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1It begins [ Arc task]  Empty It begins [ Arc task] Wed Oct 21, 2015 9:51 am



Task Name: Day One Guard duty
Tier: 1
Location: 80th Branch
Crew, Team, or Personal: Personal
Description: Each marine has been told to partner up and stay together at all times. And each group is assigned a specific area to guard for theses three days; being on the lookout for anything suspicious going on.
Enemies / Allies Details: No
Boss: No

2It begins [ Arc task]  Empty Re: It begins [ Arc task] Wed Oct 21, 2015 11:57 am




"In five more days we attack full force, and claim this place as our own. And show you bastards true JUSTICE, just like you showed all those men and women those many years ago!"

"Oh, my. Isn't this a sight. Five days, before Judgement day. How exciting." Derous would say as he would lay eyes on the crudely made message on the side of the, once, plan building. He wasn't int the general area that everyone else was in, looking up at the message, but rather he was in the building right across from it. Looking at the message for only a few seconds and commenting on it as he continued his walk through the hall, as where he needed to be was more important. Well in his mind it was more important.

With his hands in his pocket he would kick the doors to the room he wanted to be in, the infirmary. Walking around he would glance at each the sleeping patients. "Seems everyone is doing better than what they were a few days ago, but how long can this last."

"What Dr. Derous?" A nurse who was attending to a patient would say, his words creeping her out to the point she had to turn and face him.

"Didn't you see that little message? If you think about it, the ones that did all of this to all of theses Marines. Was responsible for that message. And if they are able to sneak in here, this Marine filled Base and leave such a large message. This are not going to be good in these five days." Derous would say as he would pick up a patient's chart.

Last edited by Pie on Thu Oct 22, 2015 3:06 pm; edited 1 time in total

3It begins [ Arc task]  Empty Re: It begins [ Arc task] Wed Oct 21, 2015 2:29 pm




"Well, maybe everything will be alright. Just look at theses guys, they suffered sever injuries, and were on death's door before we began treating them. Though, I think we have a lot of capable Marines here so we will be able to deal with any threat." The Nurse would say as she would turn her attention back to her patient. Her words putting a reassuring smile on her face, as she had great faith in the Marines at the 80th Branch.

"Ah, yea. Capable Marines here, including us. To be honest that is laughable, because we aren't even capable enough to stop someone from sneaking into this place. " Derous would say as he would put down the chart and go over to a chair, wanting to chill as he didn't need to do anything at this point in time.

The Nurse, whose name was Shana, didn't say anything further about Derous' comments. As she didn't know what to say, as he seemed to be quite the downer. And he usually wasn't like that, he didn't even have his usual smile on his face. Only reason she could think of is that he was worried about everyone, that had to be it.

Derous would roll over to the wall in his chair, and gaze out the window. 'I hope someone interesting comes, no I hope they come sooner. As that message already guarantees something good is coming. Though, I wonder if my time here has made me rusty. I haven't fought in such a lon-' The doors of the infirmary would fly open and this would quickly gain the attention of Derous.

Last edited by Pie on Thu Oct 22, 2015 3:07 pm; edited 1 time in total

4It begins [ Arc task]  Empty Re: It begins [ Arc task] Wed Oct 21, 2015 3:58 pm




"Y-yes?" Shana would ask the fellow Marine that would barge in, the doors opening like that starling her.

"Everyone is ordered to take shifts now, to up security. Dr. Derous you are to take a day shirt, starting now, and Ensign Shana you are to take a night shift. A announcement would be called when shifts are to switch. We along with Ensign John will be working with you two, as yo-" The Marine would stop talking as Derous would stand up, yawning loudly to have everyone's attention put on him.

"Okay, no need to explain anymore. We understand, but I will tell you two this. Since you will be leaving up short handed in the daytime and also at night you pick up the slack. Meaning since I am gone John must listen to Shana and assist her in anyway she deems fit, and when I am here you must obey my orders since I won't have her to do my work." Derous would say as he would begin to walk toward the Marine, being a few inches away from the male Marine that spoke when halfway through with his own orders.

"Y-yes sir!" The Marine would quickly say.

"Good, now let get a move on and patrol this area of the base." Derous would tell the guy. Derous would put his hands in his pockets as he would begin to walk through the door and into the hallway. "Oi, Shana. Make sure no one dies while i'm gone." Derous would add as he continued to walk.

"OKAY!" She would yell in order for him to hear her. She would sigh and shut the door once those two were gone, 'We never let anyone die while in our care. I wonder why he said that.' She would think to herself, leaning against the the door. Suddenly one of the Marines would begin to cough horribly. Rushing over she would see that he need immediate medical attention. "Oh crap!"


"So, my fellow Marine. How do you feel about that message? Be honest with me, I won't look at you any different. " Derous would ask as he would continue to walk, well patrol this area with the guy.

"Well, I think it is creepy. And.. and well.... when I first read it I was scared..." He would say.

Silence would be between the two, but after a few minutes it will be broken. "You are going to like theses next few days, but I got you, don't worry." Is all Derous would say for the rest of them patrol. Why? He simply didn't want to laugh at the guy or belittle him, it wasn't worth it. He was going to be partners with the kid and he had to be nice, just for a little while.

They would continue their patrol and make it back the infirmary to switch with Shana and John. Derous would return to find that everything was alright, but Shana seemed stressed and tired. So, he would have her just go rest in one of the open beds and go on the patrol for her.

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