An unconscious body could be seen from a distance on the Island of Ilusia. It was here that Ike D. Souji would come to and frantically looking around on the beach. He had no memory of how he got here, but the last thing he remembered was being on Karate Island in the South Blue. As he tried figuring out how he got here his belly started to rumble something fierce. Once his stomach hit empty and became much harder for him to logically think of an explanation for how he got here. The dreadhead pirate kicked up to his feet as he tried to massage his stomach to resolve some of the pain, "I need meat!" he hollered before leaving walking off the beach and towards the city. Ike wore black jean shorts that cut off right at his knees, blue tinted collar button shirt with two sky blue “X” marks on opposite ends of his chest, his signature sandals and his mother's stitched black tube hat that had authentic patterns with the color schemes: red, green, and yellow. While entering the city the ebony pirate was hit with a immense force: his breath deepen, he started to see visions of what seemed like a crew he once traveled with, oddly enough he could hear all the voices, and the recollections of those memories ended with him sweating and trembling. Minutes gone by as he gained his composure he remembered one crucial fact, "my ship!" he exclaimed in a worried tone as he ran through the city towards the docks. Taking any twist and turns he could to maneuver through the city and its people. It was as if he been here before. Shortly reaching the docks, Ike, instantly noticed his ship out of all the others, "Cloud Nine!" he stated with enthusiasm. He climbed abroad his Vessel looking around making sure everything was there and was in order, but this was cut short by Ikes' growling stomach.
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