This was it. After a week of being stranded on that island, he was now back on his ship, and was about to head out to one of the greatest seas in the world. Paradise. When he had left Spider Miles all that time ago, he knew he would be heading there eventually, but now that it was happening, it was almost hard for him to believe.
Alisa had the log pose, and the crewmen were working their stations. With the seastone hull preventing attacks from seakings, all they had to worry about was being set upon by pirates or marines or other threats. Gerard made a mental note to get some weaponry for his ship when they were in the grand line.
But right now, Gerard was spending this voyage in his room, on his comfy bed, with the woman he loved. At the moment, he laid there with her, gently petting her silver hair. "You've been to Paradise, right?" he asked, looking into the eyes of his beloved, "What's it like?"