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1Gold Grin Pirates Empty Gold Grin Pirates Sun Oct 23, 2016 4:05 am


Free Agents
Free Agents




It had been six years since Birdie had first met Cervantes in Alabasta. Since then their small band of 10 pirates had expanded to the better side of 50. They had taken their fair share of losses along the way, but the end result was they were steady expanding. Today they had just returned to Jaya Island after a trip to Baltigo. They had lost a few men in the process, but they were looking to replace some of their fallen crewmates. The Blackmarket wasn't just about tossing Beli in auction houses, but had its dirty side as well which involved it's fair share sabotaging rival operations and some times killing people not even involved with you just for the sake of staying good with important names.

"How do you feel about this one Birdie." Cervantes chuckled grimly and flashed his filthy teeth as he did so. On the deck of their ship, the Arakhne, Birdie stood on Cervantes right side hands in pocket chuckling along with him. "I don't think he knows what he's getting into and I don't care to watch another "dream chaser" get culture shocked." Cervantes nodded in agreement and wafted his hand to the side dismissing the man like a fart. With a drooping neck the man walked away, the crew that stood behind Birdie and Cervantes jeering as he did so.

The next person that stepped forth was a lazy looking fellow in a purple based outfit. To Cervantes this was just another thirsty person looking to get in their crew for a piece of the pie they were set on claiming. To Birdie this was one of his trusted followers, Verde. Verde would be amongst a few other of Birdie's followers that were unknowingly planted within the crew, he just hoped he didn't have to press so hard for the scruffy looking chump to be taken. "Hmmm, you got any talents?" Birdie sat on the deck of the ship with a leg propped up, the knee of which he rested his elbow on as he watched on. "I'm a pretty good blacksmith, so I guess I could help repair stuff and build things." Birdie was hoping for a bit of a better answer for Verde's sake. "Wow and I can piss standing up and wash my hands after I shit." Cervantes scoffed and Birdie couldn't even blame him. The youth wasn't even trying to represent himself in any spectacular manner, though Birdie and him had spoken of this moment many times prior to this day. Getting a little anxious and stressed out, Birdie sucked his teeth in an unsure manner as he scratched his head.

"Ehhhh, I don't know, I think he might have some potential. How old are you kid?" Verde scratched his head lazily, but in a thoughtful manner. "Uhhh, should be turning nineteen sometime soon." Birdie turned his attention towards Cervantes at this remark. "He might have some use in the future if we groom em right." Cervantes squinted his eyes at Birdie a bit before looking at Verde then looking back at Birdie for a short while before speaking. "Alright, we'll take him, but he's your child to breastfeed." Mentally sighing, Birdie made an intangible note to make Verde's first task the shittiest thing he could think of for showing so poorly.

"Hah, fair enough I guess. Hope you aren't as big of a shitter as you look." Verde continued to scratch his head as he walked over to the side and joined the circle of crewmates who watched Birdie and Cervantes make their picks at the aspiring pirates.


2Gold Grin Pirates Empty Re: Gold Grin Pirates Wed Oct 26, 2016 3:33 pm


Pappa Smexy
Pappa Smexy


It was Daniels turn now. 'Time to show theses guys that I got what it takes!' Was the first thought Daniels would have. Though that would soon change we he walked in front of the two that seemed to be the ones deciding on who joins this crew or not. The Captain, Cervantes, and probably his First mate, Birdie.  

Daniels could just tell this first guy, was really dirty. And that really made Daniels feel like he was making a bad decision to join this crew. But, he was hear and he cold at least pitch himself.

'No need to ask me what I can bring to the table. As I will tell you. I'm more famous than most of you. I killed what's his name.. Ugh, hmm. Oh! I killed Rear Admiral Derous, not that long ago. So, I can bring you guys some fame you shitty pirates!'

No, saying that would make these guy's angry. And maybe try to kill Daniel's, so he couldn't say that. And he shouldn't go around bragging about that, even though that is the main reason he had such a high bounty on his head. The other being a runaway slave from some  ********* ******. So, he needed to bring something to the table.

'I'm a amazing sniper. I could kill you guys and you wouldn't even know it.'

That was another bad thing he could say. The guy before him already gave a shitty response, so he didn't feel luck would be on his side with that approach. This was really troubling Daniels, as he didn't do this crap. He's had snuck into the ranks of people before but it really was out of luck that he got in.

'Help me pretend to be a Pirate so no one knows i'm a Revolutionary. I won't help you guys with anything, I'd just do my own thing while on your ship.'

Again, Daniels didn't know what to say to them. And during this whole time, about five minutes or so, he had just been staring blankly in thier direction. And he didn't even know that he was being this weird, as he was deep in thought.

'What to say. What to say. What to say to these disgusting Pirates. Maybe, I should just kill one and say i'm taking his place'  

Upon coming to Jaya a month ago he did, finally, stumble upon a nice tailor and wasn't wearing his rags that he came to this Island in. Wearing white gloves, a light-colored, sleeveless shirt with a light brown, furred pauldron on his right shoulder; light brown pants; white pant legs with missing sections near his calves which are attached to his shirt; and light-colored shoes. And finally a light brown, furred bicorn. He did have to go hunting for the fur used for this though, but that was a simple thing.

3Gold Grin Pirates Empty Re: Gold Grin Pirates Wed Oct 26, 2016 4:08 pm


Free Agents
Free Agents




As the next prospect stepped forward Birdie couldn't lie and say his interest wasn't peeked. It was evident Cervantes was feeling a wave of enthusiasm as well, but that's what made Birdie skeptical on the whole thing. He'd never seen the bloke in the flesh, Daniel Blooms, so this could very well be some freeloading imposter and given how he carried himself Birdie was almost sold on it. Cervantes however took it at face value as did the rest of those in attendance. Cheering and breathes of awe were released amongst whispers about rumors they heard about the man who was Daniel. Birdie alone wasn't letting what his eyes saw influence him to make an impulsive decision. Still sitting on the deck of the ship he rubbed his length of hair on his chin and mentally questioned the motives of the man before him. "He could easily make his own crew if he wanted to or just as easily get drafted into a bigger more established crew." Birdie's eyes were fastened on the young lad ignoring the fact he stood there silently saying nothing, perhaps waiting to be questioned.

While Birdie sat in a term of meditation Cervantes took the reigns. "Well if you won't speak, I will. What brings someone like you to a crew like my own?" Birdie was surprised to see Cervantes didn't take all that glittered like gold without testing it first. Perhaps he was a bit more honed than he suspected. Birdie's focus was drawn out of his thoughts into the corporeal world awaiting the could be infamous pirate's response.


4Gold Grin Pirates Empty Re: Gold Grin Pirates Wed Oct 26, 2016 4:35 pm


Pappa Smexy
Pappa Smexy


Upon hearing Cervantes speak Daniels would snap out of his thoughts. He would realise that he was just standing there and thinking too much, "Shit My bad I got caught up in what I wanted to say to you guys. But, I've talked to a lot of Pirates here on Jaya, and I mean a lot. And each time it ended up badly, for some reason. A few tried to cut my head off." Daniels would tell Cervantes. Daniels rubbing his own neck when he said the part about them wanting to chop his head off. He would quickly get back tot talking though, as he was just wasting words.

"I just wanna join your crew, because I don't have one. Nor, have I ever been in one before. Oh, and before I forget. My name is Daniels Bloom, you can just call me Cappadonna though."

Cappadonna did have a few other things he could've said but they didn't sit right with him. So, instead of saying something that may be offensive he was good with just saying something truly blunt. Though, another reason was because his tattoo over his eye started to throb. As looking at Cervantes' face more and more made him kinda remember this guy, as he knows him from somewhere. He just couldn't put his finger on where.

'This guy's voice is eerily familiar. Do I know him from somewhere? Hmm, maybe...maybe not. But, now I really need to join this shitty crew as this doesn't sit well with me.'

5Gold Grin Pirates Empty Re: Gold Grin Pirates Wed Oct 26, 2016 5:54 pm


Free Agents
Free Agents




Birdie thought on the man's words. It did make sense that other Pirates would want his head given the type of place Jaya was, but at the same time it was a bit odd to him. "Imposter or not, just his resemblance alone could prove to be a good bargaining chip in the future. If he turns out to be the real deal, even better." Cervantes looked down at the sitting Birdie, then looked back at Cappadona nodding before flashing his filthy smile. "I like the way you think Birdie, I guess we'll take you and see what ends up happening. With that we're closing recruitment. So if you ain't make it, get the fuck off my boat." Birdie sighed and pushed off the floor with a hand to come to a stand. "If you did have the pleasure of making it . . . Birdie will have your first assignment." With that Cervantes disappeared to the back of the ship through the masses of pirates that were already apart of the crew. They themselves also dispersed and went about their business, while the new recruits began to walk towards Birdie much to his discomfort. "Always giving me the shitty end of the stick." he mumbled underneath his breath before pinching the bridge of his nose and rubbing it for a second to relieve the stress he felt in his eyes.

When everyone had gathered around he'd begin to brief them. There were only about 20 or so new recruits total, so they'd be operating on a scale a bit large than Birdie was used to. He'd be able to make it work though, he always did. "Alright so basically there is a crew we've been gunning for for a while now and we just recently found the window to deal a crippling blow to them. Should we succeed it should put us a few rungs up on the ladder. Should we fail, then like most of these scenarios, we'll probably die." He looked around and tried to measure up the forces he had at his disposal. Usually they drafted at least one fairly known drifter, but this time they were really scraping the bottom unless this Cappadona fellow came through.

"We'll be in and out of Jaya, but there isn't much I can disclose to you new recruits, just do what I tell you and you'll get paid well if you keep your head on your shoulders. There's a bit we need to handle prior to leaving Jaya, so meet me here on the deck at around midnight." Birdie looked around at the new recruits, most of which were grinning probably thinking of how fat their reward would be, which made Birdie scoff and shake his head. "Most importantly, think about the Beli when you're off the clock. Drooling about the payout while you're working for it won't do you or the operation much good."


6Gold Grin Pirates Empty Re: Gold Grin Pirates Wed Oct 26, 2016 6:20 pm


Pappa Smexy
Pappa Smexy


'Hmm, I guess the believe me.' Cappadonna would say, as most don't. And some people strangely don't like imposters. Pirates really are strange people, and Cappadonna really doesn't get or want to get them. Some hold values whilst others hold known, calling them criminals would be much simpler. But, thinking about all of that stuff really wasn't for the time right now.

All of the new guys would be called together to get thier assignment from Birdie. Cappadonna would listen to what he had to say, and he didn't like it. Yeah, he knew they might try to have him pull his weight, but he didn't want any part of what they were going to do. Well, not for any Beli as that kind of thing didn't interest him. So, while everyone was disappearing, as they were told to meet back here at midnight, Cappadonna would try to stop Birdie.

"Birdie, hold up. I need to ask you soemthing" If the guy would stop and turn to Cappadonna, he would continue to speak. " What will I be able to get from this? And I'm not talking about Beli, as someone else could have my share. Like what really would I gain from this other than that? Just talking about myself, not the crew as a whole." Cappadonna would ask him. He really was fine if the guy said nothing at all, he just wanted to know what he would say. As how you answered questions most of the time shows what kind of person you are. Well, that is what Cappadonna feels anyway.

7Gold Grin Pirates Empty Re: Gold Grin Pirates Wed Oct 26, 2016 7:38 pm


Free Agents
Free Agents




As he was retreating to his own quarters he withdrew a cigarette and lighter and took a deep drag in preparation to cope with the stresses that had yet to come from this day. Sighing and expelling the smoke of the cigarette upon being called upon, he titled his head up as if looking to a higher being asking why he had chosen to walk down such a path. He had a lot on his mind and a lot he needing to get to work on, this delay no matter how small it was, was still a delay. Turning around to face Cappadona, Birdie listened to what the recruit had to say with one eye winced closed due to the cigarette fumes and his held titled to the side questionably. Taking the cigarette out his mouth with one hand, he expelled the smoke upwards as to not blow the grey toxic in the man's face. Coughing a bit before he spoke, he'd share what he had with him. "That's something for you to find out. I'm not your life coach, I'm just another person on this boat. I just happened to get here before you. Some do it for fame, some do it for money, some do it for other doors to open, and some do it because they got nothing better to do." He put the cigarette back in his mouth and took another drag, expelling through his nose this time before speaking again. "You get what you want to get out of it. Just do you. Any other questions?" As he spoke he saw Verde on the deck of the ship beyond Cappadona. "Hey you! Pinky, you go clean out the bathroom, people keep complaining that one of the pipes is backed up, make sure you take care of that." Literally the shittiest job and judging by Verde's expression he wasn't too excited or happy about it. After delegating that task away, Birdie would refocus on Cappadona awaiting his answer.


8Gold Grin Pirates Empty Re: Gold Grin Pirates Wed Oct 26, 2016 10:15 pm


Pappa Smexy
Pappa Smexy


Cappadonna had to respect the guy's answer, as it was honest. He would let a few seconds past before speaking again, as Birdie would begin to bark orders to Verde. Cappadonna would need to find out what he was get out of that assignment they were all going to go on, when they go on it. "Well, I have one more question. And that is what is the story of the Captain." Cappadonna felt that the Captain as well as Birdie were interesting fellows; but only the Captain Was someone that Cappadonna had a lot of interest in for some strange reason. He honestly wanted to ask for both their story, but Birdie didn't seem like the type to like a lot of questions so asking about the Captain was enough for right now.  

Cappadonna would take a small step backwards though; as he didn't like the smell of the cigarette that Birdie was smoking. He didn't have that much of a problem being around someone that smoked he just didn't like the smell of it. He wouldn't take part in the act if offered one and he might get a bit agitated if the smoke was blown in his face. Cappadonna took notice that Birdie didn't blow the smoke into his face, but tried to blow it up. This showing him that Birdie wasn't someone that would go out their way to be disrespectful.  

'I hope I don't have to do anything offensively, as I don't own a weapon. Well, maybe I can just steal one if need be.'  

9Gold Grin Pirates Empty Re: Gold Grin Pirates Thu Oct 27, 2016 12:58 am


Free Agents
Free Agents




Birdie listened to Cappdona and was a bit interested in why he was so interested. "Hm . . ." Again he winced this one eye at him and tilted his head a bit as he blew smoke out the corner of his mouth away from the bloke. Grabbing the cigarette with two fingers, he kinda bounced it as he spoke to Cappadona, talking with his hands albeit he was holding a cigarette. "If you are who you say you are . . . You should know information doesn't come cheap." He put the cigarette back in his mouth pursed between his two tucked in lips as he chuckled a bit. "Stay alive after this move we bust at midnight and I just might answer your question." He fixated the stick between his lips in a normal more conventional way before taking a final drag depleting the length of the cigarette to about half it's length. Exhaling the smoke away from Cappadona, he grabbed it out his mouth and flicked it over board into the ocean. Giving a shrugging motion with his arms as he turned away, he figured he'd end their encounter right there. "That shouldn't be an issue for someone who killed a Rear Admiral though . . . right?" Cackling to himself as he walked away he retreated to his own private quarters to deal with his own private matters. Orders upon orders, he had a lot of work to do and a lot of product to ship out to his clientele and while the mission they are scheduled to be on tonight is camouflaged to be in the crew's best interest, it's actually for Birdie's own personal business.


10Gold Grin Pirates Empty Re: Gold Grin Pirates Thu Oct 27, 2016 1:56 am


Pappa Smexy
Pappa Smexy

"I guess you are right, information isn't cheap." Cappsfonns would say in reponse to what Birdie would say. He would watch the fellow speak again and the toss his cigarette into the ocean, as he would just have to stay alive to get what he wanted to know. That was fine though as he would be able to do that, as he wasn't that much of a scrub that he would be killed on a simple task. Shit, he had been able to get in and out of Impel Down without being noticed. Only him leaving his mark to let people know that he was there. "Sadly, only one of them." Cappadonna would say as he would watch Birdie walk away, retreating to his quarters. Cappadonna planned to stay on the deck of the ship as he didn't feel comfortable just yet going bellow. He would go over to a barrel and sit down, and begin to gaze out at the ocean. He began to think about someone, someone he needed to meet. 'Oh, Mr. Kringle. I will see you soon, and this time you won't get away. You will end up like Derous. So, I hope you are enjoying life right now. As when we do meet again, if I am able, I will take your life. I don't hold anything against you nor ever will, it is just my duty. My little ol' task I must complete so I can move on with my life."

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