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It had been a long few weeks of travel for the old soul, but he now found himself on the island of Water 7. As he waited among a group of his fellow Marines for training, he couldn't exactly help but recount the events that had ultimately led him here. Back in his younger days, he couldn't have ever imagined that he'd be sitting amongst a group of fodder while awaiting "training" from anybody - yet, times had indeed changed. Not only had Farren's power decreased considerably during his time of incarceration, but things had also changed in the world far more than he could have ever anticipated. He'd been living in the dark for well over 72 years while in Impel, thus he hadn't been able to read up on the changing political climate of the world, as well as the increasing combat potential of both sides.

The war between the World Government and the so called "Revolutionaries", as well as the advent of what people referred to as "Pirate Kings" or even "Yonko's" were all very foreign to the old man. He could have never expected that the world could have changed so much in less than one hundred years, however, he also could not have expected that people within this world could have grown so much stronger. When Farren rampaged around the Blues, many at one point could have considered him one of the strongest alive. Even though his abilities were greatly diminished now compared to what they used to be, even he could tell that if he were in his prime even today he still likely wouldn't be able to stand a chance against some of those who were considered the strongest today - even with the devil fruit he'd recently purchased and consumed. "Haki" was something that Farren was well aware of even in the past, but it was an ability that only those who were in the later parts of Paradise, or even well into the New World held the aptitude to use. Today, even people in the early parts of the Blues appeared to be able to use this.

Things were changing at an extremely drastic rate, and Farren knew full well that if he was even going to attempt to survive in a climate such as this, he needed to be as flexible as he possibly could when he came to learning and adapting. He'd have to push himself to his limits and break through them. He'd have to sit his pride to the side for just a while and absorb as much knowledge as he could from the younger generation, and soon enough he'd be able to return to being the terror that he once was.

The Fear


The Fear
It had only been a few weeks since the long legged marine was stationed in Water 7. It wasn't only till recently was he allowed to leave the ship. He had been put on maximum shifts because of his mishap on his last mission. Due to the strength of his freakishly long legs he accidently killed a target. However, the accidental part was a thing his old commanding officer wrote to keep him from being thrown in the brig for a while. Kaiser had no qualms with killing those who raised a weapon against him. Should a man or woman raise their hand against him then they were ready to die. Even though he was given the order to take the pirate alive he kicked the man to death anyways. To be fair the pirate was known for killing anyone that stood in his path including children. Kaiser saw fit to be the judge, jury and executioner. Of course due to his low rank this was something that he did not have the luxury of yet.

So for the time being he had been placed in the care of a 'Farren Claret.' A marine who had been around for some time and had did some time down in impel down on duty. Kaiser was walking to the training area where he was ordered to. It was something special he needed to learn for combat sake. In reality Kaiser would rather be at the mouth of the grand line fighting along side marines. This was his punishment and he accepted such. He did not know much of this fellow so he kept his wits about him. Approaching the mass training area he would see the purple haired man who seemed to be waiting for someone. His foot steps would alert the male to his presence.

“Good morrow. I am Kaiser Stein.”

Futura Free


Futura Free

Poppa Perk

With but his typical garbs, his sword, and a cup of steaming tea, Hanbei had left his fleet's ship and made his way to the training grounds. With each two steps he took came the tap of his blade's butt on the stone ground of Water Seven's walkways. Occasionally he'd carefully sip from the clay cup in his right hand, cautious not to burn himself with the leave juice he was sipping on. Today he was supposed to be learning how to use Haki with a few other Marines. Well in his case, he'd be brushing up on the ability. He'd come to find out that it was much like a muscle and his years of domestication had caused the talent to fall back dormant and require reawakening. He wasn't too surprised when he came to this realization and figured he could use the training anyways, it had been so long sense the word Haki even brushed against his pink matter. Whistling a merry tune in between sips of his tea, Hanbei's prune of a body finally made it to the training grounds around the time another man in a nice looking outfit, fedora, jacket, vest, the works did, albeit he was approaching coming from the other direction. Catching wind of his greeting whether it was to him or the other slightly familiar man, Hanbei would respond. "Nice to make your acquaintance youngin', I'm Hanbei Chinjao." He'd give a nod of acknowledgement to both of the male's in attendance before scanning the area casually looking for the instructor or the training. Taking a final sip of his tea, he'd exhale the warmed feeling that smoldered within his chest from the hot liquid. "Fine day for some exercise, just hope you spry lookin' fellas don't blow me out the water heh." Gripping his cane tighter with his left hand to better balance himself as he crouched down to the ground as you'd expect an old person would, his right that was holding the now empty cup was pressed against his back. Sitting the cup down on its side, he gave it a push and let it roll away wherever it would, before pressing himself back up with aid from his cane. "I think I already broke a sweat goodness gracious." He'd chuckle as old people did, the kind of chuckle that made you feel a bit obligated to laugh at their "joke" because you felt a little sorry for them, but he doubted he'd get anything from these two militant looking blokes.



Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance  85348

"Oh no" a voice uttered, only to herself. Muffled by rapid breathing. Gentle feet touched upon the groundm pushing the small body of the marine forward. Her black garb somewhat unique especially when worn with her white marine jacket. Sandalled shoes worn with socks struck the ground as she moved through the crowds of Water 7. She had been called, requested for training. As she ran towards the intended meeting place, the tiny figure looked to the sky. The dark clouds gave the sign that it would rain soon. Though with the vast and strange weather of the grand line appearance meant nothing. It could rain, it could shine down with the heat of a bajillion suns, it could snow,hail. Really the weather in the grand line was sporratic ever changing. Only true navigators ha da chance at guessing the weather accuratley.

She hoped for rain, she liked rain. "SORRY!" She exclaimed as she would come skidding in to view, the child like appearance would more than likely shock a few, especially if they where to find out the real age of Hiromi, Hiromi was somewhat well known in the marines. A sword user with incredibly powerful Haki. Her capabilities in the way of the sword where well known. What the stories tended to leave out was her appearance. She wasn't exactly menacing. "I...I hope you weren't waiting long......" the young marine would say, bowing to the three as an apology. Now standing straight, a single hand would come forth, pulling her hair from her face softly, the brown eyes flickered over the three marines. Such a strange bunch. At least two were somewhat well known. Perhaps not in regards to pirates or revoloutanaries.  "Farren Claret, the immortal man, some parents tell their children stories of you to make them behave, you know that. 72 years in Impel Down now a marine. THATS SO COOL" the child like creature exclaimed bringing her arms together and shaking them, excitement flooding her body.

"Hanbei Chinjao, another one who spent some time as a pirate, recently rejoining the marine ranks, what was it five years in prison?" She said, before looking to the final person. "And i got nothing bout choo legs" the child uttered fluttering her eye lids. "Hiromi's the name,  Haki's the game soo come at meeeeee" the young child said as she drew her katana. Her radar activated, prepared to make her move.




Not too much time had passed by until Farren found himself hearing the all too familiar sound of heavy boots marching along. The sound itself was growing louder, which could only mean that they were headed in his direction. After unfolding his arms, and opening his eyes after slightly turning his head to his right he'd been greeted by the sight of a male he'd never seen before. The first thing that anyone else would have noticed about this man was simply how tall he was - however, given that Farren wasn't the average man, the first thing he'd happen to notice about this man was how well dressed he appeared to be. Of course, this man wasn't as well dressed as Farren was - it was highly unlikely that any other person would ever accomplish that feat, but it did give Farren a reason to take this man more seriously than any of the other rabble that roamed about the area.

Soon enough, the man introduced himself as Kaiser Stein. Farren simply stared at the main for a few moments before looking to the left and right of himself. He'd began to wonder who this man was speaking to, and when it became apparent that Farren was the only person in Kaiser's direct vicinity he began to wonder why exactly he should care about the name of this man. He'd completely forgotten that this was a man that he was supposed to be working with. Despite this, Farren decided against his initial urge to respond rudely and shoo the man away.

"Bonjour, Monsieur Stein. It's a pleasure to me-"

Before Farren could complete his sentence, another man had already arrived from the opposite direction and hijacked his greeting. Despite his best efforts, Farren could only feel immediate disgust upon seeing this elderly man's physical appearance, as well as hearing the crass manner in which he spoke. No doubt the disgust he felt upon this man's entrance easily showed itself upon his face in the form of a grimace - however, Farren quickly became aware of this and replaced the grimace with a pained smile. He nodded engagingly in the direction of the elderly man as he continued to speak, and even let out a slight "ha" as the annoying man found himself attempting to be a comedian. All the while, Farren could only hope that a heart attack soon struck the elderly gentleman as this would give Farren all the reason he needed to leave this entire situation behind under the guise of "seeking help".


Farren's eyes immediately cut towards the source of this exclamation, his sights now on what appeared to be a girl that could have been no older than about ten or eleven years old that now stood positioned about ten meters away from the three men.  

"I...I hope you weren't waiting long......"

Farren began to wonder if this small child was also here for the training that they were about to receive, yet, the idea that the Marines would put an adolescent through the harsh training that they were about to endure was something he couldn't exactly make sense of. The most reasonable explanation for all of this was that the child was lost, and simply needed to be sent on her way. Farren took a step forward and prepared to instruct the child that she was in the wrong area and needed to leave - however, the way she looked at him and the other two men was something that kept him quiet. Her eyes had a look of purpose behind them, and as soon as she spoke his name he realized that this was the person they'd been waiting on to train them.

She knew a lot about him...far more than he'd expected a mere trainer to know. She relayed to both him and the others a brief summary of Farren's history, and though Farren's flamboyant and narcissistic personality would have normally reveled in something like this, he couldn't help but be offended that the Marines would send a mere child to train him. It was insulting enough to a person like Farren that his powers had devolved so much in the time that he'd been locked away, but to send a child to teach him was an obvious slap in the face. Farren's anger was close to boiling over, yet, he maintained his composure as best he could,

The girl then proceeded to give brief history on the other two men. The elderly man was known as "Hanbei Chinjao", and he was revealed to have previously been a pirate - something that explained the uncultured way in which this old man behaved. It also came out that he'd spent five years in prison, the crime being one that hadn't been revealed by the young girl. She then began to speak about Kaiser Stein, though, it appeared there wasn't exactly anything noteworthy about him outside of the length of his legs.

After all of this, the girl challenged the group to "come at her", something that quickly annoyed Farren to no end. Did they really consider this child to be formidable enough to challenge the three of them alone?

"Hmm, I suppose you two should get to it then."

Farren directed these words towards the two men that stood beside him. If this trial was something that required Farren to incapacitate a frail child, then Farren even involving himself in something such as this would be overkill. Yet, these other two didn't appear to amount to much. Hopefully they'd be able to at least give this small child a run for her money.

Futura Free


Futura Free

Poppa Perk

While Hanbei couldn't wade through the man's expression and precisely decipher how it was he was feeling towards him, Hanbei could tell the shorter man of the two well dressed fellows wasn't too keen on him. Perhaps it was because he was old or not dressed in threads like they had, maybe there was a piece of mail he had forgotten to look at and he missed the memo to dress up nice for the training. He wouldn't let this ambiguous vibe he got from this man pierce his being however and he'd retain majority of his usual attributes and personality. What he couldn't shake was the familiarity of the man. Both being Marines it was probable he had walked by him once or maybe twice, but his gut told him that wasn't the case. This other fellow was a blank canvas though.

Attention drawn forward by the arrival and exclamation of a pink haired girl Hanbei immediately thought of his grandchildren who he hadn't seen in so long. The thought put him in a good mood and drew a smile onto his face as he listened to the little girl talk. She looked like she was fresh off the page of a children's book, Hanbei thought she was absolutely adorable, but he wasn't too fond of how she read out his story. "Loose lipped little thing aren't you?" Muttering silently under his breath as she expressed she knew nothing of the long-legged fellow, at least he knew why the other guy was so familiar. He was a pretty big name back in Hanbei's days, perhaps he knew of Hanbei as well. The old man was quite the big name back in the day, not really . ..  or was he? He had told so many stretched tales about his past by now that he wasn't sure what was true anymore.

His demeanor slightly shifting as the girl drew her katana, Hanbei wondered when the seminar on Haki would begin or if they were just to charge at her and hope that something in them triggered the awakening of the mystical power. That wasn't really something Hanbei needed to concern himself with though. He had awakened the power in the heat of battle the first time, albeit the fight was a life or death scenario, but given he wasn't foreign to the usage of Haki he felt he'd be able to benefit from this method of awakening. He couldn't speak for the others, but if they had qualms they could speak up like the big boys they were.

Nonchalantly moving his katana from the ground as a cane to existing idly at his left side, his attention would shift over to the Immortal. Upon hearing his words one of Hanbei's brows raised up in a questioning manner. He had no words to offer directly to the Immortal back in response to his suggestion, just that expression before he'd look at the readied instructor lightly shaking his head in a disapproving manner. "Some of us age like wine and some age like milk. I guess it can't be helped." His weapon would raise from its idle position on his left side in his left hand as his right hand would move across his body to the handle of his blade as he spoke. His left hand gripping the sheathe of the blade that was raised to hip level with Hanbei, he'd also enter a proper stance that'd allow for him to perform with optimal results. This would all occur at a conventional speed of course and before he was done speaking his preparations would be complete. As his monologue came to a close he'd engage the little girl. Her age and appearance didn't bother him. If she was sent out here to train these guys, then she was more than likely capable to hold her own against them. If not, then oh well.

His opening gambit would be what seemed like a horizontal slash with his katana, but with roughly five meters of space between her and Hanbei it would seem like a foolish thing to do. With his strike however his left hand would release its grip on the weapon's sheathe as opposed to holding it steady as one would do with a traditional sword draw. With precise timing he'd stop his swing when his weapon was directed towards the little girl's positioning. The force of his swing being applied to the sheathe, but the sheathe not fastened to the blade, when Hanbei stopped the swing, the casing would launch forward at the girl's chest like a rocket. Immediately following up on his ploy, he'd take advantage of the fleeting sunlight that was part of the environment before the rain clouds fully blocked out the sun's rays completely. Should the girl have her eyes open as most people would to dodge the incoming projectile, he'd bounce the sunlight off his blade into her eyes. This would be done by pulling the naked blade towards himself safely and holding it in a manner that the edge was parallel with the stone ground they all stood on. His free left hand was formed to a palm as it braced against the flat surface of the sword, the other side of the flat surface directed towards the trainer. A healthy amount of space was between his chest and the sword as it was held like this of course and this action would be immediately after he fired the sheathe at its maximum speed. Being able to see the reflected light on the girl's face he'd be able to blind her effectively should her eyes be open and he'd be able to tell when his ploy was successful.

The positioning of the three pupils dictated that Hanbei was on either side of the Immortal Man Farren and that the Long-Leg was on the other given Hanbei entered from the opposite side. With Farren apparently calling the shots and leaving the work to Hanbei and the mystery man, this would open up the opportunity for them to work in unison and approach the instructor from her flanks. Like most people would do when speaking to a group they center themselves with the audience they are addressing, so that'd put the instructor centered with and directly in front of Farren. The girl blinded or not, having avoided the katana sheathe or not, Hanbei would take off towards her curving out a bit away from the casual formation the trio was in. This was so he'd approach the girl more from her right side, (placing Hanbei on Farren's left) rather than head on. He'd leave Farren to work that front should he decide the training is worth his energies. Hanbei's next actions were dependent on those of the young looking girl. His eyes and focus were secured on her as he attempted to close the distance with or without the others.




The rather tiny child would stand in place, her katana in hand yet no stance had been taken. It would seem though, the "immortal" would prefer to let others do the work, while the other young man had refrained from actually doing anything, he had yet to actually utter a word. Her command had been one to attack, all of them together. Yet it would seem that only the elder had done so. At least one of them could take commands right? Yet even then the young, small female would simply watch the males movements, her eyes directed to the man and not the movement of his sword, nor the movement of his katana but directly at the elderly gentlemen himself. Her free hand would move outwards, as the man began to make his strike, the sword slashing across the air. As a swordsmen herself, one was never to careful about the use of air blades, experienced swordsmen could make these blades without giving any evidence that they had done so.

Yet it seemed instead of an air blade assault, it was an assault with the sheathe, of course eithe way Hitomi would have detected the assault. With the use of haki in which she had employed, having a plan of an attack is a bad thing. The somewhat "precognitive" ability in which this unique power bestowed her allowed her to see the attack in its motion, Her body tightened, there was no need for her to move. With the use of Tekkai being employed, the sheathe would strike against her body, yet wouldfail to penetrate her defences. Now even with her visual haki activated, the trick with the sunlight was a good one, anticipating the suns light was not one of its tricks. So as the sun struck her eyes,they closed. White dots flowing in to the darkness. Alas, losing ones eyes was no hassle when employing haki. As long as she kept her head. Now to fully see, she would shift her ability. With her vision gone, aura's filled her mind. The old man was continuing his move, what would the others be doing. Regardless she could see it all. "Nice, using the sheathe before blinding me with the sun. Your impressive Hanbei" she said as she turned her head to follow the mans movements.

Her feet would stamp upon the ground, she would vanishing with the use of Soru, a rokushiki technique. Yet her movement would take her to cut of Hanbei, her eyes still closed. Her blade came forth to clash with his own, yet its appearance had changed, now a solid black colour along with the entirety of Hiromi's own body. "Blinding an opponent is a good strategy, but against a user of Haki, it's useless. It's known as Kenbunshoku, the most common form of Haki. you must clear your mind of everything, it sounds silly, but ya gotta relax and let your mind reach out. Think of your mind as a rope, that attatches to the aura of those around you. If your able to use Kenbunshoku then you can see your foes aura, or even predict their attacks" the young female would say.

Once again her feet moved upon the ground, pressure relieving from the two blades. She would appear in the center of the group, "The next form is this" she uttered, moving her hands along her body the black armour covering her entity. "Is Busoshoku Haki. An armour of tremendous power, it takes vast strength to break it. It can enhance your attacks, but more importantly. This ability allows you to strike blows upon those whom have consumed logia fruits. makes em a little less frightning when you can just bop em on the head, don't ya agree legs?" she said yet she would not look to him. Her eyes had recovered, yet she still did not open them.

"Busoshoku draws from yourself, if your weak, then tough doggy doo, your not gonna be able to pull it off, it comes from your Life um gramps maybe be careful if ya manage to use it k? don't want an old geezer offing himself" she would say with a giggle. "but serious guys, activating these haki's, not erryone can do it, its something you feel, it just happens when the time is right, you just have to know your own mind, your own spirit, and if your in tune, then ya got this....or be born a kuja, you know they got reaaaly good natural haki skills" she would say to herself more than anything. "Sooooooooooooooooooo" she would say dragging the oooo out. Then she ducked yet as she ducked she rotated. Her blade spun with her, the sharp edge seemingly cutting the air itself. Yet at the same time as the duck her leg had swung outwards and it to released a stream. duel perfect circles with the ability to slice through most materials would be flying forth. Yet her movements would have looked more like a shimmer to those whom could not follow her speed [ima just say she has mad speed for the purpose of ken]. One would need to predict her attack if they were to avoid it or activating Buso to allow the attack to essentially negate the cutting ability of her air blade rankyaku/soru technique.

The Fear


The Fear
Kaiser noticed the old man and the small female that approached the two. He took a moment to take in the two's appearances. They were all here for training purposes. Of course Kaiser could only assume one of these two would be teaching the lesson that is Haki. For most they would need to be taught such a thing while others were naturally attune to the technique. This was not the case for Kaiser. He had heard of the ability to deal with devil fruit users. It was something Kaiser could only dream of due to the mystical abilities of said fruits. He always dabbled in the idea of eating one but he was not too sure about losing his ability to swim. That was something to really think about. The old man spoke up and gave a name. 'Hanbei Chinjao,' Kaiser would only smile and nod calmly. His eyes slanted and only open at the time of danger was afoot. He was very aware of his surroundings, it was just a look he always had on his face. It would always appear his eyes were closed. Kaiser gave a small chuckle at the old man's joke. “You need not to worry about such a thing old timer.” He watched the old man crouch down and seemed to tucker himself out quite quickly. However, Kaiser knew better than to underestimate someone, especially someone who was this old. He had some wisdom in that head without a shadow of a doubt. Or he was just a old fart who just never really cared to progress in the marines. Looking down at the shorter female she seemed to know quite a bit about the other two. Of course not was known about Kaiser for good reason. Not to many folks knew of the long legged marine. Farren gave a name but turned to the female. Kaiser could only guess that their opponent would be her.

The old man seemed to be the first one to make a move on the instructor. He did not say anything only just straighten his tie and walk to the right of the old man. Considering the old man was in the middle of Farren and himself. He would be walking to the left of the small female, only a few steps to get his distance from the old man. At the same time he would taking in the situation. See with his long legs he had to be careful of those with bladed weapons. For good reason of course. His whole style of fighting would be useless in this case. At the point of him taking a 3rd step the old man attacked. Using Soru she stepped in to meet his attack. Kaiser only moved a meter away from the old man as he made his attack. Of course the female spoke to try and get some form of rise out of him. However, he kept a good eye on her even though it looked as if he never opened his eyes. At the moment of ducking he would only need to jump. Not a full leap but a jump executed with only the tips of his toes. Do to his training this was more than sufficient enough to give him life over the short girl with extreme speed. which he leaped about 15 meters into the air, safely avoiding any form of ground based attack she would give out. At the moment. He would reach his 15 meters, and take a leg and swing downward at the girl.

This would send a blade of his own directly down on her. One that could split wood itself. Of course he was much stronger than this but he held back even more so. He did not want to accidentally kill a fellow officer or hit his teammates in this. The blade itself was even smaller because of the quick motion. Only being roughly 3 meters in length and a meter in width. When it is almost 3 times the size and strength normally. However it would keep its normal speed and travel at an increasing speed.


WC 642



In almost no time at all, the elderly man known as Hanbei had already gone on the offensive. This turn of events was something that surprised Farren, given he'd expected that the younger gentlemen would have been the first to make a move. As the old man and the young girl began their squabble he was able to see exactly how these two maneuvered when faced with combat. They were both very skilled. It was very obvious that Hanbei's frail physique and appearance was something that completely belied his true nature.

The young girl known as Hiromi was also someone that hadn't deserved Farren's underestimation. She appeared to be able to keep up completely with Hanbei's attacks, even going so far as to explain her own actions as well as her own basic explanations on how to invoke haki. Though her explanations were elementary, they were sufficient enough to allow Farren to gain an adequate understanding of haki, it's use, as well as how to bring it to the forefront. He found himself impressed in the ways in which the young girl made use of her haki, allowing her to not only gain a "sixth sense" that allowed her to evade attacks without visually perceiving them. How it worked was a mystery to Farren, however, the way that the young girl described the technique made it sound as though it was something that let you see past the physical as she began to describe "auras". Farren wasn't exactly sure what all of this meant, but the fact that she'd been able to evade attacks that most would have considered impossible in any other circumstance meant that this form of haki was highly valuable.

She also made use of a form of haki that allowed her to gain what appeared to be a black "second skin" that was explained to give the user enhanced strength and durability - something that could also be attributed to any items the user which to invoke this haki upon. It was also stated that this form of haki was useful when it came to physically striking users of logia devil fruits. Farren made sure to keep this information at the forefront of his mind - the fact that he'd just recently consumed a logia-class devil fruit heavily weighing in on this decision. However, the most prudent thing on Farren's mind was bringing forth his own haki.

Farren began to look at his outstretched hand, watching as he opened and closed it while he attempted to draw forth his own energy. Being that he was no stranger to the concept of life force as a result of his experience with Life Return, the concept that haki was merely another facet of this energy didn't sound strange in the least to him. With these explanations, it sounded completely feasible that this was simply a portion of his power that he simply hadn't tapped into yet. If this was the only thing holding him back, then tapping into said power shouldn't be difficult at all. With his mind entirely dedicated to the goal of bring forth this haki, Farren found himself completely immersed in his own actions - his hand opening and closing a numerous amount of times as he attempted to simply bring forth the black coating that he'd just watched Hiromi make use of.

The motion that Farren took of continually opening and closing his right hand was more than likely simply an arbitrary action, something that simply made Farren feel as if the requirement behind invoking haki involved some sort of physical action to precede it. Despite this, Farren continued on with this worthless action as he attempted to draw out his latent abilities. There was a method behind this madness, and Farren hoped that by giving himself something physical to focus on he'd fair far better than attempting to make sense of any sort of meta-physical mumbo-jumbo while standing there in silence. This method of training was something that also allowed Farren to become as adept as he was in the art of Life Return. In order to bring these concepts out into the physical realm, one needed to have a physical medium in which they could focus their attention on.

The longer that Farren found himself immersed with completing what he had tasked himself to accomplish, the less and less attention he began to pay to his surroundings - something that could end up being very deadly when there's a scuffle occurring at a distance of about ten meters away from you. Just as fate would have it, it did indeed appear that taking his focus away from the fight that was occuring in front of him had been a bad move. Hiromi had let loose an attack that emanated outwards from herself in all directions, meaning that all three of the Marines that had come here for training were the intended targets. The young lad with the green hair managed to evade the attack with a strong leap into the air.

Sadly, with Farren's attention completely drawn into what he was doing he hadn't been able to sense the attack with conventional means - however, there was something that managed to rouse Farren away from what he was doing, causing him to look up and towards the attack. The source of the feeling itself was something he couldn't explain, though he could completely break down what it was that he physically felt as a result of it. It was as if someone had turned down the temperature of his body, causing his hair to stand on end as he felt the chill permeate the entirety of his being.

In the same instance that his body had forced him to look up in the direction of the attack that was quickly approaching, Farren instinctively reached forward with his right hand that he'd previously been flexing. In the brief moment between the time in which the rankyaku would impact Farren's hand, the old man couldn't help but notice the "black coating" that now enveloped his hand and upwards to his forearm.

A loud boom echoed throughout the area as Hiromi's attack made impact against Farren's Busoshoku clad limb. The sound of the impact was reminiscent of something hard slapping against a sheet of corrugated metal. The durability that this coating held was extremely impressive, and Farren found himself so amazed at his own genius and what he'd been able to accomplish that his attention to the strength of his haki had begun to wane as he continued to hold off Hiromi's attack. It took until he could feel the blade of air cutting into the palm of his hand before he ended up gripping the blade and directing it upwards into the sky.

Farren's left hand began to drip his right wrist as he attempted to quell the shaking in his right arm. Even though blood gushed from his wound at a heavy rate, the only thing he could currently keep his focus on was the Busoshoku haki he'd just invoked. His main priority at the moment was attempting to remember every little feeling or emotion he had before and during the invocation of this power, however, pain that he was currently feeling as a result of his wound made it increasingly more difficult than it should have been to accomplish this task. After a deep breath, Farren made use of two abilities he had access to that fell under the Life Return umbrella; one to give him an indifference to the pain he was feeling and another to begin healing his nearly severed palm all while his gaze set itself back onto the three others in the area that were still training.

WC: 1315


Futura Free


Futura Free

Keys to the Coup

Hanbei wasn't surprised to see his sheathe attack addressed and defeated in such an easy manner. It was never something that was used to really knock someone out unless they were just unworthy opponents, usually it was just used to get a reaction out of his target, so that he'd possibly be able to insert himself into their reaction and strike at an advantageous time. That wouldn't be the case today given she just took the brunt of the attack through usage of some crazy technique. Given they were supposed to be learning Haki he figured it was haki, but found it odd the black coating wasn't adopted this time around. It was true there were clear coatings though, this information swimming to his consciousness like memories when looking through a photo album. Sure it had been a while since he had even heard the word Haki, but once the concept was tossed back into his ears and he could perceive the power in action, a familiar feeling washed over him.

It was true the girl talked too much, Hanbei hardly even liked to hear his own voice that much and he wasn't even a know it all, but in honesty the babbling had helped him in getting a grasp back on the idea of Haki. Now he needed but a moment of time to actually attempt it. The two having had their swords collide, thank god he had both his hands bearing against his own weapon to withstand the brunt of her swing, he took that moment to reel out this mental rope she spoke of. They were in such close quarters that making this connection was simple for him, but her constant talking made it a bit hard to keep his mind cleared to sustain this connection. "Maybe if you stop tal- Hm?" He hadn't even noticed that he had closed his eyes in concentration, but upon opening them about halfway through his suggestion if it could be called that, the girl had already moved on beyond him to the duo that remained.

He'd ignore her lecture about Busoshoku Haki, he knew how to evoke that one well, he just always had trouble with Observation Haki for some unknown reason. So letting her babble on he'd eventually drown out the sound of her words and luckily not catch the remark about his life force being expended when Armament Haki was in usage. His mental line casted out into the darkness of his mind's eye, he had tough luck when it came to forging this connection again, but soon he saw what looked like multi colored smoldering coals in the darkness of his mind. They were three in number and each had their own unique color to them. Eagerly Hanbei casted out his reel once more and this time with successful results. Linking with what looked like glowing ore in need of quenching had caused these images to be enveloped in a quick lick of flame that would adopt humanoid shapes. They looked like actual embodiments of fire, one white, one black, and the other pink. Hanbei could see clarity in the frames of the humans despite their borders flowing like flames and he could discern between them all.

He didn't dare to open his eyes in fear of losing the connection from his eyes taking in information and more than likely clouding his mind with random thoughts. He swallowed the images of women's breast and asses and was prepared to live his life while only observing through this lens that was clear yet at the same time wasn't too refined. He'd never be able to make out the crucial details such as a woman's curve as is. Perhaps with more practice he'd be able to make out more discernible features in those he observed. "Ha! I may be old, but my mind moves quick!" His declaration would be made with his eyes still sealed shut, the energy that his voice rode on making it seem as if he was young again though his words and appearance clearly said otherwise. He'd quickly be silence though, butt cheeks clenched in astonishment from the feeling that was expressed by something that could be related to a backseat driver. The voice had to belong to his guardian angel or a deity akin to such a thing that came with the keys to Observation Haki. Not as mule headed as others in his age group, he'd take heed to the warning he was given and he'd crouch down briefly then leap upwards at an altitude that'd allow him to sail above the blades that were unleashed just in time. His weapon Entei still in his hand of course, all was well for him, but around the same time he jumped upwards about 2m high to dodge the air blades, he heard a violent collision. It forced his peepers open by reflex and his connection to the realm the flame bodies inhabited was lost.

It was worth it however for what he saw was none other than the proclaimed Immortal Man leaking blood on the cobblestone ground of Water 7. Perhaps that very spot should be made a new tourist attraction or point of interest. How he carried himself you'd expect that he'd never seen a drop of his own blood, but such things were now tossed out of Hanbei's mind as he was taken hostage by a shallow wave of laughter. "A little rusty there Farren?" His jeering was cut short by the rebuttal of Kaiser however. Hanbei hadn't noticed his presence up so high in the sky and had honestly forgot about the fellow until that air blade sung the man's song for him.

Hiromi was probably still using her Kenbunshoku Haki, so chances were she'd catch wind of the attack, but that didn't mean Hanbei couldn't capitalize on the opening it could create. Readying himself for her reaction, he casted out his line again and this time closed only one eye. The style of Haki was too difficult for him to grasp with both eyes open, but he knew it'd be a bad habit that'd need weening should he develop the tendency to always close the both of his eyes with Observation Haki was in use. "You feel like joining us for training today Zombieman or do you prefer the backseat?" His laughter was more like cooing this time around as he smiled slyly at Farren. Before he'd turn his attention tot he instructor and give a slight bow. "Ahh, thank you for this. I've learned what I need to and my bones are already aching, so if you don't mind I'm going to take my leave now." He'd sheathed his sword and wave a bit nervously, before taking his leave, going the way that lead away from the fighting of course.




The attack that came for her would strike her, yet the strong female would not fold, in effect there was no damage for as previously mentioned her entire body had been covered by the black armour that buso allowed her. Yet her ken detected flares of haki from two of the warriors Hitomi would be somewhat shocked that the elder male had decided to leave before the training was up."THERES ONE MORE, HAOSHOKU HAKI, KINGS HAKI, BE CAREFUL OF IT, NEVER LET YOUR GUARD DOWN WHEN FACING HAKI USERS" she shouted towards the old man as he hobbled away. Hopefully this would be enough to have him research information on the Haki. Now though she was left with two of them. Two other marines, the immortal seemed to have activated two kinds of haki, yet his buso seemed in complete given by the cut. While the long legged male had yet to show any.

She allowed her power to burst forward, aiming to envelop the two around her, activating her own Hao haki normally such a power would simply knock the duo unconciouss, yet being skilled in control of it she could alter the pressure released to allow concioussness to remain, she could even pick and chose whether allies were effected by it. True power was controlling something of this calibur. "This is hao, by altering the power I could knock you out without even trying, killing y'all without resistance. You need strong will to over come it and even then if someone has superior power over haki a strong will shall do you no good. Be careful of those who wield it. Though rare if someone has mastery over it then you should give all your attention to that person regardless of whether your facing a large group"[/color] Hitomi would say in her gentle voice. And thus it was released. "Thats really it, Hao can't be taught, its something you feel, something you have or you don't." She would say as the black armour faded though her ken remained. "Have fun boys" she would say as she placed her Katana back in its sheath, with a hearty wave she too followed the old man.



If Farren hadn't been preoccupied with his wounded hand, he likely would have found himself a little more than upset about Hanbei's words - however, he wasn't paying the old man any mind at the moment. Though he was in pain, Farren was taking advantage of the situation in order to ingrain within himself each and every emotion and sense he'd felt before, during, and after being able to make use of two differing types of haki. If he could latch these abilities to particular feelings or emotions, it would make future training easier as he'd know exactly what to recall when making use of them.

Within a few moments, his hand had been healed completely and he decided that it was now time to place his attention back on the instructor as well as the other two students. Just as he did so, he noticed that Hanbei appeared to be leaving the training session early. Farren could only assume that his back was only a few moments away from giving out, thus he had to take a break. Yet, as the old man began to make his exit, Hiromi began to yell out to him. She'd begun talk about another variation of haki known as Haoshoku Haki - or what she referred to as "King's Haki". Soon after the explanation, Farren could feel a burst of what appeared to be "energy" of some sort emanating from Hiromi's position before it fully enveloped both himself and the other student.

The force of the power that Hiromi was letting off was immense, and it almost felt as if the weight of the entire world had literally been placed on Farren's shoulders, causing the old man to fall to his knees. He struggled for only a few seconds to stand back up, however, these seconds felt like an eternity. As quickly as this overwhelming power had enveloped him, it was soon gone and Farren was once again able to catch his breath.

As Farren breathed laboriously, Hiromi began to give a more in-depth explanation as to what King's Haki truly was. The idea of an ability that could subjugate others was something that seemed to come straight out of a fairy tale, yet, he'd been there to feel the power of such an ability first hand.  It was something that you were either born with or not - something that lended itself even more as being the mark of a king.

With her explanations finally complete, Hiromi soon made her exit as well. Farren followed behind soon after. He'd been given a lot to think about, and a lot to train toward. With the basic explanations out of the way, he felt he'd been trained sufficiently enough to forge the rest of the way on his own. He'd push himself to his limits, and see if he'd been blessed with the mark of kings as well.

WC: 498

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