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29[Event] The Start Of A New Era?! - Page 3 Empty Re: [Event] The Start Of A New Era?! Wed Feb 01, 2017 12:46 pm



[Event] The Start Of A New Era?! - Page 3 Latest?cb=20130219042828
'You can shut up.'

The Yonko pirates were able to regroup while the Marines followed orders. Geno and the Marine Captain held the line and only moved if the Pirates did. Causalities littered the battlefield on both sides. It was a sickening thing to see the innocent caught up in the crossfire like this. It was a normal occurrence in this ongoing faction war. It was a ugly, even angering to Geno to see. Marines carted the wounded off and the innocent ran scared from the scene. The pirates stood directly 15 meters in front of  Geno and the Marine captain. With clenched hands they watched the remaining force of the pirates gather directly in front of them. No words would be shared as Geno eyed down his attackers. He was visualizing how this would play out. Several scenarios played out in his head but he knew the Marine Captain could very well get in the way of things. The Yonko executive appeared among the crowd of Pirates. They parted like the red sea to let their captain come through.

A man in a regal outfit came from behind the pirates with his hands tucked behind him. He had a grin on his face as he looked over the two attempting to repel the group. He would only chuckle for a moment as he looked at both of them. “Seriously? This is it? This is the reason why you guys can't get through the front gate?” Renaldo was a bit surprised by this as by now the Yonko's pirates should have erased the Marine threat without his intervention. It mean one of two things, they were messing around or the opposing force was strong. Seeing the two he thought it be the first option that the Pirates were messing around to much. He stopped laughing for a moment to only point out the two before him only a meter 15 meters in front of them. “We have a monk in poor mans robes and a dusty marine. This is hysterical, yet embarrassing. If you don't kill them I will kill...”

There were no words shared from Geno only a red glare from his eyes. He was angry hearing this garbage spewed from the mouth of this man. Renaldo stopped talking and leaped backward suddenly sensing Geno's increasing bloodlust. The pirates had not known it but they were in grave danger at that given moment. Being only 15 meters away from Geno they were within his reach. Even the Marine Captain stepped behind him as the monster of a man stepped forward. He did not say a word as he was curious to what Geno could do with such a small bounty. Even he had his doubts that the large man was a threat to a Yonko executive.

Geno's right hand punched forward will full intent to destroy. Raw force erupted from this fist causing the sand to kick up and empty merchant carts to be blown backwards. The fodder that stood in front of Geno would be overwhelmed by the strength that Geno boasted. Even Renaldo found himself being blow backward as he would not be able to clear the distance needed to be safe. He would only cross his arms and activate Armament haki to protect himself at the last possible second. He was knocked backward to the outside of the attack but not unscathed. Debris and sand peppered his body as he flew backward which prompted him to unsheathe his weapon. He used the blade to ride the force backward. However, his sword cracked slightly from the blow of the attack. He looked shocked at the force this man boasted. He was now intrigued by the whole thing. He landed on the ground sliding backwards through the sand. He used the sword to deflect incoming debris, he also saw the bodies of his men caught up in the torrent of destruction.

Geno did not let up on his quarry as he rushed forward. The Marine Captain knew better to stay back as he was also in shock. He could only smile as he kept his sword ready. His den den mushi was ringing nonstop. He actually had a moment to pick it up as Geno spearheaded the situation.

“Captain! The defenses are failing! Minks have broken through! And pirates are here also!”

The Marine Captain looked distressed by this news. Alabasta was under Siege but they could not leave their post. As if they did this position would crumble also. Geno rushed forward and thrust his hand in their direction to increase the torrent of destruction. The air would distort and boom violently. The pirates in the immediate vicinity would only feel the force of a boulder slamming into them. Bodies were thrown everywhere in a instant. Renaldo would be trying to defend against the debris coming his way from the two attacks. Geno was relentless in his attacks as he pressed forward for Renaldo. He was enraged by this man's words as Arrogance was one of Geno's peeves. To look down on him was a cardinal sin in his eyes. In a way Geno did speak, but only with actions. As those were worth more than any idle talk.


30[Event] The Start Of A New Era?! - Page 3 Empty Re: [Event] The Start Of A New Era?! Sat Feb 04, 2017 3:42 am


[Event] The Start Of A New Era?! - Page 3 Image?_version=00_09_000&platform=chihiro&w=225&h=225&bg_color=000000&opacity=100

There it was. Not the treasure that Raphael sought after, but a hole in the ground before him. He hadn't even made it to the Clock Tower yet, but he knew this wasn't good. Still he was within the realm his Devil Fruit had created, it being like a mirror of the world everyone else resided in. But they couldn't sense, nor could he sense them; or for that matter interact in anyway with them. But there was one thing he could do and that was see them, whilst they couldn't see him.

He had arrived to the hole, "So someone beat me to the punch, and even tripped a trap." Raphael would say to himself with a hint of irritation within his voice. No one should've even been able to get that far, well that is what he had thought. He was under the impression that he was the only Pirate that knew of a way to get into that place. But he was wrong about that. It seemed, to him, that this wasn't going to be a easy snatch and grab. Currently he believes that someone else that belonged to Davy Jones' crew had come here. But once he had safety descended into the hole, he didn't see anyone that he knew. So, once again he was wrong.

"So someone probably figured it out, strange. But I need to clear this place out. Only my Men deserve any riches below or in this City. But, I shouldn't have to deal with this, they need to also earn their keep." He would say to himself. Where he currently was at, after entering through the hole, was the center. But being still within the realm his Devil Fruit created that didn't matter. So, he would begin to walk from the center. His destination being outside of the opposite end of the passageway. Raphael at first felt that he shouldn't even deal with anyone here, as it was beneath him. But, he felt a great worry. What he was after was worth more than the life of anyone here, and he had to get it. And the chance of anyone else here going after what he wanted was something he couldn't have. So after walking a ways, twenty meters from his initial spot, he would stop in his tracks. He would then turn around, and from his side would remove one of his flintlocks. And as he loaded it he wondered if anyone would even survive what he was about to do. He would hold it up and aim it at the direction, what really put hesitation on him firing away was that he had Men within that crowd. In a instant he would make up his mind on what he would do. He would put the Flintlock he had away and pull out the other he had. He would then load that, but with  weaker ammo he had used for the other. He would then aim once more.

"Door. Open."

A small door would open in front of his Flintlock; the size big enough that he could put his whole arm through if he wanted, but he wouldn't do that. What he would do is pull the trigger once he had opened the small door. His aim wouldn't be at anyone in particular. Those using Observation Haki would be alerted to the Yonko's presence now; or more importantly the attack that was coming; this all due to him opening a door within his world.

The explosive bullet would make contact with the ground right before the entrance of the hole. This being because Raphael didn't take aim at anyone but would just shot forward. It hit a golden chalice someone would hold up. This man being only two meters away from the opening of the hole. and upon impact an eighteen diameter explosion would occur. All within the blast radius would take severe if not fatal injure. The door, upon, firing would close shut no matter the outcome of the explosion.



31[Event] The Start Of A New Era?! - Page 3 Empty Re: [Event] The Start Of A New Era?! Sun Feb 05, 2017 5:48 am




SolarGravitas & VitasStrong BirdBlitz SticksOto OtoOto Tier 3NitufiaSantufiaNitufia - Tier 2Flight & Fight
Charlotte & Caprice WeaponsNico & Juju's Weapons
"We're all caged song birds, waiting for someone to hear our sound"

Ravaging among the spoils of war, many of Raphael’s men became blind with greed. It was a sickness inherently common among those who had set their sights on Davy Jones treasure. However though this ruin was filled with gold and various trinkets, many wondered was this truly the phenomenal prize their Captain had rallied to crush Kingdom’s for? The pulsating chime in Junbei’s mind from his echolocation, which had been active throughout the whole ordeal had been primarily focus at the apex of the pitfall in the ceiling. Several sounds rushed into his mind, the range elevated from being coupled by his Kenbunshoku Haki. One distinct sound resounded for him, it was that of a door cringing. His mind played out the whole scenario in real time, “Elena.” Junbei said swiftly pointing discreetly roughly twenty meters at around the forty-five meter mark towards a door that had opened seemingly in mid-air. The next series of events happened almost at light type speeds but the real detail was in the factors. Hovering about five feet off the ground approximately, behind the door veiled a man clutched on a player maker many referred to as a flintlock by many in the armory field. His expansive mind scape relayed the man’s rough size and aura, due to his stance directly in front of the door. The door was puny in size but enough for a hand to pop out even if it didn’t, it’s squared size was enough for elements to gape through on both sides, the general contents of any weaponry was confirmed. Peculiar was the key around the honcho’s neck. A clutch made upon this image to the Songbird's waist, raking a Blitz Stick against the ground, almost in a sliding action but he held the estranged tonfa as a pickaxe of sorts, slightly tapping it agasint the earth, in attempts to free treasure from a rock it would seem from the onlooker.

The sound of a pistol firing, it’s trajectory flying eleven meters towards the ground, oddly altering it’s course to a chalice bearing among the densely packed crowd. A large splatter zone of explosive array was about to encompass the field, Nico noticing the incoming explosion lunged behind a dense pillar which was one of many populating the room, about 22 inches in width separated five meters between each other, the remaining of which maintained the twenty meter across room. The jazz musician's movements prompted him and several scrapers to brushed by the explosion. However, had any actions other than the explosion occurring happened concurrently to his former position eight meters prior, Nico had gathered quite the loot, remembering his Captain's orders to retreat to the ship, he’d signal to Juju who’d come into sight, exiting towards the West Gate. The explosion was merely a welcome card, Juju remained at his current position shielded from the explosion by the debris chunk. What was the point, many of the Yonko men lost their lives, whereas at the 26 meter mark being the explosions peak point and the duo at the 25 meter mark awaited the next step. However, had Junebi miscalculated, he'd fire off an air pillar to push back the force of the explosion.

To the future, no events that should occur shook him. In moments like these the Auburn Songbird became extremely focused. For any events or sounds of emerging doors would only bring one word, ‘survival’ into his mind for his men and Elena. Once within scope, the low frequency organ scattering waves would only prompt to bring about the conversation that for some reason, Junbei’s heart urged to prompt a conversation with the Yonko but only time would tell. Caprice by this time had exiting the chamber, moving bags of treasure onto his back towards the surface, escaping to the outskirts of the city. The thief would potentially travel towards Katorea, if not he’d remain in the shadows of the chamber. However either action hadn’t been odd since the Yonko crew was funneling goodies towards the surface.


Skills | Misc Traits. :
Stamina | Haki Usage:

32[Event] The Start Of A New Era?! - Page 3 Empty Re: [Event] The Start Of A New Era?! Mon Feb 06, 2017 1:09 am

Deep Rokuju


Deep Rokuju
[Event] The Start Of A New Era?! - Page 3 AbiBG4K

What a phenomenon. The men before Rokuju had turned into balls of animalistic urges, their lust for shiny things driving them to throw down their weapons and cram valuables into their pockets. The pull of wealth had been too much for some of the souls. Glittering gold reflected the bright light of day let in by the hole, lighting up the passage much like a disco ball would. Ro had no doubt that some of these people had not had a penny to their name their whole lives. Now being in front of a wealth so large that it rivaled that of a celestial dragon was too much for them. Ro had almost been caught in the moment too, but for a different reason. Riches were just a means to an end for her. But her intended end was great. Naturally it would take great means to get there. All of this right here, it was enough to buy an army. But she was too sensible to count her chickens just yet. Unlike some of the men down here, she had not forgotten that this was a battlefield. The winner of the war would end up taking the proceeds, and the loser would be lucky to leave with their life. Ro had to make sure to win the war first.

She was standing around the centre of the hole with Junbei, keeping a close eye on her surroundings. Junbei looked like he was doing the same. It seemed like he had quite the sensory skill, something that she was hoping would prove to be a valuable asset in this situation. It did not take long for that hope to be fulfilled. The sound of her pseudonym came from his lips and she was instantly alert, her eyes focusing her eyes on the very strange shape at the back of the passage, something had just appeared in midair. In this high stress environment, there was no doubt it was a threat - even if it wasn't, she was not going to take the chance. A pinprick of light smaller than the eye can see would speed from her heart upon seeing the door materialise, flying towards the strange occurance at VII speed. Soon enough, the barrel of a gun would appear from the hole. The pinprick of light would speed through the door and as soon as it was on the other side, Ro would detonate it, sending everything within 40m of the spec to be consumed in energized photons, ripping matter to shreds. The black area would not exit the door, however, only making the alternate dimension dangerous. The draw of the gun would look to be in slow motion compared to the spread of the black cloud. If the pinprick missed getting through the door for some reason, Ro would not detonate it, letting it hang in the air where the door had been. If the man behind the door were to noticeably try to intercept or defend himself against the particle before it detonated, Ro would detonate it early, letting a tendril of black the size of the door expand into the door and then begin expanding into the dimension area from there.

Ro was ready to retreat or if it came to it, phase into her logian form. If the shot made by the Yonko would come to explode, Ro would avoid the shrapnel via turning her body into light. Providing that there were a few seconds that proceeded where she didn't have to act on anything, she would slip six iron bullets into the box on her left wrist, loading one of her pistols.



33[Event] The Start Of A New Era?! - Page 3 Empty Re: [Event] The Start Of A New Era?! Tue Feb 07, 2017 6:13 pm




Geno understood the gravity of the situation he was in, he was facing off against a stronger opponent. Thing was the man underestimated Geno's abilities due to some level of arrogance that clouded his judgment. Now he was being blown backward trying to not die from the onslaught that was The Behemoth had begun to show his true colors. Granted he was a force of nature for good, it did not change the fact his revealed nature was terrifying. From Renaldo's perspective he would only be able to tell a pair of red eyes emerging from the dust and debris. His haki was irrelevant at this moment because the target in question was already rushing directly at him with no remorse for his own life. He had encountered this kind of thing before. He had brushed with death dealing with someone like this. Someone who had really nothing to lose but their life. They are the most dangerous individuals you could ever encounter. A monstrous presence radiated from Geno's body, one that struck fear down to his core. Ideally he would have formed a tactical plan but he was being rushed down. He imbued his weapon with Haki and tried to keep attention on all things going on.

Even if sensory could not be overloaded the giant was pressing the advantage. He used the forward moving debris and force moving forward. A broken merchant cart was Geno's cover for his next attack. He used his outstretched palm to push the bottom of the cart forward. Renaldo would see this as a chance to attack as he dashed forward. He was trying to cleave the cart and Geno at one time. At the point of getting striking distance, energy would radiate outward from his left outstretched palm and he motioned his right hand in preparation for the next move. A explosion if energy pressed outward from his left hand as it blasted apart. The thing was Renaldo was in extreme danger. For a flash of energy he could have only swore that he saw the devil himself. Four arms erupted from Geno's back as his will power began to manifest itself in that exact moment.

Only the marines Captain would see this whole thing unfurl through haki sensory. He felt the monstrous presence that came from Geno's rage. In a split second this found was drawn to a quick conclusion. Due to Renaldo dashing forward he sealed his own fate. Geno had no intentions of holding back against a Yonko pirate. The cart exploded in a instant but behind that cart Geno's true form would be revealed to Renaldo for only a split second. With a heavy right hand he would pass judgment. Following the right fist, two other right arms motioned with a clenched fist a sudden explosion would erupt of raw power.

[Event] The Start Of A New Era?! - Page 3 Latest?cb=20150321113120

Everyone at the gate would be looking on to witness this happen. The air distorted and broke apart as the monster unleashed all of its might in one guy. Renaldo would be crushed under the power of Geno Ranzu in a instant. The ground would shake and break apart as Renaldo's body was blown deep into the ground. Sand moved away in accordance with Geno's actions. Only a crater would remain 30 meters away from the gate. As the dust cleared Geno's muscles relaxed a little bit and his veins were slowly reverting back to normal. The manifestiation began to disappate as he relaxed a bit. It would be hard to say Renaldo was getting back up. With Geno's power 3 arms all attack in unison with the same attack multiplying the destruction three fold. With his current strength he would be incapacitated.

His ribcage was broken and bone shattered causing all kinds of internal bleeding. The sand would already be shifting inward to resume its nature state. Geno would only speak calmly as he walked out of the crater slowly. “May god have mercy upon you.” Unable to move or really speak Renaldo would only see his life end slowly as the sandy crater became his grave. Walking out of the crater he would let out a deep sigh before remembering what he was here for. “Oh shit!” He would reach for his map and see the treasure still on the map and his marker. He would have to go through the shit storm that was the seige. He dashed towards the gate and passed the Marine Captain. He would not say anything as Geno passed by him. He couldn't say anything as he passed by him. The marines would only stand there waiting for some kind of order. But they all kind of understood that they had  to let Geno Ranzu go just this once. He just saved all these people and saved the marine captain even tho he was a pirate.

305/500 Stamina

34[Event] The Start Of A New Era?! - Page 3 Empty Re: [Event] The Start Of A New Era?! Wed Feb 08, 2017 11:48 pm

Dynamo Jack


Dynamo Jack


Special Chapter: The New Era

Task Track Pounding one fist with another, Jacky joins in onto the brawling scene of flashing panels to arrive. Unveiling ones self out from the desert in which Jacky was previously only a few minutes ago, an odd and yet strange allusive figure entered the fray accompanied by a string of fellows. Flinging eyes of his backwards behind him as the minks bombarded arising silhouette, Jacky blinked a couple until then rubbing out the back of his blue haired head. "They sure are friendly, that's for sure! Ehehe, for all you know they could be the Yonko's mates although it doesn't seem to be the case. Besides that, lets hop onto the action!" Thundering bursts of electricity fleeing out from Jacky's arms every duo of seconds that slide away, Jacky could barely contain his eager will to ignite a flame; that of a star's flame. "Hurry up! Let us charge in-gara!" Hurdling inside Alubarna with sheer force, the squadrons of minks flurried into the Kingdom's Capital. If not interrupted upon busting through and inside the city, Jacky would distance himself away from the minks as he eyed his map whilst scrambling around.

"By these pinpointed locations on this map, appears that I'll have to reach this area with the X assigned on top if it if I wish to obtain the treasure. Yet, there is an ominous presence I can't help but be ticked off by. Just what the hell is lurking among this jumbled mess though... what can it be!?" Clenching with a tight force onto his map, Jacky slung his head back behind him as unknown fret shivered down his spine. "Its too hard to ignore, especially with that one weirdo with the dick nose. Is that it!? Is that Mink there the reason for this heavy aura in the air!?" Glaring at an alarming individual, Jacky surely knew it, there must have been a reason behind that Mink in particular arriving here. Although not completely positive, Jacky held a hunch ever since that frightening Mink appeared among the hurdles. "Oi! Dick nose, who are you? Not that its any of my business but curiosity took over, I just hope curiosity won't kill my cat though; if you understand my gist." Certainly, it was an exam for the sole Mink, in order to deduce if the Mink is a threat or not, Jacky rose a hand out in the utmost joyful manner. "Its best to know if this Mink is a Friend or Foe before advancing, if I don't find out then it could interfere with me reaching my destination. Lets take this gamble." Pondering on his conscious regarding the strange Mink, Jacky awaited for a reply and or action from the Mink. If the Mink would be sprinting or motioning into the City then Jacky would do so along side him, only if no harmful action was done to Jacky.

WC: 481


35[Event] The Start Of A New Era?! - Page 3 Empty Re: [Event] The Start Of A New Era?! Sat Feb 11, 2017 12:47 pm


edit marker

36[Event] The Start Of A New Era?! - Page 3 Empty Re: [Event] The Start Of A New Era?! Sat Feb 11, 2017 4:20 pm


[Event] The Start Of A New Era?! - Page 3 11241410_693306107447381_382630499_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=OTc5MzYzMzQxNTk5Mzg5OTE5

"Well, I didn't expect something like that." Raphael would say as he would sit there on the ground weapon damage all to hell, along with his clothing. He was still within his alternate dimension created by his peculiar Devil Fruit. As a explosion did occur.

He would stop in his tracks completely. He, honestly, couldn't believe at all what had just happened and for a brief second just stood there in disbelief.  He felt it throughout his body quickly. It enveloped him almost instantly in fact. The rage that this man had begun to feel would soon be unleashed. At first he had his eyes on just one person, but they seemed to stop a while ago. But even though he wanted to just stop and take his head, since it would be an easy thing, he wouldn't. But continue to travel with the other Minks. Even though he had a small reason as to attack the other one, he just didn't, as he had bigger fish, at this moment, to fry. He didn't though ever think that someone would say just a few words to trigger him. To stop him from thinking of his current goal. As disrespected especially from someone that wasn't of his kind was something he just couldn't stand for. Be it directed at him or at the others. Though he didn't show it he cared for each and every Mink here at this battle, and had prayed on thier safety before he had even dived this whole plan. Though he didn't let it slip to them of his involvement. Simply staying the shadows to act as if he was just a an average person amongst them crew. besides Ren no one knew of his true intentions or even the whole reason all of these forces were clashing in this city.

"From how you are looking at me, I am the one you called. 'Dick Nose'? Right?" Hector knew not everyone was well mannered or knew how to address strangers. He was the just the same way. He was the only one that followed the Yonko Raphael and never upheld any of the rules he had set for his crew. It wasn't his nature to make the best first impression. But, even though he was someone that didn't under the phrase 'treat others how you wanted to be treated'. Even if that may not have been thier intent he didn't care, not at all. Sometimes you just can't say certain things to certain people. As his bloodlust poured from his body he examined this Blue hair quickly after hearing the remark. He moved into action before he had even spoken.

To be considered one of the Elite among Pirates within this World you must prove it. How one does this differs from person to person. What Raphael, personally, has seen throughout his life has made him believe there are though only but a few ways individuals are able to do this. Three in fact that he has seen the most often. Wealth, Power, and Influence. But, to be truly cut above the rest having just one of those things won't cut it. As each one depends on the other. Or maybe the only thing that you need is luck.

He would fire his gun his Observation Haki active so that he wouldn't directly hit anyone with the bullet. And the explosion would occur. But, as he closed his door and was about to deactivated his Haki to manage his stamina it alerted him to a new danger that he was faced with. And a explosion would occur within his dimension, the scale larger than that of his own attack. This was something that he didn't expect to happen at all. As if instantly his entire body would be clad with Buso Haki, this to null the damage that he would take. The Buso Haki going right to it's max durability. He thought didn't do this for the flintlock he had within his hand, but rather he dropped it. And as the explosion began open another door, this one purposely more larger. Why well it was so that he wouldn't be the only to have to deal with this. The door's height was that of the explosion, but the width was simply of the passage they were within. The explosion had already been detonated once it had entered the alternate dimension, but it hadn't run it's course yet. The door being opened right as the small light began to expand. For this attack to have come before the Yonko's attack was slim. As upon the door opening he had fired, and then the light had passed through. It begging to expand when the first door had been closed.

He would push off of the ground a foot imprint being on the ground from his push. What he had did was similar to that of what those with the Marines, or Cipher Pols, us to instantly accelerate to thier top speed. And he would do just that. Without the aid of Haki, or the natural ability to react to him, his attack could be a truly devastating one. Taking the life directly from anyone too weak to do anything to stop him. As he was pushed forward he had his free hand outstretched, and balled into a fist. Whilst his other, the one with his blade, was lower. Ready to be swung at anytime he wished, his killing instrument. Was this Black Blade coated in Haki? Or another substance? It would be hard to tell what the material of this Black blade was. This attack though was simple in nature he was just moving straight forward. Avoiding it by just motioning to the  left might be enough. Or going with just jumping upward at the right moment would suffice. Something though would need to be done quickly though before the twenty meter gap would be closed. Maybe if the Blue haired even just ducked and tripped Hector the man would tumble into the building just behind the blue haired, it being five meters just behind him.  

The explosion would be enough to bridge the gap the Yonko had between everyone and also would go just a way behind him into his dimension. Both places would take severe damage if that mean't anything at all. But could this passageway withstand so many large scale attacks? After the explosion the plum of smoke would still fill the passageway. "Can we just talk?" Is all that would be heard, the voice being of the Yonko. "If so just walk forward, I won't attack you." Raphael would say, only but truth within his words. Whoever was able to survive what just happened he wanted to talk with them, as they were cut above the rest. Or maybe just lucky. Whatever it was it didn't matter. For some reason he wasn't able to save one his his pistols, but that was fine. As it laid on the ground he would wait thier with the door open. It's size dwelled now as it was the same size of the entrance to the clock tower. Hopefully they would trust him as if they didn't there would be now here they could go. The integrity of this passage way was going to be ended. As the explosions would set off any other traps that still remained and would make this place truly a death trap. He was the safest place for anyone that wanted to live, if they had survived the attack from before. No, he was not the safest place. He was the only place, or person for that matter, that could have the means to take anyone to the real treasure, and not this fool's gold.

For those that had heeded his words and would hurry their self along he would say "Well, I didn't expect something like that."


37[Event] The Start Of A New Era?! - Page 3 Empty Re: [Event] The Start Of A New Era?! Sun Feb 12, 2017 7:17 pm




SolarGravitas & VitasStrong BirdBlitz SticksOto OtoOto Tier 3NitufiaSantufiaNitufia - Tier 2Flight & Fight
Charlotte & Caprice WeaponsNico & Juju's Weapons
"We're all caged song birds, waiting for someone to hear our sound"

“Alrighty, I guess it’s my turn ain’t it?” Junbei said, starting to flicker his wrist, releasing the air pillar. As the explosion expanded, reaching it’s eight diameter mark, Junbei’s air pillar rushed against the exploding force, which was followed by two other air pillars, these were used to create a wall of wind pushing back the force of the explosion, funneling the explosion against the passageway floors, due to the arc of the swing from Junbei’s strike. However, Junbei’s attack couldn’t completely negate the force of the explosion but it quelled its initial intensity that combined with the several pillars which were in between the explosions path, Juju and Nico retreated towards the entrance of the chamber, as instructed by Junbei, gathering as much gold as they could carry, however, after the speed of the explosion ushered outward, the men abandoned the treasure, managing to get to safety at the ten meter mark of the chamber on the opposite side of the explosion.

Wrapping his arms around Elena’s waist, Junbei took flight, turning his feet into his intangible state, the Songbird advanced with immense speed, lunging backwards at an diagonal angle, towards the fifteen meter mark, travelling several meters. From their current position, Junbei watched as the explosion devastated the Yonko’s crewmates and other fools who’d lusted over Davy Jones treasure. The chamber started to shake, quaking from the force of the unknown man’s explosive force, the explosion had broken a whole in the passageways flooring, causing the floor to collapse underneath from the 35 meter mark and backwards to the end of the passageway. Junbei could hear the sounds of the men caught in the explosion echo out and even if they survived, the their bodies now funneled in the unknown depths below. At this distance, Junbei was unable to see towards the back of the chamber which was now engulfed in a black smog, no it wasn’t a gas like substance, guessing it had something to do with Elena’s last attack.

His Kenbunshoku still active, for any other surprises the passageway had to offer and his attacker, Junbei also noticed the chamber shaking with immense vigor. Sharpened by his echolocation, the Songbird’s radar tracked every motion and sound within scope of his Haki, as the sound of miniature explosions sounded after the initial strike. A voice entered into his scope, offering conversation about talk’s, using his ability to read emotions, at the start of the man’s sentence, Junbei was able to determine that there was no ill-will in the man’s voice. It’d still be several moments before the passageway was to fully collapse, whether it be the floor or the ceiling which fragments were beginning to drop.

Stepping forward, “I don’t mind talking and as crazy as I am, I’m not crazy enough to step into an unknown element of someone who just tried to blow me up! Shouldn’t a true gentleman extend his hand outwards first? I mean, nothing is stopping me from flying out of this hell hole. And it’s little creepy that I can only sense you but not see you, if you really want to talk, we should be on equal footing. Besides, it’s not like your dimension is safe either if Elena continues, Rishi Rishi” Junbei would comment grinning slightly. Placing his tonfa in his holster, “Truths?” Junbei would inquire, speaking hurriedly because of whatever decision either party made would completely depend on the Yonko revealing himself. Waving his hand at the Songbirds behind them, they too also put down their weapons momentarily, all in good will to begin talks with the Yonko, now standing in the passageway for entrance to the chamber.

If these events would pass, Junbei’s remaining crewmates, aside from Caprice would exit the city and travel towards Nanohana once again to get the Dutchman within range of city along it’s canal. Junbei could sense the uneasiness of Elena’s emotions, so he’d turn to her and wink slightly, in hopes of her trusting his viewpoint on the scenario.

Skills | Misc Traits. :
Stamina | Haki Usage:

38[Event] The Start Of A New Era?! - Page 3 Empty Re: [Event] The Start Of A New Era?! Tue Feb 14, 2017 11:45 am

Deep Rokuju


Deep Rokuju
[Event] The Start Of A New Era?! - Page 3 AbiBG4K

Ro was already beginning to feel the toll on her body of channeling this much from the devil inside of her. It was hungry, and it was beginning to feast. The mysterious door had closed in front of Ro just after she had slipped her pinprick of light inside. The next moment, the dimension had been filled with a super energised light, the photons ripping away at the matter found inside. Any material weaker than seastone had probably already been disintegrated, unless it had been protected in some way. Ro had felt herself being pulled away by Junbei after he had defended them against the massive explosion. She was surprised, but appreciated the gesture even if it may have been unneeded. The explosion however, had not been good for the structural integrity of this subterranean grotto. It looked like the place would collapse on them soon enough.

A few moments later, another door opened. This time, it encompassed the entire width of the passageway and the dark cloud was expanding towards them. Ro would be able to shape its growth, and she would do so to protect everyone inside the passage from the collapsing tunnel. The black shape would continue to grow, covering and swallowing up all of the stone that comprised the passage roof. What remained was a void, blacker than any night sky, with the hole in the passage untouched. Inside the dimension, the harmful light would expand another 40m.

“Can we just talk?”
A strange request came from beyond the black dimension. Who the hell was this and why would they ask to talk after they had just attacked them? Even more alarming than that, how had they managed to survive the raw energy generated from her devil fruit? Running the odds on possible situations, Ro couldn’t come to any that really made any sense to her. The voice asked them to step forward on the promise that they wouldn’t be attacked. What, was he really expecting them to join him in the domain of his creation, completely at his mercy, which recently had become quite inhospitable? The alarm bells were ringing in her head. If this man, whoever he was, really wasn’t phased by her attack then their smartest move was to probably get out of here. Ro was about to speak up and suggest as much when she heard Junbei. It was just like the Songbird to be intrigued by such a proposition. Ro would grit her teeth. Staying here went against her survival instincts. Surely continuing to follow this man around would be unhealthy, but at the same time, she wasn’t about to get up and leave him.

Ro would wait to see what the person behind the door would respond with. Junbei was right, it was unreasonable for him to ask for any trust from them, especially when he is not even willing to reveal himself. Ro would be willing to cancel her skill if the man would come forth out of his door and make the few metres it would take to exit the darkness and complied with his own request for truce.

However the man had not seemed to have moved from his dangerous environment, and would be continuing to take damage from the skill around him. He had shrugged off the previous damage with his natural defense but this time it would cause some major damage, eating away at the flesh closest to the surface, burning away skin and dissolving muscle.



39[Event] The Start Of A New Era?! - Page 3 Empty Re: [Event] The Start Of A New Era?! Wed Feb 15, 2017 4:38 pm




At the moment of dashing he would stop for a moment as he heard screaming from a nearby marines pocket. He looked over at the marine and pointed at his pocket. “Where is that transmission coming from?” He asked calmly. The marine did not know how to correctly respond to Geno. He was a pirate but he did just save all of them. So he only reached for the den den mushi and handed it to Geno. With a nod Geno would dash off towards the middle of the city which was the clock tower. There was mass panic and hysteria as people were running the streets. It was hard to hear what was going on. So he stopped for a moment and crouched down. With the muscles in his legs he flexed them completely and leaped several meters into the air. So high he could see above the buildings and the main plaza. This is where people scattered from like cockroaches. Ideally that is where Geno wanted to be. However, the screaming in the den den mushi was more important. More people needed to be saved. Then the screaming died down as someone calmly spoke into the snail.

“Please, anyone help the east gate we can't hold anymore.” Then static would only accompany the statement. One could only assume whoever was speaking was dead.

Knowing he came from the front entrance which was the north gate according to the map before. He needed to go to the left towards the north east. This would lead him to the east gate. Using his innate ability of his fighting style he pressed off the air. It was similar to that of geppou or sky walk. Using the ability to use the energy of kicks to seemingly fly through the air. The city was large so it would take a bit to cross across the air. However, it would cut travel exponentially because he wouldn't need to run through a crowd of people. Geno's mind was racing because he didn't really know what to expect when he reached the east gate. He dashed across various rooftops in a shinobi like fashion. Covering a large amount of ground in only a matter of minutes. With his strength and long strides he was able to keep a steady top speed across roof tops. He leaped off a rooftop and stuck his hand into the side of the building as he fell downward. His strength allowed him to slow his descent to the ground. Finger marks were left in the side of the building as he slid down the side of it. He would land on the street and run towards the main gate. Upon reaching the eastern entrance he could see the door had been blown open. A boy was rushing away from the large mink trying not to get cleaved in half.

They tumbled into a building that was nearby as the mink blindly rushed into the building disregarding his size. He ran up till he was directly in the building that they tumbled into. As he reached earshot which was about ten meters away from the building. Geno picked up a rock right next to him and launched it at the minks back with minor effort. He didn't put a whole lot of power behind it, it was meant to get the monsters attention. Not actually kill him in any way shape or form. “Oi! Pick on someone your own size!” This was said after the rock was sent on it's way. Standing ten meters away from the front of the building in the street. Geno would only crack his neck in preparation.

295/500 stamina

40[Event] The Start Of A New Era?! - Page 3 Empty Re: [Event] The Start Of A New Era?! Thu Feb 16, 2017 2:00 pm

Dynamo Jack


Dynamo Jack


Special Chapter: The New Era

Task Track Striding on top a fine line between life and death, it struck Jacky's conscious as if thunder, that of the devastation about to be unleashed by Jacky's own hands. Corner of an eye, Jacky distinguished a figure whom attempted to be aiding him, it was not that time though to focus on that sole individual. Relying on his own strength in order to knock down the Mink in which rocketed at him, Jacky knew from right there that it would be a foe that he is brawling. Bursting out into the air in front him, toward him, Jacky had to react insanely swift. "Tesla: Surge!" Glued to the floor beneath him, Jacky built up electricity inside his fingertips and shot them out at the Mink. As their gap between themselves were simply twenty meters, those seven electrical strings that were fired at the Mink were to surely halt and or distract the incoming cannonball that was the dick nosed Mink.

Afterward, Jacky took advantage and ducked down as he stuck out a leg in an attempt to stumble the monstrous sized Mink into the wall five meters behind him. Discharging an electrical burst if the Mink were to crash into the wall five meters behind him, Jacky would pounce up on his feet if it all went accordingly. Igniting a duo of fists, thunder enveloped every inch, sparkling away at the air around itself upon activation. Overwhelming Jacky's vigorous soul, it burned as tough as the sun that hung above their heads; glamour. Tightening off in a strike of a pose, Jacky's foot's steps leaped at the Mink if his head to were be caught inside the wall for even a brief second. "Tesla: Roll & Power!" Charges of brilliant sparked fists hurled and flung into the Mink's body if as said before, if everything had went in Jacky's favor with his combination of flurries. "Apapapapapapapa!" Scatters of barrages of a thundering fist launching into the Mink, on the side in which his cursed sword did not reach. "Tesla: Zip & Zap!" Before any boned fists had originally pounded at the Mink, Jacky had activated two abilities to further the intensity of the combination.

Tap of a single finger, it touched the surface of the Mink's side and ran itself throughout the Mink, lowering his motions. "Tesla: Taser!" Concluding that of the Jacky's influential pattern of wavering barrages, Jacky immediately bounced away from the Mink with the highly concentrate of electricity that lingered in his legs, in an attempt to distance him and the Mink about fifteen meters.

WC: 435
Stamina: 320/460
Electrical Energy: 7/30
Skills Used:


41[Event] The Start Of A New Era?! - Page 3 Empty Re: [Event] The Start Of A New Era?! Sat Feb 18, 2017 11:57 am



'What a missed opportunity.' Was all the Yonko thought to himself as he didn't move from his spot. As he knew they would try to do their attack once again. As this was the reason he hadn't dropped his Buso haki at all, as it could take something of a higher strentgh than this light. Though it was a good attack and maybe would be able to get rid of maybe one of his Commanders he was in a whole nother league. They should've just joined him as he wasn't going to do anything to them, if he wanted to he would've. As all he wanted to do was talk to them about what everyone here should really be after and also ask them to join his crew, because of their abilities. But now he wouldn't even say a word to them, maybe next time he sees them. As his door closed the attack would consume the dimension. No further manipulation would be able to occur though as the ink between these words was gone. And if anyone had tried to come through the door the Yonko would notice and react accordingly by attacking with his rapier instead of his flintlocks. To show them why he was the most dangerous Yonko when it came to weaponry. After the explosion would end he would begin to walk heading up stairs and to the entrance of the clock tower. He wouldn't be hurt from the collapsing passageway like others.

He was too slow and too weak, there would also be no way for him to perceive hector as he moved at this speed, even if the distance was this far. He would be nothing but a blur tot he boy and he would indeed die, if someone hadn't saved him. The man that stood before Hector and was able to stop his quick advance was Grand-master: Ren Actimel, the Shichibukai who was in charge of this place. "Change of plans. It isn't here." He would tell Hector and that was all he needed to stop the Mink's killing intent. If what they weren't searching for wasn't here then it wasn't a point in betraying Raphael yet and he needed to get away from the Minks.

Raphael was now outside of the Clock tower, and he would remove the key from his neck. He then would open a door on the wall closest to the entrance to the clock tower. This door swinging into his dimension, there being no way for anyone to intervene with what he was doing. He would insert the key and then turn it, quickly and once done he would close the door. Leaving the key into the wall. There was a hidden slot for the key it being there since the Tower was built. It would then begin. The whole Clock tower would begin to shack and most of the stone would then shake and reveal strange markings that went all the way up to the top of the clock tower. What was there wouldn't be read able by just anyone as it was written in a ancient langue that was only seen on Poneglyphs. This though wouldn't be the only thing that would happen as the top of the clock tower would begin to open and something would fire directly into the sky.

"Below the earth was nothing but something to draw the fools away. Gold that would turn a peasant into a King. But for those that where already King wouldn't need it and should look to the sky. And want the riches of God." Raphael would say as there would be a loud explosion heard throughout the entirety of the city as it occurred miles above it. And then it would begin to rain. But this rain was different as what rain from the sky was nothing but Gold, Diamonds, and the like. This isn't what Raphael wanted though what he wanted was to see where the the road was, and he would after he would examine the text on the Clock tower. What he was after would still be far away but he was one step closer. What the Clock tower was was actually a piece of an Ancient weapon, well the top. What it had done was blow up a sky Island that was directly above this city that no one knew of, but a few.

Hector and Ren would see this and know that they would have to head out now. And they would. But, if they would be attacked they would simple show that they weren't in the mood and would unleash the wrath of Kings upon anyone that got any closer to them. As no one in this area would even be able to stand against it at their level right now. Maybe next time they could.


42[Event] The Start Of A New Era?! - Page 3 Empty Re: [Event] The Start Of A New Era?! Sun Feb 19, 2017 2:00 am




SolarGravitas & VitasStrong BirdBlitz SticksOto OtoOto Tier 3NitufiaSantufiaNitufia - Tier 2Flight & Fight
Charlotte & Caprice WeaponsNico & Juju's Weapons
"We're all caged song birds, waiting for someone to hear our sound"

As the Yonkos words echoed outward, Junbei could sense the mixed emotions in the man’s tone, due to his Empath ability. “Hey! You're the Yonko right!? Whatever it is you wanted to tell me… We’ll meet again… Maybe next time I can play you a tune!?” Junbei said grinning.However, as disappointed as Junbei was with the outcome, he’d been even more disappointed in himself, even with the best senses and arsenals at their fingertips, this man Raphael, walked it off and away like a true Gentleman in his stead. As the ceiling chunks fell, Junbei's intangibility state was on roll call, from any pieces Roku had missed.

What was his end goal, why was the Yonko so sadden at the denial to such an unrealistic request, all pieces of a story even Fate itself had yet to reveal to the duo. As Raphael moved further and further out of scope of his Kenbunshoku Haki, Junbei didn’t let up on sensing his positioning, in any chances of him looking to turn around but he’d pretty much sensed from his last statement and aura, that the Yonko was envisioning a path far beyond anything they could currently see at this point.

“Elena. It’s no use sticking around here… Let’s retreat for now. Do you think it’d be safe to return to your base or should we high horse it to off the Coast, by now, the rest of my crew should have the ship ready.” Junbei said, turning his head in the woman’s direction, avoiding falling passageway fargements. Moments after the man’s inquiry, a loud noise rang through the city, the noise didn’t startle Junbei much, but it’s force was enough to make the very city of itself quake. The gold that lined the chamber's floors, sunk into the expanding hole in the ground consuming all of the treasure into an abyss of nothingness.

“I think I got the riddle about Treasure of Kings and that of God’s now.” Junbei said grinning. At this point, Junbei would point towards the hole in the ceiling which was in the centre of the town, not too far away from Elena’s base. Taking flight, after grabbing onto Caprice, the Songbird would cue to Elena to follow him as the duo retreated through the now cleared hole in sky, due to Roku’s light wiping away the passageways sky lining. As the duo set to flight, if Elena had follow his steed, the Songbird and the Germa scientist would soar to the surface, only to be met with a city flooring of diamonds. The glimmer as they fell in scorching sun was a sight to behold, it was one of the most beautiful things Junbei had ever seen in his life. However, the sky above Alabasta had changed to almost nighttime for just a moment, filled with a purple daze onsetting the sky's theme to that of a galaxy.

[Event] The Start Of A New Era?! - Page 3 Kud-sky
However, what intrigued Junbei was moments before this, on his radar, the man saw the actions of a key being inserted into the Clock Tower, triggering the explosion of what seemed to be the Tower’s Peak off into the Sky. Strange. It was definitely something he’d mention to Roku later once they’d got out of this mess or at least to safe shelter. As the duo landed on surface level and the diamonds lapsed onto the floor, flooding the city with riches among imagination. Nearby, now in the shopping district of the Capital, Junbei ripped off tent covers of a locals stall, filling the falling diamonds into a bag. “I’m pretty sure we could use this for something much more important. I'm a pirate after all, treasure is treasure.” Junbei would exclaimed, scrabbling around playfully, as the diamonds fell, looking at Caprice.

However, what really plagued on the male’s mind was simple, what in the world had happened to the Clocktower? Once they descended, Caprice went crazy collecting diamonds as well. Immediately after, the trio treated towards either the South Entrance or to Elena’s base to regroup their next plan, depending on Elena's final response.


Skills | Misc Traits. :
Stamina | Haki Usage:

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