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15A Grand Meeting - Page 2 Empty Re: A Grand Meeting Fri Mar 25, 2016 7:50 pm


Gaige was a somewhat stunned that out of her lie. Moss Head didn't try to deny it (He must be a pervert then). Only making comments about Gaige's nickname for him and then something about a date? Where did that idea came from. It was possible that Gaige sent off the wrong messages during their chase. A Date? She had to think it over even if she felt like answering with instant rejection. No she couldn't do that since she really didn't knew the guy and she shouldn't judge a book by its cover. "A date with you Moss Head? Well I guess I'm not completely in spite of the idea. You clearly have a good taste in women. Though your methond in picking women up needs work. A 'C' for effort I suppose. "She laugh at the remark about her boobs. We they were awesome, the result of having a good diet and good genes. Just as Gaige was about to speak. The Captain in charge of this Island would appear. Once again Gaige didn't act all formal like her fellow marines. She gave the captain a lazy slaute as she llisten to him introduction her to the other men. Though with Anton, Gaige use the term loosely. Anton could really pass as a female.

"So you want to assgin me on a crew with a Moss Head pervert, a girly looking Commodore and the Commodore cool buddy? Interesting group of people you putting together Captain. Your mind always held my interest. Its a shame I can't crack it open." Gaige words may have sounded like she was looking down on them, but all she was doing was stating facts about them. Gaige didn't knew if she should be rolling around on the ground laughing or thanking the captain. Gaige would settle with placing her hands on hips and look over to Anton.

"Does he have a lab? A medic bay? I'm going to need a lot of space and some fuuding to do my work. Unlike Moss Head here. I'm not a fanboy of the Commodore, Captain. " Gaige wanted to know a little more about Anton before she could be sold on the idea. Sure she knew that she needed to be part of a crew, but it was a choice that she didn't want to regert later on.

16A Grand Meeting - Page 2 Empty Re: A Grand Meeting Fri Mar 25, 2016 10:12 pm



It seemed that James and Gaige were just as surprised by the captain's declaration as Anton was, though James moreso than Gaige, who seemed to just flat out insult everyone (with the exception of Celia). "Erm, are you sure captain?" Anton asked. The captain gave a laugh that sounded a little bit forced. "Why of course! Such bright up and coming marines would benefit from the experience of such an esteemed commodore." A blush appeared on Anton's face as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, smiling. "Oh, well, I do what I can," he said, clearly flattered. Celai's expression went flat. She swore she could hear a fiddle being played right now.

Then, at Gaige's question about a lab or medical bay, Anton looked over at her, still taking the effort to not look at her lower area. "Well, the ship's currently being overhauled. I could tell them to set aside some space for you to do your work. And I'm sure they'll be plenty of opportunities for funding as well." The captain had a smile of glee on his face. "Perfect! I'll go get the papers to make it official!" The captain turned to run back to his office. As the captain left, Celia walked over and suddenly yanked Anton down, whispering harshly into his ear. "Are you sure about this sir? Need I remind you that one of these guys is a complete pervert? And I'm starting to have my doubts about the other one as well." Anton chuckled. "Oh, I'm sure it will be fine. You heard what the captain said. I think we'd be a good influence on them." Celia gave him a flat look.

Yep. There was a fiddle playing, and he was standing right in front of her.

17A Grand Meeting - Page 2 Empty Re: A Grand Meeting Fri Mar 25, 2016 10:48 pm

Kibo Yamanaka


Kibo Yamanaka
"B-Being led under Anton himself!?" James still couldn't believe it. He was practically jumping up and down in excitement. Plus, he would also be stuck on the same boat with two lovely ladies. James quickly patted the captain on the back constantly before he left, walking towards Celia afterwards. He then smoothed his hair a little and put on the "best" flirty expression he could. "So, it looks like we're going to be riding together." the confident marine said as he rested a arm on her shoulder.

"Don't let that Gaige woman get to ya. I am quite the ladies man if I do say so myself." he claimed with a smirk growing on his face before glancing over to the pant less marine who seemed to be more worried about the lab. He began to frown a little before letting go, mumbling, "C for effort my ass..." The marine then crossed his arms and paced around in a circle, still silently complaining about what the scientist said. "Well then if she thinks I'm a C then I'll just have to show her that I'm an wait, an A+, no, A+++" he said to himself while making hand gestures.

Then he paused, coming to a realization from hearing what Gaige said about the lab. "Anton, sir!?" he yelled in an enthusiastic tone while facing the Commodore. "Do you maybe have a place to train on the ship? Somewhere I can continue to get stronger? Oh! A library too? Something with lots of books on different kinds of history!" James looked to Anton with a determined look on his face. Surprisingly, he was a lot more interested in the library than a training area.

"If I'm going to be of any use to you, I will need those, sir!" he claimed before giving a quick bow.

18A Grand Meeting - Page 2 Empty Re: A Grand Meeting Sat Mar 26, 2016 1:00 am


Gaige didn't miss the forced laughter her captain given. She had a sneaky feeling that the captain expect them to fail as a crew? Or prephars he figure that if she was serving under Anton that she would start wearing pants more. She really would like to pry open the mind of the captain, but sadly she would never get that chance. "Well if you can make the space and get some funding. Then I don't have a logical reason to refuse this offer. Marines work best together after all." Then again did she really had a choice in the end? Gaige would switch her glance towards Moss Head. Yes she knew that Moss Head had a name, but she perfer calling him Moss Head for now. A wonderful nickname for him. As she watch Moss Head get so exticed over this news. She quietly laugh as he went over to the other woman. Didn't Gaige told him he need to work on his technique? Well she suppose it will be entertaining in watching Moss Head fail with the opposite gender.  "The chances of him sleeping with that woman are at most five percent if I had to guess. She already view him as a pervert unless she one of those slutty girls." Gaige said all of this loudly enough so that everyone could hear her. Once again this wasn't insulting people, just stating what she think is fact.

She couldn't hear what Moss Head was numbling about so she just ingore that. He studies history. He might be smarter than what Gaige gave him credit for. Maybe his knowledge could assist her in the lab. Putting her thoughts about Moss Head to in the back of her mind. Gaige would look at Anton and that other woman. They seem to be whispering something If that fiddle wasn't playing she could have evasdrop on them. Wait....who was even playing a fiddle?

Gaige would clear her thoart to gain everyone attention. She wanted to confirm on thing. What type of reaction will she get? "So Anton. Who that girl with you? Is she a friend? A lover? Though if she is your lover I bet she wears the pants, right? From my observation of you two so far and my limited knowledge. Anton would seem like the submissive type. Of course this is just my hypothesis." Gaige would nod her head in a sagely manner. Already making the assumption that she was correct in her theory.

19A Grand Meeting - Page 2 Empty Re: A Grand Meeting Sat Mar 26, 2016 5:41 pm



Celia gave James a hard look as James rested an arm on her shoulder, clearly trying to hit on the commander before muttering something about his 'grade' or something or the sort. Celia closed her eyes, a small smile appearing on her face. "You're right. you're not a 'C'." There was a click and suddenly one of Celia's pistols was pointed at the young man's head, a warning look on her face. "I'd say an 'F' is more appropriate." When Gaige made her comment about Jame's attempts with Celia, unless Celia was a 'slutty girl', a look of wide eyed indignation cross her face as she looked over at the pantsless woman. Anton couldn't help but blush as a mental image of Celia as a 'woman of the night' appeared in his mind. Looking for a good time sailor?

Gaige's next question was even worse, asking if Celia was his lover. [i]Darling, come to bed. Anton's face went bright red. "Sh-She's my second in command! Commander Celia Stanson!" Anton blurted out, trying to shake away the mental images. "And our relationship is purely professional!" Celia replied, just as indignant of the idea. Maybe James wasn't the only pervert here. Anton quickly tried to draw the conversation away from such a topic. "W-Well, I'm sure we can have a library added," he said, addressing James' question. A library wouldn't be a bad thing to have, somewhere for them to relax when not on duty. "And I think we can have a training room as well. What do you think Celia?" "Yes, of course," Celia was just as eager to change topics as Anton, but was keeping her cool about it better. "A training room would be a good place to have. It would stop certain people from hiding in the rigging to avoid training." She gave Anton a pointed look, who wilted in response. "That hurts you know."

20A Grand Meeting - Page 2 Empty Re: A Grand Meeting Sat Mar 26, 2016 7:12 pm

Kibo Yamanaka


Kibo Yamanaka
The sound of clicking caused James to stop what he was doing immediately. He paused there and glanced at Celia with a surprised loon on his face as she was holding a gun to his head. He blinked a few times after listening to Celia's comment and grinned, turning around so the gun would be pressed against his forehead, pushing his head in a little more(Unintentional innuendo! o3o). "Ya know, F can mean anything other than failure." he then gave her a wink before chuckling a little.

"Ahhh, come one Anton Sir. You can tell us!" he yelled, referring to Gaige's comments about him and Celia. He was then distracted by the two higher ups changing the subject. "You are too kind, Anton Sir." he admitted before saluting once more. The idea of training hard day and night rolled around in James' head with a smile growing on his face, but a grin would soon overshadow it as his mind began to wonder about how the library will be like. What kind of events will he learn about if he doesn't know it already. He couldn't help but to bounce around a little before just now remembering the previous topic Gaige brought up.

James then wrapped one of his arms around Anton to whisper into his ear. "But for real, how long have you two been playing, "hide the zucchini?" Is she really a Dom? Seems like it. I won't judge. I bet you two use your handcuffs and other means of containing for more than just the crooks." James whispered with a sly look on his face before snickering.

21A Grand Meeting - Page 2 Empty Re: A Grand Meeting Sun Mar 27, 2016 3:12 am


They barely been togther for a few mintues and already the other woman was drawing her pistol at Moss Head. She knew that Moss Head game was awful, but this was just sad. Almost to sad to watch. It would be a pity if Moss Head die, since a fine subject to do reseacrh on. Watching him going through trials of he perverted quest onlly to fail. Then again if the woman did shot him. His oragns and blood could be stored for later use. No matter the outcome, Gaige would benefit from it. "Ah. Moss Head lives to see another day. Wonderful, but I do agree with the trigger happy woman. Moss Head gets an F and does mean Failure. Maybe a D since you didn't blow his brains out. Don't look so angry at me. I wasn't insulting you. Woman." The marine scientist did enjoy living after all.

The sudden change in topic just made Gaige form a sumg grin on her lips. Anton face was quite red. It look like there is more than one pervert, but it wasn't Gaige it seem like the girly looking leader was one too. Anton must have been thinking about sharing a bed with Ceila or something along those lines. Training room? Gaige wasn't much of a phyiscal fighter, but she suppose she shouldn't ingore her physical body. She knew how that can come back to bite people in the butt. When Moss Head went over to Anton and chat about guy stuff she guess. Gaige would yawn at the sight. Even she was still distrubed with Moss Head wanting Anton to sign his chest.

"Moss Head, you can flirt with everyone later. Though even with how girly Anton looks I don't think he swings that way. I mean his face was getting all red when I mention him and Ceila beings lovers. Maybe I was right with Anton being a sub. Sailing the seas with two perverts. We do get our own rooms right? Or at the very least I can sleep with Celia the second non pervert." Gaige choice of words could have contain less unintentional innuendo, but what else could she have said.

22A Grand Meeting - Page 2 Empty Re: A Grand Meeting Sun Mar 27, 2016 8:47 am



Anton's face went bright red as James whispered that lewd stuff into his ear. Then, everything seemed to happen all at once. One minute, Anton was human, the next, he was a large, grasshopper man.

And the moment after that, James was sent flying due to a high powered kick to the face.

Anton was panting as he looked in the direction at James had flew. The nerve of that man! It was at that point the captain returned, papers and a pen in hand. Upon seeing where James had been sent flying to, the captain's expression fell. "I'm guessing you're reconsidering taking them on huh?" Damn, the captain had been hoping to get them signed over to him quickly before he found out. However, much to the captain's, and Celia's surprise, Anton quickly snatched the pen from his hand and signed the documents.

[color=red]"Alright!" Anton spoke out a bit too loudly, "Everyone back to the marine base on the double! And to answer your question Gaige, yes, all officers are getting separate rooms. Now move!" E captain looked positively giddy as he took off with the signed documents. Celia cautious approached the commodore. "Sir, care to explain why you took that pervert on, just moments after assaulting him?" Anton spun around, looking her dead in the eye, "I want you to train him." Celia's eyes almost bugged out. "Me!?" Then the idea dawned on her, and a positively evil smile stretched across her face. "Oh, right. Yes sir."

When Celia was done, she was going to beat the pervert out of that green haired cretin. Or at the very least, make him fear her like a tiny goddess of war!

23A Grand Meeting - Page 2 Empty Re: A Grand Meeting Sun Mar 27, 2016 3:46 pm

Kibo Yamanaka


Kibo Yamanaka
James moved his head away from Anton to look towards Gaige with another annoyed expression on his face. "My name ain't "Moss Head" you, you...! the marine attempted to find a name for her too, but unfortunately came up with nothing. "I certainly don't swing that way neither!" He continued to rant at the pants less marine until he noticed from the corner of his eye that Anton was transforming into his grasshopper form. The green haired marine's eyes lit with excitement from getting to see his hero transforming up close.

Next thing he found himself sent flying from a powerful kick to the face, landing into a random fruit stand with a dazed look on his face. "S-so cool..." he muttered out in his dazed like state as he laid in the ruined stand as the owner looked down on him with a furious look and began cursing him out. The captain then came back to see the aftermath of what just occurred before giving Anton the pen and papers. "H-hey, geezer." James managed to mutter out as he weakly waved at the captain.

James finally began to come back to reality as he sat up, rubbing the back of his head while ignoring the furious owner. The green haired marine couldn't help but grin as he watched the papers getting signed. Even he believed that after all that happened, he wasn't going to get to join. He couldn't hear, but he saw that Anton and Celia were talking and facing in the pervert's direction with a wicked smile growing on the woman's face. James looked right back at her with a puzzled expression before giving her a goofy grin, believing that she was smiling because he was going to join and waved at her.

His eyes then widened as he just remembered what Gaige had said, or at least part of it. "Wait, we get to share rooms!?" he then rushed from the ruined stand, messing it up some more in the process as the owner attempted to say something else, but sighed in defeat. James then stopped right next to Gaige and wrapped an arm around her before saying, "I call dibs on rooming with her!" he then looked to her and winked.

24A Grand Meeting - Page 2 Empty Re: A Grand Meeting Mon Mar 28, 2016 8:00 am


"Sure. Cause most guys take their shirts off and ask other men to sign their chest.." Gaige quip back at Moss Head. Anyhow she wasn't prepreared for what was about to happen next. As she watch Moss Head and Anton intertact, her eyes would widen in shock and awe as she saw Moss Head get sent flying high into the air, by Anton who turn into some gaint grasshopper man? There was only way she knew people could transform into a different species. So he was a user of one of those crused fruits. Gaige had a huge grin on her face as she examine Anton different form? "Amazing! Amazing! Amazing! Amazing! The very thought of being able to examine a fruit user in person is turly an rare experince for me. So many experiments, tests and operations I can perform on you. You must let me do a full body exam on you! Bahahahaha. And don't worry I have no interest in sleeping with a grasshopper. That more Celia thing." Gaige laughter was similar to how an evil or mad scientist would laugh after they just discover something worth wild.

Gaige would soon clear her thoart and smile sweetly at Anton as if she didn't do anything strange. "Yes. This is a most...wait. Only officers get their own rooms." Gaige reply with clear annoyance in her voice. Was Anton really going to make her share a room with Moss Head of all people? Putting the woman who hates wearing pants with the pervert? Gaige would facepalm herself. Anton must be a true idiot if he was really going to make her and Moss Head share rooms.

In speaking of Moss Head. Gaige would sigh as Moss Head wink at her. "You can call dibs on sleeping on the cold hard wooden floor. You turly must be delusional if you think you are sleeping with me. Like I say you need to improve your game. First you flirt with Celia and fail. Then fail with Anton and you think that I will just throw myself at you. Keep dreaming, Moss Head." Gaige wouldn't move Moss Head's arm. She would let him enjoy this phyiscal contact between them. It wasn't like he was going to get lucky tonight or any other night with Gaige.

25A Grand Meeting - Page 2 Empty Re: A Grand Meeting Mon Mar 28, 2016 1:35 pm



"I mean," Anton replied flatly to all the talk of sharing rooms, "That we'll each have a separate room." They really had to do something about James' perverted nature. Seriously, the guy had a gun pointed at his head, kicked across a street, and was turned down by both women present, and he just. kept. going. While he had to applaud his tenacity, there were something fights you just couldn't win. James really had to learn that before someone snapped and shot him.

He completely ignored Gaige's desires to experiment on him, though he made it a mental note to try and put as much distance between himself and the scientist as possible. He may need to start locking his bedroom door at night. He was a little surprised that Celia was coolly ignoring Gaige's 'sleeping with a grasshopper' line as well. No, the petite woman was probably thinking about how much pain she can put these two through in their training. Shifting back to his human form, he began to walk away. "I may as well show you two the ship. It's currently being overhauled as you know, but it doesn't hurt to show it to you now. If you two will follow me." As he began to walk towards the shipyard, Celia hung back, keeping an eye on both new recruits. She still had her pistols out just in case James decided to play a little game of 'grab ass' while they walked.

26A Grand Meeting - Page 2 Empty Re: A Grand Meeting Mon Mar 28, 2016 4:23 pm

Kibo Yamanaka


Kibo Yamanaka
James just stared at Gaige with the most serious look on his face as she pretty much explained how hopeless he was with women. After she finished, the green haired marine continued to stare for a few seconds before snickering. "Oh trust me, after we get our room, we won't have enough time to "dream" he said with a smirk on his face before realizing what the scientist called him once again. "My name is, JAMES! Ya pants less big boobed mad scientist!!" he yelled before pressing his forehead against hers while baring his teeth like an animal.

He then stopped and looked to Anton with a frown before saying, W-wait...the separate room thing is only an option, right?" before letting go of Gaige. James just stood there with a defeated look on his face, as if all of his dreams came crumbling down at once. He then shrugged it off like it was nothing, and muttered, "Looks like I'm just going to have to get my sneak on." before snickering once more.

The boy's eyes began to glow as Anton brought up showing them the ship. T-the ship!? You mean the ship that is yours!? The ship that belongs to you!?" he ran up to Anton, grabbing onto his collar, rattling him back and fourth before letting go. James then began to follow behind the two superiors, noticing the Celia was looking back to check on the two, specifically James who had his arms folded to the back of his head in a relaxed fashion. James winked at the woman and made a kissing gesture with his lips as he assumed that she was eyeing him for other reasons.

He then leaned over to whisper in Gaige's ear. "The grumpy woman totally wants to get it in with me." he whispered before snickering.

27A Grand Meeting - Page 2 Empty Re: A Grand Meeting Mon Mar 28, 2016 5:11 pm


Gaige would simply raise an eyebrow at Moss Head antics. "An animal who all bark and no bite is no fun at all, Moss Head. I know you have a name, but Moss Head suits you better. Also about having no time to dream...." Gaige was about to countine on with her mini lecturce until Moss Head would let go off her. Gaige mentally pout that she didn't finish what she was saying. "An here I thought Anton was an idiot. I guess I was proven wrong this day. Good to know that you are willing to reconsider you plans." Gaige was pleased that she was going to get her own room. Though she made a note to lock it when she sleep or bathing. Between Ceila temper and Moss Head perverts ways, she didn't feel quite safe being confirm in small space with them. Gaige shook her head as she follow the rest of this....crew to the ship.

Gaige would have her arms across under her breast with a nertual look on her face. She was walking behind Anton and Ciela. With Moss Head walking beside her. She didn't mind. She even lighty sincker at Moss Head kissing gesture at the other woman. Moss Head really doesn't give up. She was impress by that. Being a scientist, her career is one long trial of error and failure before she become succesful.

Gaige would speak quietly so that only Moss Head could hear her. She didn't know if grasshopper Anton had any improve senses or not. Gaige would keep looking foward as she spoke to Moss Head.  "I would explain to you how wrong you are, but guys like you never quit. No matter how futile the effort is. I suppose that not a bad trait to have, Moss Head." Gaige would glance at Celia's pistols. Maye she should have brought her flintlock.

"Then again maybe I'm wrong and she does want you. Why don't you go over towards her and work your charm. Gaige had some fun provoking her fellow marines, they had such interesting and hilarious reactions.

28A Grand Meeting - Page 2 Empty Re: A Grand Meeting Mon Mar 28, 2016 5:33 pm



James and Gaige would really need to watch where they're speaking, even in hushed tones. Celia's sharp hearing picked up their conversation well enough, and while she was tempted to give both of them a couple of warning shots, she decided to save the ammunition.

When their training began, THAT'S when Celia can deliver her sweet, sweet vengeance. It took all her restraint to hide the evil smile from her face.

Eventually, the four of them would arrive at the shipyard, where the Noble Justice was being worked on. The ship was even bigger than it was before. While he knew he had the ship enlarged to accommodate more people, he hadn't expected them to rebuild the ship so quickly. These guys were good. He couldn't only imagine what it would be like once it was finished.

"Celia," he spoke to his second in command, "Can you talk to the foreman about the new rooms? We don't want them to be left out." Celia nodded, recognizing this as a chance to get away from the crazy new recruits and walked away, a little too quickly. As she left, Anton turned to the two. "This is the Noble Justice. What do you think of her so far?"

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