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1Dark Walker:[Stamina Training] Empty Dark Walker:[Stamina Training] Thu Apr 21, 2016 12:39 pm

Elisa DarkWalker


Elisa DarkWalker
My name is Elisa Dark Walker and this, this is my life. I’m a member of the revolutionary army, a lone wolf of sorts moving from place to place, collecting information and training my mind, body and sweat into a real fighter with the goal of accelerate into new heights and today I Fight!.

A few days ago, before my feet carried myself and other unknowns to this island broken in its core
Briss!. I was looking forward to a secret fighting show under the name, Dynamic Fists. Which was handed out via flyers to those who were a little fed and drawn to combat that was put together with a council of close friends from karate island and I really enjoyed training my body weekly and so I  myself and a friend or two decided to enter into matches and stuff ourselves. The past few iterations with this group Dynamic haven’t looked too friendly for customizing to new fighters as he side industries of gambling, darker audience and pirate recruitment grew,  but Dynamic has almost everything I need to throw together myself that I can have fun watching/participating . This time though, I wanted to make a few tweaks and give a real commitment. Since I love gaining knowledge, experience and growing myself in all aspects, and it’s really what my humble little challenge which was built on corruption, I want to try and make this, the starting point of my life in the Revolutionary Army with Benefits.

My ambition would not only be to; first take victory in the Tournament at hand bringing a large amount of this underground culture together, but rattling the sands of information so I can take the entire group down...One thug at a time.

The underground fighter arena is like a small theater with the ground knocked out in order to build a fighting cage with 6 walls of steel with glass windows pattering around the upper layers in order. The watches sit on chairs of stones with black coats walking around selling food, organizing bets and dealing with any requests the audience may have.

This is Episode 1 : Elisa Walking the Dark streets of Briss!.  
A story of caged combat, Part 1.

Today in the underground fighting arena Elisa would face her first Opponent and was quite ambition, she had decided to wear red leather chainmail gloves, leather black leggings, and strong boots, and a white tank top though Elisa did not feel any safer than if she was wearing her normal attire. Her opponent was a close range fighter which gave Elisa a solid advantage with the distance between them starting at 20 meters, though it was clearly obvious that, he was a much more experienced fighter, and Elisa had to very smart to beat the warrior approaching her, wearing nothing but metal shorts, and sandals carrying a small rounded shield attached to his arm and short sword. Elisa knew just by looking at him that her being a woman meant nothing to him. “This is going to be Fun”.

Before the Match was started both Elisa and her target would walk to the center of the area and speak to each other out of respect [Target]"Let the best fighter win, Id rather not be killed so i would like to offer a deal of neutral mercy" [Elisa]"Sure, I could fight you again in the future if i don't kill you neutral growth cannot be achieved without both parties walking away. Elisa & her Target would both bow offering each other luck before the fighting began. Both had returned to their starting position and the match was officially started, Elisa drew her Fists taking a knee increasing her attention accuracy, though she would not act nor move while she waited for him to get in range of her attack. slowly approaching Elisa not knowing her total range or what skills she might implement during the fight he keeps a watchful eye approaching with caution. Once he had cross the 5meter Line Elisa considered launching her first attack but she figured it be wise to wait a just a little bit longer but her gaze was set as she licked her lips and took a slightly higher stance.

When he had reached the 3 meter mark he increased his speed into a kind of small sprint, keeping full focus on Elisa risen fists expecting her to lunch at any moment, Elisa figured it was time to Launch her first attack at her target, using her fists as a faint[double trusting uppercut but instead landing a sweeping leg strick exactly striking into both  ankles causing the ground to knock away from his feet Unleashing a 1 meter smoke Cloud which is created by a secret flint scraped across her target's shield. Falling straight into center, as he reached the ground causing him not able to see anything as he laid face down in the ground. Not knowing the clouds was only 1 meters in size,he would decide to take a Steadfast action with the intention of knocking away any attacks which might hit him in his moment of weakness, though Elisa actually clocked on quite quickly when she realised he was not coming out of the smoke cloud and broke part of the ground with ground smash kicking a Delayed shot in his direction [Elisa volleys part of the broken ground into the sky in the direction of her choosing, which will come down in 10 seconds; meeting the rounded shield of her target]. Soon enough the smoke cloud would end, and her opponent  continued to make his advance.

Elisa thought for a few moments, that a strong blow to his wrist would weaken him, quite a bit but instead it would make him smile and give him more was such a long time since someone had actually hit him, in a battle let alone outsmarted in an exchange of moves. Elisa would follow up with a Barrage of fists impacting 15 blows in quick succession, all traveling at different location though as he advanced quite quickly forward, knocking nearly every shot aside with his shield like it was nothing, his adrenaline was pumping, and fighters he had battled could launch a similar attack, Elisa needed to find an opening in his attack pattern, which with him closing in, crossing steps, it was looking bad. The moment her target  steps on her foot inches away from "Its over" he leaps forwards  from her foot; during the Leap he would try to land a powerful strike on Elisa, though thinking on her feet, Elisa rushes forward meeting him and kind of slid under the attack with her elbow catching his blade handle within her pit. Elisa would successfully passed him Backwards disarming him in the process. Twisting around to shoot a strong right uppercut barrage catching him off guard, as this finishing blow struck the battle was over.

Once the battle had ended Elisa Darkwalker would keep her word to show mercy and would not kill him despite the quiet crowns watching calling for a killing blow and simply, exited the cage in victory as she anticipated her next foe. Elisa would fight several foes during the early rounds of the tournament ranging from archers, boxers, wrestlers and even a Devil fruit user though it wouldn’t be till the quarterfinals that a match would last longer than 3 minutes. Round 1- Elisa hit her foe with a barrage of punches, Round 2 a High knee knockout to the face, Round 3 terrifying leg drop to the back of the neck crushing her targets skull into the mat, Round 5  Trusting her target's face into the metal caged and pushing her foot behind it ripping their nose clean off and finally Round 6 an upwards roundhouse kick into a chin. With 6 victories under her belt she would start to collect attention in this tournament even developing a pretty nice fan base within this community. Though these matches were starting to tire Elisa out quite a bit and she wasn’t sure if reaching the finals would be possible in her current shape and thus she would take a stroll topside in order to grab a bite to eat before entering the quarter finals.

Her trip topside wouldn’t take too long as their was a cafe selling cold drinks and hot meat perfect for a workout. Chowing down her big hot beef steak and burger, sipping down a glass of cold water before pouring it across her face before quickly returning into the fighting arena as she prepared for the Quarter Finals.

1 year ago Elisa entered a similar event on Karate island but from what she could tell despite this being a much darker establishment and scene. The fighters lacked refinement something she could easily exploit though the acts of blood wouldn't be her cup of tea.
1504/6000  + 40 stamina

Last edited by Elisa DarkWalker on Thu Apr 21, 2016 6:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Dark Walker:[Stamina Training] Empty Re: Dark Walker:[Stamina Training] Thu Apr 21, 2016 6:32 pm

Elisa DarkWalker


Elisa DarkWalker
The Quarter Finals

Elisa would next be facing a fighter who used gear a fighter by the name of which would be Ragnarock Bretender a man 6ft tall and used to wielding both a sword and shield. Starting with warmup exercises Ragnarock grunts as he spits into a bucket filled with blood, blood of all the victims he had killed during the competition not sparing a single soul. Once that was complete he would strap his holster onto his waist and placing his sword inside securing its location withing his grasp before finally picking up his large shield. Ragnarock Bretender would roll his shoulders in order to get comfortable as he fulfilled his pre fight ritual before entering the caged arena.
“Where is this fighting b*****, i’m going split her breasts in half and force them down her neck”*RAAARAAA...hits his cheast 3 times*.

Picking up her gloves as she looked on at her opponent Elisa knew this guy was no joker like her previous fights, *letts out a blow of air before taking a deep breath* fear was starting to sneak into her veins as her body developed a very sutale shake in her fingertips and knees and thus she was given a pair of red crimson gauntlets. Gauntlets not a thing elisa uses often but not outside her arsonal “Thank you, i needed that”. It wasn’t the gift of the gauntlets that gave her the edge but the feeling of support….”Such a powerful thing..wouldn’t you say”. Fully equipped and ready for battle all that remained were the steps between herself and the cage door. Sprinting into the ring with quite a pace Elisa was ready to go with the intention of ending this fight Quickly. *Sticks out her tongue on entry* “ You are onnneee ugly duckling”

Ding Ding Ding ding, In these moments as the bell rang I knew this was a battle of survival, something I have not felt in such a long i ready,,, are we ready… I don’t now…...

Elisa watched as her opponent started his approach. Her jaw dropped, eyes widened and hairs sprung up. Gathering her wits about herself once more she squinted to make sure she wasn’t missing a thing “No this is definitely him but why..why”..Elisa was unsure exactly of what was taking place here, and looked at the equally stunned crowd before they started shouting his name with a flavor of excitement “He had vanished, his entire presence was gone, where was my opponent..!” Grunting breath slithered down my Elisas back like a cold wave stroking the ocean currents “He is behind me...right behind me”. Taking a firm step forward Ragnarock Bretender Grabs Elisa with both his arms and squeezes her tight, smelling her neck as he squeezes the life from her cheat “Time to die little one, you don’t belong on this stage” he whispered gently into her ear.
Instead of an incredibly flashy fight as her previous matches this one, this one was different lacking in sportsmanship or common ground yet even forgetting the concept of morals; Elisa had no choice but to play by his rules. *Gritting her teeth and tensing her muscles she thrust her head forward Biting into the very veins of Ragnarock arm, collecting a firm grip before pulling back like a wild animal tearing whatever she could. Blood was flying everywhere as he screamed in pain and taking a step back away from Elisa before Kicking her in her back creating a distance between the two. Being forced forward Elisa goes into a quick roll into a crouched reversed stance as if like a tiger stalking her pray but to her surprise once more Ragnarock had vanished.
Elisa Darkwalker had mentally gone through a variety of combat simulations of where he might end up keeping in mind the techniques she had seen in the fight from before, there needed to be no room for hiding anything nor would their be a need as She quicklly backs up until feeling the hard cold steel at her back “Fall me once shame on me, fall me twice shame on you.. But this time their be no falling until you do”. Appearing in the center of the ring Ragnarock charges Elisa meeting nothing but her gauntlets grabbing his skull, using her thumbs to push into his eyes as much as she could. His eyes employed causing major damage and giving Elisa the victory in this battle. In the end another quick fight, but a taxing fight one that Elisa would never forget.

770 + 20 stamina
+60 total thus far.

3Dark Walker:[Stamina Training] Empty Re: Dark Walker:[Stamina Training] Fri Apr 22, 2016 11:28 pm

Elisa DarkWalker


Elisa DarkWalker
The Qualter finals were over though for Elisa Darkwalker they had just begun as from the powerful blow she had taken her rib cage had 2 broken bones not to mention her spine was slightly dislocated, simply sitting on a medical table looking down a large run down hallway as if its structure could come down any second. Splinters of light rained down through the cracks..cracks form the ceiling forming unique shapes as if manually created by a master architecture but alas the light was beautiful revealing the moonlit light gripping into my memories dulling the pain within my broken body… “Oooowww” okay not that much”. The nurse had just injected an anesthetic into my back as she strapped me into a weird machine made from wood,steel and weird padding. As my mind slowly faded into a flashback where I had been equipped with such a device before hand in order to quickly repair an injury...such a painful experience.

Episode 2 : Flashing Back

Several years ago on the island Karate in south blue not to far from her current location but positioned quite far in the distance past, a young Elisa DarkWalker was trying a funky object she had created for herself a wooden plank curved from oak wood with two pairs of wheel strapped on; which total she calls the Almighty skateboard. She would use this devise to train herself to become the strong woman she is today, able to handle pain, injuries and adapt to situations. “During this time period i experienced my coming of age crisis, something I never thought Id breakthrough considering my lone wolf route of life”.

So i’d like to tell you about the events that caused me to grow up as an individual fully developing my own style as I used my board to ride around feeling the air breeze through my hair. It felt amazing as my foot repelled me across the paths. After three week of simply gliding around the island using the given speed as a job to deliver messages between the villages across the island

The biggest thing with this story is when Elisa broke her leg in three places taking a shortcut skating across the wall of a building in order to gain height above a allies wall but unknowingly on the wall grind would catch a resting pitchfork thus causing Elisa to smash into the ground bouncing multiple times before coming to a crashing stop. Her left leg would be in extreme pain and she knew that if the bleeding did not halt her life would be forfeit. The nearest object being a spiked chain alas she needed to stop the bleeding, grabbing the chain Elisa caused greater wounds wrapping it around her leg and pulling tight but it would save her life in the long run

This is where I conquered pain in a battle for survival and became a true warrior.
Returning to the present.!!. The quarter finals have ended, Elisa is currently receiving medical attention in order to prepare for the semi finals as the moonlit sky transcends above The briss Kingdom as midnight strikes, as the skull of a mysterious fighter hits the arena floor cracking down the center.. As the crowd cheers for the victor “KILL HIM KILL HIM KILL HIM”. These cheers would reach Elisa DarkWalker; reminding her of why she entered this place to begin with as her eyes take more sinister glance as her sight glares into the distance “I must take this corruption down”. A sword pierces through the skull that had just hit the arena floor, a man in full black leather from head to toe crouches down, lifting his mask slightly in order to bit his victim's neck “Nothing but Bacon!!”...............................Elisa mind was reaching out walking out into the dark as if peeking out at a different path with her beating heart pulsing more and more, emotions flowing throughout her veins casting her eyes right to the ground “In matters of the heart...this is wrong.. Corruption is wrong...THIS NIGHT IS ALL YOU HAVE LEFT” *She slaps herself* coming back to her senses Elisa DarkWalker does not listen to her dark passenger but instead starting thinking of possible moves to take this place down peaceful….Tick tock “Elisa Darkwalker, please make your way to the arena” . . . The semi finals have begun!.

As ready as she possible could be with temporary fixes Elisa stands ready and starts making her way into the arena fully prepared to fight as a smile stretched across her face.

764 +20 stamina
+80 total

4Dark Walker:[Stamina Training] Empty Re: Dark Walker:[Stamina Training] Sat Apr 23, 2016 1:06 pm

Elisa DarkWalker


Elisa DarkWalker
Semi-Finals .

As far as today was concerned it was fairly empty in the arena as far as the watchers were considered. This was most likely due to the early hour of the morning, Elisa was wearing a black professional looking suit, purple shirt, purple trims, and her Red gauntlets, this was somewhat out of her normal attire being somewhat secretive version of what she is used to. Though instead of business trousers she was wearing tight leather jeans, with detachable lower half. The reason for such a change in her attire is she needed to hide her current injuries  

Before the apparent young boy, who had decided to sit down on the floor with Elisa wearing regular clothes [blue shirt, blue jeans, white trainer and a red hat], due to recognizing her from a previous event he used to watch, along with his parents were quite boring which was even obvious to Elisa Dark walker. Elisa was simply Drinking a cold lemon and coke while waiting for the semifinals to figure themselves out; what should be now that she was called out as member of this rounds semi final but her opponent hasn’t even been called to yet. Though there did seem to be another reason, like she was waiting for someone that wasn’t coming but for now she was simply accepting the presents of the kid who asked her.. “Are you Elisa Darkwalker the ace on set ? “simply noding her head smiling a little, before leaning back to a more relax position as her memories were starting to come back] “ Yes little one that was me…,may i have the privilege of knowing your name?”.

The Young boys face would suddenly change into a sudden reaction of surprise due to realising he hadn’t actually introduced himself, almost instantly saluting apologising to Elisa “I’m so sorry for not introducing myself, can you forgive me?”*Elisa put both hands on the kids shoulders picking him up returning him to a more equal position*speaking in a serious manner “You do not bow for such petty things, nor is forgiveness even relevant in this aspect...identity is much more than a courtesy” returning to a more casual tone “though if your real feeling is, you have somehow wronged me, you could actually introduce yourself granting me the pleasure” *shrugs* “Or if you insist on so near my feet”.

The kid was very confused with Elisa words, since if his parents found out what he had done they would of gave him a beating though he respected Elisa “My names Jo Price and one day i will be king of the Pirates” Elisa simply let out a giggle at his ambition, it was so innocent and fun she partly wish her own goal were similar. Elisa Saluted “good luck your majesty”. “ Thank you, mi lady…..em Elisa can you tell me how you got so strong and how did you begin?. Elisa Memories were already on the tip of her tongue coming back from the inspiration of this conversation. “Its a long story Jo I wasn’t always strong, still not in certain aspects…. you got time! …“em my parents will be here drinking till late so yeh” Jo telling Elisa about his parents drinking with him at the same location bothered her quite a bit though she decided to not open that can of worms for the time being and started going into her history. ”it all started with……..

…. The BIG KONG ….1.1!!!. A 7th monster who could barely fit through the cage door was on his way to the ring, with a huge mouth and devilish grin, with every step tremors rattled the room “Kid you need to leave now”. Elisa quickly removed Jo Price from the arena as her opponent had finally arrived. Squeezing through the cage door The big kong kicked the ref ringing the bell himself “You stupid bitch,,,i’m going to eat you right up..then kill that kid”. *Instantly Elisa thrusted her hand into this toad's mouth gripping his tongue firmly and literally pulled it out using Kongs teeth to cut right through* “Just shut up”. Blood shot out like a fountain pipe had burst filling the arena, Elisa upper body, and The big Kong's throat causing him to start choking on his own blood . Before the fight would be declared over Elisa catapults herself off Kong in order to launch a powerful Kick into the right side of his skull “Pathetic waste of space”.

With that the semi finals were ended, and Elisa was still feeling very tired from the constant battle after battle with little to no breaks.

787 +20 stamina
+100 total.

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