb 28, 2016 4:04 pm

Blanco Bean


Blanco Bean

No one knows pain, I'll show them

"UGHHH" a flying brown hair man went across the cage after a straight right from Leparo sent him there. "Bastard" said Leparo as he cracked his knuckles. He didn't really like fighting unless he needed too, it was something he was great at but didn't really like and fighting was definitely one of those things. He would spit out some blood and post spat he would notice the brunette bounce off the cage and hit the grown. He let out a roar as he stood up and his eyes were yellow. "Shit" said Leparo s he charged forward and began a barrage of punches which could be heard with each passing blow even clashing with the contact of the woman and her opponent. The crowd began to cheer as they were now aware that this was a "Fight" and not a murder. As the barrage continued Leparo was clinched by the furry arm of the man he ws fighting.

The arm extended even further to throw Leparo towards the top of the bird cage before he bounced off its roof coming back down towards the now standing man who used his transform arm nd used it to punch Leparo back the way he came from earlier. "Nope" screamed Leparo as he ripped off the upper layer of his clothing which revealed his bare chest which had few scars from this battle and numerous patches of scar tissue from his past exploits. Leparo ran forward and so did his opponent and both men clashed with their fist and nothing happened. It wasn't until the two men made eye contact nudged their arms a bit further and at that point a gust of wind caused sandstorm within the arena. "Fun" said Leparo as he smiled.

16Turn Back the Clock: Part 1 Arc - Page 2 Empty Re: Turn Back the Clock: Part 1 Arc Mon Feb 29, 2016 12:06 am


The sound of Leparo clashing with his opponent ferociously echoed all around Kash as she stared down her burly turd like opponent. Her hair was blowing wildly behind her as the wind whirled inside the cage. It would be around the time that Leparo was launched to the cage ceiling when she would initiate her assualt moving quicker than she had before in her pursuit.

Kash would veer right as she closed in on the fat swordsman and suddenly seem to slow down. This awkward change in motion would cause the man to both wary and extremely cautious of Kash's intentions. Kash would swing her blade with what seemed like minimal effort and the man began to chuckle.

"Ha, are you serious?! You can't be with such a weak atta-"

The man would seem to choke on his words as he would block Kash's sword only to be met with an unusual amount of force for such an attack that seemed so weak. The blow would send him sliding back toward the cage. He was clearly rattled and surprised judging by the baffled look on his face. Kash knew that was her cue to turn up the pressure, chasing him down during his confusion. The man focusing hard on recovering his ground would immediately jump to the defensive, Kash could see him planting his feet in order to brace himself.

Kash would mimic her previous movement, dashing for the man quickly and suddenly slowing and veering to the right.

"You won't catch me twice bitch!" The man shouted as he would begin to swing his sword with all of his might toward her.

Kash would seemingly swing her blade as she did before with similar effort expected by the man. Right when one would think to the two blades would clash, the man's blade would cleave right through Kash. The crowd would let out a gasp and grow silent. Blood spilled on the cage floor but it wasn't Kash's. The look on the pig of a man as it twisted into a grotesque horror was a clear indicator of that.

It wasn't Kash that was cut but rather a mirage. When the man had swung his blade, Kash had actually moved under the blade's obvious trajectory and in passing would cut the man's large belly open. All part of her Jest.

As the man would drop to his hands and knees, groaning in agony, Kash could be seen standing up from and swinging her blade out to her side causing the blood to fly off before she would sheathe it. A devilish smile creeping on her face.

"You're not a swordsman. Just a large man using his strength and not his blade. You should just die here-" She would say and as she began to turn to look behind her, Kash could feel the large man's hand grab her neck and her feet lift off the ground. She had let her guard down, a rare occasion she always seemed to pay for. The man was not down for the count, not yet.

"You bitch!" the man would yell as he would throw Kash clear to the other side of the cage. Her body literally flying over Leparo as he fought his opponent. Her body would hit the cage causing it to ring like a soft bell before she dropped to the floor. She laid there for a moment as the man began to slowly walk toward her, cracking his knuckles. "You're right, I don't need a sword to deal with you."

17Turn Back the Clock: Part 1 Arc - Page 2 Empty Re: Turn Back the Clock: Part 1 Arc Sat Mar 05, 2016 4:26 pm

Blanco Bean


Blanco Bean

No one knows pain, I'll show them

"Fuck" said Leparo as him and the bear fucker began exchanging blows all around the cage. The two were in a pure fight and Leparo for some reason enjoyed this. As the bear began to get the best of Leparo he simply headbutted the bear man before blood leaked from his forehead as the bear got sent knocked back. "If we weren't in this cage... We could have been friends" joked Leparo as he leaped forward with a punch which was dodged allowing for Leparo to get clocked directly in the gut winding him.

A blow to his back knocked Leparo damn near out cold before a kick to the downed man sent him across the cage again this time landing next to Kash who had just been hit herself. "Looks like we're going to win" joked Leparo as he spat up some blood before using the cage to help him stand up. "I'm a bloody mess and that guy is too big for you. I say we switch, with his sword gone he can't beat me physically. As for this bear guy your speed beats him nine times out of ten" said Leparo s he helped Kash to her feet. "But you need it to deal with me" said Leparo as the big swordsman approached Kash without his weapon.

This lead to Leparo jumping with an uppercut followed by a spinning kick to the face. "Now that we're switched we can end this faster instead of playing around here" said Leparo to himself as the big bastard grabbed his leg and tried to spin Leparo for a whirlwind before Leparo got free and rolled out of dodge.

18Turn Back the Clock: Part 1 Arc - Page 2 Empty Re: Turn Back the Clock: Part 1 Arc Sat Mar 05, 2016 5:51 pm


Just as Kash was beginning to rise to her feet, Leparo came crashing in next to her. It seemed like he had his hands full with the smaller bear-like guy. However he was in joking spirit and Kash couldn't help be amused. He would suggest they switch opponents while helping her to her feet.

"Fine, but don't kill him," Kash would say bluntly. She wouldn't even explain why but rather she would draw her blade Levy again and begin walking toward the bear man. Leparo would go ahead and engage with the pig.

"You're much more quiet than that other slob," Kash would say, expressing her surprise. "I actually like the quiet, moody types. But I guess flirting is out of the question in here."

Kash would rush down the bear man swing her blade relentlessly for his chest only to be blocked by the man's bear arm. A shockwave released as the two clashed and Kash could see that the man was unmoved. He would begin to move his other arm and Kash would leap back to avoid whatever attack he was about to throw at her. His grip was strong on her blade but it would slide from his hand, cutting in the process. She could see his blood drip from his hand. However he didn't attack as she expected, he instead would grip his other hand in pain.

"You can't be seri-" Kash wouldn't get to finish her thought before the man was suddenly running right at her. The man would begin to unleash a barrage of punches and Kash would use her blade to block them the best she could, using one of her hands to support the blade while the other gripped the hilt. Such power, were all devil fruit eaters this strong?

Each punch would cause Kash to slide back several inches. She was patiently looking and waiting for an opening. An opportunity to turn this momentum the man was mounting around on himself.

19Turn Back the Clock: Part 1 Arc - Page 2 Empty Re: Turn Back the Clock: Part 1 Arc Sat Mar 05, 2016 6:50 pm

Blanco Bean


Blanco Bean

No one knows pain, I'll show them

Once rolled Leparo would keep rolling as the big pig bastard kept stomping in an attempt to stomp on Leparo. This ended when Leparo reached the other end of the cage and got stomped on repeatedly as the crowd went into a frenzy with screams as they thought the fight was ending but no. Leparo grabbed the leg of the brute and he began twist pulling against the leg as he brought himself up from the ground now jerking against the leg of the brute before he started spinning him around mid-air as the crowd really began to lose it cheering for Leparo.

This caused Leparo to release the spin and throw the brute into the cage which caused a large shockwave which made Kash wave of energy look like nothing. As Leparo began to breathe heavy after lifting that heavy bastard, he began to stand which caused Leparo to zone out as he dashed forward with a flying knee which sent the brute to his feet while he went higher up.

Now the brute was stunned and Leparo launched an elbow from the six to twelve angle of the brutes head sending him back to the ground. The dust settled from him hitting the ground and Leparo noticed him back up again. He was bloodied and his suit was basically destroyed. Leparo would go back to end the job after he noticed his opponent wasn't downed.

He would went around the brute and grabbed his arms around his side before he began to lift him off the ground and went for suplex. When completed the brute was out cold and over him was Leparo.

20Turn Back the Clock: Part 1 Arc - Page 2 Empty Re: Turn Back the Clock: Part 1 Arc Sun Mar 06, 2016 5:27 pm


Kash looked into the eyes of her opponent as he continued his assualt and she continued to block. So savage. He didn't appear to be following strategy but following instinct and impulse in order to survive. She was growing tired of this show and they really had no time to be wasting on being the entertainment for a bunch of ingrates.

With swift timing, as the man would punch with his left arm, Kash would turn her body toward her left, allowing the punch to miss entirely. Kash would stab her sword into the man's foot and through the floor, anchoring it. The man would let out a roar while Kash would spin around behind him. She would grab her whip, Dom and swing it so that it would wrap around the man's neck. She would move opposite her sword, pulling the man's weight in one direction, choking him while his foot remained stuck. The man's arms would begin to claw at the whip as it choked him, gasping for air.

Kash pulled harder and harder until she no longer felt resistance. Once the man's body slumped to the ground she would remove the whip from his neck and put it back at her waist. She would grab her sword and sheath the blade. It was clear the fight was now over, as her knight had also finished off the pig she left to him.

"Now what?" Kash wondered as she would walk over to Leparo. She was ready to get out of there. Staying in one place, a place she found herself in due to her brother, was not something she liked to do.

21Turn Back the Clock: Part 1 Arc - Page 2 Empty Re: Turn Back the Clock: Part 1 Arc Sat Mar 12, 2016 6:31 pm

Blanco Bean


Blanco Bean



No one knows pain, I'll show them



"THEY'VE DONE IT... THEY'VE DEFEATED THE DYNAMIC DUO WHO HAVE BEEN UNDEFEATED SINCE THEY CAME HERE" said the commentator who went just as crazy as the crowd. Leparo began to breathe and grunt as he looked around and saw people chanting his name as him and Kash won their fights. "Never again" joked Leparo as Kash walked over to him. At this point she had defeated her opponent and he was out cold. Her and Leparo stood near the body of the fool Leparo just took out when suddenly a door opened and five men wielding bats came through it.

"Fun" joked Leparo. As they all took their position Leparo simply flexed and wiped some of the blood off his face because it was generally bothering him. "Oi, I never got your name.. I'm Leparo" said the future pirate king before he lunged forward grabbing one of the men who just came in the cage and ramming his head through the wall to the point there wasn't a head left. The crowd was loving Leparo's violence as they began to throw their clothing at the cage as an attempt to show their appreciation "THE CROWD IS EATING THIS UP, LEPARO MIGHT BE GOING IN THE HALL OF FAME HERE" Suddenly Leparo grabbed another one of the fools as the other three drew scared in preparation for whatever Kash planned on doing to them. Leparo literally chucked one of the men through the cage door they came from ripping it open. "Lets go" said Leparo towards Kash as they would escape.




22Turn Back the Clock: Part 1 Arc - Page 2 Empty Re: Turn Back the Clock: Part 1 Arc Sat Mar 12, 2016 7:08 pm


The crowd had erupted into a roar of cheer and blood thirst. These fiends loved the violence, so savage. Kash couldn't blame them though, she liked a good fight herself. But she wasn't fond of being someone's entertainment. It didn't seem like this was the end of it either as 5 more men would enter the cage. However they were obviously weaker than the previous men they fought. She was so bored with this theatrical display that she couldn't wait to kill whoever was in charge of it.

Her blonde Knight would introduce himself to her, finally giving her a name to use. Leparo. It was an interesting name, somewhat exotic. She would respond with her name as well, "You can call me Kash."

Once the introductions were finally had, Leparo would go on to take care of two of the men that just arrived. He even used one to open up a path for them to escape through. The remaining three had fear written all over their faces. Armed with nothing but bats, they should be. Kash would begin walking toward the exit, meaning toward them as they stood readily scared. She would reach for Dom and deliver a relentless assault of lashes with the whip at all three men. Her swings were so ferocious that each hit would tear their clothing, causing blood to spray. Even their bats were useless as a defense because each hit chipped away at the wood until nothing would be left. She would swing her whip as she slowly walked for the exit, forcing the men to endure as they retreated. That was until eventually they all would drop to the ground in pools of their own blood.

Kash would follow Leparo out of the cage.

23Turn Back the Clock: Part 1 Arc - Page 2 Empty Re: Turn Back the Clock: Part 1 Arc Sat Mar 12, 2016 7:52 pm

Blanco Bean


Blanco Bean
Task 4:

No one knows pain, I'll show them

Leparo and Kash ran through the hallway as Leparo came to the conclusion he needed to get the keys so that they could actually do anything. He hadn't known where they were but he had a good idea based off how this interior looked. "We need keys" said Leparo to Kash as the duo continued to run at which point they met a group of seven soldiers who looked trained to go, Leparo would hone in on the soldier to the far right where he was and would leap on the wall pushing off it as a means of speed and power increase to where he wrapped his forearm around the soldiers neck pulling him to the ground. Once there Leparo would use that momentum to throw the body towards the other six s Leparo and Kash continued to run. "FUCK. I KNOW WHERE WE ARE" said Leparo once he looked at a sign on the wall about a piece of tech which normally goes in ships.

It was at this point Leparo noticed a control center which wasn't too far from the duo. "We need some luck and some strength" joked Leparo before he noticed the swarm of soldiers in front of him wielding their various weapons. "You got your sword still? said Leparo as he looked at Kash as he knew their only way out of here was through blood.

24Turn Back the Clock: Part 1 Arc - Page 2 Empty Re: Turn Back the Clock: Part 1 Arc Sat Mar 12, 2016 10:50 pm


Kash found herself once again running around hallways with Leparo, following his lead because...he knew where he was going. The man would shout something about needing keys and Kash could only think: why would we need keys when we've clearly broken through everything so far? She wouldn't speak the thought aloud though, not wanting to step on anyone's ego right now.

A group of seven soldiers would cut off their path and Leparo would make quick work of them. Kash could only watch the brute of a man have it his way in these hallways. There really wasn't need for her to do anything, well that was until they met a rather large group of soldiers, about 15, in the hall way. The group so dense that there was no getting through or around them in this hallway. Leparo would ask about Kash's sword and she would sigh loudly.

Kash would take steps in front of Leparo, her hand on the hilt of her blade as she stared down the opposition in front of them. She would swiftly draw her blade without hesitation, slashing at the air between them and the soldiers six times, unleashing a volley of compressed air waves. The attack would cause the air echo, a sound similar to cackling hyenas. The waves of air would slice through the mob, cutting most of them down and severely injuring whatever few were able to withstand the attack. The waves crashing into the bodies would create quite the commotion with small explosions. The air blowing Kash's long silver hair back as she would sheath her sword once again. Blood stained the area where the sizable mob once stood.

"Now where to?" Kash would say, looking over her shoulder back at Leparo. She had given up on the damsel act and was not very serious about getting out of here. She was growing more irritated.

25Turn Back the Clock: Part 1 Arc - Page 2 Empty Re: Turn Back the Clock: Part 1 Arc Tue Mar 22, 2016 3:56 pm

Blanco Bean


Blanco Bean

No one knows pain, I'll show them

Leparo would chuckle as he saw Kash do her usual thing with the sword. "Ya know, when I first met you I swear you acted like a poor warrior who needed protecting, now here you are protecting me along with yourself" said Leparo with a high tone of sarcasm after he came to realize she she was playing Leparo for a fool. He saw a staircase which lead to the control room he saw earlier. He took this as his opportunity to go there as he made a dash for it "follow me" said Leparo as he bolted towards the staircase.

Once there him and Kash saw people trying to come down the stairs and engage them but Leparo who wasn't in the mood for this shit show simply put a fist forward as he knocked one out stepping over him going further up the stairs before backhanding another knocking him off the stairs all together. As for the last member of the trio if stupid soldiers Leparo simply rammed him with his shoulder through the soldiers chest winding him and slamming him against the metal door at the top of the stairs.

Once that was handled Leparo noticed one soldier in the control room. He looked at Leparo and Kash and simply threw them the keys "Look, I didn't ask for this job it was a gift from my cousin I don't need this" he said as he ran out the room screaming like a little school girl. Leparo would take the keys and put them in the ignition starting up the control panel for the ship as he knew these controls and knew how to take this ship to shore "Just like I thought, we're on a boat" said Leparo as he adjusted the coordinates and had it going to the closes shore, somewhere in the West Blue.

26Turn Back the Clock: Part 1 Arc - Page 2 Empty Re: Turn Back the Clock: Part 1 Arc Tue Mar 22, 2016 8:57 pm


It would seem Leparo was feeling a bit jaded that Kash played him, judging by the sarcasm in his voice when he first spoke to her. Could he blame her though? People taken prisoner by marines weren't usually the nicest people. Kash was no exception. Everyone had an agenda...everyone. So she paid the comment dust and simply followed his lead since he really seemed to have an idea of where to go. Three more soldiers would meet them at a stairway. Leparo would make short work of them and Kash casually walked behind him as if there was no threat to begin with.

Eventually they found their way into what appeared to be a control room. They were on a ship? This would be confirmed once Leparo used the keys given to him by a scared boy that would run away. Leparo seemed very confident in his ability to navigate the ship, so Kash would simply take post against a wall beside the controls. Her mind began to drift off as she wondered where her brother was during all of this. What was his game? Her upper lip twitched in disgust just trying to imagine what his plan was.

Kash would finally snap out of her thoughts and look over at Leparo who seemed focused on getting them to shore. "I apologize for misleading you, it's the best you're gonna get from me...just saying," she would say sternly. She meant it but she didn't regret it if that's what he was expecting. She was simply being polite, a rarity. Kash would return her gaze toward the entrance of the control room, watching for more soldiers.

27Turn Back the Clock: Part 1 Arc - Page 2 Empty Re: Turn Back the Clock: Part 1 Arc Thu Mar 24, 2016 4:04 am

Blanco Bean


Blanco Bean

No one knows pain, I'll show them

Trying to operate this boat wasn't easy but to say it was hard would be a stretch. Still learning the controls as he activated levers and switches the words of Kash would be heard and Leparo basically ignored them. He heard her but he didn't think it needed a response, but that wasn't his style. "It's okay." said Leparo as he continued to figure out the controls before he suddenly heard a loud shift within the ship and noticed the boat was lifting its anchor and preparing to shift towards the shore. "And we're out of here" said Leparo as he slammed a his right fist through the controls so no one could shift course.

"We need to find somewhere to lay low until we reach the shore. Staying in this room will only make us walking targ-" said Leparo as he was cut off by the sound of what appeared to be a loud speaker "We have two escaped prisoners. One is the daughter of a Vice Admiral and the other shares blood with Celestial Dragons. If you see these two, detain but do not kill" said the voice. "Oh by the way, they're in the control room" This voice sounded like a man who had seen it all already with the amount of gleefulness in his speech. "Spoke to soon" said Leparo with a chuckle.

As he looked out the glass over the control room he saw soldiers preparing to engage the duo who where in the room itself. "So, you're the daughter of a Vice Admiral?" said Leparo with hate in his voice. His feeling towards marines had never been quiet and he wouldn't let that stop here even if it meant stopping his proposed escape

28Turn Back the Clock: Part 1 Arc - Page 2 Empty Re: Turn Back the Clock: Part 1 Arc Sat Mar 26, 2016 1:12 am


Kash's gaze had shifted toward Leparo as he struggled with the controls and spoke about finding some where to lay low. But her eyes would close as the sound of her brother's voice would echo over the ship. Every word he said created a wrinkle on her forehead and caused a vein to bulge from her temples.


Kash would slam her fist against the wall next to her before opening her eyes to see an obviously upset Leparo staring her down as if he wanted to gut her. Kash had lost her cool, a rare moment. But she would, stop for a moment, straighten her jacket and take a deep breath before looking Leparo in his eyes with her icy blue ones.

"Do you hate me Leparo? I can hear it in your voice, but I want you to know I don't care what feelings you have toward me. I want you to remember, you don't know me. I also want you to realize...I don't need you and that you actually need me. Because yes, I am the daughter of a vice admiral and that's why nothing will happen to me regardless of how any of this goes. It's a blessing and a curse that I will use to my advantage every chance I get. However, I'm willing to extend that privilege to you in your time of need. All you have to do, is what you normally would do. Nothing has or will change because of this new information about me."

Kash's rant was void of any compassion and was actually probably how her brother would sound at a time like this. How similar they were yet so different at the same time. She meant every syllable she spoke and wanted Leparo to use his wits to realize it was all truth and nothing has changed. His feelings about marines and any sudden change of heart toward her, meant nothing in his situation.

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