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15Cavalcade of Cadavers (Pikmin) - Page 2 Empty Re: Cavalcade of Cadavers (Pikmin) Thu Oct 20, 2016 7:53 pm



Great, things just kept getting better and better. Zombies, Skeletons, and now the port town of Logue was being attacked by some unknown force. Really Vicktur didnt much care about the place being raided and burned to ash. Atleast not in the conventional sense. But he was smart enough to realize how important this place was to him right now. If they didnt do something then any ship off this rock was soon to be disposed of. And the only ships sure to arrive after that would be Navy ships. Fuck that noise! He didnt want to spend a single second on a Marine escort. Yomi asked him if he was okay with helping out the Marines, a question that practically answered itself; no. Hell no he wasnt okay with it! What do you mean? We're going to defend the only port tgat can get us off of this rock. If the Marines manage to avoid my steel than so be it. perhaps he could cut down one or two of them in all the commotion. He definitely wouldnt bother saving any of them. Another swing of the tree branch saw the skeletons drop like a failed Jenga attempt.

But I agree. It pains me to admit it, but our best bet is to take care of any inhuman son of a bitch attacking the town. Or human son of a bitch, doesnt matter. he followed close behind Yomi, tossing fragile skeletons about with bo effort. Whoever revived these bones should have stuck to the zombies. They were not only tougher but a major biohazard as well. Hell, they couldve put zombie blood in the water supply and turned the whole town. With it being misty/foggy outside and all. An airborne living biohazard would be the perfect way to attack a village, uh i mean town. When he and Yomi arrived at the town they witnessed even more insanity. A plethora of tribal men were riding around on the backs of giant boars. They carried around giant hoops and knocked decapitated heads through them with sticks. Vicktur chuckled to himself as he saw the madness unfold. It really seemed like fun. The ringleader stood ontop of the tallest building, chanting some voodoo nonesense. Recently dead corpses stood up all zombified and shit. Guess tgey found the source of this madness.

16Cavalcade of Cadavers (Pikmin) - Page 2 Empty Re: Cavalcade of Cadavers (Pikmin) Thu Oct 20, 2016 10:02 pm



"I expected that answer, but don't try to purposefully target them, they can help to hold off the tide for a while, and we lack backup at the moment."

It was a simple even if she knew he wouldn't follow it through. She had hoped his temper would subside after all this time, but it really didn't, which is why most of her plans now revolved around using said anger to her advantage, such as right now. She wanted him to kill everything, but not fully expose himself. She knew Vicktor was going to start murdering all of these zombies and the marines, but now he would probably kill the marines in the same swing with the zombies, which meant that if anything, it would look like an accident, which is all she needed right now to not become exposed to the public eye quite yet. With a rear admiral on the island, Yomi had to make sure that they were all prepared for the worst in case they got discovered and had plenty of options to leave. Hopefully, Vicktor's contact would eventually get a ship to the island since the one they came on apparently was home to the fried chicken pirates, who also apparently had a voodoo master on board.

Turning people into dancing zombies, she couldn't help but notice how smug the man up on the stage looked, and at the same time how pathetic. He had red hair and a glowing rainbow mustache, along with green long johns and a tiny top hat. He was dancing a jig and certainly looked stupid. In one hand he held a piece of chicken, and it was then she knew what he was, her guess had been right. Why had the guessing been right all along!? No, she had to end him right here and right now.

"I have a pot of lucky zombies at the end of my rainbow!"



"You are stupid, and everything happening right now is stupid!"

"Oh ya think ye can take me do ya!?"

"Vicktor, you handle the crowds, I'll handle this guy..."

Gripping her sword, Yomi rushed towards the platform, jumping upon the heads of many a zombie and citizen in order to reach it and the top in a fast fashion, she had to put a stop to this stupid once and for all.[/color]

17Cavalcade of Cadavers (Pikmin) - Page 2 Empty Re: Cavalcade of Cadavers (Pikmin) Fri Oct 21, 2016 12:06 am



Of course she had seen through his facade. They were partners after all. And if anyone coukd tell what he was thinking it was her. Vicktur chuckled as she told him not to "accidentally" kill any Marines. They were actually very important at the moment, seeing how they could work as fodder while they took care of the issue at hand [n]Gwahahaha, that predictable am I? Very well i'll refrain from killing them by mistake[/b] she was right. Even when she was wrong she was right. Vicktur didnt quite understand how that worked but it did. Though it probably had something to do with her being his intellectual superior. As well as being part machine and all. Above them Vicktur heard someone speak. He carried a piece of chicken in one of his hands. It was undeniable who this was. The red hair, rainbow moustache, long johns, and miniature top hat were unmistakaew; F. The first mate to the dreaded M, and not M from 007. Tgat M was badads and not to be fucked with. F said some nonsense about zombies at the end of his rainbow. Vicktur was disappointed that he didnt say something about Lucky Charms or something or other. Missed opportunity.

Right, I can handle things here. he replied but Yomi was already leaping onto tbe heads of zombies to get to F. Before him was a veritable shitstorm of enemies out of the mind of a storyteller with no other ideas. If his life was a story then whoever was telling it really sucked. One of the boar riders finished having his way with a woman before hopping back on his boar naked. He charged at Vicktur, screaming something about bodies and adapting essence, before trying to bash him over the head with a bloody rock. Luckily Vicktur had a big ass tree branch and just cracked his skull open like a coconut. He then stabbed tbe boar and lifted it over his head. Before promptly swinging the stick and tossing the boar into another rider. He pitched back his arm and threw the branch like a spear, catching one of the boars in its brain and throwing off its rider. A quick dash mixed with a bit of sword action saw the rider headless and dead before his body even hit the ground.

18Cavalcade of Cadavers (Pikmin) - Page 2 Empty Re: Cavalcade of Cadavers (Pikmin) Fri Oct 21, 2016 2:41 am



Arriving at the top of the platform Yomi pointed her sword towards the little midget, or was it leprechaun? Honestly, Yomi didn't care at all what they were, just that they needed to be killed in order to restore sanity to this place. His henchmen all holding chicken and riding boars, what the heck was this even about, it was madness. Did they even have a goal other than just cause chaos, did they wish to free their captain? This was the strangest crew Yomi had ever seen, and she had seen some weird stuff in the past. Shouting towards the little man, Yomi attempted to sound intimidating, even if she failed horribly.

"You who cause these people to become corpses and lead these rebels in attacking the citizens, answer this one question, where will be the end of your rainbow when this sword is shoved straight up it!?"

"Oh ho, my rainbow is in my pants, and you gonna be sucking on my lucky charms when this is all done!"

The piece of fried chicken in his hand suddenly grew in length resembling that of a sword, and hers held it towards her. Now to them it looked like the duel of the fates and it was if they were some grand masters of the sword. if Vicktor looked up he would have probably seen the worst sword fight in the history of the world, it was like that fat kid holding the double bladed lightsaber in his parent's garage level bad. Seriously how were they even hitting each other, though at the end of the day the first mate of the captain wasn't nearly as strong as Yomi, mostly because Yomi simply tripped him off the scaffolding and he fell down into the pits below, the zombies munching on him and his fried chicken!

"Taste the rainbow... bitch."

Looking down towards the chaos she saw that there was no end to it, she needed to think of a solution to this problem fast, well one besides let Vicktor kill everything, that wasn't fair to the boy, he would probably get a little tired.

19Cavalcade of Cadavers (Pikmin) - Page 2 Empty Re: Cavalcade of Cadavers (Pikmin) Fri Oct 21, 2016 3:00 am



Honestly Vicktur didnt know why these people bothered. They were all utterly outclassed by his superior swordsmanship prowess. One by one, like strawmen, they fell to the overpowering might of his blades. Most of them just didnt have enough reach to get in close enough to attack. Being over twelve feet tall and wielding a six foot blade will give you that kind of advantage. The sheer number of heads that littered the floor was like something out of the French revolution. His nickname shouldve been "God-like Guillotine" not Tall Boy. Because he was the Deacon of Decapitation. The Lord of Losing their heads, and so on. He could do this shit all day. Man, Zombie, or Boar didnt matter. Once they foolishly meandered into his killbox they were sure to never get aHead in life. Only a moment ago he cut a man and his boar right down the middle, causing them to fall apart like an open book. There was so much blood filling the streets that it ran into the gutters and formed large puddles on the cobblestone. Sometimes he'd step in a puddle and mistake it for when he'd play in the rain when he was younger.

Finding a moment of respite in the chaos he wiped off his face with the shirt of a dead marine. He looked up to see Yomi and F engaging in the most amateur swordfight he had ever seen. Not that it could even be considered a swordfight with one of them using an enlarged piece of chicken. No doubt that was GMO. No way in hell does a natural piece of chicken look like that. Vicktur sat down on the bloody corpse of a headless boar and sighed. What a fucking night! F fell from his perch and into a group of zombies who snacked down on him like a 5 buck lunch box from KFC. When they finished he'd kill them. But now he just wanted to relax while the townsfolk and Marines kept the zombies busy.

20Cavalcade of Cadavers (Pikmin) - Page 2 Empty Re: Cavalcade of Cadavers (Pikmin) Sat Oct 22, 2016 12:38 am



The best solution in her mind was to allow for the marines to finish off the rest of the zombies and skeletons and parts of the crew. Yomi was tired anyway, this entire night had been a mental exercise. She had figured out what was up with the zombies and how to stop them, had fought against skeletons and the weirdest midget. She almost felt too old for all of this, but really she still had a long time ahead of her, and if she even lived that long probably retirement, so she was fine for right now, at least fine for the most part. Leaping from the ledge she landed a little far from the zombies taking a munch as the marines began to swarm in. Thankfully none of them viewed her as a threat, instead, she was a bit of a hero or at least someone who knew how to fight. She wasn't as skilled as even the basic officers in swordplay, but she did know how to use her smarts and kick a midget so she was golden.

Walking over to Vicktor Yomi didn't sit down but leaned up against a build that was behind him due to plot stuff, shut up. The day was almost saved right now and all that was really left was Yomi picking up her samples and then them heading back to the hideout.

"You alright Vicktor, no bites or nics at all? We need to head back to collect some of the samples I left behind in order for me to reverse engineer this strain of virus, last thing we want is some punk with witchcraft to think he can turn us and all of our comrades into these... things. Also be sure to get yourself all cleaned up, we don't need a possible infection, i'm not ready to cure it yet."

21Cavalcade of Cadavers (Pikmin) - Page 2 Empty Re: Cavalcade of Cadavers (Pikmin) Sat Oct 22, 2016 1:31 am



Fucking hell! Uuuugh Vicktur groaned. He was simultaneously happy to see it all over with, and sad to see it go. It wasnt every day that you got to see a Marine get eaten alive, after all. Same could be said about the rainbow moustached leprechaun named F. Who was now in the stomache of some dead zombie. Or was dead zombie an oxymoron? Whatever, little shit like that didnt matter. What a night, eh? I cant wait to tell the guys back at the base about this. My kill-count is officially higher than Tenma's. And he better not try to pull that "undead dont count" bullshit. he leaned back and closed his eyes. He really just wanted a moment to soak it all in. Even now it was hard to believe what just transpired. He almost feared that none of them would believe him when he got back. But then he realized that Yomi would have undeniable proof. That sadist Tenma could suck it then! Oh! Yeah, im fine. Almost got cut there once or twice. Fortunately those boar riders were used to killing civilians. The second they stood against so eone trained they were done for. and he wasnt just talking about himself either. The Marines had done a good job at taking care of a lot of them. You might even say a Marine or two got the zombies off his ass while he was on his running riot.

Vicktur stood up, sheathing his blades for the last time tonight as he did so. Anyways lets get those samples. I've had about enough for tonight. he then started to make his way back to tbe cemetery. Once he was done here he'd hit upon one of the bars in town. Maybe he could find a poker game.

22Cavalcade of Cadavers (Pikmin) - Page 2 Empty Re: Cavalcade of Cadavers (Pikmin) Sun Oct 23, 2016 2:11 am



"Good if you ever get hurt just let me know and I can patch you up, even if it will take some time. For the record, though, I don't think the undead really count as kills at least if you are talking about opponents which can fight back, and since I technically killed the guy who made them all, does that mean that I get all of the kills since he killed them? Sorry unsure how this works."

Yomi declared with a bit of a heart to voice, she was a bit unsure about this whole thing, but she needed to figure out what exactly was going on with the whole voodoo magic and such. It was terrible but at the same time amused her greatly, if someone could reanimate the dead... no, it was far too risky and they weren't themselves, still, maybe it held the secret to somehow reviving someone, if only but for a brief moment. Hopefully, the body is what would be kept intact. As she wandered back through the alleyways towards the graveyard all of these thoughts pulled into her head and began to make her think in a clear fashion, what if she could simply turn the virus into a way to cure others? Well if it even was a virus. if she could make it not attack the body, but foreign objects to the body then... yes that could end up working out for her in the end. Grabbing the head she made sure to not have the teeth near her hand and stuffed it in a bag, and left the sword behind with the dead marine, she didn't want it to look too weird and she could make something "better" anyway.


23Cavalcade of Cadavers (Pikmin) - Page 2 Empty Re: Cavalcade of Cadavers (Pikmin) Sun Oct 23, 2016 3:05 am



He knew it! Fuckin-a! If Yomi had the sense to say they didnt count, than that douche Tenma would surely say the same. They do count. They're LIVING dead, which means they're alive, right? the fact that he had to ask pretty much answered it for him. What a pain in the ass. All that slicing and dicing just to have his count taken by Yomi. Goddamn it. Ya know, technically, the zombies killed him. So that doesnt count either he was grasping at straws for any reason to invalidate her claim. As they drew closer and closer to the graveyard he could feel the weight of this night slowly lift off his shoulders. He was filthy; covered in blood and rotting flesh. He even had bits of boar brain on him. It was going to be almost impossible to clean this shit off. Did Loguetown have a dry cleaner that specialized in combat stains? It had to! It was stuffed to the gills with Marines after all. Surely those assholes had enough blood on their clothes to need a special cleaning service. In fact, he was sure of it.

They reached the graveyard and Yomi picked up the severed head. Well, one of the severed heads. Vicktur had cut a bunch of heads off tonight. Come to think of it, why did she need this specific head? There were dozens strewn out around the graveyard and town. Whatever, she was the Scientist slash doctor slash cyborg. She knew what she was doing better than he did.


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