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1Advanced Planning (Bean & Poncho) Empty Advanced Planning (Bean & Poncho) Sun Oct 23, 2016 1:16 pm

Asher Kringle


Asher Kringle
It wasn't everyday Asher felt as dapper as he did today. He had recently come in contact with a lovely fruit which he feasted upon not knowing the great powers it would ultimately gift him. Given his past experience with a devil fruit Asher had elected to not use its powers yet as he wanted to savor the moment he actually got to do something with them. However.. His precious bot Mercy had been greatly damaged due to a scuffle they duo had with a small army recently which left the cyborg stripped of weaponry and that couldn't bode well for Asher who needed his subordinate to be at her tip top shape for their upcoming travels to other regions. So in order to have his cyborg companion at her full capabilities Asher would have to go into the badlands of Jaya Island where the people who knew anything about advanced robotics hung around. There was a pub down here called the "Salty Spittoon" where the true underworld followers came to do their business. Upon Asher entering the club he was stared down by numerous people though none of them recognized him. A straight line walk to the bar is what Asher would take as a means of speaking with the bartender.

"Oi, put the word out that Jolly is looking for someone who can work with advanced technology.. The pay is worth the trouble" said Asher as he passed an envelope of beli across the counter to appease the bartender. After that Asher would take his talents to his table to the far right corner where he would have a seat and prepare for whoever got word of his request,

2Advanced Planning (Bean & Poncho) Empty Re: Advanced Planning (Bean & Poncho) Sun Oct 23, 2016 2:06 pm


Free Agents
Free Agents




Nonchalance and was the mantra of Birdie's physical actions while mentally he was as observant and anxious as ever. He was dressed in his typical attire with both his hands pressed into his denim pockets. The only weapon he bothered to take off the ship with him today was his six round pistol. He was sufficient enough with his hands that should anyone try him, he'd be able to handle himself and his plus one for the day. A little irritated with his disciple for lack of a better title, Birdie dragged Verde along with him to his usual loitering grounds. Slithering through the streets like he always did, Verde naively followed with child like eyes, taking in everything he saw. This was his first time being brought to the lawless side of Jaya. It wasn't actually lawless, but it might as well had been since none of the few Marines actually on the island ever bothered to travel so deep into such a heavily saturated area.

"Lower your eyes a bit, you look like a victim to a robbery already." Birdie shook his head as he spoke to Verde who was a bit slow on actually catching his words. "Huh? . . . Oh . . . ok." He was draped in his usual loud purple attire which Birdie thought was an eyesore, but he didn't want to take the kid's individuality away. "Just hold on to this, so you at least look a bit intimidating or something." Birdie unfastened his holster with his pistol and handed it to Verde who clumsily fastened it around his hip.

Out of the filthy streets, the duo stepped into an even filthier pub, the Salty Spittoon. "Uhhh, there's a table right there Bird-" Birdie turned his head and put a finger to his lips. "For as long as we're in this part of town, I'm Dante. Our business is at the bar anyways." Verde nodded, figuring it had to do with the News Coo article that was released not too long ago. "Hm?" Birdie stopped in his tracks tot he bar, noticing only the assistant of his purveyor was present. "On that holster, there should be a leather pouch with some Beli in it. Handle this trade for me." Verde looked at Birdie then at the man who sat at the bar with two empty seats to his left and right, then a suitcase in his lap. Nodding to Birdie he went to the supplier to tend to business.

Birdie himself would observe how Verde did from in the company of a few other of his own men. These seven crewmates of his having arrived at the bar prior to Birdie and Verde, had already occupied a table and had a seat left for Birdie and Verde, but he wouldn't be needing it anytime soon. Making his way near the far right corner of the pub, he sat in the company of his allies. "I don't know why you put so much faith in him Dante. He just seems so empty minded at times." Birdie nodded and laughed at the remark. "What can I say, I see things a lot of people don't." He leaned back onto the two back legs of the chair, propping his feet up on the table in a perfect balancing act like he always did. Arms across his chest he watched on for a moment before another one of his crewmates spoke to him specifically. "Hey, do you think that guy in the corner is a bit familiar looking?" Birdie entertained the comment and looked over his shoulder shamelessly at the man sitting at the table next tot heirs in the corner by his lonesome. Squinting a bit he did feel the guy was vaguely familiar, but a lot of people were to Birdie. With the type of person he was though, he couldn't just let the thought go, because it might be important to know who this guy is. His eyes left the man's fram for a fleeting moment as he looked back at Verde, before it clicked and Birdie began to laugh quite loudly. The banter of the pub didn't stop and it only drew the attention of a few as it would seem as if those he was with had told a great joke, as others in the pub laughed similarly all the time. "I'll be damned." He voice was a bit more gruff as he said this and took his feet off the table causing his chair to rock forward stably, now on all four legs. Standing up, he walked over to this man's table, grabbed a chair and sat in it, his back facing his companions, with the rest of the pub to his right side and the man to his left. "Does the name Rooster ring any bells to you?" Again with the shameless attitude, Birdie gazed at the man with a grinning smile as if waiting for him to fall into his trap. If the man was who Birdie had thought he was, the name Rooster would surely bring thoughts of a young ambitious dreamer named Ondori to his mind.


3Advanced Planning (Bean & Poncho) Empty Re: Advanced Planning (Bean & Poncho) Sun Oct 23, 2016 5:00 pm

Asher Kringle


Asher Kringle
Asher was at his table where he would begin to stew in his emotions or lack there of. His alone time was often spent contemplating ways to get things done and right now he followed that usual thought process. It was then some men walked in the club and Asher could hear them from his location. The noise wasn't what bothered Asher in fact it was the people who made it. Asher didn't like them just by looking at them he could tell he wasn't a fan. They seemed to young and not prepared for the world. Well not really so much young because the blonde looked like he came out of The Road to El Dorado. He actually intrigued Asher to a small extent.

Though Asher could tell these men were no spring chickens in the world due to their wariness of Asher as they repeatedly looked back at him and it was safe to assume they had a good idea of who Asher was or what he did for a living. The Road to El Dorado look alike would stray from the pack and way his way over to Asher's table where he would pull up a seat. Asher could look over the man's shoulder and noticed his men didn't come along with him. His grin was sinister and almost on the level of one of Asher's famous grin. Asher who wasn't paying the man much attention even though he was sitting right in front of him doesn't mean he wasn't observing him. Adjusting his posture more properly Asher would squint his eyes just a bit at the question as he remembered Ondori's underworld name was Rooster. He was a gifted scientist who Asher had a working relationship with, eventually Ondori went ghost and Asher attempted to track him down to no avail. "If I answer that question it seems you'd be more satisfied than I am" calmly said Asher who was looking the man dead in the eyes.

4Advanced Planning (Bean & Poncho) Empty Re: Advanced Planning (Bean & Poncho) Sun Oct 23, 2016 5:23 pm


Free Agents
Free Agents




Birdie sighed and shook his head side to side in a disappointed manner. Leaning forward onto the table top on both his elbows, he propped his face up on his knuckles. "You see . . ." He paused for a moment in thought, selecting his words with marksman like precision. "I'm not a big fan of the whole, getting hotter getting colder thing. If you are who I'm pretty sure you are, Rooster's previous client, then you'd benefit much more by not playing games. Chances are you'd end up with the shitty end of the stick when it's all said and done anyhow." He leaned back off his hands and pulled his elbows off the table, now slouching back in the chair, his gaze adverted to the ceiling. Inhaling the tobacco and nicotine in the air as a way of soothing his anxiety, he licked his lips then exhaled. "So . . . one more try." His eyes were back on this man, the look in his eyes showing he was already near the end of his patience. "Where did you and my little Rooster leave off?"

In truth Ondori had been one of Birdie's previous companions and Birdie was who taught the youngin all that he knew about science back in Baltigo. He was sad to hear he had died on Drum Island, but figured he'd get caught up sooner or later for he had made too many enemies and drew too much attention to himself. At least too much attention without the means of dealing with the bullshit that came with it.

Birdie's companions had their eyes trained on Verde for the most part, but occasionally they'd glance over to Birdie and Mr. Slasher, not all at once, but just as their attention span lead them to.


5Advanced Planning (Bean & Poncho) Empty Re: Advanced Planning (Bean & Poncho) Sun Oct 23, 2016 6:30 pm

Asher Kringle


Asher Kringle
Asher continued to look at this man and wondered where he was from. Asher hadn't remembered him from anything dealing with Ondori.. It actually made Asher annoyed that he didn't recognize this man at all. When people come to you in a intimate setting such as thing and they knw you personally but you can't return the feeling.. It causes a bit of frustration for Asher and that was something that didn't happen often. This man was beginning to have fun as he leaned forward pressing his albums against the table preparing to speak. He definitely believed he had Asher on a string but he didn't. Asher couldn't care less about Ondori unless his whereabouts were given up.

The way he spoke to Asher was condescending and the former Rear Admiral enjoyed every second of it. This man was clearly one of Ondori's friends, you could tell with their devil may care attitudes towards those in better positions than them. Right now wasn't the best time for Asher to get into a fight and he knew that. Once more the man inquired about Ondori. Even though he wasn't inclined to speak Asher would do so anyway. "Well" spoke Asher before his blank expression grew some emotion "He was someone who had a contract with my organization. We worked together repeatedly on my native land of Minion Island. Though he vanished before my order was complete which is probably why he won't make it past our next conversation." said Asher who truly meant what he said. "How do you know Ondori?" said Asher as he smirked towards the dirty blonde.

6Advanced Planning (Bean & Poncho) Empty Re: Advanced Planning (Bean & Poncho) Sun Oct 23, 2016 7:01 pm


Free Agents
Free Agents




Birdie chuckled crudely at hearing the man's sour experience with Ondori. When he finished speaking, Birdie began nodding affirmatively. This was surely whom he thought it was. If that much was true, it was odd that he had already been released from Impel Down, but that was none of his worries. That didn't mean it was none of his business though. Birdie was already itching to dig into the subject, but it wasn't of relevance right now. It could always be picked at later should Birdie succeed in planting his seed now. "He's one of my less fortunate products. A little too ambitious for his own good. Left the nest too early and ended up getting killed out on Drum Island." Birdie scrunched his mouth to the side in a disappointed fashion. It truly was a shame and he did feel Ondori had some unrealized potential. "No use in crying over spilled milk however. Have you happened to find someone else who could supply you with your peculiar request?" Birdie's devious grin returned, Ondori may have been foolish enough to get himself killed by some rookie freelancer, but he did right to forge a relationship with Navy personnel. Birdie hadn't done so bad on him after all. "It should go without saying you'd gain more from the brat's mentor than the brat himself." Birdie was much of an amplification of Ondori and was achieving what it was that the sprout was reaching. So while he bore sweeter fruits, he undoubtedly was more venomous than his offspring.


7Advanced Planning (Bean & Poncho) Empty Re: Advanced Planning (Bean & Poncho) Sun Oct 23, 2016 7:45 pm

Asher Kringle


Asher Kringle
Asher still hadn't a clue why this man knew him besides his vague connection to Ondori. It was revealed through his words that Ondori was his pupil. That didn't surprise Asher considering how Ondori was so green in the underworld that it often alarmed Asher. Hopefully his mentor was a better man and had a good head on his shoulders unless he wanted to end up like his student. Learning that Ondori died on Drum Island had bothered Asher just a bit simply because he wanted to be the one to do it. This man however said what both men were thinking in terms of crying over spilled milk "I agree" joked Asher before he was asked if he found anyone who can replace the production of Ondori. Given this man was Ondori's mentor Asher assumed he meant n the technological field instead of his underworld teacher. "Actually no, considering you know who I am you know where I have been for the awhile. I would however like a replacement for him though, he was a great asset for my excursions." said Asher in a very monotonic voice. Asher would relax and lean forward on the table waiting for the blonde man to offer him the bait considering he had already thrown the hook out. And there it was, the man had offered his services to Asher. "Hmm, I could use someone who taught Ondori and can be an even bigger asset to me than him. How would you propose things are taken care of with this situation?" asked Asher as he was prepared to take this conversation into advanced negotiations.

8Advanced Planning (Bean & Poncho) Empty Re: Advanced Planning (Bean & Poncho) Sun Oct 23, 2016 8:31 pm


Free Agents
Free Agents




Birdie wasn't too content with having to steer the whole negotiation. Sure he could set his own terms or at least try, but it didn't offer Birdie any insight on to who the man really was as a person. "This is quite the one sided conversation. If we establish this relationship this way I don't see you drawing much benefit from it." Birdie was quite annoyed with the passive nature of the man and was amazed that Rooster could go on so long with tolerating him. "Not like that concerns me, but it's simple, you keep this here." Birdie withdrew a Baby Den Den Mushi and placed it on the table. It's eyes closed, dormant in rest waiting to be used. "And any request you have will be heard. What you want my goods for is none of my business and how or where I get my goods I supply to you are none of yours. Simple as that."  Birdie shrugged and left it at that. The Den Den Mushi in the center of the table was a symbol of their partnership, either he took it or he didn't.

On Verde's side of things it was getting a bit heated. Being strong-armed a bit while Birdie was preoccupied a few others under their purveyors banner had slid in and placed themselves in the general vicinity. "I'd be a deadman floating if I came back to report I had paid 150% the original price. I suggest you lower your price." The man he was speaking with exhaled reluctantly. "Both of us play the role of assistant, so I know just how arduous and tedious your job is . . . As is my own." Just as he ended his sentence Verde had placed a firm grip on the pistol Birdie had given him. "I don't think you quite understand that my life is on the line here. I'd appreciate if we ended the child's play and closed this deal while we're both unharmed." As he said that the extras the purveyor had brought in stood from their seats and approached Verde causing Birdie's companions to do the same. "Have some trust in him. I know he's a young one, but he'll get out just fine . . ." Birdie spoke over his shoulder, but kept his body facing Mr. Slasher, before reaffixing his attention back on him in wait for his response.


9Advanced Planning (Bean & Poncho) Empty Re: Advanced Planning (Bean & Poncho) Sun Oct 23, 2016 8:47 pm

Asher Kringle


Asher Kringle
It was clear Asher wanted this man to reveal as much to him as possible without Asher having to do any of that himself. The man would eventually speak on this and suggest maybe it was time for Asher to start speaking for the sake of this partnership. "Very well then" said Asher as he'd take a deep breathe. It was then the man would slide a baby den den mushi across the table towards Asher which made the white haired male chuckle just a bit. He didn't know what good this thing served if Asher traveled as much as he once did. "When it came to the things with Ondori, if I needed him for something I'd reach out and disclose the need to know information. Since he didn't work directly in my organization the needed to know information was very scarce at best."

Sliding the baby Den Den Mushi back towards the man Asher would reveal a regular sized Den Den Mushi from his coat placing it on the table for the man. "Ondori wasn't as organized as you which might have been my fault for not being more forthcoming with the lad. However you will be busy given I'm here now in the Grandline with more partners and connections than before. This Den Den Mushi should have my number in it already, a smaller Den Den Mushi wouldn't work considering I'm rarely on the same island for long." Asher acknowledged the men who worked for his partner and noticed how brash they were, Asher actually liked that and had nothing but kind things for them "That attitude is needed in these seas, no pushovers" said Asher. in his coat Asher would pull out schematics for Mercy which included her upgrades "These are modifications I had planned to do for my project but I don't have the resources nor the core knowledge I'd like for it to work. This would be your first contracted piece with me" Asher's body language never changing staring at the blonde blankly the entire time.

10Advanced Planning (Bean & Poncho) Empty Re: Advanced Planning (Bean & Poncho) Wed Oct 26, 2016 3:35 pm


Free Agents
Free Agents




So stiff collared and colorless. Birdie hoped this man really was worth sticking a syringe into. Ondori made him out to be something worth a man's time, but as of now Birdie was a bit skeptical. "Shouldn't judge a book by it's cover I suppose" Birdie thought to himself while the man droned on about the Den Den Mushi and how he traveled. For how much he said he traveled he sure did lack culture.

Birdie took his Baby Den Den Mushi first and stuck it back in his inner jacket pocket, before grabbing the man's and reaching backwards with it. "Make sure it's frisked before we board the ship." One of his companions took the transpoder snail out of his hand before looking at it curiously. "Sure thing." Birdie's eyes stayed trained on the man searching for any signs of life outside of his mouth moving. Already he had a strong sense of distrust in this one. Usually they'd at least care to fake being cordial to his face, but this guy was just bland. Hopefully he'd reveal he had another facial expression when time for Birdie to make him bend to his ambition came. Surely he would, who could resist?

"Lemme see." Birdie extended a hand for the paper his client held in his hand. Should he be given the paper he'd nod in a sagely manner. "Looks like we'll need our little fledging alive for this one. Someone go make sure he gets out of that mess alive." Birdie would have withdrawn a pair of glasses from his inner jacket pocket and put them on his face to read the blueprints. His glasses just barely hanging on the edge of his nose, he'd look through the lenses at the paper while he spoke to his company of hooligans behind him. The shuffling of two chairs, maybe three let Birdie know he was heard and he'd be departing the pub soon. "Where and how soon do you need this?" He'd look up with his eyes only a much more mature side of him being displayed now that his creative gears were churning and ticking away.


11Advanced Planning (Bean & Poncho) Empty Re: Advanced Planning (Bean & Poncho) Thu Oct 27, 2016 1:53 am

Asher Kringle


Asher Kringle
It was cute to watch the way these two sized each other up. He'd withdraw his small den den mushi before taking the one Asher had presented to him. The chuckle released by Asher showed some of his personality as he was actually amused at the lack of trust his man had for him. "I don't know what Ondori told you but I'm actually quite a nice person. I may have my "dark" ways at times but I'm easy to work with if you can produce" spoke Asher who wanted to throw off the thought process of Ondori's teacher. This obviously came after the blonde placed the den den mushi in the hand of one of his subordinates, granted it was something Asher himself would have done but he couldn't let that be public knowledge.

The schematics proved enough for the blonde as he wanted to know when the work would start. Asher wasn't one to waste much time when he had an agenda to complete. If Asher wanted to leave for Baltigo by weeks end he would have to get this work done on Mercy within the forthcoming days. "Tomorrow at dawn works. The sooner this works out the sooner we can get started on Phase II of this partnership. I must remind you this partner isn't to be publicized to the world for my own reasons. But the coordinates for your meeting with me tomorrow are up front with the bartender. Tell him Jolly sent you"


12Advanced Planning (Bean & Poncho) Empty Re: Advanced Planning (Bean & Poncho) Thu Oct 27, 2016 3:04 am


Free Agents
Free Agents




Birdie laughed at the shitty bait that Asher had tossed out for him to bite. "And I'm actually quite the philanthropist." Birdie cheesed at Asher before cackling in laughter. Swatting the garbage away, Birdie was baffled to hear the expectations Asher had tossed at him. Looking back at the paper, he would look back up at Asher and remove his glasses. "You want this shit by tomorrow? You must think I'm dry on business and have no other clients or that you have some privilege to be prioritized. When I show up with this tomorrow, you better expect nothing short of highway robbery." Tucking his glasses away, he also folded up the paper and tucked it in his jacket as well. "Anyways, all that's needed to be said is done, tomorrow it is." Standing up as Asher did, a shot from a pistol would ring off in the bar and Birdie's men would run off out the back door while Birdie casually made his way out the front with the rest of his company. "Another successful day I guess." The men behind him chuckled greedily as they walked behind Birdie who was heading to the rendezvous point where the others were headed. Birdie wasn't looking to cut his ties off with that contact, but he knew the time was coming sooner or later. Actually . . . he was happy it happened. Verde took matters into his own hands, it showed he was growing up and maturing.



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