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1From the Belt to Tundra [travel] Empty From the Belt to Tundra [travel] Wed Aug 30, 2017 8:23 am

Gerard Sinnet

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Gerard Sinnet
From the Belt to Tundra [travel] Tenor

This was it. After a week of being stranded on that island, he was now back on his ship, and was about to head out to one of the greatest seas in the world. Paradise. When he had left Spider Miles all that time ago, he knew he would be heading there eventually, but now that it was happening, it was almost hard for him to believe.

Alisa had the log pose, and the crewmen were working their stations. With the seastone hull preventing attacks from seakings, all they had to worry about was being set upon by pirates or marines or other threats. Gerard made a mental note to get some weaponry for his ship when they were in the grand line.

But right now, Gerard was spending this voyage in his room, on his comfy bed, with the woman he loved. At the moment, he laid there with her, gently petting her silver hair. "You've been to Paradise, right?" he asked, looking into the eyes of his beloved, "What's it like?"

2From the Belt to Tundra [travel] Empty Re: From the Belt to Tundra [travel] Wed Aug 30, 2017 8:31 am

ID-7173 ("Valentine")

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ID-7173 (
A week had passed of her knowing her new lover, which seemed almost unreal how fast time had gone. They had recently left the island that she had been stranded on for an immense time. Gerard had been quite the person needed in her life at the moment, he was the perfect man according to her. Life couldn't be better and as they were travelling to paradise at the moment it made her even more joyful to maybe bump into some of her old friends on the way. As Gerard asked her the question of a million answers of paradise she started to think about it herself, how was it like really? "Well honey,
it was kinda scary when I was there, big shots running around and the possibility to run into monsters at every turn made it kind of... challenging but thrilling at the same time, all ones lives challenges laid at that corner of the world, and the entrance to the New World. As long as one got friends over there and has an easy way of making alliances and such though then the riches are just waiting to be picked up.
" she said as she turned her head up to meet with Gerards gentle eyes before continuing on, "Which I feel is something you're interested in~" she said as she leaned in to kiss her new man.

Having handed the log pose to Alisa and having stayed mostly in the bedroom with her new lover life was all dandy and swell as her excitement was hard to cover up seeing as she was about to get to the worlds greatest ocean.

3From the Belt to Tundra [travel] Empty Re: From the Belt to Tundra [travel] Wed Aug 30, 2017 8:42 am

Gerard Sinnet

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Gerard Sinnet
From the Belt to Tundra [travel] Tenor

Gerard chuckled at her answer. "Big shots and monsters you say? Oh my that...sounds like one hell of a place." Gerard smiled as he returned Alisa's kiss, one arm wrapped around her waist and holding her close. "When I set out from home, I had one goal in mind. To see my name out there in history."He waved an arm over them, as if imagining his name hanging in the air. He then turned his gaze back to her. [Color=orange]"And now there's going to be another name right beside me. Yours, my dear future queen,"[color]

When the two of them had sealed their relationship, the two of them had come up with a plan. There was an island Valentine had desired. And Gerard had decided that the two of them should go out and conquer it. Gerard already had control over the island of Minion, and now he planned to give his new lover a throne of her own. He just hoped that the log pose they had led them to it. Well, even if it didn't, then it was somewhere new, and Alisa could handle the situation.

In the meantime, there was no more comfortable place than right there in his lover's arms.

4From the Belt to Tundra [travel] Empty Re: From the Belt to Tundra [travel] Wed Aug 30, 2017 8:57 am

ID-7173 ("Valentine")

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ID-7173 (
"On an unrelated note, Gerard. Do you have a bounty to your head? Because then you're halfway to being known already! I wonder if I got one?" she said as she got lost in her train of thought before snapping the thoughts back to the subject of bounties that she had engaged in, "And if you do, how big is it?" she said with an excitement pose to her face, she really wanted him to succeed in the world after all, be known by bounty or by reputation around the world she didn't care, as long as her hubby was shown as strong as he is to the rest of the world she was happy.

Or really, as long as he was happy she was, it isn't like all feelings was shared either, but as long as she would be by his side she would be happy, whatever obstacle comes in their way. "I thought about it hubby, and how about getting a vacation island first for us? I thought of Zerene, it's quite early in paradise and it's one hell of a summer island but be vary, the land is quite ... weirdly behaved, the lands eat you in a sense using pollen and stuff, inflicting memory loss and turning animals into berserkering soldiers. But as long as we are careful we can probably take it for our own and get new earth in to that place, build something over there, make it something we can be proud of!" she said as she looked into her lovers eyes with a tender smile.

5From the Belt to Tundra [travel] Empty Re: From the Belt to Tundra [travel] Wed Aug 30, 2017 9:17 am

Gerard Sinnet

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Gerard Sinnet
From the Belt to Tundra [travel] Tenor

When the subject of bounties came up, Gerard paused and tilted his head in thought. "A bounty? Well, I guess I have one. When I fought that marine for Minion, he said something about 'vigilante justice' and 'resisting arrest,. Though I can't imagine it would be that high. Hell, I worked alongside a vice admiral before coming to the Calm Belt, so I can't imagine it's anything grand." He gave a small shrug and a chuckle, "Guess I need to fix that in Paradise then."

The she brought up another interesting suggestion. A little vacation island of their own, a place called Zerene. "Sounds interesting," Gerard murmured with a smile, "If my dear wife wants that island, then she shall get it." Sure, they weren't legally married, but if she was going to refer to him as "hubby", then he would respond in kind. They could work out the legalities later. He pulled her close, leaning in to kiss her neck.

And then there was a knock at the door. "Are you decent?" Alisa called from the other side. Gerard grumbled lightly as he pulled the blanket over them, covering them. "No, we're horribly corrupt. But come in." Alisa poked her head in, blushing lightly at the sight. "I think we may have an issue. According to my maps, we're not going towards Kuraigana Island."

6From the Belt to Tundra [travel] Empty Re: From the Belt to Tundra [travel] Wed Aug 30, 2017 9:32 am

ID-7173 ("Valentine")

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ID-7173 (
"Wherever we are heading I'm fine with it, paradise is a sea of trial and error after all, we'll get there some day Alisa." she said with a forgiving tone to her voice. Her body was pretty decently covered by the sheets of Gerards grand bed and even though they weren't going in the right direction that all didn't matter for her as she needed to see all the islands in due time anyway, or at least a lot of them to make travelling easier using her devil fruit.

"But if we aren't going to Kuruigana, then where are we going? To what island I mean." she said as she looked towards and graciously analyzed Alisa, her legs were not shabby and those were probably her main way of fighting if she ever did. Valentine preferred to use her legs in combat, but had never really done so as she didn't think it was a style that spoke to her, but maybe there's a special style out there that has something in store for her.

She wanted to rely less on her devil fruit abilities after all, and having more weapons in ones arsenal was never bad according to her. "And are we getting close to this island?" she said as she looked over towards Gerard whilst saying it, petting her mans hair and grooming it whilst waiting for an answer.


Last edited by ID-7173 ("Valentine") on Wed Aug 30, 2017 9:50 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : changed trail to trial, sue me.)

7From the Belt to Tundra [travel] Empty Re: From the Belt to Tundra [travel] Wed Aug 30, 2017 10:13 am

Gerard Sinnet

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Gerard Sinnet
From the Belt to Tundra [travel] Tenor

Gerard at first was a little annoyed that they weren't heading for the right destination. But it wasn't really Alisa's fault. The log pose pointed to where it was and it seemed to have set to this island for some reason. Valentine's response also smoothed things over. As long as she was fine with them coming here, then he was ok with it. Besides, this would be an interesting adventure, and if Gerard was going to become notorious, he would need to get as much exposure as he could.

"Well, from what I can tell, we're heading for an island called Tundra," Alisa replied to Valentine's inquiry. "Cold I'm guessing?" Gerard asked. Alisa nodded. "And chaotic. The island's in a constant state of infighting, and there are marines everywhere. We should exercise caution while we're there." Gerard nodded. "Interesting place to start our journey in Paradise. It would also be a good place to get some weaponry for the ship. Very well. Alisa, let the rest of the crew know. Let them know we're heading into a warzone." Alisa nodded, "Will do. It will still be a couple of hours before we arrive." And with that she bowed her head and left.

Gerard turned to Valentine, a twinkle in his eye. "A couple of hours huh? Better make the most of them." And with that he leaned in and kissed her deeply.


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