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15The time has come [Arc Task]  - Page 2 Empty Re: The time has come [Arc Task] Fri Oct 23, 2015 5:56 pm




notes. Don't try to fight me.
Skill. Over 9000
tags. Always open and ready.

~I need a break~
Lieutenant Seth Long was resting as the another Marine official appeared on the roof. As that happen Seth had look up to acknowledge the new arrival of the official he had though to himself[color=#ffcc00," Finally some help other then these grunts."[/color] Unfortunately Long spoke to soon as the Lieutenant had meant his un timely death by a woman who seems to be kill on blades.
It was then he knew his rest was completely over thanks to the fucking woman. As she spoke she seem to toss out 4 knifes at each Marine unfortunately the marines in the back who hold the head was the first to bite the dusted. As they drop dead the zoan devil fruit user head roll near Seth.

As Seth study the knife heading his way he quickly reacted grabbing the fucking head of zoan devil fruit user head then tossing it directly at the incoming knife. The knife would find it implant into the former ally head. Seth didn't stop there he quickly gather his strength as he flung the already place katana directly at the wooden pole. Due to the wooden pole being damage earlier as the katana hit the pole. The pole was come crashing down as the katana cause the pole to fall backward heading directly for the female. The pole cover about 6 meter in height,and 3 meter in width the entire roof was that of 8 meters in all direction. Yes of course this was a attempt but Seth didn't stop there as he quickly un holster Hades as he discharge 3 more shots directly at the woman. Whether she dodge the wooden pole or not she would be greeted with bullets from Hades aim to disable her.

Long yell out,,"For fuck sakes fuck fuck off! He was getting to the good part you bitch!"

Technique{Stamina Count}:

made by Seth

16The time has come [Arc Task]  - Page 2 Empty Re: The time has come [Arc Task] Fri Oct 23, 2015 6:09 pm




The time has come [Arc Task]  - Page 2 Latest?cb=20140817182202

'This bitch! This bitch! This bitch! This bitch! This bitch! This bitch! This bitch! This bitch! This bitch! This bitch! This bitch! This bitch! This bitch! This bitch! This bitch! This bitch! This bitch! This bitch! This bitch! This bitch! This bitch! This bitch! This bitch! This bitch! AHHHH THIS FUCKING BITCH!' Being calm soon faded and Derous wanted to do nothing but kill this got damn girl, for doing such an heinous act!

'No, I need to stop before I be reckless. I don't want to lose my life, I can't lose this life of mine. Let this idiot get the most attention and then strike, just like last time. Simple and easy.' Derous would think to himself as he would get his eye on the girl, he would then though notice that the ,wooden, flag pool would come crashing down toward the girl. This though wouldn't be Derous' chance yet to go for a decided blow but he would use this chance to move his way out of her line of sight.  

"Really?" The girl would say as side step the pole, keeping her eyes trained on the bastard that sent it her way. She would see him fire at him and due to her skill she would be able to dodge them, albeit one being able to graze her shoulder. She would then send three of her throwing knives at the shooter, this though to give him something to have to avoid as she dashed toward him. The knives weren't sent at the same spot, one was first aimed toward the torso of the guy while the other toward his trigger finger, and finally another at his genitals.

The route she took was the quickest one as their was no debris or bodies in her way, "I will show you how you treat a lady!"

New task:

17The time has come [Arc Task]  - Page 2 Empty Re: The time has come [Arc Task] Fri Oct 23, 2015 10:43 pm




notes. Don't try to fight me.
Skill. Over 9000
tags. Always open and ready.

~I need a break~
Lieutenant Long had frown this bitch was as agile as the other guy maybe a bit better. To be honest this night was beginning to become a real drag fight after fight, and death after death all over a damn island base. Long had grunted as the bitch advance forward sending three more knifes at his direction. Long couldn't afford to get hit seeing as Derous wasn't going to help until the last minute like always that sneak little dude. As the knifes came in range Lieutenant Long had around manage to swing Hades around in a 360 motion. As his Hades release the retractable wire the knifes clash with the iron wire pretty much canceling out any attempt to harm Long.

Lieutenant Long had find himself preparing for female upcoming attack he couldn't allow her to get within range with that damn sword. Thus Long discharge yet another 2 more shots aim for the female legs attempting to cripple her. Long call out ,"When you see one let me know! You damn bitch . Do you know the amount of paper work I have to do for this battle alone? Fuck you!" Long was beyond level headed he was off the edge he didn't know how much longer he could take from tonight chain of events. Hopefully this chick would go down with out much effort if not Long was in for yet another long night if you please.

Long couldn't help but wonder were the hell the damn doctor go the sneaky little bitch always running off then swooping down to help. Long felt like that guy couldn't be trust for some reason he believe trust was everything for a type of partnership.After the knife had fall to the ground the wire return back to the grip of Hades.

Technique{Stamina Count}:

made by Seth

18The time has come [Arc Task]  - Page 2 Empty Re: The time has come [Arc Task] Sat Oct 24, 2015 7:59 am




The time has come [Arc Task]  - Page 2 Latest?cb=20140817182202

While Seth was spinning around like a ballerina Nameless didn't stop her advance, nor did her feed slow down at all. "Ugh, faggot." She would say as he would slice at the air with tremendous force, power, and speed. This sending a powerful diagonal wind compressed slash toward Seth. The speed at witch it went able to close the reaming gap in just a second. The power behind the slash wasn't enough to cut Seth in half but the wound would be gruesome, and also the kickback would possible be able to send him over the roof's edge or to it.

That wasn't all though she would do though as if he would doge the air slash her, reaming, knives would all be aimed at his body and head. And the bullets that fired at her, if still fired, would haven been be pushed back or cut, as her attacked would happen before he finished his spin and was able to discharge his weapon.

Derous would now take this time to attack coming from behind the child, thinking that she hadn't noticed him. Once behind her he would step to her side and try to bring a powerful kick to the center of her face. He didn't want to go for a killing blow for many reason, as he first wanted to torture the brat, and second they needed information from her. So this attack would have to do.

Derous though would be shocked when he noticed his kicked missed completely, the child jumped over the powerful kick. "Did you honestly think I forgot about you?" She would say say as she would come back down with her blade, it easily going through the leg of Derous.

"Fuck you!" Derous would say as he would bring his leg back at as quick as he could, and luckily he was able to take her blade along with him. And at the same time jump back using his other leg this to get some distance from the girl.


New task:

19The time has come [Arc Task]  - Page 2 Empty Re: The time has come [Arc Task] Sat Oct 24, 2015 9:08 am




notes. Don't try to fight me.
Skill. Over 9000
tags. Always open and ready.

~I guess I get my break now?~
Lieutenant Long couldn't believe his luck right after the bitch toss those knifes she couldn't leave well enough alone. She had to release a overwhelming diagonal vacuum strike aim straight at Long chest. Which hit all to well the vacuum blade send Long falling nearly off the roof if it wasn't for the dead corpse for earlier that night which broke his balance. Thus cause Long to end up on his back as his black suit was slash open as well as blood pouring out his wound. One could agree this wasn't a minor wound but a above average one.

Long would need medical attention after this battle for sure. As he laid on the ground in pain he decide it would no better time to relax. He had used his free hand to cover up what he could of the open wound. As he though to himself,"Maybe he can do some damage." Long face expression was replace with that of a smile. Because he can finally relax a bit before maybe his death or victory either way he wasn't in a good mood tonight.

Whether it be the devil or the chick. Someone was going to get the end of the stick today. Hades still laid in Long right hand his index finger rest on the trigger just in case. One can say he was playing dead if you please much like the doctor. If by god good grace he lives he wanted a promotion maybe raise.

Technique{Stamina Count}:

made by Seth

20The time has come [Arc Task]  - Page 2 Empty Re: The time has come [Arc Task] Sat Oct 24, 2015 9:37 am




The time has come [Arc Task]  - Page 2 Latest?cb=20140817182202

The tossing of her knives, at this time, wasn't needed it seems as the air slash would connect. Though, everything concerning Derous, would happen and she would be left with only her knives as weapons. "Tch, I honestly wanted to end you like your friend, but I guess I can kill you another way. "

"Shut up, you little bitch." Derous would say as he would crouch a bit to remove the blade form his leg, cringing as he pulled it out. The pain was extremely immense, and he could barely take it, but he could deal with the pain rather than dying.

"HOW DARE YOU! SCUM! Calling a child a bitch, have you no shame?" Nameless would ask as she would pull out her last three knives, three in her left hand.

"You are one to talk, but I apologize. I shouldn't show my true colors...especially with that guys till alive over there." Derous would say, this would make the girl turn and look over to Seth, and this gave Derous the chance he needed. Though, he would be a bit slower than usually due to the wound on his leg, but he still would make it in time to do something.

"What?!" Imminently she would turn to Seth's direction, but she couldn't even tell if the guy was dead or not. No one could possibly tell that from all the way over here, the guy wasn't even moving. "CRAP!" She would turn her attention back to Derous who was extremely close to her. Right then and there she would toss here reaming knives, but in he rush aimed only at his body. They landed but Derous seemed to continue to push through. "STOP I CONCEDED!"

Wincing in pain Derous would drop down once in range into a one-handed handstand; and then, as fast as he could, would kick the panicking girl in the ribs. This caused her to gasp for air, as her little ol' body was much weaker than anyone's here. Derous wasn't finished yet though as this was just part one of this combo attack. So, still in a handstand, Derous would spin around in the opposite direction to deliver a fast kick to the girls lower back or lumbar region.

Move used:
New task:

21The time has come [Arc Task]  - Page 2 Empty Re: The time has come [Arc Task] Sat Oct 24, 2015 10:06 am




notes. Don't try to fight me.
Skill. Over 9000
tags. Always open and ready.

~The Crippler~
Lieutenant Long couldn't believe his playing dead/ resting trick had work. The fact that the good or doctor trick the bitch made this attempt all the more enjoyable. As the chick had turn around she would find Seth laid on his back not moving a single muscle as the dead corpse laid just 3 feet in front of him. But when she call out "CRAP!" it had grad Long the feeling like the dead gig was up it was now or never. As he force himself up in the up right position he had grin the bitch was getting attack by the doctor. Now it was time to strike the bitch where it hurt the most it was time to shot this agile bitch.

Long had grin as he aim Hades directly at the chick back as he discharge 2 shots out of Hades chamber. The bullets would find themselves implant directly at the back anywhere is fine as long as the bitch get what she earn. Long had yell,"Dammit bitch! The load of paper I have to do,and the recover you are going to pay for this shit!"

The smoke had cleared from Hades barrel as Long lifted himself up he still had one bullet left in the chamber. He had aim Hades at the girl just to be sure the bitch was cripple he couldn't allow this bitch to be agile again. With his left hand he had hold his wound he knew they were going to be carrying back some people mostly themselves.

Technique{Stamina Count}:

made by Seth

22The time has come [Arc Task]  - Page 2 Empty Re: The time has come [Arc Task] Sat Oct 24, 2015 10:42 am




The time has come [Arc Task]  - Page 2 Latest?cb=20140817182202

Derous attack would send her hard to the ground, this happen right before the Nurse sprung up and did his LOL, I got hit let me hit her now, action. So, when he discharged his gun he would have to adjust his aim, if he still wanted to shoot the girl, as she would be on the ground seconds before he fired. Though, there was also going to be an obstacle in his way, his own fellow Marine's corpse. And due to the corpse being more than double the size of the girl he would have to shoot through, or get up and walk over, to fire. Shooting an already dead corpse would be something truly frowned upon as the only person that fired a weapon and was alive up here was Seth, so it would look like he killed his fellow man. How heinous would that be?

Derous, on the ground also from exhaustion, would pick himself up. Not all the way he would more so sit up and look at the unconscious girl, a skillful fighter yes but still someone with a child's body. Derous attention would turn from her though and to the opening on the roof as it seemed someone was coming, and that was bad if it was another enemy. One Derous, who was the only true skilled fighter still on the roof, was badly injured and couldn't fight anymore at this time. Two, the idiot Nurse, who honestly can't do anything wasn't even skilled enough to fight the opponents they already had.

Lucky for them though those to come up to the roof were Marines, "Thank god you guys are alright!" Shana, a real Nurse with medical knowledge would say as she and others would come. Along with here were other Marines as their hadn't been any news about what had happened. All they found, before heading to the roof, was two body of Fishman and in the hallway below this one the bodies of Marines.

"I will tell you guys about everything, after I take a nap. But tie that girl up and take her to the holding cells." Derous would say as the marines would do as he said. Shana and a few Marines would go to Derous to take him to the infirmary, some would go to Seth to help him also, so he could do to the infirmary. Three would grab the knocked out girl, and the remaining amount would begin to clean up the roof. None of theses Marines would change what they were doing.

New task:

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