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15Death of Piracy Prologue 2 (Event) - Page 2 Empty Re: Death of Piracy Prologue 2 (Event) Sun Jul 31, 2016 8:51 pm

Asher Kringle


Asher Kringle
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To say Asher wasn't trying to work Derous was a lie. Derous was fueled by emotion and his drive to be the best in his respective field which Asher could actually understand, since he himself wanted to be the best at his own things. As of right now, the World Government was not one of those things. "In reference to the traitor comments, someone has to wear the black hat... And I'm already there" said a smirking Asher as he stared at Derous. "I have something for you" Asher began to reach in his coat pocket, this time the right coat pocket with his left hand. He would pull out a Den Den mushi which was styled like Derous. "My number is in here already. If you ever need to reach me mate"

16Death of Piracy Prologue 2 (Event) - Page 2 Empty Re: Death of Piracy Prologue 2 (Event) Sun Jul 31, 2016 9:56 pm




Luna Valentine

They had set sail to the West, more specifically Reverse Mountain. It was a dream come true for one special, young, purple haired teen. Being the navigator of a ship without having someone breathing down her neck every second of every day, made her more confident and filled her body with something exhilarating. Purple eyes had pierced through the lenses of her red-rimmed glasses and had set upon the sea, the sky, and the view. As she navigated the waters, the teen couldn't help but take in the beauty of open seas around her. Evetually, the group would set eyes upon Reverse Mountain, where they would dock to gain supplies for their next journey.

The Leviathan, a ship full of rookie marines that nobody had even bothered to put a name on, that's where this young, purple-haired teen had been placed. Although it was the most worthless ship among the group, there were no complaints about being upon it. So far, the group had gotten along fairly well and the atmosphere was quite laid back, which allowed for room for the madness to grow. Besides, whether she was placed on the lead ship or the Leviathan, Luna Valentine was determined to embed her name into the heads of every single marine within their fleet. They would know her and they would definitely realize just how deserving she was of having a name.

The teen would make sure to keep the appropriate distance away from the other ships, so as to not have that shark boy breathing down her neck. She would tell from the beginning of the trip that he seemed a little skeptical about her skills as a navigator, then again a ship of such craft would have to cost large amounts of money. This would mean Luna wouldnt have the money to pay for a damaged ship and she certainly wasn't going to be thrown out of a good fight. For now, she would follow rules and try not to cause any trouble. Adventure was the one thing on Luna's mind and the itch for it only grew as the sailing continued. As much as the girl loved to navigate, it was growing increasingly harder to keep herself occupied and she didn't need any sort of distractions.


17Death of Piracy Prologue 2 (Event) - Page 2 Empty Re: Death of Piracy Prologue 2 (Event) Mon Aug 01, 2016 9:42 am




The Collector

Red Eyes Swordsman

Death of Piracy Prologue 2 (Event) - Page 2 4198281

"Money talks bullshit walks."
Everyone want to be important but no one is willing to pay the cost. Ba'al had thought to herself it have been a while , and she have yet to see neither Rear Admiral Derous or Rear Admiral Asher. The damn geezers could be up to something without Ba'al, and make mo mistake the Commodore was a woman of opportunity. Being the type of woman she is she hope to climb up in the food chain not for justice but for her own personal development.

An she knew being way back in the formation wasn't going to land her any valuable rep or bonus, and Ba'al love the racks. Commodore Ba'al had grunted then made her way to Rear Admiral Derous office. She had wanted to talk to him for a potential idea she had. It didn't took long for her to arrive at the door,standing there was 2 marines she causally said,"Gentleman step aside. I need a word with Rear Admiral Derous." At first they was hesitant but they stop aside after Ba'al flash her rank. Commodore Ba'al had knock on the door, and had requested to come in. Yes of course she introduces her name, and title. Once allowed to come in she toss a salute to every higher ranking official in the area . Once that was done she would close the door, and relax her body as she stood in parade rest.


~Leaving the ship detail to Derous.
Stamina &Haki:

18Death of Piracy Prologue 2 (Event) - Page 2 Empty Re: Death of Piracy Prologue 2 (Event) Mon Aug 01, 2016 10:43 am


Pappa Smexy
Pappa Smexy

Death of Piracy Prologue 2 (Event) - Page 2 Tumblr_npfhifWeN01sfay15o4_500

"I still speak in the hypothetical, and the likelihood of them pershing is slim." Derous would say, as he would reach out and grab a pen and a piece of paper on his desk. He would then begin to write on it as he continued to speak, "And I think we should end this talk now, before someone takes it the wrong way."

Derous would finish writing on the piece of paper and would push it forward to Asher. Derous would then take the number and den den mushi. On the piece of paper Derous didn't write down a drawn out explanation.

'We speak to openly about this. But, in order to gain power there must be sacrifice. During this expedition there will be a great sacrifice that I will need your assistance with. I will indeed call upon you when I wish to carry out this. Also, I propose we get them all in one spot when we arrive to back up the other Marines already fighting. Amidst the chaos we strike quickly. That is all I have to say. Please, destroy this paper if you really done for this.'

Derous understood that Asher would take the blame for all of this and be the scapegoat, while Derous will be put in charge. Fame and infamy being something they would gain from this. Two Rear Admirals conspiring to kill three others would be juicy news, and could be used to blackmail at least Derous. Or ensure the quick death of those that think they can hold such information against him. There was a knock at the door and it would gain Derous' attention.

"Come in." Derous didn't tell them to go away, because Asher broke the door. And well any real contact with it would make the creaky old door open, as it did when Ba'al knocked. Derous would see that it was Ba'al that knocked on the door, "At ease." Derous would tell her. He wanted everyone that came, or would come, to be relaxed. As a lot of things would happen in a hour or so, so there was no point in being on guard right now.

19Death of Piracy Prologue 2 (Event) - Page 2 Empty Re: Death of Piracy Prologue 2 (Event) Mon Aug 01, 2016 5:40 pm

Asher Kringle


Asher Kringle
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"Agreed" said Asher in reference to Derous's idea of ending this conversation. It was going to some very disturbing places. He would begin to write on a piece of paper which he would eventually slide to Asher allowing for the white haired messiah to read. Asher would read the note gleefully burning it to ashes the second he read the last word. A slight head nod from Asher to Derous was all that was needed to seal the deal. A knock on the door had Asher wonder who could be there and it was the woman who was with them at Water 7. "How is your day going?" said a smiling Asher to the woman from Water 7.

20Death of Piracy Prologue 2 (Event) - Page 2 Empty Re: Death of Piracy Prologue 2 (Event) Mon Aug 01, 2016 6:53 pm




Clarissa Syfer
The sea covered her, yet she had to admit. This was completely boring. The ships where moving so slow. Yet she had a pretty good idea of the going ons, or so she thought. Her aura detection was on top form and she could make out the shape, clothing and items held upon each person. The fact that the Rear admiral was still in a seperate area had worried her, surely if he was in charge he should be maintaining moral, yet soon enough a secondary male would enter the room, the duel guards moving aside. The two had an exchange, but Clarissa thought nothing of it. Strange that the male suddenly took time to write something, only for the other man to lean over to which Clarissa assumed to read it. Then the man did something, something flickered from him, a sort of power in the direciton of where the letter had last been. The third aura would enter, femininish yet the clothing baggy enough to hide most of her features. "Humans are so strange" Clarissa would utter to herself in the ocean before deciding to swim around.

Eventually deciding to climb upwards, Clarissa would find herself walking gently up the side of the Leviathon, though ofcourse she had no idea that was the name of the ship. Her marine jacket clung to her, soaked through but still upon her. "MARINE COMING ABOARD" she would shout a few seconds before she was able to bring herself upon the deck. The tentacled woman would land gently upon the deck of the ship. Why had she chosen this boat? No particular reason to be perfectly honest. She just wanted something to do, swimming along with the ships had gotten boring, and nothing interesting to her was going on. She had told Zahir to mingle, so she might as well do the same. "What does a gal have to do to get a cocktail am i right?" she uttered to no one in particular. Turning her head, her haki having of course already detected her, her eyes would fall upon the woman at the wheel. "You'd think some of the men would be dying to serve girls as gorgeous as us right" the larger woman would say, rolling her eyes and shaking her head in possibly the most dramatic way known to man. '

WORDS: 378// TOTAL WORD COUNT: - || NOTES: B-rank Ken Haki still active|| POSTCOUNT: 2

21Death of Piracy Prologue 2 (Event) - Page 2 Empty Re: Death of Piracy Prologue 2 (Event) Tue Aug 02, 2016 2:47 pm

Trill Sameal


Trill Sameal

We're Here

bait bait bait

Zahir finally found the kitchen it was empty of people,  which Zahir didn't mind. Actually he favored not having people see him eating all of the food. He would open the fridge and grab anything and everything that was edible. He then looked in the oven to see some Shanks. That looked and smelled gorgeous, grabbing everything in there he would put all of it into a bag and walk out while holding a shank in hand. He would look around, he wasn't one to peep but seeing the situation as it is, it wouldn't hurt to get a grasp at his surroundings.
He made his way back to the deck after scoping out the interior of the ship. He saw a door with two guards in front of it. But the door seemed damaged. He decided against poking any further as that could end badly. Anyways he ripped a chunk off of the Shank and looked around until he spotted some light a decided to make his way towards it. It lead out back to the deck which was ok to Zahir. He wanted some sunlight.

He wondered what Clarissa was doing right now. Was she still swimming or something? Fighting Fish? Well he would meet with her sooner or later. Zahir would toss the bone of the Shank behind him and over board. He would make his way to to the edge of the ship with his bag of food in tow. When he see's Clar she better not ask for any. He wasn't going to give her a single cell. She better have had a feast while swimming.

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