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15Office Party [Flashback Marines] - Page 2 Empty Re: Office Party [Flashback Marines] Wed Oct 19, 2016 5:59 pm




Office Party [Flashback Marines] - Page 2 Tumblr_ndlwbh4b9z1qbvovho1_500Ceruleans eyes would remain upon her fellow rear admiral. She didn't even see the cat like creature beginning to stand, she focused solely on the noble whom spoke. His words were nice, but she would not fall for them. She simply kept her smile upon her face and nodded. "It's a" She began. Yet her words would be cut off as the cat like man finally got to his feet, exploding in anger due to Ceruleans previous pats. Now she didn't mind people being ass holes, if he wanted to threaten her that was fine, he was a cat, cats where cute and that to Cerulean gave the humanoid feline a minor pass. Yet it was the rumours, the way that the noble was. With such fame as a noble name and being in the Rear Admirals hiding something was difficult, especially hiding your trueself. Yet it would seem as though this cat like person had no idea of the people who where in the bar. Potentially more a grandline worker than one of the blues.

Now the cat like creature upon speaking had put himself between Cerulean and Star, as to look at her face. This meant he needed to turn to point towards Star. He would spin and his hand would rise, then he began to insult the noble. Fuck Cerulean thought, she had thought about halting him. Yet something about the way the cat spoke to the Rear Admiral, the faux smile she wore seemed to have a hint of realness within it. As she turned she noted Reina slapping her hand upon the bar demanding more and more drinks. This party needed to get back in to action, but right now the reaction of the noble was all she cared about. She did not make a move, except her eyes now moved towards the noble and the pussy cat. Moving to Reina at this point she grasped one of the drinks and chugged it in one, wiping away the remains from her chin she looked to Reina. "things are about to get ugly" she whispered low enough that only her fellow female marine could hear.  

16Office Party [Flashback Marines] - Page 2 Empty Re: Office Party [Flashback Marines] Wed Oct 19, 2016 7:21 pm




The Fallen


His eyes twitch momentarily more importantly a surge of anger engulf as Rear Admiral Star black out momentarily. To those who were watching he stood in place without moving a muscle but in Star mind it race with opportunities that presented itself.

Emperor Star mind begin to presented reasonable reason why the cat man insulted him in fact some where good some where not. But the fact remains is that the pussy cat disrespect a superior officer a noble at that discipline need to minister.

Unfortunately 10 individuals arrive at the time of Emperor Star was being disrespected.These individuals was Emperor Star personal guard 5 where samurai, and 5 were marines. The samurai are known to carried 3 katana an short,long, and medium one. Since this was a escort they were in full armor with the appropiate attire. As for the marines they were dress in full marine attire with an stand flint lock. They quickly close the distance to Emperor Star as one of the samurai rested his arms on Emperor Star shoulders pulling him back just 3 feet as the another samurai took up the former position of Rear Admiral Star.

The cold hands of the samurai had awake Star from the black out as he said,"You dare speak to your superior like this? Have you lost your cotton candy picking mind?" Emperor Star fist were now brawl up as the remaining 9 individuals surround the group in circular formation. The samurai rested there hands on the blades as the marines place there hands on there weapons. Star had said ,"Apologize now! Then I will over look this incident."Upon coming out his trance his Ken Haki activated out of alertness.

Grunts Data:
Techniques/Stamina Use:
Haki Stamia:

17Office Party [Flashback Marines] - Page 2 Empty Re: Office Party [Flashback Marines] Wed Oct 19, 2016 9:48 pm

Bacon is fluffy


At the bar Riena's ears perked at the cat fellow's verbal assault on Cerulean and the whistling weirdo. She smirked while facing the bar, happily counting the drinks. The cat was certainly interesting, if not a little reckless. If her tater buddy was put off by the star fellow, then what was he thinking barking at strangers who could give you tickle feelings just by being present. Now he was seething with rage, a non too good feeling. Even her years in the north blue with all the grouchy jerks who hated the cold, could have hardly compare to this guy. " hey bar keep, T-0-T-Z", she said, grabbing his collar as he stared into space.

The man stammered and fumbled, moving quickly to prepare the tots as her superior slipped out of the limelight for a moment;ending up next to Reina. She skillfully, no instinctively reached for a drink and drank it all in one go. Reina offered her another, nodding her head at her whisper. " Well Mam you be the knowledgible one here. I'll follow yer lead", she whispered back, as if it wasn't already her duty to do so in the first place. Reina was pretty bad with remembering rank and got yelled at a lot. " Anyone as cool as you, coupled with the tot loving is trust worthy in my books". She said, gesturing to herself with her erect thumb.

It was not more than a few moments later that the people making a commotion earlier would make their appearance in the bar as well. Just as Reina expected, they were big burly men and clean cut marines with a strict look upon their faces. Flat and without emotion, you would think they were cyborgs or something. Reina with her index finger, turned to count the newcomers, " 1,2,5,---6--9---10? Shit I missed one. Hope they don't get too offended Mam". With one arm she supported her weight, pushing down upon the slippery bar counter and ended up next to the bar keep. When the other guys were busy surrounding them, she pour two more drinks and slid them to the nearby marine and samurai who positioned themselves around 6 feet from either side of the counter. In addition to this she grabbed the half prepared plate of fries in front of the terrified bar keep, who was the only awake civilian in the room, shivering and swaying with fear.

She grabbed a few tots and slid the plate to cerulean. Her gaze now affixed upon the cat and star fellow as she ate each potatoe wedge with anticipation. " mmm, pretty good".


18Office Party [Flashback Marines] - Page 2 Empty Re: Office Party [Flashback Marines] Wed Oct 19, 2016 10:29 pm


Landru looked over his shoulder as the girl who had been so full of energy before left him, leaving with a rather cold patch in the back of his head. He was wearing barely anything while soaked in beer and now, completely alone. Perhaps he didn't enjoy her presence, but the fact that she had a personality at all was a miracle in the Marine's, usually it's just full of moron's with sticks up their asses who can't take so much as the slightest word against them. Perhaps he would try and find her after this whole mess and call her an idiot some more, she seemed to respond pretty well to that sort of thing.

His eyes lazily turned to the door, the flash of heat that had spurned on his actions turning down to a simple simmer, the memory of a fighting spirit rather than the fighting spirit itself. Ten men stormed in, apparently to protect the small child. "What, can he not handle a drunken shouting match on his own?" He asked aloud, not expecting any form of answer as he was surrounded on all sides. They each had weapons, some of them multiple. Or did they? He couldn't be quite sure, there was a lot of confusion about that in the past, something about someone complaining for a pay rise. It wasn't his business, so he left it. Locking eyes with the creature before him, he continued. "It would seem that you're as stupid as you are short. I'll speak slowly as not to confuse you. I will not apologize to you, nor do I intend to ever do so. If you've got a problem with that, I would recommend you either relieve me of my rank or cut down an innocent man in the middle of a busy bar. I will give you the kindness of a warning, however, there are those who might not be too happy about that course of action, those who might decide to do something about it." He shrugged his anorexic shoulders, his arm rubbing at the back of his neck. "So I'll leave that one up to you to figure out." With that, he turned moving between the awaiting men with the possible weapons, sitting down to the right of the cat faced girl and the one who had been yelling previously about potatoes of all things. Shakily, his hand extended, grabbing a wedge which went down so quickly he didn't even have time to taste it. "Do you know if these are cooked in the same pan as the meat?" He asked his two seated companions, something that he probably should have thought about before.

19Office Party [Flashback Marines] - Page 2 Empty Re: Office Party [Flashback Marines] Thu Oct 20, 2016 1:01 pm




Office Party [Flashback Marines] - Page 2 Tumblr_ndlwbh4b9z1qbvovho1_500There it was, the reason why marines viewed Rear Admirals and alike as nothing more than bastards with sticks up their butts, perhaps it was more the noble within star, but his attitude, people just didn't want to be around those kinds of people. Yet it would seem this mink truely did not know who or what it was he was shouting at. The winged creature was a noble of the Little Wano. Sure not well known within the grandline or really any of the other blues but here in East blue, he would be known to those. Yet Cerulean would smile as she nodded to Reina, at least she had some back up, though to be perfectly honest, she felt as though she did not need it. This Rear Admiral, this one had little skill in her eyes and relied on others, this was obvious through his entourage. She had met strong nobles before, they did not need such a guard of vast numbers. They had their own skill. This little creature simply held his rank via his title. What the spoiled wanted the spoiled got.

Now the mink was shouting and digging a hole for himself. "Idiot" uttered Cerulean as she moved from the bar midway through the cats speech. Just before it ended she would reach the group. "Thats enough kitty, Here in the blues we offer those of noble heritage respect, while your here within my town, I expect you to do the same" she said as her hand came upon his shoulder, easily done due to the fact the cat was like two inches taller than she was. With a fierce grip she would attempt to pull the cat backwards, pushing him behind her. "With that being said, I'm addressing Morning Star of the Rear Admirals. Whats the matter? Can't handle a bit of critiscm from your fellow marines? It's going to be a lonely life if you threaten all those whom taunt you" Cerulean uttered, her mouth twitching in to a semi smile, yet her hands rested upon the hilts of her blades. "Now, unless you intend to disrupt us with needless battling, your weapons will be sheathed, you may either join in on the fun, or leave" She said matter of factly. Turning, placing her back to the noble and his group. She would place a hand upon the shoulder of the cat once more, the cat whose face was now facing her and attempt to move him towards Reina whom had the TOTS. Picking up a tot she would smile. "Now whose up for Karaoke" she said, her smile devilish.   

20Office Party [Flashback Marines] - Page 2 Empty Re: Office Party [Flashback Marines] Thu Oct 20, 2016 1:42 pm




The Fallen


"Whats the matter?" The words echo into Star mind didn't she witness the foul mouth of that damn femline regardless if he or she didn't know if I was a noble or not. I have the bloody Rear Admiral Jacket own. Emperor Star had smile as he said,"I am sorry maybe you don't understand this situation clearly... That marine behind you insulted not only a superior officer but a noble of the World Government . Regardless if he didn't know I am a noble he ignore my rank I work so bloody hard to attain with my very own blood, and sweat! Since I am a noble of the world government , and a official I request that you a Rear Admiral punish him for disrespect to a Superior Officer. Since my method wouldn't seem to please you I think you should handle this issue."

Emperor Star face shown of pure rage, and his fist was brawl up as he continue to speak as he said,"Guards stand down. We shall await to see Rear Admiral Faith approach after all this look to be her subordinate which she have rightfully defend.. However his charges of clear the disrespect of a superior officer, and that of a noble which is frown upon." Emperor Star had frown the samurai, and the marines around him seem to stand down releasing there weapon as Star had release his Ken Haki this was a very sticky situation that went from 0-100 quickly.

Grunts Data:
Techniques/Stamina Use:
Haki Stamia:

21Office Party [Flashback Marines] - Page 2 Empty Re: Office Party [Flashback Marines] Thu Oct 20, 2016 9:54 pm

Bacon is fluffy


Reina frowned at the minkman's disgraceful dialogue, her eyes trained on him as she sipped on her drinks none of his guards bothered drinking. Slouched in her stool and leaning against the counter, she continously sipped on the drinks during all the commotion. Her body felt loose, arm loosely hanging with a shot glass as Cerulean chastised the minkman. She nod her head at rear admiral's spiel, both reasonable and hopefully effective. I really am getting hungry now Reaching back she grabbed another handful of tots and stuffed her mouth with the potatoey goodness when mister star was still acting up. She felt the slow burn of the potatoes forcing themselves down his esophagus with tears welling in her eyes. Reaching for anything on the counter she washed the wad of potatoes down with some good ol fashioned water. Reina wiped her mouth and stepped forward past both Cerulean and the minkman.

With a stern frown upon her face she sauntered before star and looked him straight in the eyes. Unable to hold herself up anymore she fell flat on her tooshy and continued staring up at star. " Oi mister big shot star guy, you be making a mockery of yer own position by yerself". She lifted the water bottled and shook it forth back at him, its contents splashing the floor around him. " Rank's suppose to be used to do good things for the people. it ain't suppose to be used to punish peepil fer no reason. If you really be worthy of yer noble blood, then act like it". Leaning on her free hand she pointed at cerlean with her bottle, splashing her a little. " Ceru knows how to be dignified. yer just using rank to pad yer massive ego". As she finished she made a wide arc with her hands, arms outstretched to her left and right, indicating how big headed she thought he was.

22Office Party [Flashback Marines] - Page 2 Empty Re: Office Party [Flashback Marines] Fri Oct 21, 2016 3:05 am


The weight of his actions was beginning to dawn on him. The fact that it had taken so long was only a sign of his failings. Allowing himself to be lead by the girl on shaky legs. Moving on automatic, he sat to the right of the cat faced girl, with the seemingly autistic one too busy ripping out the kids ass. He leaned in close to her, speaking in a low voice so only the two of them could hear. "Thanks for that. I'm not quite sure what I was thinking." It was probably the only genuine thing he had said all night. Actually, now that he thought about it. Maybe most of the higher up Marine's were a bit on the spectrum, they didn't seem to understand how normal people interacted at all, it was always based on strange logic or over explaining yourself to a fault. It was one field where he admired the outlaws over the military, the individuals actually seemed like individuals, not just a homogenized mess of personality traits and characteristics. Even now, when the only purpose was to relax and not be so uptight they were still going off at each other like it was court.

"Do they actually have karaoke here?" He mused in a rumbling tone, his yellow eyes slowly trailing across the room, trying to bask in as much detail as they could. Lots of little things stuck out as being out of place with the typical bar. You know, like the ten armed guards, or the girl rolling around in the center of the room acting like her head was 'this big'. They had well and truly trashed the place, no thanks to himself. Maybe at this point one of the higher ups would just pay for the whole mess, that way he wouldn't get fined for breaking the table. He wanted to ask his new companion what the child's fucking deal was, but right about now it didn't seem so wise. When the air had cleared out, sure, but for now he was just going to have to bite his tongue. "Where are you serving right now?" He asked casually, almost wanting to hit himself for bringing up the most over used small talk line of all time. "I mean, obviously Loguetown, but anything of interest?" He cocked a brow in her direction, trying to block out the mess behind him as best he could.

23Office Party [Flashback Marines] - Page 2 Empty Re: Office Party [Flashback Marines] Fri Oct 21, 2016 7:09 pm




Office Party [Flashback Marines] - Page 2 Tumblr_ndlwbh4b9z1qbvovho1_500Cerulean looked to the Rear Admiral and rolled her eyes. "You seem to forget, this isn't Little Wano, you do not control this island, nor its inhabitants no matter how highly you think of yourself, if you wish for punishment then fine" Cerulean said as she walked with the kitty whom would then sit upon the chair. "Bad kitty" She said pointing her finger at the mink. She then grasped some tots and ate them before turning back to The noble. "It may do you some good to realize people may not recognise you, perhaps your not as famous as you think outside of these waters? Huh" Cerulean would say with a frosty edge to her voice.

Moving around the table, she took her seat as she pulled her hand around a drink. "Yes uhmmm, i dont know your name Kitty" Cerulean uttered before taking a large mouthful of drink. "They do Karaoke, and I believe I am the raining queen" at this the other marines looked at each other, somewhat with a frightful glace before shaking their head, yet Cerulean was to engrossed in her drink, though she kept looking back at the noble rear admiral. His attitdue had given away every rumour she had heard, his false facade of niceness had slipped away so easily when he felt threatened. It was a pitiful display, why the marines allowed such arrogance and ignorance in their ranks. It was a mystery to her. But alas the speakers were being set up. "I shall allow others to perform first, the best always closes the show you see" she uttered to her fellow marines.   

Last edited by Cerulean Faith on Sat Oct 22, 2016 2:07 pm; edited 1 time in total

24Office Party [Flashback Marines] - Page 2 Empty Re: Office Party [Flashback Marines] Sat Oct 22, 2016 12:33 pm



Emperor Star had gently face palm himself he was trying to firgue out what he did to earn this scenario. Unfortunately he came up with nothing which was all the more reason for him to let this accident go. From what he seen from the very beginning he step aside this bar the behavior pattern of the people considerably change which at first didn't bother him. But now he understands that gracing them with his appearance was too much for them to handle. Well that the conclusion he have came to which had tickle him. Rear Admiral Star had sighs then said [color=#9900ff],"Gentleman enjoy yourself because we have a long journey back to Little Wano." Star had grunted as he made his way over to the closest table to the bar. Taking a seat being sure his wings didn't cause him any discomfort a few of his guards took a seat with him.

They begin to order drinks, and socialize as for Star he was waiting for something what it was only he knew. The people within the bar return back to normal well as far as talking, and drinking maybe he should look into taking over this island to kill off Rear Admiral Faith famliy for the lulz. How boring this was watching these fools drink,and carry on but such things couldn't be help after all it was a bar. Emperor Star was kinda in deep though as he glance around the bar wondering when opportunity would presented itself. Emperor Star had folded his arms as he waited patently for the drinks he was in an relax state of mind too.

25Office Party [Flashback Marines] - Page 2 Empty Re: Office Party [Flashback Marines] Sat Oct 22, 2016 4:16 pm

Bacon is fluffy


Reina curiously looked at the rear admiral who went by the name of star, lose all the hatred almost instantly. Oddly enough,he dropped his grievances and took part in the festivities without much hesitation. His scary samurai all took seats among the guests, who resumed in the same rowdy manner they had been in before mister whistler uttered his tune. There was a slight draw to the rear admiral, women seemed to giggle at him and dudes tended to avoid eye contact. His presence was not forgotten, nor was it a damper on the festivities anymore. Reina's head started pounding, the return of the rowdy atmosphere brought along the noise, which rang in her ears.

She lifted herself up as best that she could, staggering to the table where star was. On her way she pulled a chair up backwards and slumped herself on the edge of the table rather abruptly. She took note of the wings she hadn't exactly paid much mind to, they were rather cool looking she thought. Reaching out to touch the edge of one,before retracting her hand. As the the bad karaoke resounded in the background she rested her head on her arms and turned to rear admiral again. He was sort of on her mind after she said all those retarded things. " Eyy uh sir person guy, uhh I'm sure being a persin of ran'k mus be kind of diffuclt. I'm sure you mus wanaa relax too but ya can't cuz of yer position. so i'm sorry fer wha its worth". she said, turning back to the karaoke, beginning to doze off.


Last edited by Bacon is fluffy on Sun Oct 23, 2016 1:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

26Office Party [Flashback Marines] - Page 2 Empty Re: Office Party [Flashback Marines] Sun Oct 23, 2016 3:08 am


Things had gotten incredibly weird all at once, something that was pretty impressive considering just how stupid things had been just a moment ago. Still, they had seemingly split off into two separate groups, himself and the insane girl with the racist facial makeup being one group with Senior Asshole and Tipsy Tots in the other. It wasn't exactly the kind of situation that he found himself stomaching easily at all. "Landru, I'm Landru Nomad." He replied politely pushing himself to his feet. After all, even if he was planning to leave he should had least give his name to the girl who most certainly saved his life. "Thank you again. My dream would have been ruined had I been arrested, so my life is in your debt. If you ever need a favor, don't hesitate to ask." He was deadly serious in comparison to how he had been just a few moments ago. He didn't make promises often, in fact he made a habit of avoiding them. Whether she remembered once she sobered up or not, it was a promise that the young woman could count on entirely. "I hope next time we meet it's under better circumstances, now if you'll excuse me." With that he pushes his chair in, his body turning on its side as he slid through a tight fit in the tables. Well, it wasn't a complete waste of time, at least he knew now never to come to a Marine party.


27Office Party [Flashback Marines] - Page 2 Empty Re: Office Party [Flashback Marines] Sun Oct 23, 2016 5:22 pm




Office Party [Flashback Marines] - Page 2 Tumblr_nfh4lz4ExR1qd16pfo1_500

With a smile upon her face, she would look around, it seemed everything had gone to plan. Except for one thing, Reina obviously had had to much to drink. "it's nothing Landru, I believe the marines to be a family, families bicker, some people just need to learn not to be such ass holes about it. Born with golden blood, bah, their blood is dirtier than most, inbreds probably" she said not realizing that Landy had actually skulked off. With a smile, it would seem as though she was going to be forced to miss Karaoke. "Fellow marines, money is behind the bar, party on. It seems as though little Reina has succumbed to the drink. I'll escort her back to the barracks and then return. Upon my return i shall sing for you all" she said with such conviction.

Picking up Reina it was impressive to see the rear admiral whom was tiny do such a thing. The chilly night time walk would bring her back to her senses even more, washing off the effect the drink had had on her. A small buzzing in her head turned to a minor pounding as the early signs of a hangover preceded to show itself. Putting her new friend to bed was simple. Just plopping her down. A bit of water and she was ready to head back out, it had taken roughly 20 minutes. As she got to the tavern she would open the door, returning with a cheery. "HELLLOOO"

28Office Party [Flashback Marines] - Page 2 Empty Re: Office Party [Flashback Marines] Mon Oct 24, 2016 5:47 pm



,"It is time to go I have what I need." Emperor Star would mumble to himself he would talk loud of enough for his guard to hear him. As he stood up, and attempt to made his exit out the pub his guard surround him as they carefully escort Emperor Star out the area entirely. This would happen after the cat have left the building about 10 minutes after of whatever he didn't want to give Rear Admiral Faith the idea that he was following the marine out the bar.

I bet you wondering what he had wanted well that was name of the officer who disrespected his rank, and title. He will forever remember the cat name because he had plan for him, and it only require time soon that marine would wish he never pissed off Emperor Star so help him god. It didn't take long for the group of peoples to leave Emperor Star had took note of what Rear Admiral Faith had said after all it was some hint of truth to her words. But he didn't care enough to reply to her because he didn't want to be bother with this issue again. Besides he had more important things to do, and that was to protect his island from danger. Not a easy job to begin with, and a very costly one to if he may added. As he left the pub he had said,"Until next time ladies, and gentleman it have been a pleasure."


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