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15EDGE OF GLORY - Page 2 Empty Re: EDGE OF GLORY Tue Oct 18, 2016 2:37 pm


His lands moved down his chest, stopping at his stretched stomach, completely content as he was now. It had been all too long since he had eaten anything like this, it was usually just whatever he could steal or whatever was left out. He had tried going to the soup kitchen but it felt like accepting that his life was over at that point. "Right, kid. I cannot fucking believe it but you might actually be using your brain for once. Keep this up and you might pass the fifth grade." He laughed his shrill laugh once more, a grin spread firmly across his face, apparently without a care in the world. "So, in conclusion, you need me to sail your ship and I need you to make sure I don't get my head cut off by some random?" He asked inquisitively, running his nail against his teeth, forcing the dirt that had accumulated under it out. "So, assuming we get this ship and make it out of here, what's the plan then, hmm? The two of us aren't going to get very far alone, you're going to need a proper crew unless you're banking on a whole lot of luck. Considering I met you wandering around in the worst part of town drinking more piss than I weigh, I'm gonna assume you might be on your ass when it comes to that. Well, it's no bloody good, with no crew we would be lucky to get three days in without something going wrong." He patted at his stomach once more, the slap echoing around the before returning to his feet. Out stretching a bony hand towards his companion, covered in dirt, blood and tattoos, he continued. "So, partners? I'm Landru Nomad, and I would like to know your name, least I call you fuckwad for the rest of our time together."

16EDGE OF GLORY - Page 2 Empty Re: EDGE OF GLORY Tue Oct 18, 2016 4:39 pm



The Revolutuonary took another drink from the pitcher, rolling his eyes at the cat as he did so. Fifth grade? Who fuck did this cat think he was, a peasant? Public school was probably the worst possible way to get an education. Vicktur was schooled at home by a private tutor. His father being a wealthy shithead and all that. By the way, did he mention that he killed his father with his own sword? Because he did. He never got tired of telling people about that. It was his proudest accomplishment. Next to that foursome with those Winged triplet sisters. He laid the pitcher down as the cat finished expressing his sentiments. Dont worry about the crew, cat. I have a Scientist and a Doctor on board already. I'm sure their doing the same thing that I am right now. he studied the minks body They might be able to help you with that failing health of yours, too. We cant have you dropping dead because you dont give a shit about your body. Vicktur stood up and grasped his hand, his own being many times bigger than Landru's.

Landru, eh? I'm surprised it isnt Fluffy or Hobbes. he tightened his grip and squeezed the cats hand like a vice, just because why the fuck not? I'm Vicktur. Vicktur Laniakea. he released the paw As for the plan? I'm sure you know what i'm aiming for. The end of the road. What every Pirate and their mom is after. the One Piece obviously But thats just a means to an end. I wanna see the New World. I want to get better, stronger, and smarter. The best of the best are going for the same thing. And i'm sure there's a thing or two you wish to accomplish before you become dog-chow.

17EDGE OF GLORY - Page 2 Empty Re: EDGE OF GLORY Tue Oct 18, 2016 5:09 pm


"Scientist and a doctor." He repeated, mulling it over in his head. He kinda hated their types, scientists that is. What kind of fucking title was that anyway, scientist? Biologist or physicist he could understand, but just a broad term like scientist could be applied to anything. He could be called a scientist because he could build vessels, there was a lot of science to it, but there's a lot of science to everything. "Different people, I assume?" He asked questioningly, wincing as his hand was brought into the vice like grip. "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say Kanye." He snapped, shaking the blood back into his hand. That was always the problem with his type, they never knew when enough was enough, always trying to go just a little bit more than what was required. "Right, two other people. I'm not sure if that'll be enough, but we'll have to take what we can get. Where are they now? I wish to meet them." He glanced around the diner, making sure that he hadn't left anything behind. "I'll meet you outside." He called over his shoulder as his partner still had to pay. Pushing through the wooden door, he breathed in the sharp sea air, pondering about how he may never see this place again. 'It's happened again, I've been roped up into someone else's story. Not to mention it's the one story that every would be adventurer finds themselves roped into at one point or another. I almost don't want to do it, to tell him that I've changed my mind and am perfectly fine where I was, but I'm sick of this town, I'm sick of these people. I'm tired of getting caught in the messy balls of twine which make up their lives.' Wandering down the street slightly, he leaned against the side of the building, looking out over the horizon, the sun painting a like of light towards him, as if beckoning him on the way forward, tempting him with the promise of excitement, of life. Hearing the opening of the door behind him, he called out without bothering to look. "If you've changed your mind, now's the time to tell me. From now on the two of us will be bound to one another, you understand? This is your last chance to get me out of your life." He sounded serious, almost as if he was in mourning, a complete turn from his normal snarky tone.

18EDGE OF GLORY - Page 2 Empty Re: EDGE OF GLORY Tue Oct 18, 2016 6:01 pm



Vicktur simply nodded his head as Landru repeated his words, Scientist and Doctor. The cat made a good point, three wasnt enough. But that wasnt something that Vicktur hadnt already considered. Very few crews started stuffed to the gills. It wasva process that he was well on the way of completing. With any luck Yomi was recruiting one or two folks right now as well. If not then....well, they'd get to that bridge when it was time to cross. Landru scanned the area looking for the Doctor and Scientist, no doubt suspecting that they were the exact same person. She's not here. We'll meet up with her later. he went through his pockets for beli to pay for the meal while Landru vacated the premesis. Vicktur was feeling pretty good about the whole situation. He had both a Shipwright and Navigator in one person, much like Yomi being his Doctor and Scientist. He pulled a wad of bills from his pocket and pulled out the cost of the meal plus a tip....a small tip. Yeah, he wasca cheap bastard. Wtf are you going to do about it? He did leave a tip though.

Exiting the building he was met my Landru. The cat addressed him without turning around. For all thus guy knew Vicktur wasnt even the one who exited the restaurant. Unless....he was psychic? Ooooooh, he definitely wasnt. He just got lucky. I have no apprehensions. he stood next to Landru Sounds like you're second guessing your decision though. he looked down at him from the corner of his eye The sea is better than the gutter. That much is for sure

19EDGE OF GLORY - Page 2 Empty Re: EDGE OF GLORY Wed Oct 19, 2016 5:36 am


"Not really, I don't think so." He replied, scratching behind his ears, his skin momentarily pulling up before sagging into place. "What's the word. When you put importance on simple things? You know what I'm talking about that. Sentimental. I'm getting sentimental, it comes with old age, I think. Don't worry about it, Kanye, it's not exactly anything major." He turned, spinning on his heel to face Vicktur. "What kinda ship were you after, boy? How much firepower are you wanting to pack in that bad boy, don't pussy out on me here, alright. I want cannons and a fuckload of them." He waved over to the gigantic retard, beckoning him to follow. They traveled in near silence, Landru trotting to far ahead to hear anything that Vicktur would spout out, no doubt some pointless dribble about how he was a pussy cat and fleas. The guy really was a broken record. He reached a stop at the chain link fence separating the civilians from the ocean, from a shot at freedom. He leaned against a wooden post, his arms folded atop of it, peering out into the majesty of the open sea. Waiting for his partner to catch up, he continued. "I've really got to ask, this scientist how attached to her are you?" He turned his head, looking up at his companion. "I don't want to sound rude, but I'm not going to sail with a woman. It's bad luck. We won't make it five miles out before we get struck down by lightning. Plus, they leave their shit lying around everywhere, it's just a losing situation no matter how you look at it, ya understand. I really hate to do this to ya, kid. Trust me. I understand she's probably the first girl you've ever talked to, but you're going to have to cut her off. Getting your dick wet isn't worth getting the two of us killed."

20EDGE OF GLORY - Page 2 Empty Re: EDGE OF GLORY Wed Oct 19, 2016 4:38 pm



Sentimental? Now thats something Vicktur never thought he'd hear from this bum. How someone could be sentimental about living in what amiunted to a sewer was beyond him. But then again, he was only nineteen years old. And from the way the cat spoke, Landru mustve been about three times that age. Vicktur wondered how many of those years were spend in that gutter, shitting on himself to stay warm. Not that he cared enough to ask. It was just a passing thought in a mind filled with passing thoughts. The mink then brought up the question on what kind of ship he was looking for, but seemed more interested in the cannons than anything else. Amazing, they actually agreed on something. Vicktur wanted a ship stuffed to the rafters with cannons, guns, and a myriad of weapons. He was sure Yomi could invent some sophisticated hardware to blow the competition away. And if he could get his hands on a Blacksmith he was sure to get what he wanted. I want something big and armed to the teeth. he spoke while folowing Landru to his destination. Where ever in the hell that was.

A galleon would be nice. Pack as many cannons as you can onto it.... he stopped talking when he realized Landru wasnt paying attention. They stopped at a gate that seperated them from the open ocean. Landru seemed vexxed by the rolling waves. If it werent for the incessant cries of the seagulls Vicktur mightve enjoyed himself a bit more. I never took you for the superstitious sort. he grinned Next your gonna warn me about Sirens and how their songs would lead us astray that amused him more than it should have. The superstitious folk were amusing, though. How could he not get a good chuckle out of such nonsense Worry not... he made a dismissive gesture You cant even call her a lady anymore. She's more machine than woman now. No more bad luck than a piece of hardware. he ignored Landru's vacuous statement about getting his dick wet. He knew Yomi was less intetested in stuff like that then he could possibly understand. Even if he personally spent a fortune at most ports at their brothels.

21EDGE OF GLORY - Page 2 Empty Re: EDGE OF GLORY Wed Oct 19, 2016 4:56 pm


His head snapped back, glaring at Vicktaur, the setting sun behind him illuminating his form. "Don't fuck with me Vicktaur, I'm not the kind to pull punches. You're trying to set me up on a ship with a walking fucking death trap who is also a woman? That's two fucking wrongs, fuckwad, they don't make a right." He smacked at the wooden post he had been resting on, the blow sending a rattling down his bony arm. "Woman are all vindictive whores who have no concept of the word honor or loyalty, I wouldn't dare trust one with my change let alone my life. Not only that, you daft motherfucker. You're trying to set me up on a ship with a fucking Cylon? Do you think I'm an idiot or something? I saw Battlestar Galactica, I know how that shit goes down. We'll think it's finally OK and that we can trust 'it' and then, bam! Full robot uprising." He spat into the rushing waves below, his phlegm mixing with the filthy which contaminated the love of his life. "A woman ain't got much running through her veins as is, aside from ice. You're just pulling that down further if you're tryin' to fuck a terminator type hoe, you know what I'm saying." His hand went to his face, tugging at his loose skin as he paced back and forth, apparently completely frantic over the idea of their medic being less than man. "No, no way. I'm not gonna budge, you hear me? We shook hands man, did you two shake hands? I fucking doubt it, alright. No fucking way."

22EDGE OF GLORY - Page 2 Empty Re: EDGE OF GLORY Wed Oct 19, 2016 5:45 pm



Okay, now this took the cake. He had met superstitious sailors before. The Revolutionary Army had their fair share. Hell, he and Yomi had to stay behind on a number of missions because of this exact same mentality. But never had he met someone so damn afraid of Cyborgs. They were actually superior to fleshy humans in many ways. They were more durable, had more endurance, and usually had superior strength. He couldnt blame Landru for not trusting Yomi, though. She was self serving. And he felt that she was only a Revolutionary because they benefitted her master plan, whatever that may be. After they were of no more us he knew she would drop them. He didnt really care. She was one of the few people he trusted not to screw him over. As long as he didnt get in her way, they could remain on good terms. The giant of a man burst out into laughter at Landru's seemingly ignorant take on the subject. Despite not knowing what the hell he was talking about when Landru mentioned Battlestar Galactica, he assumed it was some kind of film or something. He wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

You really are a funny guy, arent you? Vicktur approached the gate and sat down on a smooth section. We've done more than shake hands. She's saved my ass and i've saved hers. No reason to get paranoid about any of that. She has no reason to turn on us unless we get in her way. We both have a common goal and it benefits both she and I to work together. he had a feeling that wasnt enough, though. But I kniw better than to think that could sway you. I"m not sure where you got this crazy nonsense from, but fine. You only have to travel with her around until we get a second ship. Meanwhile you dont have to interact with her or even like her. it seemed like a good compromise to him. Then again, women didnt bother him out on the open ocean. So one could never tell with someone like Landru. If she has the gall to pull something before then, we'll just end her rightly. That wont happen, though.

23EDGE OF GLORY - Page 2 Empty Re: EDGE OF GLORY Wed Oct 19, 2016 6:54 pm


He cocked a brow in Vicktaur's direction, as if questioning his choice of words. He was certain they had done a lot more than just shake hands, that was what he was worried about. He didn't exactly want to serve under someone who was going to let their dick make all their choices. "Yeah, she might only think about herself and would fuck us other without reason, but she sucked my dick so I think it's OK." He mocked in an overly deep voice, as if he had tried to swallow a whole jar of peanut butter. "That might comfort you, Vicky, but that kind of tretchory won't work on someone like me, you won't blindside me with your rambling about trust. I refuse to serve under a captain so ignorant!" He yelled out, causing a few heads in the area to turn. He paused for a moment, composing himself, as he rubbed at his temple. "I have a dream I wish to see out before I die, Vicktaur. I wouldn't expect you to understand what it's like, knowing your life will end soon no matter how much you look out for yourself. Rest assured it's not pleasant. I will live to see this dream come intro fruition before age claims me, I won't allow something as foolish as a woman to come between that. I expect you to monitor her at all times while we're on board, understand? I don't want her so much as sneezing without you seeing it." He turned back to the ocean, the lapping waves calming his nerves back down to a normal level. A thought struck his mind there, if they had a crew of only three people, then who was the captain? If Vicktaur was going to try and say she was, he would probably end up walking away on the spot, or at least complaining about it for a really damn long time. "Who is the captain, anyway? It's not either of you two, obviously, so is there a third person I haven't heard about yet?"

24EDGE OF GLORY - Page 2 Empty Re: EDGE OF GLORY Wed Oct 19, 2016 8:50 pm



He raised his hand as if to stop the mink I dont know how much more clear I can make this; we havent fucked, we arent fucking, and we never will. I doubt she even has that biological compulsion anymore. or atleast he doubted she did. He had never even seen or heard her suggest that she did either. It was pretty sad actually. But perhaps not having those desires worked for her. After all, once you are void of desire it leaves room for many other things. Like doctor and scientific mumbo-jumbo. And it wouldnt exactly be betrayal if we stood in the way of her dream, now would it? You have something you wish to accomplish and wont let anything stop you. So does she. It's very hypocritical to hold her to a different standard. Vicktur wondered if Landru even saw it in the same way. The two of them had been bumping heads since they met. And while the mink could be a pain in the ass, he imagined that would be useful. Landru was sure to keep the young Revolutionary on his toes.

As for who the Captain is.... he thought for a moment ]The girl is sure to be disintetested in the title. So that just leaves you and me. Given i'm the one putting this group together it only makes sense for me to have it. it made sense to him but he was sure Landru would disagree. He always disagreed. He was a bit interested in this dream of his. If it had anything to do with expanding government power, or the like, theyd have some serious issues at hand. I'll be keeping an eye on you as well. The last thing I need is a Marine ship crawling up our asses to dispense "Justice". Or whatever those fuckers like to call it when they commit mass murder.

25EDGE OF GLORY - Page 2 Empty Re: EDGE OF GLORY Wed Oct 19, 2016 9:39 pm


"Ahh, now that is a good joke indeed. Yet, let's let the twelve year old with no experience in such matters, who can't even walk through a fucking door be captain, I'm doubled over in laughter, honestly I cannot keep the tears out of my eyes, you crack me up, great joke." He spat in a dry tone, his eyes rolling in the back of his head. "Well, we're on the topic. Shut it with the Marine shit, it's not my fault you savages can't figure out not to fuck your own sister without someone coming in and telling you it's a bad idea, the world needs civilization one way or another, nothing lasts forever, not yet. Everyone sitting around a campfire and singing Kumbaya isn't going to change a god damned thing." He rubbed his hands over his mouth, turning to face his partner once more, for the first time seeing just how much of a child he still was. "It doesn't make more sense, and you know it. One of us has experience leading large groups, navigation experience, battle experience a wide general knowledge, understanding of political negotiation and isn't still a bag of chemicals from puberty. To say otherwise would be most illogical, an act on feeling rather than thought." The last strip of light from the setting sun washed over them, slowly trailing down their bodies, putting a forceful end to the conversation as the world around them began to dim.

To say that Landru desperately wanted the captain seat would be incorrect, it was more that he wanted the group to be as successful as possible. This was the vessel for his dream, for all the aspirations he had since he first left the laboratory. The desire to explore, to find out something completely new, to be in a sense of wonder that he hadn't felt since that day. There was a lot to this world, and he intended to see it all, having a captain who wasn't the best for the job simply acted against that. It was obvious the kid was extremely rash, threatening to kill him quite a few times today already, letting his beliefs get in the way of getting what he wanted. It wouldn't do at all.

26EDGE OF GLORY - Page 2 Empty Re: EDGE OF GLORY Wed Oct 19, 2016 10:43 pm



Great, you can advise me then. Me being Captain is non-negotiable. You dont want the position anyways. You're just being a pain in the ass as usual. or maybe he did. Not that his want for the position mattered all that much. Landru's opinions on his eligibility to lead where hardly his biggest concern. He was more annoyed at how much he deepthroated the World Governments johnson. First of all, no. The world doesnt need civilization. Not that i'de prefer if we didnt have it. I think what you meant to say was people will inevitably form a civilization. And that civilization needs rules to function properly. You are indeed correct in this regard. Vicktur wasnt against government because he was a libertarian. He was against it because it was corrupt and refused to change. You know, rules like no slavery, rape, or murder. though Vicktur was guilty of slavery in his past, he hadnt sold a slave in years. It was a family business at the time. Unfortunately these are all things your Marines turn a blind eye to. And infact engage in on occasion. I"m sure the innocence who are slaughtered in your righteous buster calls are happy that they'll never live to see another day. his tone was dripping with nust as much sarcasm as Landru's on that last part.

My issue isnt with the system itself as much as the Aristocracy that rules that system. That employ those sister fucking savages you admonish so, and allow them to do as they wish. the Shichibukai were probably a bad example to bring up. But it was a perfect example of the blatant hipocrisy that the World Government employed to keep the world under its thumb. Listen, pal. I dont pretend to have all the answers. Nor do I delude myself into thinking Pirates are any better or that a perfect system could ever exist. But the way things are working now isnt the answer. How does the fact that a single government with absolute power over the entire not scare you? Its too much power for anyone. Have you ever seen a Celestial Dragon? They literally do whatever they want whenever they want. They think your wife is pretty? Well she's their plaything now. You dont bow at their feet as they pass by? You're dead. Vicktur had seen ir first hand. His father being employed to get them what they wanted and all. Things need to change and the Marines see to it that they don't. There's a better way, there has to be. And we'll never find it if we just shrug our shoulders and go "Duuuur, its necessary though!"

27EDGE OF GLORY - Page 2 Empty Re: EDGE OF GLORY Thu Oct 20, 2016 3:44 pm


Landru's eyes glazed over, he couldn't help himself. There was no way anyone could in that situation. So much boring information being dumped all over him that he didn't care about in the fucking slightest, it was enough to drive any man to irritation, even if they were of the superior intellect. The sun was setting around them quickly, light being drawn back from the area as a whole, leaving them in the cold as their heat ebbed away. Finally, after what seemed like two or three minutes without taking a breath, his companion finished his ranting and raving. "Are you done? I wouldn't want to interrupt, god knows that's a speech to go down in history." His eyes peeled back, focusing on Vicktaur's once more. "The fact of the matter is, it doesn't matter what I do. You're always going to perceive me as a threat and under your leadership, the chance of obtaining my dream is extremely low. I would be better off just waiting for someone with a bit more sense to come along, don't you think?" He stroked at his chin, pulling the skin down and then releasing it back to its original on repeat. "I'm not sayin' that I hate you or anything like that. I just don't think you can do it." With that he pushed off of the post, turned and began walking away, his soft feet slapping against the ground as he walked. Night was coming, he was going to be freezing his ass off soon enough. He wasn't going to wait for this guy to figure out if he wanted to aim the gun at himself or someone else. "Thanks for the meal, kid." He called over his shoulder, his hand raised in a motionless wave. "I hope you find your one piece, or whatever it was that you really wanted."

28EDGE OF GLORY - Page 2 Empty Re: EDGE OF GLORY Thu Oct 20, 2016 4:27 pm



Maybe the speech was a bit long winded, but he couldnt help it. Every asshole and their mom loved to use the "Society is necessary tho" excuse. They all totally missed the entire point. Which wasnt that society, or civilization, was unecessary. But rather that the current system, in its inner workings, was inherently flawed. You cant just hand the world to a bunch of aristocrats and expect them to handle that power with care. Even more so given how much power they truly held. It all seemed to bore the mink, though. Shame, he was the one who started the discussion in the first place. Vicktur was disappointed that he was so willing to give up. And this is a man who expected to accomplish something big? Someone who couldnt even finish an ideological debate? For someone who acted intellectually superior, he sure wasnt very impressive. Vicktur rolled his eyes at the minks reaction What a drama queen was all he could think as Landru began to walk away. What an utter fucking waste of his time. All that communication and compromise just to watch the bastard walk away like the shithead he was. Fuck that! They made a fucking deal!

Aye, where the hell do you think you're going? he sprang up from his seat to run the bastard down. In doing so he accidentally knocked down a man walking home with his wife and kids Watch it! normally he'd apologize but he was in a hurry and kinda pissed off. Were all minks this fucking stubborn? What was all that bullshit about shaking hands earlier? I dont really give a shit about the specifics of what your dream is! As long as you dont stab me in the back then theres no reason to assume i'll see you as a threat. he caught up and grabbed the mink by his shoulder. Stop being so goddamn difficult! We dont have to agree on everything, ya know. Thats a very stupid way of looking at things. You'll never inprove yourself if you're surrounded by assholes who agree with everything you say. it was all too easy for someone to get caught in an echo chamber. Even old men had room to grow. Or are you actually starting to miss that gutter of yours?

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