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1Decision time [Arc Task] Empty Decision time [Arc Task] Thu Oct 22, 2015 3:41 pm



Task Name: Meeting
Tier: 1
Location: 80th Branch
Crew, Team, or Personal: Team
Description: After what happened against that Fishman a meeting will be held with those of high rank, along with Derous, to discuss the plan of action that must be taken to get rid of the enemy. As there is no way for this base to receive any back up before the five days are up.
Enemies / Allies Details: None.
Boss: None

2Decision time [Arc Task] Empty Re: Decision time [Arc Task] Thu Oct 22, 2015 4:01 pm




Decision time [Arc Task] 500px-Marine_Meeting_Room

"Thank GOD!" One of the many Marines sitting down would say out loud, showing the great relief he had from the results of last night.

"No, you shouldn't be thanking anyone at this time. Just because ONE Fishman was killed in the battle last night, we aren't safe. There are still those warships surrounding us and preventing us from feeling any form of security." Derous would say being the only one standing, and also the lowest ranking Marine within this room. Where Derous stood was at the back of the room in front of a board. " And as I was saying we need to not just sit here idle for the rest of the remaining days, we must attack."

"We understand that, Dr. Derous. But how do you propose we do that? They are out of the range of our cannons and we don't want to send our ships out to just be destroyed." One of the Marines would say.

"Sadly, sacrifice can produce results." Derous would coldly tell them, and this gave him everyone's attention. Oh, how they didn't like what he said at all. The room was full of tension and Derous could just feel it, but he also could feel that they knew this had to happen deep down.

"I say we ask that man who defeated that Fishman what we should do, we holds a higher rank than Derous." Someone would blurt out. Then throughout the room everyone would begin to agree and soon one would send for Seth.

Derous would simply sigh, finding this truly unneeded. 'Fools asking another fool for assistance, the damn blind leading the blind. But whatever, no harm in hearing an idiot out. While he talks I will just think of another course of action that will be more reasonable for theses idiots.' Derous would think to himself as he would just lean up against the wall and wait for Seth to be brought to the meeting.

3Decision time [Arc Task] Empty Re: Decision time [Arc Task] Thu Oct 22, 2015 4:31 pm




notes. Don't try to fight me.
Skill. Over 9000
tags. Always open and ready.

Lieutenant Long couldn't replay the events that happen last night. He couldn't wrap his head around the fact that the fish-men was able to tunnel through concrete. Seth was still wearing his normal attire which was that of standard causal marine attire which was his all black suit. With his Marine Justice Coat drape across his suit shoulders not to mention his Marine Cap place directly on his head. Lieutenant Long is very handsome and elegant man. Who is very tall "5,11", and has shoulder-length silky blonde hair, with bright blue eyes and a very cheerful smile. But don't let his smile fool you because he is a sadistic mad man who is bend on destroying all who appose him plans. His cap had cover his face as he enter the building full of officers.

To be honest Seth was a bit lazy as yesterday he felt as he narrowly survive that encounter with the fishman. He was surprise the head ups request his appearance at the large meeting regarding the island fate. As he enter into the room he had stand at attention these dummy can break or help his career he only need help.

Lieutenant Long said,"," Reporting in.. eh sir!" Seth eyes trained on the room full of officers. He show respect because his rank wasn't that much higher then only a handful thus this was the best approach. The marine cap shielded his eyes from superior who may look down on him. But Long could feel the tension building in the room thus is the reason why he stayed on high alert. Hades rest in Lieutenant Long black suit jacket holster compartment which the tailor had install for him.


made by Seth

4Decision time [Arc Task] Empty Re: Decision time [Arc Task] Thu Oct 22, 2015 4:47 pm




Decision time [Arc Task] 500px-Marine_Meeting_Room

"Welcome, Lieutenant Long. First I, speaking for everyone here, want to just say that we are thankful for you killing that disgusting creature last night and put a end to them trying to put more fear into our men. You are a great marine and deserve much more praise, but at this time we can't give you that. We need your opinion on how we should handle the impending invasion on our Base. Should be send our remaining ships out to damage them as much as we can?  

That though, in turn, would cost us our reaming ships and the lives of good men. As the ships we have, truly, have no chance in doing much. At best they can take out one ship.

Another option would be that we try to fortify our base further to increase the chances of not getting obliterated when they fire on us, time consuming and also those on guard will have to stop and being to work on fortifying. Honestly, we are at a lose at this moment. And we would like your opinion on if we should go with those plans or with you have a different all together."
The tension in the room lightened a bit as they awaited an answer from Seth, anticipating a greet game plan to go with that will have minimal lose. They needed something and they wanted the man that has done something to give them something.

'So thinking about everything our enemy are a crew of disgusting Fishman, or well are most likely Fishman. One has, well had, the ability to dig through the ground so there must be a few places where they can enter from at any time.' Derous would smack his lips in disgust, not loud enough to be heard by the others though. He realized that they already were in trouble as the enemy could, when their ships finally moved, have some of their men come from the ground, and disrupt the efforts to keep the at bay or destroy them. And even at this moment they could have some of their men sabotaging the cannons or stealing supplies.

5Decision time [Arc Task] Empty Re: Decision time [Arc Task] Thu Oct 22, 2015 8:41 pm




notes. Don't try to fight me.
Skill. Over 9000
tags. Always open and ready.

~Can't You taste it?~
Lieutenant Long had begin to smile unlike any other his face expression was replace with an sadistic smile for cheek to cheek. He couldn't believe the praise he was getting for commonly killing a simple fishmen. Which just about any marine should be able to do further more they request for advice. These bloody fools are as dumb as the simple mind fishmen he just barely killed.

Long had grab the rim of the marine cap then begin to adjust the rim of the cap to allow his hair to breath slightly. Lieutenant Long had raise his right hand as he lick his index fingers then place his hand into the air. Lieutenant Long then said,"Can't you taste it? That is the taste of death!Today gentleman, it seems we are at a bit of disadvantages so I come before you offering a chance. I will suggest that we attack at night using the night fall as cover. We can strike a fatal blow if we load that one vessel up with explosives. Using the cover of night we drive the ship directly into the heart of the block aid! As that happen there attention would be on the ship that is on fire. As that happen we will load up several roll boats, and hit them with everything we have while they are panicking. Not to mention those bastards wouldn't see it coming! I am sure the good Doctor would love to lead this raid those.

Lieutenant Long had place his hand down as he examine the marine officials face expression.Whether they decide to listen to his plan or not doesn't bother him.All that matter is that he live to see another day.


made by Seth

6Decision time [Arc Task] Empty Re: Decision time [Arc Task] Fri Oct 23, 2015 8:30 am




Decision time [Arc Task] 500px-Marine_Meeting_Room

'Okay, I got it.' Derous would say to himself as he figured out a possible solution to their problem.

Just in time to hear the shit the Nurse, no Seth, would begin to spew out of his disgusting mouth. From everything he proposed really got Derous unconformable, as he didn't wanna be around an idiot like him.

"Great plan, extremely something...different. But sending a vessel full of explosive, and men, wouldn't do much. Maybe, if they are idiotic enough not to spot the vessel sailing toward them, we can take out one or maybe even two of the warships. But, sadly, we would just be sacrificing our men for no apparent reason, and also some of our resources. As, I assume, we would have to use at least all of the explosive we have, or a large quantity of that. Also, why would they send me? A Doctor? I would be ill experienced for that kind of task, you though. You would be the best to undertake that mission. Luckily, neither of us have to even debate who will go on it. As I have come up with a basic plan that will have no causalities and will just be time-consuming. Derous would turn his back them and pick up a marker, then he would processed to draw out their plan. It being better than talking on and on.

"Okay, here it is. Any objections?" Derous would ask, as this was the last thing he can come up for them. Silence would fill the room for five minutes before anything would even be said. Derous wasn't tense but rather bored of just standing here waiting, wanting to go and take a nap or have some tea in his office.

"Good, we will go with that plan. Obliviously changing just a few things here and there though, but overall we like it. Dr. Derous, Lieutenant Long. Thank you for your ideas and your time, now go and return to whatever you were doing." One of the higher ups would say.

"Yes, Sir~" Derous would say as eh would salute and begin to make his way out of the room. He wouldn't say anything to Seth though, this wasn't because the guy wanted him to sacrifice himself. It was because he had seen that idiot too much today,way too much.  

7Decision time [Arc Task] Empty Re: Decision time [Arc Task] Fri Oct 23, 2015 8:59 am




notes. Don't try to fight me.
Skill. Over 9000
tags. Always open and ready.

~Lazy Justice,Failure~
Lieutenant Long wasn't mad his idea wasn't taken into account those it did give him a name with his superiors. It was good to know that some of his superior had took note of his remarkable luck at surviving the little battle. As Ensign Derous begin to mark on the board his plan that the superiors seem to like. Long had just yawn as he place himself in parade risk after the doctor was done. He brought himself back to attention as he listen to the Superior words of knowledge.

It would seems like the superior would go with Doctor plan. He had grin then said,"And you say he just a doctor." After the events were set both him,and Derous was dismiss. Seth would salute as he said,"Yes , sir!" Before about facing then heading out the building he had to gather his equipment for the upcoming patrol which he was schedule to be place on today. As he arrive at outside he had took in the morning breeze today he had though was going to be a interesting day. Oh so he hope Seth was feeling a bit lazy those so he decide to make his way back to his quarters to take a nap then prepare for his patrol. Arriving at the room he had jump square unto the bed with his attire on. He did think why the doctor didn't meet him after maybe because the Doctor wasn't to fond of people. Either way it didn't bother him in fact it just made his job all the more easier.


made by Seth

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