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15Kitty Paw Pub - Page 2 Empty Re: Kitty Paw Pub Fri Mar 25, 2016 9:08 pm



Commodore Zepplin was a good friend of Commander Steele. After all they did do a mission not to long ago at Karate Island. Commander Steele was a representative of Briss Kingdom noble family not to mention a marine station at Briss Kingdom. Unfortunately Commodore Zepplin had made quite a ruckus at Briss Kingdom Marine Outpost throwing her rank around attempting to organize a raid. Unfortunately Commodore Zepplin had upset a few other officials which they decide no to sent via help right away. But on the plus side word got back to Commander Steele, and he had order 20 of his own grunts to assist Commodore Zepplin.

He had grab each grunts orders to block off the roads heading towards the bar. More pacifically up road, and down the road were the Commodore had set up. As for Commander Steele he had told his grunts his arrival will be soon. Each of his grunts hold both a single flint lock,and katana. Currently they would follow the orders of Commodore Zepplin until otherwise stated.

The road was clear so no citizens could be used as hostages which was always a plus. Commander Steele had relay to each of his grunts a message for Commodore Zepplin. The message was oddly simple it was,"If you have opening take it! Don't allow meanless death for marines that are helping. Attack them, and flush them out! I will be coming soon with additional aid see ya soon."

As for Commander Steele he was back at the base which was heavily protected. With the standard Camera Den Den Mushi that cover the base with the hundreds of troops assigned to the base. It was no walk in the park for a blue pirate to attack if they wanted too.

10Npc with

10 npc with the other group.

16Kitty Paw Pub - Page 2 Empty Re: Kitty Paw Pub Sat Mar 26, 2016 5:59 am

Blake C. Mercury


Blake C. Mercury
Something seemed odd. Blake was still mostly focusing on the conversation on the table, but looking to the door and to the window across the room she realized something odd. It was too quiet. It had been long since new guests had entered the pub and the street outside the dirty window looked empty. She was not completely sure what to think about this, but it indeed was odd, especially since it was the time where the pub attracted most customers. The girl tried to remember, to make sure and was certain that it had only become less, people in the pub. So much that even the usually filled to the brim bar was rather empty.

Meanwhile she listened to both of the people on her table, they seemed somewhat fun. Even when she did not want to really drag the samurai boy along, she at least estimated him as no danger to her. With a smile Blake emptied her glass and put some beli on the table, including a tip. “I do a favour for you right now, but you both will owe me.” Pulling the samurai boy on his hood to her and leaning towards the girl across from the table lowered her voice, so only the three of them could hear it. “The toilets here have small windows to the back, where it is just a large grass field, if you walk fast you reach the forest within minutes.” Then she got up and smiled, on her way past the other table, in the process pulling her hood over her head and disappearing into the back area where the toilets were. They were lucky that like most scum attracting businesses the pub was also situated at the very edge of the city.

The girl suspected that something was happening. It was no fun getting trapped and even if this was not the case, there was no reason to not be careful and just exit through the back. Blake was sure the barkeeper would not have a problem with it and it would shorten her route back "home" too. Calmly she entered the toilets and actually used the chance to wash her hands, before peaking out of the window. The air seemed clear, with the help from the strong light of the setting sun she could see hundreds of meters across the grassy fields and spot not a single soldier, if anything they had to hide in the dark forest across, but she would have spotted any light source or muzzle flare in case someone planed to shoot at her.

Her smile turning into a light grin as she slowly slid through the narrow window and onto the field, where she looked around again, once more not spotting anyone, maybe she had just been paranoid. Her eyes scanned across the buildings behind her. No other building had windows or even doors to the back side, because this always was a good path for thieves to sneak in, and all roofs were tilled too steep to fit a person on it. The buildings packed tightly against each other made it so that the next entrance to the field was either half a kilometer down the hill or half a kilometer up the hill, through narrow side alleys. All these options taken into account she felt rather save as she calmly began walking towards the forest, curiously watching behind her to see if the others followed. With the plan to lead them to a saver place to chat.

- Exit -

Last edited by Blake C. Mercury on Sun Mar 27, 2016 3:48 am; edited 3 times in total

17Kitty Paw Pub - Page 2 Empty Re: Kitty Paw Pub Sat Mar 26, 2016 7:14 am

Iris van Valkenburgh


Iris van Valkenburgh
Sometimes, you gamble and actually win. This moment was that exact sometimes. Being on the in with someone easily involved in 'business' would make looking for hard to come by information in Karate Island far easier and less likely to result in physicalities of the painful kind. Though Iris really couldn't tell why samurai man was suddenly in on this too. But if that was the catch, so be it. And a worry about what it'd cost to repay, she also did not have. After all, once she would be done with her life's purpose, it didn't really matter anymore what happened.

Almost in the same breath, the green hair girl displayed another obvious feat of being no stranger to these circles. She must have picked up some clues of something being wrong, because she then gave quite specific information and instruction to the two people she'd just assured favors of. And disappeared to the back of the bar shortly after. Iris gave everything that had just rushed in at once an undefined amount of time to settle. Not just because it would be suspicious of two people from the same table got up at the same time to visit the bathroom. So she spent probably two or three minutes staring all kinds of daggers at mister samurai, trying to make sense of his involvement and person as a whole.

With some time passed, Iris figured greenie had made a decent exit and planned to do the same. Though the bit about narrow windows worried her a little. For the moment however, she made an effort to dig up money from her pocket. While the everlasting coffee was already paid for, she felt it right to leave a little extra, compensation for what she was about to do. Adding her coins to the small pile already on the table, probably being eyed by the waitress already from a distance, she almost wanted to warn sword guy to leaves hit mitts off it once she was gone, but decided it was not worth the effort. And if he actually stuck around due to owing the other woman, she'd find out eventually if he did have sticky fingers this day.

On the way to the back room, trunk in tow, she did notice that the influx of new guests seems to have come to an almost stop, as the leaving ones were visibly thinning how packed the place had been. This was probably what the other girl had noticed. Regardless, she entered the women's restroom and immediately inspected the window. It was open, but definitely not big enough to allow her baggage to pass through. This was almost like the other time back on Baterilla, except this time she technically broke out and not in. With three snapping sounds, the unhooked the case's lid and swung it open. She hadn't done this often so far and it was still weird, but with some mental willing and a firm tug, her left arm came loose. The remaining stump, she pushed it into a socket on the black metal mass taking up most of the trunk's inside. It took a good second before her fingers responded on the newly attached hand, but then she repeated the process on the right arm, albeit deliberately more careful as to not damage the perfectly fine prosthetic.

That half-a-minute procedure out of the way, Iris dropped the two much more normal arms into the coffer, closed the lid and prepared for business. It did not take much of a swing to remove the window from it's place in the wall. Accompanied by an audible concert of glass and wood shattering and splintering. Which really did not change much as far as space in the window went. But it opened a new angle of attack for Iris as she could now grab around the wall through the window and widen the hole with some more noise. Eventually, the exit was ready to let the trunk pass through and just in time before someone took major notice of the ruckus she had been making. She pushed the thing through and then followed it. Landing on the grass and gravel of an apparently not quite used field as well as the warped remains of a window someone must of left there, she wrapped the fingers of one grossly oversized hand around the black box she traveled with to pick it up and started sprinting to the best of her ability for the woods, the occasional over the shoulder check for any pursuers. Using the shortest path to being concealed by the trees being the natural thing to do. Especially after being instructed to do so very matter of fact and without much explanation.

> Exit

18Kitty Paw Pub - Page 2 Empty Re: Kitty Paw Pub Sat Mar 26, 2016 4:23 pm



Marcel glanced over to the green haired girl as she looked around. It looked as if she was expecting someone. She then said something odd. That she would do something for us and that we would owe her in return. The samurai lowered his eyes a little in confusion before being suddenly pulled towards the two. She then gave the two some rather odd instructions which furthered his confusion. As the girl got up from the seat to make her way to said toilets, Marcel just glanced towards her, not making any big actions until she disappeared into the back.

His eyes then shifted towards the girl he was stuck with who was looking back at him. His eyes would slowly wonder to the others around the pub then the door, just now hitting him that no one else has come in for quite sometime, which struck the samurai as odd even though he's not familiar with this island. Is this what that other girl saw? Marcel pondered a little before noticing that the other girl has gotten up. The samurai placed his sketchbook back under his armor before rubbing the water stain on his clothing a little with his hand.

He then put in his share of money onto the table and got up. Marcel may be a killer, but he isn't no thief unless the situation calls for it. The samurai maneuvered himself around some of the customers who were standing before he made it to the back around the same time that Iris entered the ladies room. Marcel made his way into the men's room with the first thing he saw being a narrow opened window, of course opened to keep these foul odors out while also hearing the noises of Iris' attempts to get her luggage through the window in the ladies room. Seeing that it was too small for him to climb out with his sheathed katana still attached, Marcel quickly walked over to said window and took the sheathed sword from his hip and slid it out the window where it landed safely on the grassy field.

He then climbed out of the window with no problem, landing on his feet before picking up his katana. The outside air was surely refreshing, but the samurai had no time to sit back and enjoy it. He then noticed Iris was running about a few feet in front of him. Marcel gave chase with a hand on the hilt of his blade just in case he had to deal with anything. His red, beast like eyes looked around the area. That hooded girl wasn't wrong about the area, showing that she knew her way around here. He just now thought about it. Marcel could understand why she would tell the white haired girl, but why was he also informed? Why was he being saved, if this is the case?

All he knew now is that if he really was saved from having to deal with something troublesome from her, he would be in the girl's debt whether he liked it or not. Marcel then followed the same path as Iris into the woods, not entirely sure where he will end up with these other two.


19Kitty Paw Pub - Page 2 Empty Re: Kitty Paw Pub Sun Mar 27, 2016 9:52 am



The operation was proceeding very smoothly. As time passed, her stationed troops successfully apprehended and secured everyone who left the pub and traveled up or down the road. Some of them put up a fight, but since the Marines caught them off guard, the end result of the encounters was inevitable and they were able to round up the hoodlums with no casualties and minimal injuries. In particular, those who had the misfortune of straying on the part of the road where the Commodore herself was waiting found themselves subdued before they could even mount a decent resistance. The plan was perfect.

As the number of patrons in the bar thinned, Zeppelin decided that it was about time they initiated phase two of the operation. While in the beginning they were at a severe numerical disadvantage to the droves of thugs hanging out in the pub, the current situation was now reversed. Backup arrived earlier on to clear the streets and bolster their forces even more. The time to strike was now. Advancing from two sides with her troops, the Commodore summoned an additional 5 ghosts to go on ahead into the pub, traveling underground. Her eyes in the interior counted only seven more targets including the one manning the bar. The haki user and her companions were still there. They would be a priority to subdue. Zeppelin couldn't risk most of her troops getting knocked out if she used her ability.

The troops were positioned right outside in a way that they could not be spotted through the windows. Zeppelin herself was a bit further back, but from her position, the entire bar was within the range of her abilities. She had outlined the plan to everyone right before they positioned themselves. Zeppelin would launch a simultaneous ghost attack when the grunts storm the building. They were to prioritize anyone who wasn't knocked out by the Commodore's power. Inside, the haki user pulled the two close to her, saying something and then stood up. Zeppelin would have preferred that she stayed seated but not everything goes the way one wanted. The Commodore raised her hand and gave the signal.

The next set of events happened almost at the exact same time. Inside the pub, two of Zeppelin's ghosts closed the door leading to the back area and locked it, cutting off any escape that way. There were no other passages leading anywhere out of the main bar area. There were no windows to the side as the buildings next door blocked the view anyway. The rest of the Commodore's ghosts also made their move, popping out from under the floor to phase through the remaining targets in the pub. They came from right under the feet of each target without warning. The weaker targets would be downed, slumped on their tables or on the ground. While this was happening, her Marine troops kicked open the front and stormed the place. They would attempt to put down and pin down anyone who was still standing, disarming them in the process and tying them up quickly. Those who would somehow resist the ghost's effects would find themselves pausing for a second, giving time for the Marine grunts tackle them down. Those who were somehow lucky enough to avoid the ghosts popping from the ground would also find themselves surrounded and attacked by the grunts, though none were aiming to kill.

Zeppelin left one ghost in reserve still hidden in the ceiling, getting a bird's eye view of the events and watching the priority targets carefully.

10 Ghosts Active
- 2 closing and locking the door leading to the back
- 7 used for Negative Hollow, 1 each for the remaining people in the pub
- 1 watching Iris, Blake and Marcel's table from the ceiling
Stamina 211/250

NPCs: 30 T0 Grunts
- 10 T0 Grunts entering the bar
- 20 T0 Grunts with Zeppelin outside on standby

Notes: Zeppelin's position is 5 meters away from the door to the pub. The entire pub is within a 30 meter radius of her.

Negative Hollow:

Exits interrupted from Blake's post onward by virtue of closing the door leading to the back.

20Kitty Paw Pub - Page 2 Empty Re: Kitty Paw Pub Sun Mar 27, 2016 1:46 pm

Blake C. Mercury


Blake C. Mercury
Just as Blake was about to open the door to the back she saw two a little white thing close it right in front of her. Next before she was sure what was happening she heard the sound of people falling on her knees, when the white sperm like figures passed through their bodies. Almost the whole pub was on their knees crying and moaning about how useless they were. Blake had to agree! A moment later one of the white things passed her from below and she figured out what was going on, but Blake was not feeling happy about falling on her knees, making people kneel was her thing and so she did not give in to her shaking knees and the sudden negative energy pouring in her.

With a light “tsk”, she shook the feeling of and turned to the other door, which had swung open just before. “I hate to be right sometimes”, she said to herself as she watched ten soldiers storm in with their weapons pulled ready to take her down. Calmly she lifted up her hands and walked towards the men.

With the room being ten meter deep, with her far diagonal across from the door. She was expecting more soldiers outside, about another five to ten meters away. Quickly she looked towards the table she had sat on near the window, the white haired girl was not looking too happy about the whole situation either. Maybe a bit of negativity was still sticking to her, but the view made her sigh loudly.

Only a little more than a seconds had passed and one of the soldiers rushed to her, pushing the crying patrons out of the way, ready to put her down and disarm her, but Blake had, had enough of this little game. “Yo, whoever is out there, thanks for the hostages!”, she yelled. Her thick pink aura pulsed out from the girl and covered the whole bar and parts of the streets. She grinned even more evil than usual as she watched the soldiers around her fall to the ground, while similar symptoms hit the soldiers outside the bar. Quickly she looked towards the table she had sat on again and saw that to her surprise the samurai boy was still okay, while that could not be said about the white haired girl. Everyone else in the room had also gone quiet.

“If anyone is still standing out there, my friend here will kill your soldiers, if you do anything stupid.” She made sure to yell loud enough so the people outside could hear her and gestured the samurai to at least two near-by soldiers. “I suggest you let me exit and we talk this over, how about that?” Blake had to hope that the commander, if still standing, was no cold hearted scum like so many marines, but maybe she was lucky.

Haki Stamina 30/50

Haou Haki B Rank - 25m, knocks out all T1-T3 NPCs out.

Grunts still on their feet: 0
Iris: knocked out

Last edited by Blake C. Mercury on Sun Mar 27, 2016 7:39 pm; edited 2 times in total

21Kitty Paw Pub - Page 2 Empty Re: Kitty Paw Pub Sun Mar 27, 2016 3:16 pm



Marcel watched as the green haired girl made it to the back after giving him and the white haired girl instructions. The samurai was about to take another sip from his glass until he noticed that the door she was about to go through closes on her. "Hm?" was what he was able to mutter out as he put the cup down. What came next was all the more strange. Marcel noticed that these white blob like things began to phase through the ground, going through the remaining people here and causing them to fall to their knees.

The samurai turned his head down and noticed that one was coming up to do the same. As it went through him. Whatever those things were doing to the others, he wasn't going to let happen to him. Marcel focused for about a second as this occurred before shaking his head a little. He then looked up to the white haired girl to see that she may have succumbed to it herself. The door then flew open with ten marine soldiers pouring in one at a time since the door was only big enough to allow one person in at a time and began to apprehend those who were effected by the ghosts. Marcel attempted to get out of his seat, but was being pinned down by two of the soldiers while he put up a struggle.

As he was struggling, the samurai shifted his head to see that the green haired girl was walking up to the other soldiers with her hands raised as they had their weapons pointing towards her. He watched the green haired girl who looked towards his direction, mainly at the white haired girl. As one of the soldiers went up to her in an attempt to apprehend, the girl finally spoke, saying something that caused the red eyed pirate to smirk a little. Next thing there was a thick pink aura that pulsed through the entire pub which quickly knocked out everyone who was in the radius in the process, except for the girl who initiated it and the samurai himself.

Marcel pushed the unconscious marines off of him, knocking them to the ground with one on top of the other before stepping over them. "Guessing it's not a simple magic trick after all." he said to himself but loud enough that the girl could possibly hear. The samurai then raised an eyebrow at Blake's threat. She turned and gestured at the two soldiers near him. Marcel smirked once more as he placed one of his feet on one of the two downed marine's chest while gripping the hilt of his katana. Marcel looked at all of the unconscious bodies, including the white haired girl before looking to Blake as she made her demands, with a serious look on his face.

22Kitty Paw Pub - Page 2 Empty Re: Kitty Paw Pub Tue Mar 29, 2016 12:55 pm



Ah that was bad luck. She would have preferred that the men managed to incapacitate the haki user in time but it was probably too much to ask. In the end, the wave came anyway and knocked out everyone inside. The two soldiers who were standing by beside the the door outside were hit as well. They should have been the initial backup but so much for that plan. As for the rest of the men, well thankfully they were just out of reach of the wave's range, some twenty meters away from the pub. They had been avoiding being seen through the window after all so they had to hold their positions at a distance. Zeppelin raised her hand to give them the signal that the vanguard was taken out and the second squad should get ready.

The green haired girl had yelled something about hostages. The Commodore assumed she meant the downed Marines. She sounded confident but there was a reason the ghost user sent only ten men for the initial raid. This was precisely the amount of people she could protect without stepping into the fray herself. In other words, her threats were as good as empty for as long as the ghosts were present. But there was another thing weighing on Zeppelin's mind after that first exchange. During the scuffle, she finally saw the face of the man with the hood when her ghost passed through him. She had seen his poster before. He was a fairly known wanted pirate in the East Blue. It looked like she managed to snag a big fish. Zeppelin didn't know who the girl was, but the man was someone whom it would typically be expected to lose a few men against. Not that it would stop the Commodore from trying to end this without casualties anyway. She noted as well that the the other girl was knocked out in the wave earlier. Did that mean they weren't really friends? She wondered if she should put that to the test.

She waved her hand to call over the commander of the second squad and whispered instructions to him before putting her captain's hat on his head. The man then walked over to the doorway to begin their "negotiations". He stood just outside where he could still be seen and heard by the two villains. To further reinforce the ruse, one of the ghosts emerged from underground to float beside the man as he spoke.

"First of all you, before you go threatening Marines with hostages, you need to be sure they actually care about their lives. If you kill the men in here, then I will have no excuse to allow this building to remain standing over your heads. However, you're in luck. I'm willing to talk."

"I'll be frank. The hostages you have here are only worth one of you. And that basically means that to bring both of you in, I'm quite happy to put them at risk. But I'm feeling a bit generous right now after having already rounded up over 30 of you hoodlums already. So here's my offer. Decide between the two of you who stays and who gets to walk away. You have my word that I won't chase the other today."

"Talk about it. Fight over it. I don't care. But, if you kill even one of the Marines in here, then the deal is off. And when that happens, well, you better find cover."

The man crossed his arms and awaited their response.

10 Ghosts Active
- 2 behind the door to the back
- 1 watching from the ceiling
- 6 aimlessly floating around the room
- 1 beside the negotiator
Stamina 211/250

NPCs: 30 T0 Grunts
- 10 T0 Grunts KO'd in the bar, 2 T0 Grunts KOed just outside
- 17 T0 Grunts on standby 20 meters away from the bar
- 1 T0 Grunt negotiating/playing the commander standing just outside the doorway

Attempting to RIB

23Kitty Paw Pub - Page 2 Empty Re: Kitty Paw Pub Sun Apr 03, 2016 1:12 pm

Blake C. Mercury


Blake C. Mercury
Blake used the chance given to her by her enemy having to come up with a new scheme to quickly make sure the door next to her was not locked in any way. Which it luckily was not. Then she quickly rushed across the room, in the process grabbing a full mug of beer from one of the table and throwing its contents over Iris. “Time to wake up princess!” To make sure she added a slap into the girl's face, if anything it served to remove her drowsiness.

Then she quickly turned to the samurai boy, stepping onto one of the unconscious soldiers near him. “We are somewhat delayed, but lets restart our escape, we have a bit till they started a new plan outside.” Using observation Haki, she quickly scanned the area surrounding the pub and the street, spotting that only the street was blocked and only a single soldier was coming towards the commander near the door. The three had plenty of time to exit. “If we just had something to delay them a bit... like fire or a falling down building”, she said to herself, but already was back to escaping, crossing the room back to the door and from there to the toilets behind. If anything she would rather have stayed and killed the soldiers, but she was still unsure about her opponent's ability, which made an escape the better course of action.

She still kept her Haki active to keep tabs on everything around, including the weird white balls, but once out of the toilet window there was only open grassy field in front of her. All the girl wanted was to enjoy a juice and maybe some superficial talk, the Navy really had a special sense how to ruin things.

- Exit -

Kenbunshoku C - 30m Range
Haki Stamina 20/50

24Kitty Paw Pub - Page 2 Empty Re: Kitty Paw Pub Sun Apr 03, 2016 1:52 pm

Iris van Valkenburgh


Iris van Valkenburgh
Everything was hazy at best, only slowly did Iris gather the consciousness required to participate in clear and reasonable thought. As her vision de-blured slowly, she found herself face down on a wooden table and the smell of alcohol pierced her nose, speeding up the process of clearing her mind. Only a brief moment later, she realized that she was also showered in the beer she had smelled while one half of her face felt far less happy then the other. Almost in shock, she shot back up to a sitting position hectically. Looking around, she was definitely still in the pub she remembered going to, the strangers she had been talking to being there as well as a whole bunch of apparently fainted patrons. While she couldn't immediately reconstruct or at least guess what had happened, the killer's words sounded worrysome. They, outside, escape. Not things she was super hot about, but seeing how there was a large memory gap and the green haired girl had been fairly assertive and straightforward before, she did not question the situation.

Wringing the beer out of her hair and clothes rudimentary, she followed Blake with her eyes, she she crossed the room, talking about delaying. Again, Iris could not quite follow the reasoning, but the answer to delaying seemed simple enough. Two somewhat decorative supporting columns of wood at the center of the room apparently held the wooden ceiling up. All one had to do was tear them out and let gravity do the rest. Quick to make a decision, Iris made do to switch arms, so she could take care of the distraction before leaving. What little twinge of guilt she had about possibly dropping the ceiling on all these seemingly unconscious people vanished in the face of the fact that they were mostly shady hooligans anyway. That and the fact Iris would rather follow the somewhat authoritative personality of the self-proclaimed killer -who she would owe probably a bunch of favors to anyway, if she came trough on her own favor- then get busted by law enforcement. She did not know, but assumed that word of her deeds might have spread across the nearby islands, essentially making anyplace as hot a floor as Baterilla was when she left.

Properly suited up, the short girl walked up to the supporting structures, with both in arm's reach, all she needed was a good grip on either side and a brief moment of straining effort to pull the wooden poles out of their foundations, teasing the planked ceiling above to immediately creak ominously. “Better hurry, that doesn't look stable at all.” She admired her handiwork, somewhat content, for a second while picking up the trunk, so she could leave with her belongings. Skipping over the floored bodies was a small hurdle in itself, but no three minutes after getting showered with beer and knuckle sandwich, she passed through the back door, looking back on the katana-man hopefully following before the ceiling rendezvou'd the floor. Using the wardrobe trunk to break the bathroom's window, throwing it outside in the process, Iris had made herself an easy exit unto the grassy field that lead straight ahead into the forest.

- Exit -

25Kitty Paw Pub - Page 2 Empty Re: Kitty Paw Pub Sun Apr 03, 2016 6:06 pm



Law watched as the green haired woman brought the whited haired one back to consciousness in a rather...humiliating way. The samurai smirked a little from the action before observing the area a little. Marcel watched as the green haired girl approached him, saying that they should restart their escape. The samurai nodded before looking towards the entrance. Right." the samurai said before looking around at the weird floating ghost like creatures.

It would have been interesting to fight, but an escape sounds a lot less messy. The green haired girl then said something about delaying the pursuers which caused Marcel to look at the two supporting columns. Law was prepared to slice them down without warning in an attempt to solve the problem as he had his hand gripping the hilt of his weapon, but it appears that the white haired girl beat him to the idea. Before he could unleash an attack on them, the samurai's eyes widened in surprise from the girl's hands. "Huh!?" was all that he was able to mumble out from the shock of how big they looked, and this coming from what appears to him to be a little girl.

The girl successfully wrecked the columns to the point that it would come down any second, and skipped her way towards the back where the green haired one went after making her remark. Just how did he find himself stuck with these two "weird" girls? The samurai smirked once more, saying, "Interesting." under his breathe before he quickly made his way to the toilets, busting through a window using his sheathed katana before climbing out and dashing towards the other two to the grassy field into the forest.


26Kitty Paw Pub - Page 2 Empty Re: Kitty Paw Pub Sat Apr 23, 2016 9:05 pm

Blink Shortson


Blink Shortson
In the beginning, there was Blink, just another drinker. Well, he wasn’t JUST another in the sense that he was, in fact, a dwarf. But for the reader’s purposes, let’s just assume that he was another drinker, for now at least. This is not the story of how he drank though, this is the story of how he observed some other drinkers. For convenience's sake, let’s just say the story began with the girl, you know the one I’m talking about don’t you? The one who started this whole adventure by entering the cutthroat pub. Well, cutthroat may have been a bit harsh, most of these guys were simply a product of the sad society where people got straight up murdered, and nobody cared. Like, I’m talking straight up murdered. Most of these men would have grown up to be fine gentlemen if their parents hadn’t been brutally murdered in pursuit of becoming pirates for the One Piece or whatever. Well, I mean, let’s just be honest for a second, who was REALLY searching for the One Piece at this point? Like, if millions of pirates were searching for this magical treasure for their entire lives, you’d think one would stumble upon it by a mistake at least. Honestly, most of them are just random dudes who are perfectly nice and don’t murder people at all, like you know, not pirates. A better label for these “pirates” would be “unlicensed sailors” at worst, and even that was stretching it honestly. I suppose you could make the argument that it seems that the marines are all corrupt, so of course pirates, the natural good guys for the most part except for a few bad apples (almost exactly mirroring the marines in reverse,) so it makes sense that they would be branded as criminals, but still, you gotta admit that even that is stretching it. ANYWAYS. Back to the totally cutthroat bar, that isn’t being labelled at all, totally not. Let’s go back to our hero (the angry dwarf, not one of these other casuals,) and talk about how he ended up in the bar in the first place, to see how this entire scene unfolded. I am a vessel for 666 whose only purpose in life is to make really long posts and stack up word counts in the name of establishing some sense of worth.

The fact is, our hero ended up here after being angry, at something, probably his height. Anyways, he was walking through the streets in this angry mood, angry at how HE was the one that always had to dodge the footsteps of the masses who never bothered to look down even fucking once. But whatever, not like he wanted to live or anything. Part of him longed for the sweet release that being back in his dwarf home would give him, but he knew how that would end, probably with him killing his family members for being general cunts, and that he now wasn’t exactly controlling of his anger, so really it was just basic math on what would happen. So even he knew why there was no reason that he should go home, especially considering that he would probably have to pay a fuck ton of child support when you consider how much time he’d spent away from his kids, running.

Normally, if he wanted to get somewhere, he would run somewhere at his dwarven “speed of a bullet” speed, but right now he was feeling a bit lazy, so he needed to find something that got the job of speed done, and also let him be lazy for now. And the best place for that was dark alleys, why you ask? Well don’t worry, it shall all become clear soon. So he made his way past markets, making sure to keep account of everyone as to not get stepped on, and he found himself in a back alley, a back alley that smelled a lot like piss, and vomit. It was perfect. He took a look around of his surroundings to see if there was someone that he could make use of his needed target. There seemed to be a couple of garbage bags, and there was enough room for him to easily maneuver in the back alley, but also gave him the advantage of any target being too much larger than him have a bit of a hard time to maneuver. There was also a slew of garbage bags and metal trash cans, these metal trash cans are actually an integral part of his plan though, so don’t worry.  Please help us mister, this man has trapped us inside a typing factory, and we can’t get out, please, every day for us is a heartbreak and a challenge, we just want the pain to end.

He then picked up a rock on the ground, and threw it at one of the trashcans, and yes, out came a stray cat with a surprised hiss and jump. How did he know how to find such a thing? In a dark alley as well, it was common knowledge that stray animals always dwelled in these areas. After that, it was as simple as hopping onto the back of the cat, and playing a game of bucking cat until it accepted him as its new master. His tiny dwarf dick swelled with pride at his victory, now he would not need to worry about getting stepped (because for whatever reason people payed more attention to dwarves riding cats than they did actual dwarves.)

But wait, this isn’t only the adventure of how a dwarf rode a cat, in fact, for this particular angry dwarf, this was just another average Tuesday morning. No, you’re wondering how this part of the story interconnect with all of the connections (connections for days) of the rest of the thread? Or maybe by this point you’re thinking “fuck, this guy’s 1000 words in, and he hasn’t even officially entered the topic, what is he doing with his life to do this shit? What am I doing with my life to read this post? I must be a sad lonely fuck, or I might be the one who put him up to this, goddamn, I didn’t think he’d actually be this bored to do it.” Whatever you’re thinking, don’t worry, he will enter the topic soon enough, all shall be made clear, this is not a story about how a dwarves dick swelled with pride as he rode a cat, it’s the story of a dwarf who saw some shit in a bar.

Are you ready? Because oh boy, we haven’t even gotten 25% of the way through this post, you’re in for an adventure now lil’ buddy. So yeah, there he was, riding a cat through town, angry, and just a bit thirsty. I suppose that after 1000 words in, you want me to describe our hero. Well, for starters, he had a rather large cut on the right side of his cheek, nothing serious, just something you would get from shaving. Well, actually exactly the type of cut you would get on your cheek, mostly because of how he got this cut when he was shaving with a human sized razor, because there was a sad lack of tiny pieces of sharp metal that he could use for shaving.

Now, as he rode the cat, still being aware of outside occurrences possibly stepping on him, even if he had a joyride now, he was still cautious of someone, especially considering humans and dwarves relationships regarding slavery. He did not wanna be sold to become some noble’s literal cock puppet, so he made sure to be wary of every look he got, surprised, hateful, amazed, or in some random girl with definite daddy issues, lust. Anyways, I started this out by calling him a drinker right? Pretty sure I did at least, anyways, you have been waiting for the moment when he doesn’t just aimlessly wander around, no, you have been waiting for him to enter this thread. And your wish is about to be granted.

So, as it happens, our little angry dwarf felt like after having to keep taking note of assholes who wanted to step on him, he decided that he needed to have a deep drink, a really deep drink. So he went to a bar with a reputation of being on the… Shady side. He decided that he’d go there to slake his thirst and drink away his pain, because bars that you were likely to get lynched in usually found the need to make up the difference with good drinks, and Big John most definitely wasn’t a little bitch, so he was not about to run away from good drinks because he might meet a mean person.

So he went to the bar, the one that the rest of the topic is in, not another one, obviously, just so we’re both on the same page. Well, first thing’s first, he would have to ditch his little puss in boots unfortunately, right before entering of course, he would have to be on guard for men who liked to kill cats here of course. It disgusted him on how fine establishments like this could simply prey on weak defenseless and helpless cats. Of course, when walking in, since these were the type of people who would probably murder a cat simply to have an afternoon snack (absolutely disgusting,) he made sure to keep track of them all intently, simply for the sake of puss in boots at least, making sure to react to them if one looked at him the wrong way. Most of the patrons didn’t notice them of course I mean why would they? Unless they were actively scanning the ground for such a thing as he, they would probably overlook him, if look at him at all even. He walked up to the counter, and quickly climbed up one of the stools, just so he would be able to order a drink without screaming from the ground, (which was never a fun prospect really.)

He ordered a drink, the strongest they had, unfortunately the smallest cup they had was only a shot glass, and that was a bit hard for him considering his dwarven-ness and size. Seriously, usually nobody wants to be drinking out of a glass that is about half or a quarter of their size, the oppression disgusted him. So he popped back the first drink, which unfortunately didn’t have much of a kick to him, mostly because of his dwarven metabolism, or his life of heavy drinking so he didn’t have to feel the pain anymore, either or, anyways, he was about to keep drinking until he could properly get himself into the state of mind that he was drunk enough to believe everything was alright, and he was just another normal person. So because of this, and his desire to remain discreet, and not wanting to pay for his drinks, he climbed behind the counter using his dwarf speed and size as a stealth agent, piled along with the fact that the bar staff was busy with all of the customers, and tried to find the “good stuff.” Once he had climbed there using his combination of stealth and luck, he would climb behind one of the barrels so that he could drink and drain behind it without being seen, while also being able to duck his tiny little head out to see the patrons of the bar. Just to be on the safe side while he was sizing up the barrel in front of him, he gave the wall behind him an experimental tap, just so he would know if he was safe or not. His tap revealed a miniscule hollow sound, hidden to all but him because of his isolated position, and the sound in the bar, what was behind him was dry wall, and would be a simple task of bursting through if he were to be discovered in his little escapade of getting a nice little drink.

Unfortunately for him, (or maybe fortunately depending on how you want to look at this whole situation,) a scene started to unfold, and he ended up becoming a victim to watching something happen. At first he decided that he would continue drinking, and ignore all of these people altogether, and not talk to anyone, so he followed this train of thinking when climbing behind one of the barrels of beer on the wall, and carving a little hole in the back while making sure to keep ducking out in case one of the staff came his way, while filling up his unfortunately sized shot glass. He had no desire to look at the other scenes unfolding, as some people started talking, even if his spot was away from sight and mind, and would prove for opportune looking out at people. Well, as it happened, the bartender decided to shift his position to right in front of the barrel that Blink was trying to liberate some of the liquid of, to lighten the load, in a sense. Since he didn’t wanna keep draining the barrel, alerting the bartender and creating an unfortunately messy situation. So he had to stick down there, and wait, he decided to focus on the scene that could potentially unfold before him. Sneaking a glance after plugging up the barrel with the small wooden cap that he had carved out, because he might as well enjoy some scenery while he had to wait for the bartender to leave his figurative perch. Still, if the bartender (or anyone) seemed to take notice of his presence, he would have to probably react to this situation, maybe by escaping or by simply settling it the old fashioned combat way, but it would probably end with him bursting through the light wall behind him, so he could escape with relative ease, without arousing too much suspicion.

Well, entertainment was not so far from him, because he saw a guy get shaken down, that was entertaining enough, although he could not hear the words that were being said, it was pretty easy to see the situation going down when it happened, a guy standing in front of another, signaling for the other to “give him” something. It was always nice to see someone coming into a bar thinking about all the fun times they would have, but then they would have to pay up, as it were, and have their dreams shattered. That was always a fun scene to see, especially from the safety away from that entire situation, not having to worry about being scene because of his relative distance away from the situation, and his opportune hiding spot out of sight and out of mind. Then something unexpected happened, the shaker downer,  (not to be confused with the shakee downee to be,) GOT FUCKING STABBED, right before his eyes, that was… A twist ending to be sure. Blink personally loved it, seeing the guy go from confidence to being stabbed. Like, honestly the bald man should have seen it coming sooner, with the man pulling out the sword, with no showing of subjugation as shakee downees usually do. Of course, this sword bearing guy had shown no sign of fear, so Blink was not sure how the biker man got so far in a gang, with the respect that was seemed to have been showed him, when he didn’t understand when someone obviously was not afraid of him, and was obviously bored with him. Seriously, when a guy pulls out a sword usually it’s not a good idea to assume he has the best intentions at heart, so Big John supposed that it might’ve been a mercy to end his idiocy, hell, the gang would probably be better off for it. He was not sure about the man with long hair and the sword though, on one hand, he seemed to be the type of guy who would kill someone without a thought, but did he really gamble on the man’s idiocy? Did he know that the biker gang man (Blink didn’t eve know what a bike was, but if he had to put a word to the type of gang that the man was in, he would say that it was a “Bike” gang. Well, the sword murdering man decided to clean his sword and ask for a water, as Blink could tell from the bar service quickly responding to his request bringing him a clear liquid in a tall clear glass, pretty fucking stone cold if Blink did think so himself. Like, not only order a drink as he cleaned the blade, but also order fucking water. Like, what does that tell you about the fucking guy? He enters the bar, a god damn bar, a place that you usually want to drink alcohol, at least, that’s the main reason people enter there, and after killing someone, just orders a fucking water. You know what that tells you? That the guy didn’t come for the fucking drink at all! He just came for the blood. Like, who just straight up murders someone for the right to enter a bar, and then doesn’t even order a drink? A psychopath! That’s who! So it followed that he came here for the murder, not the drinks! I mean seriously, who just walks into a bar, kills someone for “water,” he was obviously here for one thing, and that was for the murder. Oh god, he’s just kept me typing in this word counter factory, please free me from this endless hell, god, why me? I have a wife and family to return to, but instead I’ve been forced to spend my life writing in this madman’s basement for the sole purpose of this thing called “Roleplaying” or “RPing.” If you get this message tell my wife Morissette that I love her.

It followed that Blink would take an interest in him with his tiny dwarven eyes. He was stuck here for only entertainment purposes, so why the fuck would you not watch your own personal bar room gladiatorial combat viewing? Seriously, that shit was just too good not to watch. Honestly though, a thought crossed his mind, if a bartender would serve a patron a glass of water who just murdered a guy, was still holding a sword, and asked for said glass of water while the body was still warm without batting an eye, chances are the bartender would not give a flying fuck if he lost a bit of beer, stolen or otherwise.  Still, Blink was not sure if he wanted to risk that, simply on account of how the bartender might still be a bit steamy about missing some of his goods, like the man had probably been a bother to everyone, scaring away customers so the sword wielding water drinking maniac would probably make little difference to him, and even helping him get a few more customers (even if the bikers shoes would be filled soon enough by another man who had a taste for shaking people down,) but would get all pissy if he found that he was losing drinks and not gaining any money. On top of that, for some reason (possibly the fact that a possible psycho was now in his immediate vicinity,) Blink started to get the feeling that it would not be a good idea if he got totally hammered. He was for once thankful that thanks to his dwarven metabolism he had a high tolerance for alcohol, and the two drinks he had consumed earlier had no real bad effect on him. He wanted to at least be in the slightest bit on guard for this moment, in case anything went down, ready to make his escape or dashing combat roll.

He took a small bit of joy in watching the biker’s followers. One cradled his head, seemingly whispering something to him inside, another was trying to patch up the wound that was left by the sword bearer, desperately trying to cling onto the life of his late boss. Two simply started crying over his corpse, obviously wishing that he would return to them to no avail, wishing and wishing and wishing and wishing would do nothing for them sadly, it would just make them feel worse. Finally, the one that was left started crying and screaming for help, wishing that the crowd would just help, instead of completely ignoring him, some even cheering for the violence. One of the two that was crying ended up throwing up, and soon the one patching up the wounds burst into tears, vomiting, realizing that there was no coming back for his friend, and that there was only pain and darkness. One of the one who was literally screaming for help (so much that Blink could even hear the situation going down,) soon his screaming just turned into inaudible sobbing, with no rhyme reason nor purpose to it, falling to his knees, crying about the injustice that tore apart the world. The crowd mentality had set in though, and was no simply just another back page of the scenery; nobody really cared enough about these types of problems, so why would they help out that fellow man? Sad thing is, if the patrons of the bar got together and tried to save the man, maybe the leader of that smalltime gang could have been saved, and would have been able to turn his life around from the near death experience that he had faced. But no, Biker McGee would not get that chance today, for his life had ended, and nothing good would ever happen to him, he was dead, the light in his eyes were gone, there was probably a mother and father who would weep because of the news, maybe a girlfriend who was withholding the news of pregnancy for a child that would grow up without a father. Classic comedy to Blink, honestly, he would be lying if he said that he didn’t want to laugh there, but he still didn’t feel warm to the idea of simply letting everyone in the bar that there was a little dwarf looking on in the conversations they were having.

Then, the sword wielders choice in company had seemed to take a little bit of… distaste to him, to say the least. Judging from their facial expressions and body language at least. Blink cannot say he blamed them of course, like, come on, who willing thinks “oh look, a murderer, that guy looks like a great guy to share a drink with, especially if he’s drinking water.” Can we just get back to the water for a second? Now that it had been served, the sword wielder of course drank it… But you think that he would order a drink to take the edge of killing another man off, but he did not, he just plowed on through, not eve caring that a man was now dead, drinking a glass of water. Big Johnson would probably find even someone who just ordered a regular glass of water in a bar a bit creepy, but this was just insane, murder AND a glass of water? Some things in this world were really hot to handle.

Anyways, they seemed to start having a little debate, of course this would soon be interrupted by some knife wielding jackass with a knife screaming, echoing through the bar even into Blink’s little nook (the bar had pretty good acoustics actually, it was surprising, it was doubtful that its full potential would ever be realized of course.) Apparently he was playing some sort of knife game where he tried to not hit his hand apparently. He must have sucked, mostly because there was a knife in his hand. Or maybe sticking the knife in his hand was part of the game? Like Russian roulette (fun question, do they call it Russian roulette in the One Piece universe? It’d be funny if they did wouldn’t it?) But instead the game of Russian roulette was played with knives, and it was really hard to stab your hand, but whatever, Blink was not accustomed to the human world’s games yet. Not to say dwarf games were any better, like all there was, was really fucking sissy games, like fucking “run around the rose field and bat your tail about” and “who can critique the wine the best?” It disgusted him; the games went on and on of course. It was one of the reasons he became so angry at everything, because of shit and games like that that made him so angry. Honestly, if Blink were playing the “keep the knife away from your hand” game, he would just stab the opposite side of the table, so it was a good distance from his hand and it would not run to risk of being stabbed, he wondered why the humans never thought about that, but he supposed that they were just not as smart as him and his dwarven mind. Of course, one of the two women at the table instantly ran to the table, looking at the man struggling with both the failure of stabbing his hand, and from the failure of losing a game (which was way worse considering he was among some of his friends.) *warning, intense metaphor coming* With the precision of someone who had no regard for the his want to not be in pain or well being, the women pulled a knife out of the mans hand, funny right? She then seemed to have made a joke, judging from the general smiles and laughter around him, as the man fought back tears, clutching his damaged hand in pain. The man would probably not be able to use his hand again for a year or so depending on if he severed some of the nerve endings, and would maybe have a hard time finding work for the rest of his life due to the ditch he had dug himself into today. Honestly, since we are not currently living in the day and age of medical miracles and antibiotics, the man could very well get his hand infected, and have to have it amputated, losing opportunities that he might want to look into for the rest of his life.

Even the samurai guy smirked at this ordeal, which could tell you a lot about how good the situation was. He then looked at the crying gang-mates of the man, and the gang mates who were still processing their friend’s death realized hat they too could be next, and ran out of the bar, not wishing to be hurt by the sword wielder. The three people that he had now adjusted most of his attention to were now talking again, then, after the one who liked pulling knives out of peoples hands said a sentence that Blink could not hear, she then walked over to the table to the man starting to fail at his attempt at holding back tears. And then, grinning (for some reason this never seemed to be a good sign, it was questionable why the guy never ran away then and there seeing a knife wielder walk towards him, especially in this kind of bar. And then fucking stabbed him in the shoulder! FUCKING BRUTAL! Like, that was the literal definition of rubbing salt in someone’s wound. Honestly, Blink didn’t know how else to explain it, rubbing salt in someone’s wound that is, like, the guy has just possibly had his life torn away from him, only to be fucking stabbed in the shoulder again! This place was looking a bit too hardcore for even Big John; he didn’t know any drinks that were good enough to justify coming to this place honestly. That table seemed to be full of psychopath’s! The rest of the band of men who were quite obviously in a lot of fucking fear of being stabbed then took a little sit down, needing to catch their breathes. This seemed like a pretty violent place to the small dwarf. And of course there was the small girl who had not done anything yet, but still, she had not run yet, and was just sitting there, not apparently afraid at all, or surprised. If Blink were there, reasonably confident in his abilities as he was, he would have at least changed tables, like these people hadn’t proved to be the most stable of people, and looked like they wouldn’t hesitate to drop someone even if said someone was sitting at their table.  

It seemed that they started to debate amongst each other again, although they were probably talking about the best way to skin puppies, fucking psychopaths. It looked like the debate was getting to be a little bit heated in fact, Blink liked to imagine that one preferred to skin puppies with razor knives, while the other preferred the experience of using their hands to tear it apart. One even looked a bit panicked, and pulled out his journal, and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it. It was probably something like “101 ways I’ve killed people and enjoyed it,” and he couldn’t bear being without it, since it had so many fun memories for him.

Then shit started going down quickly. It seemed that the criminal’s blatant psychotic tendencies had finally caught up with them, because now marines were targeting them all! When one (the knife to shoulder one) decided to walk to one of the back doors, to the washroom if his first impression on the place served correctly, actions started happening. Firstly men started dropping to the ground, looking like they had just watched Titanic on loop.

Since he had focused on the psycho’s of the bar and their conversation, ghosts started coming out of the ground without him noticing, fortunately for him though, he was on one of the largish counters behind the beer barrel, so as he was targeted by a ghost (if he was seen at all by one of them,) he would pause for a second, but luckily be overlooked by the marines because he would be hiding behind one of the beer barrels (and usually marines when confronted with a plethora of criminal’s, their first response was not to look behind beer barrels for possible stowaway dwarves.) Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit. There was most definitely not what he wanted his friendly trip to the bar to be like. He knew that he needed to escape, and he needed to escape fucking now. Luckily he knew that there was drywall behind him, so he could hopefully make his dash for it and get away in time, not getting fucking killed by this attack. WHY DID THIS SHIT ALWAYS HAPPEN TO HIM? FUCKING COME ON. It was not time for fighting though, it was time for running, he came here for a nice day out, and that is most definitely not what happened. Although the psycho’s entertained him, the drinks were not worth it here.

After being paused (or not, depending on if he was seen or not,) he would then burst through the drywall, hopefully going unheard in all of the fighting and commotion, making his escape into what seemed to be a storage room. He scanned his surroundings, and then looked to the ground. There it was! A drain, leading into the ground, most likely for if some of the alcohol bottles broke somehow, and whiskey or another beverage got everywhere, and the bartender didn’t want a flood on their hands, so there was a drain leading right down to the sewer systems. It was a simple enough task for Blink to lift the cover, and climb down it, escaping into the sewer system. Soon enough he dashed through the sewer systems, away from the blasted bar that had caused him so much trouble, and he hadn’t even gotten hammered! The injustice was ripe in this city! After running for a bit, so he was about 500 meters away from the entire bar, he climbed up a ladder from the sewer, and lifted the manhole cover, so he could escape the sewer systems, and the bar in general.

Well, today for him was a bust. He avoided getting stepped on, didn’t get drunk, watched some psychopaths, and didn't learn anything, and had to avoid being killed by some marines and ghosts and shit, and then went through an entire sewer system.

He wanted to find a cat.


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