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Auburn Songbird

It still felt weird. Complete isolation of his senses to rely on what, a sixth sense? At it's basic level, Junbei was way better depending on his sound-waves radar. "Imagine if I could combine Kenbunshoku- I mean Mantra with my sound-waves... I might be able to create something pretty neat." Junbei thought. Prodigy? Junbei scoffed at the thought, the mere fact he was able to get it in the first go was a miracle. "I think I got lucky that time. It just felt a little weird finding out you got a live world inside your brain. I think that was a the biggest trip for me today." Junbei exclaimed. As Cappadonna went on to explain the next kind of Haki, Busoshoku, he was saddened by the fact that he couldn't indeed teach them it directly. However, a devilish thought ran passed the musician's mind. "How about it Cyrus!? Try hitting me with your blade. If you can cut open my shoulder, it'd show your Bushoshoku is working or whatever. If not, it'll prove to me once and for all that this Logia ain't everything it's cut out to be." Junbei said grinning.

"I'll try reinforcing my shoulder with this thing but if it fails, then I'll enter my tangibility state." Junbei thought. "Oh! Let's make this even more interesting. If you manage to strike me, I'll promise to help the Revolutionary Army one day in either of their major plans, it doesn't matter." Junbei stated. "However, if I can defend against your strike. There's a piece of information the revolutionary's might just have... I'll let you know after this sparring session of ours." Junbei said grinning.


Skill Used:
Stamina Count | Haki Stamina:



Cyrus raised his flask in a mock toast when Junbei corrected Cappadonna about their skill really just being beginner's luck, Here, here, I'm all for beginner's luck though. He considered taking another gulp but, shaking the flask, realized how low he already was and decided to pocket it again, saving it for later. Cyrus looked at Junbei as he proposed his idea to practice this little skill, considering Cappadonna couldn't actually pull it off himself. He mulled it around in his head for a moment, inspecting Crow before looking back at Junbei. Nothing could really go wrong per say, if Junbei's mind armor, or whatever this was, didn't work then he'd just go intangible. Cyrus certainly couldn't coat Crow in Busoshoku Haki yet, so he wasn't in any danger of actually harming Junbei...but still. Hmm I'm not terribly comfortable with trying to cut my friends, so I'll just use the cane if it's all the same to you good sir. Cyrus said with a friendly smile before focusing on the shoulder Junbei had indicated. Alright, ready or not, here we go. Cyrus said and brought the cane down swiftly towards Junbei's shoulder.

Now there's something important to understand about Cyrus, he doesn't like to lose but he's a very good winner. Regardless of what happened in this little bet, Cyrus planned to help Junbei in any way he could. Still, he wanted to win and he wanted to win bad so he somewhat planned to fudge the rules a bit. While Cyrus brought the cane down towards Junbei's shoulder as instructed with one hand, with his other he quickly moved toward's the young pirate's forehead, pointer finger raised and ready for a painful little flick of the face. Like a magic trick he had Junbei's attention focused on the cane and his own shoulder while a super secret sneak attack came straight at his face. Although, if it connected it of course wouldn't cause any real damage aside from a quick flash of pain and possibly some minor irritation from the Song Bird captain. Concentrating, Cyrus could've sworn for the briefest of moments before the flick, the tip of his finger turned ever so dark, like a deep metallic grey color, but it simply could've been a trick of the light or even wishful thinking. He simply couldn't be sure.


Pappa Smexy
Pappa Smexy

Cappadonna had to chuckle a bit at their comments, and he would just watch. He didn't plan to study these two as he would most likely never face off against them, well hopefully. These two just from a glimpse had great potential but Cappadonna wasn't on the same level, and this wasn't him putting himself way above them. As when they reach their prime they will dwarf Cappadonna in power. Truly, in Cappadonna's mind, the future of this world stood before him. And this got him thinking a bit of who else within this world would be worth watching. But soon his mind would wander over to what he had to do, after this training was all done. Doom would soon befall this Town and after that the end of someone will follow, how is to be found out later. He just hopes though that these two wouldn't be here when that happens. 'I wonder how long that man will be gone on his trip from here. Facing him now will be troublesome, especially with me being alone. I've no idea of his abilities nor do I known in what force he would come. Maybe taking the Sea Train or hiding out in forest would be my best bet after the deed is done.' Cappadonna would think to himself as he continued to watch the two young men spar. So many things were going to go down in the near future that will, hopefully, put the world on edge.



Auburn Songbird

"Logia's aren't invincible. I need to be able to go back to the feeling I had before this... The fangs I've developed to sink into my prey must become one with my movements once again." Junbei thought. "And these... Mantra... Busoshoku... are the first steps." Junbei concluded his thought pattern. Concentrating soley on the cane, Junbei studied the arc at which it'd impact from, the cane's speed and length. Envisioning an iron metallic wall, he tightened or clutched his shoulder, as if in anticipation for the impact. Using the same mental picturing, he'd imagine rejecting the object with his raw willpower, no, trying to envision this Busoshoku. As the cane impacted, Junbei's body seemingly rejected Crow, for a slight minute, only those onlooking from an angle could see a slight darken gloss on the musician's shoulder, however, it was so slight, so much so that even Junbei himself hadn't released he'd indeed hardened his shoulder as his behind impacted on the ground, creating a small puff of dust from his impact. However, it wasn't the cane that floored the man, it was flicker to his forehead which left a small red dot in it's wake, as if to signature to Junbei the duel had concluded. "Gishishi..." Junbei said, discarding his tonfa momentarily to rub at his forehead. "You win." the man continued chuckling.

As the man fell, his pocket watch fell out of his jacket, which sprung open to reveal the time. Quickly glancing over to the clock's face, Junbei eyes opened widely grabbing at his pocket watch. "Damn it! Charlotte and Mavis are going to kill me!" Junbei exclaimed. Returning to his feet, the man regained his tonfa, resting it into the holster on his lower back. Turning towards Cappadonna and Cyrus, Junbei bowed individually, as a notion of appreciation towards everything the men had taught him. "As much as it'd like to hang around and learn more about Haki. I need to find Jade... It's already this late and I'm afraid we have a journey ahead of us awaiting in the sky." Junbei said. "There's still quite a bit I have to do too before we depart from Jaya." Junbei thought to himself. "Cyrus. Whenever you need me, I'm not sure where the next island on my route will lead me but I have a feeling we'll meet again. We have this knack for running into each other anyway." Junbei said grinning.

Walking away from the duo, "Cappadonna. Your certainly a frighten man. From this day forward, I'll call you sensei. It's a terminology I learnt on Karate Island for teacher. Much like Cyrus, I definitely owe you one." Junbei said smiling. "Gishishi... I have an idea for a new song too." Junbei exclaimed under his breath as the distance between himself and the two men grew further. "May the god's be with us all. After all of the ruckus we caused in Jaya... I'm pretty quite a few people have their eyes on here now." Junbei said, morphing his body into soundwaves, disbursing himself in the scuttling sounds of noisy district in his intangible state.



Skill Used:
Stamina Count | Haki Stamina:



Cyrus smiled as Junbei rubbed the red mark on his forehead. The man offered a hand, helping Junbei to his feet. Don't worry, I'm a pretty good winner. Any information you might need, I'll do my best to get it to you. Cyrus said chuckling at the younger man. He inspected his hands and more importantly his fingers, wondering how exactly he had managed to do that, but instead of worrying simply accepted it and moved on. Ah yes, I suppose it's time to start getting a move on. You have my number Junbei, best of luck with your travels and hopefully we'll meet again soon. Cyrus said, clasping the boy on the shoulder before he disappeared into the crowd...literally disappearing into sound waves. Cyrus sighed, it felt like this time for sure now was the last he'd see of Junbei for awhile. Good kid that one. He said to Cappadonna, turning his attention to the larger man.

Well first I must thank you, I have a lot to think about and work on in the next few weeks. Hopefully I can get beyond beginners luck and actually figure this whole thing out. Cyrus said with a smile, So what's the plan for you? The Revolution should've dropped my new ships off down by the docks so I suppose I should go inspect those before heading out. If you need a ride somewhere, let me know. I know you said this training was free, but it's the least I can do really. Cyrus said, touching the brim of his hat.

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