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15Arrival in Mock Town - Page 2 Empty Re: Arrival in Mock Town Thu Oct 20, 2016 9:53 pm



Cyrus smiled as Junbei laughed, he was liking the kid more and more, Trust me kid I have more grey hairs than my appearance may let on. We all carry our scars. He said, swirling his drink in the mug. Flashes of that horrendous day, fire burning everywhere, moved quickly through his memory. Emma. He took a long sip from his mug, washing away the emotions and the memories. Swiveling on his stool, he leaned on the bar while Junbei took his own seat by the piano. It was haunting really, listening to the boy's beautiful voice tell such a somber, distressing tale. As Cyrus listened he felt for the kid. He was young, younger than Cyrus had been when he had experienced his own trauma. No child should have to endure that, and certainly not alone. Had it not been for the Revolutionaries finding Cyrus and taking him in...he wasn't sure where he'd be right now. Quite possibly at the bottom of the sea, or the bottom of a bottle honestly. He looked at the last bits of drink left in his mug and placed it gently on the counter beside him, his stomach a bit sour.

With the boy's tale completed, Cyrus let his final words hang in the air for a moment, giving them the respect they deserved. He nodded slowly, Nonsense, you didn't ruin a thing. I asked, you answered, which honestly I have to thank you for. I take a certain pride in people watching, getting to know their habits, their secrets. It's both fun and useful. He stood up from the stool, not quite sure what he was doing or where he was going. Tracing his hands along the wood of a table, he knocked his knuckles against it a few times, breaking the comfortable silence that hung in the air. You didn't strike me as a child killer. I've met child killer's, they haven't a certain look, a certain air about them. The way they carry themselves... Cyrus trailed off, realizing it didn't really matter what he knew about child killers, The point is, you interested me. So I thank you for obliging my interest. Truly, most people are too scared or ashamed to share their past.

16Arrival in Mock Town - Page 2 Empty Re: Arrival in Mock Town Thu Oct 20, 2016 10:10 pm




Arrival in Mock Town - Page 2 Large

'Without music, life would be a mistake.
"It might haunt me but ashamed wouldn't be the word I'd use. A wise woman once told me, 'Those who are afraid to dream are cowards who are afraid to fail.' Not very philosophical but that was the kind of person she was." Junbei said smiling from the warm thoughts of her memory. Entering into the bar, Joe rested the inventory on the table for tomorrow evenings service. "Oi! Junbei! I didn't know you'd be around today, help me with this stock!" the man exclaimed as his vision was obstructed by the large quantity of boxes he was carrying.

Hopping down from the stage and walking towards the man, Junbei placed his hand on the man's shoulder stating, "One day I'll find whose responsible for Base #45... No matter what the cause. Until then, if your ever in the South Blue, could you save those orphans who might be going through what I did? Even if you can't one day, I'll make that project obsolete." Junbei said, patting his hand on the man's shoulder, walking towards Joe who was struggling to lift the boxes inside the store. Taking the load of his shoulders, Joe exclaimed, "I can smell the rum on you! Jeez! It's not even pass six yet!" Joe exclaimed chuckling. "I should get myself a drink too..." Joe said gleefully, not yet noticing Cyrus's presence.


17Arrival in Mock Town - Page 2 Empty Re: Arrival in Mock Town Thu Oct 20, 2016 10:44 pm



Cyrus shrugged, I didn't mean you should be ashamed of your story. I was speaking generally. Some people have a shameful past, others don't. Too each his own I suppose. Cyrus said, frowning in thought. He was going to ask about who this "she" was, it wasn't the first time Cyrus had heard the pronoun mentioned from Junbei. As fate would have it though, another man decided to enter the tavern. Which was fine really, another time perhaps. Junbei had already shared more than enough. Cyrus smiled as Junbei made his request about the base, I'll certainly look into it, that much I can promise. Cyrus said before adding, If you ever need anything... He trailed off, realizing he didn't have a spare Den Den Mushi or even a Vivre Card, ...if you ever need anything find a Revolutionary. Request me by name. At the very least the message will get to me and I'll take care of it from there. Not the ideal form of communication, but it'll have to do for now.

Cyrus turned to leave, his belly warm with alcohol, just the way he liked it. As he got to the curtain that acted as the entrance to the bar, he turned back, And if you're ever interested in singing for a new crowd, maybe a few anarchists, look me up. I'm sure we could find a position for you. I'll be on the island for a few more days, but if I don't see you before I leave, best of luck to you Junbei Echo. I hope you find everything you're looking for. With that, Cyrus ducked out of the tavern and back into the crowded streets of Mock Town, disappearing among the gathered pirates and civilians that milled about.


18Arrival in Mock Town - Page 2 Empty Re: Arrival in Mock Town Thu Oct 20, 2016 10:51 pm




Fading into the background before Junbei could even ask him to stick around for the evening show, Cyrus was gone. Though his promise of looking into Base #45 brought him a bit of comfort but his mind would never rest ideally. Setting up the bar along with Joe, Junbei prepped for his final performance, as soon, his research on Jaya would among to an end shortly, and with every second on Jaya, another leaf in his journey would be revealed. Meanwhile, in several areas on Jaya unrest builds as various Kipp crew members invade pubs, in search of alcohol for their huge celebration which will be held in the Jungles of Jaya, on the outskirts of Mock Town.


19Arrival in Mock Town - Page 2 Empty Re: Arrival in Mock Town Wed Nov 16, 2016 10:22 am



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