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1Flashback: a Revolution Empty Flashback: a Revolution Sun Oct 23, 2016 3:42 pm

Elisa DarkWalker


Elisa DarkWalker
Flashback topic.

It had been one month since Elisa had met that revolutionary woman from before who went by the name Aurum. Just as requested Elisa had arrived in water 7 due to a series of strange events. In fact Elisa had spent the last week in the belly of a giant whale who had recently released her nearby. On Arrival in Water 7 Elisa learned a uncanny truth regarding this predetermined meeting; thinking to herself as she stopped to take in the sight before her "This is not just an Island....Its a small city of a place; how on Earth am I meant to find this person".

Elisa had somewhat given up on actually meeting this person and figured let fate decided and thus Elisa would simply start looking around at the amazing place before her. Currently passing the blue station, a location currently overcrowd as a sea train was preparing to depart; Elisa had no concept of a sea train and would lean back on a the side of a wall watching the civilians make such a commotion; kids running around, old laddies falling over luggage, Uniformed men blowing whistles and helping anyone they could, even a what would appear to be a large man squeezing through two ticket machines. Elisa was getting bored and would actually attempt to throw a cog in the works *Picking up a green apple she had in her pocket and just discreetly throwing it into the crowed*, a straw like block would simply grab it, taking a quick bite "Thank you" and continued with his day.

2Flashback: a Revolution Empty Re: Flashback: a Revolution Sun Oct 23, 2016 4:11 pm

Nenrei D. Donquixote


Nenrei D. Donquixote
A whole month had passed since Aurum had met the lovely and newly recruited revolutionary back in the four blues. Hopefully, she had accepted Aurum's task and would be at Water 7 on this day. If she did and succeeded then she would have a good time in the revs. It was quite hard to transverse reverse mountain and the grandline after all. Hopefully, the woman hadn't dyed trying, but if she didn't...then the young Revolutionary had to find her.

Walking slowly around the island of Water 7 with her hands in her pocket. She would ask around, talking to multiple saying "Hey, have yall see a woman bout yay high, pale skin, oily black hair, mostly dressed in black, and maybe some eye liner." She had received multiple answers. Some were yes. Some were no. And others were "Get the hell out of my god damn face." which was quite rude. Maybe the people of Water 7 were going through something at the moment. Did a hurricane hit or something?

Aurum was in deep thought as she walked around. Her hand gripped around her katana handle just in case someone would try to try something on her. The wind would seem to blow harder than it was than when she arrived. So her instincs of a hurrican may have been true. Hopefully it wouldn't come no where near the island or it had already passed. She never had encountered a disaster storm such as the like.

3Flashback: a Revolution Empty Re: Flashback: a Revolution Sun Oct 23, 2016 4:53 pm

Elisa DarkWalker


Elisa DarkWalker
Elisa would continue watching the events at the blue station until the great machine, the sea train would set afoot. The loud horn would sore through the area as if announcing the grandness of itself before starting its great machineic motion of travel. Elisa eyes would open wide as she watched the sea train leave blue station and the civilians disperse as they had completed their trips. She had never seen such a machine or anything close to such machinery and was somewhat blown away. Though in the short time period between the period of waiting for the train to leave and it actually leaving would cause the people within the area personality to drastically change, from the joyful group rushing about as if life was at its peeks to the tired, dull and drained group before her.

With the sudden change in the area Elisa would decide to leave the area, heading towards the rivers flowing throughout the city in order to just relax staring at the water as she waited for something, anything to catch her attention such as the strange creatures caring people around like taxis in the water, or someone starting trouble and maybe some corrupted marines. Alas upon settling at a small bridge nothing seemed to catch her attention and thus she just leaned on the railing day dreaming into the distance wondering how on earth is she going to return to the west blue, or how she truly managed to end up here on water 7 "Has fate interfered, with my life once".

While relaxing centred on the bridge looking into the distance, Elisa would Notice Aurum. "Hey Aurum, their you are" Elisa would say just loud enough to be hear.

4Flashback: a Revolution Empty Re: Flashback: a Revolution Sun Oct 23, 2016 6:40 pm

Nenrei D. Donquixote


Nenrei D. Donquixote
As Aurum walked she would come to a stop uo under one of the large bridges. As she looked around for the goth looking girl. She would hear a familiar voice screaming her name from up above. Walking in front of the bridbe she would look up and see Elisa in all of her glory. Using her gymnastics abilities she would climb the bridge and get to the woman in a matter of minutes. Next to the woman she would say "So I see you have arrived in water 7. How did you like your trip? Did you encounter and sea kings." asked the Kuja curiously.

A random person just doesn't transverse the reverse mountain and the grandline in the time of a single month. This woman must have something hidden up her sleeve. And if so what was it exactly. Aurum would think harx as she stared at the woman. Not seeing any scars whatsoever on her. Damn she must have flew or something. Laughing Aurum would say "So how do you like the island. It is quite noisy most of the times but it seems like they are gounf through something at the moment. Mayne a hurricanr." said the Kuja. She would only stare at the revolutionary as she would say "Hopefully it has already passed if not. Then us both may be in trouble. This island is known for its sinking and flooding. So we need to get out of here as soon as we can."said ths Kuja.

5Flashback: a Revolution Empty Re: Flashback: a Revolution Sun Oct 23, 2016 6:55 pm

Elisa DarkWalker


Elisa DarkWalker
Elisa would get quite a little nervous as the answer to Aurum was a little awkward "Em...well" taking a deep breath Elisa would rearrest her confidence to her words, speaking really really fast in the attempt to have her words missed. "Well I was kind of mining my own business, when i got eaten by a giant whale, lived inside his stomach for quite some time, eating the dead sea-kings stuck withing its teeth as food and surprisingly a broken ship that washed up had a water filter and just yesterday I found myself escaping from his mouth right out side this Island" slowing down slightly as the awkwardness of her journey was over "Yeah this Island is quite grand, I even saw a giant machine collect people and start travelling at high speeds" Elisa thinks for a moment trying to recall its name "I think it was Called a Sea Maime or something".

"What about yourself, what was your journey like reaching this Island?". Elisa knew that no matter how Aurum reached this island it wouldn't be as awkward as her own journey. Elisa hadn't noticed the people preparing for anything bit she was somewhat daydreaming "A hurricane? aren't they like small storms, showers of nature?". A man would suddenly appear running as if he had just stolen something, heading towards Aurum and Elisa position taking a brief moment to stop and check the two woman out before continuing to run across the bridge."Oooo Nice"

6Flashback: a Revolution Empty Re: Flashback: a Revolution Sun Oct 23, 2016 9:15 pm

Nenrei D. Donquixote


Nenrei D. Donquixote
Aurum would laugh as the woman told the tale of her being trapped in a whale's body or something. It was quite interesting to the point that the Kuja might even use it in one of her novels. At the moment she was writing a novel about her own life. Hopefully it would turn out to be an amazing novel because she didn't wanna waste her time writing something that wasn't gonna get published nor obtain many purchases. A man would seem to come and wolf whistle at the two ladies. Aurum was tempted to hit him upside the head with the butt of her katana but chose not too.

Looking back at Elisa and her questions about hurricanes she would say "Well, that is only a theory from myself. Truth be told I don't really know what has happened here. The island is usually always cheerful, but it isn't for some reasons. Maybe everyone is just going through their daily glump" said Aurum as she looked around at the huge island.

She had been here many of times. Looking for both navigators and shipwrights alike. Always seeming to not finding one which was quite lame. Even though this was the island of shipwrights and navigators. She could still never find one that was willing to follow her on her journey through the grandline. Maybe with all these people appearing with over powered devil fruits that they have become scared to even travel. Well she would stoo that.

7Flashback: a Revolution Empty Re: Flashback: a Revolution Sun Oct 23, 2016 9:37 pm

Elisa DarkWalker


Elisa DarkWalker
"It goes without saying but this is my first time here, guess we better ask someone". a moment later 16 men of different shapes and sizes, caring a variety of weapons; baseball bats, a steel chair, pool cues and one was even carrying a frying pan wrapped around a broomstick with 17 pencils stuck to the rim with duct tape. Before Elisa could ask them what was going on she would be faced with a question of their own “Hey lasses, did you see this guy run through here” before the men could even show the picture of the guy Elisa knew it was the guy from before. Completely ignoring their question Elisa replied “Why is everyone gloomy around here?”.  The men would reply to Elisa and Aurum telling them everything they needed to know.


The man who had run passed them before was causing quite a bit of trouble running into shopping stalls, accidentally kicking a few watermelons all while getting distracted at every attractive woman he could see and making a move. The echos of his actions could even be heard from the bridge.

Despite the obvious sounds of this man's location reaching the ears of the seven-teen men, they would fall for one of the oldest tricks in the books “He jumped in the river and began swimming that way” Elisa pointed in the complete opposite direction of the sounds. “Should we catch Mr whisler? Aurum”. While Elisa was somewhat more interested in acquiring revolutionary army information she wasn’t really sure what to say in the situation though she was enjoying the upbeat company of Aurum and she was sure something interesting would transpire.

8Flashback: a Revolution Empty Re: Flashback: a Revolution Wed Oct 26, 2016 12:09 pm

Elisa DarkWalker


Elisa DarkWalker
Several hours would pass as Elisa spent half the day with Aurum her revolutionary contact, having gained a significant amount of information regarding the revolutionary army Elisa Darkwalker would make her leave from Aurum and water 7; as she would hunt down the whale that brought her here and demand her return to the west blue. With a successful return Elisa would soon return to her times with Syndra and their bond Journey together. “Goodbye Aurum it was a pleasure to meet you”

Important aspects Elisa would learn from events in water 7;
[*]The 80th branch in the west blue supplies weapons to the rest of the marines forces; it would be beneficial if one was to say inflict delays on their operations.
[*]Within the year something major was due to happen within the grand line due to the revolutionary army; and potentially a new era.
[*]A few important contacts in which to communicate with for missions, tasks and such regarding how Elisa can help with the revolutionary army.

Additionally to the revolutionary army related tasks Elisa would successful catch the periotic man from before who was being chased by a gang of thugs. Though by the end of the day both the gang of thugs, and the running man would be eating a mouth full of concrete, stone and dirt.
------- End of the Flashback-----.

The short chain events wouldn’t leave much to Elisa mind to wander on about; in fact a lot of questions were answered as her steps towards her dreams of removing corruption had been reassured; and thus Elisa would remember this day.


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