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29A Grand Meeting - Page 3 Empty Re: A Grand Meeting Mon Mar 28, 2016 5:56 pm

Kibo Yamanaka


Kibo Yamanaka
James would grit his teeth at the girl constantly calling him, "moss head." He was about to attempt to tell her off again, but he paused while these words rung in his head. "I suppose that not a bad trait to have, Moss Head." Was that...a compliment? He thought to himself. The green eyed marine was about to smile, but would be overshadowed by his obnoxiousness. "Well of course it's not. I surely am awesome." He claimed as he rubbed the bottom of his nose with his index finger with a smudged look on his face.

"Well, of course you are wrong. No one could resist my charms!" he exclaimed before setting his sights on Celia before attempting to smooth his hair back, only for it to keep its shape. Before he could walk over to her and get his "game" on, his eyes shifted towards the ship. "Is that....the ship!?" the green haired boy asked as his flirty expression went back into full on fan boy. Before getting an answer he ran past the others and towards the ship.

"I can't believe it! This is it!! The Noble Justice itself!!" he began to inspect it the best he could, much to the worker's displeasures. He could see it now, himself driving the ship around, conquering pirates, arresting crooks, romancing all the fine looking ladies even though he barely has a clue on how to control a ship or even how one works, which is sad considering he use to work with his father who was in fact a shipwright.

The marine then found his way inside and yelled out, "Hey! Can I take this baby out for a test drive!?" before snickering.

30A Grand Meeting - Page 3 Empty Re: A Grand Meeting Mon Mar 28, 2016 6:36 pm


Gaige found Moss Head confidence quite intriging. Even if he was lacking in looks (Not that she thought he was ugly. He was just so green.), charm and various other things that would be too long for Gaige to list. There was just something about his confidence and his determination that Gaige would have to say was an turn on for a lack of better term. Now course she won't mention any of this to the pervert. No need to give him any ideas. Even if it would be asuming to watch him fail. Gaige would just nod her in agreement as Moss Head went on about his irresistible charm. Sure, she didn't agree with him, but she was a bit deep in thought.

Hearing the yelling of Moss Head would snap her out of her thoughts just like before. Gaige would take a look at the ship known as Noble Justice. "Its an okay ship. I'm more interesting in the people running the ship. So many tests, so many ideas and plently of time to test my ideas out." Gaige said in dreamily tone. The more people she had to experiment things on the better her results could be. She wasn't as impressed as Moss Head was. Then again Moss Head was easily impressed with anything that was Anton related she would guess. The marine scientist thought that Moss HEad took it a bit too far at times. The flashback to chest scene almost cause her to cringe.

"I didn't think Moss Head would know how to steer a ship." Gaige would walk beside Anton and stand towards his left as she watch Moss Head fool around. It was like a kid playing with a new toy. "So how long have you have this ship for Anton? Second, why do call it Noble Justice. Is that the style of justice you choose to follow?" The female marine then waited for a reply from her girly looking boss. Justice. Now that she thought about it. What was her style of Justice?

31A Grand Meeting - Page 3 Empty Re: A Grand Meeting Mon Mar 28, 2016 9:56 pm



At least showing him the ship had gotten James to stop hitting on everyone, at least for the time being. Though now he had to deal with an over excited fanboy who wanted to 'drive the ship'. "No James, you cannot take it out for a 'test drive'. It hasn't even been finished being overhauled yet!" Besides, he was somewhat afraid of what he'd do if he got the wheel. He was having mental images of the man steering the ship into rocks, or another ship, or even into the docks and sinking it! James was a historian, not a helmsmen!

Unfortunately, the ship didn't seem to distract Gaige from her idea of experimenting on people. He made a mental note to brief the crew about this when everything was ready. Everybody was going to have to lock their doors at night, lest they either be harrassed by James, or kidnapped and experimented on by Gaige. Just what had he done by allowing these two to work with him? Then she posed an interesting question.

"The Noble Justice? Well, I think I've had this ship for about a year now. I got it when I got promoted to commodore. As for the name..." Anton paused as he thought about it. "Well, I believe us marines are responsible for the protection of the innocent. But that doesn't mean we need to become cruel, uncaring judges who brutally punish anyone who steps out of line. The world isn't all black and white, and it's up to us to work out the right from the wrong. And deal with it accordingly." He paused for a moment. What was that line of thinking called? 'Moral Justice'? "I guess you can say I follow Moral Justice. After all, is it not our job to do what's right?"

32A Grand Meeting - Page 3 Empty Re: A Grand Meeting Mon Mar 28, 2016 10:56 pm

Kibo Yamanaka


Kibo Yamanaka
A frown grew on James' face after being rejected the pleasure of driving such a beauty around the seas. He sighed then shrugged before getting off of the ship while the workers nearby looked at him with stern looks that the marine simply ignored. He turned around and noticed the eyes on him, raising an eyebrow. "What?" he asked plainly while looking at each of the workers.

"Something in my teeth?" he asked while stretching his mouth a little with his fingers to show his teeth. He closed his mouth while nobody responded and began to rub his tongue around his teeth to see if there was any food stuck in between, but found nothing. James shrugged once more before looking up at the ship, admiring it silently from a distance as the others talked. "Heh, I wonder what the seas have in store for me? What kind of history will I learn?" he talked to himself before closing his eyes to imagine what it would be like.

The green haired marine then made his way back to the others just in time to hear Anton's last sentence. "Well, we are marines after all." James replied before sitting down at the side of a building with his legs stretched out. "Part of the reason I joined. I wanna be someone of use. Someone who could be helpful to those who need it." he said as he gave a small grin. The grin would turn into a soft smile while his head lowered a little to look at the ground, tracing his index finger around on the ground.

"The other reason is because of him." James said as he held his head back up, pointing at Anton in the process. "I don't know if anyone has ever told you, but I was on that cruise that day. The Grand Maiden." He said with a grin, appearing to be calm now. "You saved lots of people, including me and my father." he slowly looked back down and began tracing the ground some more. A small frown grew on his face as he remembered that it wasn't just him and his father there, but his pregnant mother as well who unfortunately didn't survive the attacks.

He couldn't tell Anton though. He didn't want him to feel bad, plus it was something the green haired boy didn't want to think about at all. He took a deep breathe and looked back up with a smile on his face, saying "So, I am in your debt, Anton Sir. I will not fail you, the innocent people, nor my comrades." he claimed as he stood back up.

"This is my promise, my pledge as a Marine." he said with a confident grin before snickering a little.

33A Grand Meeting - Page 3 Empty Re: A Grand Meeting Tue Mar 29, 2016 3:32 am


What noble and righteous answers Gaige has got from her question. Gaige remained slient as she thought about an answer. The main reason she join the marines was because it was a family tradition then some sort of beilef or sense of wanting to help people across the world. "You are right Anton. The world has many shades of grey. The lines of right and wrong. Good and Evil are constantly blurred. Many marines fall prey to simply dealing punishment without taking anything else in considered. Then again that what Justice is normally is. Punish the wrongdoer. " The busty blonde scientist would then covered her right eye with her right hand and look at the ship, Noble Justice once more.

"Nice to know that my superior has a simialr view of Justice as me. Though I perfer to call my Justice, Fair Justice or maybe Logical Justice. Only because sometimes what is morally right isn't always legally right and vice versa. Sometimes to do what is right we must do something that is consider wrong." Gaige would then shift her gaze towards Moss Head and listen to him speak. Gaining more insight on way, Moss Head became a marine and why he seem so fixated on Anton. Now it became clear to Gaige. So Anton save James life when he was younger and that inspire Moss Head to become a marine to follow in the footsteps of his savior.

"Well. Moss Head. That one hard promise to keep. Failure is inevitable. As you already proven in your attempts with getting with women and I guess Anton could count too. Don't take this as me looking down on your promise even if I think its nearly impossible to keep. Its just a fact of life. Being a scientist I should know." Gaige could have said more, but she would just let her words sink into the minds of her fellow marines.

34A Grand Meeting - Page 3 Empty Re: A Grand Meeting Tue Mar 29, 2016 1:13 pm



Anton couldn't help but smile when Gaige seemed to agree with his idea of justice, though he referred to her own views as "Logical Justice". He could see her point of view and it made sense. He has glad to see they wouldn't be clashing about that particular topic. Then, James spoke up, and suddenly everything was made clear to him. [color=red]"The Grand Maiden?"[color] How could he possibly forget that incident? Not only was it the biggest feat he had accomplished by himself at the time, but it was also the incident that had earned him his rank as commodore. "Well, I'm glad to see could help you." While he had seen some people who his work had benefitted, it was good to see that even years afterward, it still effected others positively. It was at that point that he knew he'd get along with these two, despite their 'quirks'.

Celia then returned, "I went over everything with the foremen and he says it's no trouble at all." She looked over at James and Gaige. "Looks like you two are truly part of the crew now." The crew. Even though he had men working under him, Anton hadn't quite realized that he was effectively the captain of a crew. The thought then brought something interesting to mind. "I wonder what we should call ourselves?" he murmured. Celia blinked. "Pardon?" "Well, all crews have their own particular name right? Even amongst the marines. I was just wondering what exactly we should call ourselves." Anton gave a small shrug, it was just a thought.

35A Grand Meeting - Page 3 Empty Re: A Grand Meeting Tue Mar 29, 2016 1:59 pm

Kibo Yamanaka


Kibo Yamanaka
James merely chuckled at the scientist's reply before looking over to her. "I wouldn't call those "failures" but more of a "set back." he claimed while crossing his arms. "Ain't nothin impossible for me, Gaige. Once I make a promise, I make sure to keep it. I am going to do what I promised and we will have that date." he said once more with a grin on his face. "It may not all happen at once, but then again it wouldn't be interesting if it did."

The green haired marine watched as Celia came back and winked at her once more. "I knew you would come back into my life." he said to her with a goofy smirk before she spoke. "Everything is really set up!?" he blurted out before glancing back at the pants less woman. "Even our shared bedroom?" he asked Celia while gesturing his head towards Gaige.

The marine would then drop the subject and turn to Anton as he pondered over the crew name. "The Amazon Tamers!!" he blurted out while raising his arms into the air. "Don't know if we'll ever meet a group of Amazons who would be in need of some "taming" he said confidently as he grinned at Anton, hoping that he knew what he was talking about. "No, wait the "Booty Snatchers!" he yelled another ridiculous name once again as he attempted to make hand gestures around Celia's rear as if he were trying to grab it.

He then got back up and rushed in front of Anton before jumping up and down, making "Oh, oh, ohhhhhh!!" noises. "How about.....dramatic pause...." the marine stood still and silent for a few seconds before blurting out, "The Knights of Debauchery!!!" while raising his arms in the air, falling back first on the ground by mistake.

36A Grand Meeting - Page 3 Empty Re: A Grand Meeting Tue Mar 29, 2016 9:05 pm


Gaige shurg, she figured Moss Head had a point, but then again. Failure or set back, she considered them pretty much the same things. It was just that calling a failure a set back was sugar coating it or making the concpet of failure seem less horrible. "Date. I did said I wasn't pout off on the idea, but you have a quite way to go before I consider letting you date me, but it sounds like you understand that." The thought of dating Moss Head was laughable, but stranger things has happen. Why lets see if he can back up his claims, Gaige thought. Let see him do the impossible and earn a date.

"Like a dog you will be sleeping on the floor. No better yet outside if that happens. " Gaige quickly retort about the shared bedroom comment. Then Anton mention something about a name for this 'crew' and Gaige use the term loosely. She had no strong connection to anyone here and they haven't work together. While she view them as interesting subjects to be watch and study. They couldn't be consider friends yet. When Moss Head start suggesting some names, Gaige would adjust the cap on her head. She held back the urge to laugh.

"Implying that you or Anton know how to tame and please women. Perverts like you generally have no experince in that department, Moss Head. As for Anton like I said before. He looks like a sub. If anything he would be the one getting tame." Yeah, Gaige didn't beileve that Anton or Moss Head would be do any sort of 'taming'. If anyone was a tamer it would be Ceila.

Gaige despite being a scientist wasn't good with names. "The Screaming Saints, The Marines of Morality. I don't care what we are call as long as we don't spend the day here trying to come up with one." She gave her input, nowshe had to see if anything she mention was appealing to the others.

37A Grand Meeting - Page 3 Empty Re: A Grand Meeting Wed Mar 30, 2016 7:54 am



And just like that, James was back to making Anton facepalm. When it wasn't him flirting with Celia (he had. Feeling Celia was going to have way too much fun whipping him into shape), then it was his idea of names for the crew. Did this boy even have an off switch? One of his names in particular, the "Amazon Tamers", brought to mind a certain white haired archer that Anton had met in the past. Needless to say, is face was burning brightly as he rapidly shook his head, quickly shooting down all of the green haired marine's ideas. Gaige's frank comments as well didn't help. Anton was no pervert, and how would she know if he was a sub? He had never done it before!

Not that he was going to tell them that of course. No need for more ammunition.

Gaige's ideas for the crew name were better, but they just didn't seem to fit right (especially the 'screaming saints'. He couldn't help but get the feeling he was being poked fun of). He held his chin in his hand as he pondered for a moment, before an idea struck him. "How about The Knight Guard? Defenders of the innocent, seeking to put down evil and corruption!" Celia couldn't help but chuckle. "You're making us sound like we're knights rather than marines. Are we going to start calling each other "sir" and "lady" now?" she said in a teasing tone. Anton responded with a smile and a bow. "If that is what you'd like, "Lady Celia"." Celia gave a short laugh before giving a mock curtsy, "Why thank you, "Sir Anton"."

Anton smiled before addressing the other two members. "So, what do you think?"

38A Grand Meeting - Page 3 Empty Re: A Grand Meeting Wed Mar 30, 2016 12:16 pm

Kibo Yamanaka


Kibo Yamanaka
"Oh, on the contrary m'lady. I'm going to be like a baby, nuzzling my head in between those melons of yours." James responded as he walked over to Gaige, resting his arm around her again while inspecting her busty chest. He surely didn't have a clue what personal space was. His eye then twitched a little from the pants less marine's comment about him and Anton.

"How would you know!? You have yet to see us in action, baka!" he yelled. He was quite confident of his..."skills" but he couldn't help but to think if Anton was really a sub. He still has a lot of confidence in his new captain, but if he does lack in skills, then it'll be up to the green haired self proclaim "Master Lover" to teach him the ways of women. The marine then pondered about the name Gaige suggested. "Because grasshoppers scream?" he asked Gaige while tilting his head slightly.

He then listened to the captain make his suggestion before Celia taunted him briefly. James watched with an eyebrow raised as the two began to act knightly towards each other, prompting the green eyed boy to whisper, "Maybe they are a couple after all." in Gaige's ear. He then let go of her and said, "But, that name does sound perfect for us, Anton Sir! It totally fits..." James then made a camera gesture with his hands, facing Celia and Anton before realizing that Gaige wasn't in it. He then ran up behind her and grabbed her rear with his hands to push her closer to the others even though he could've did it in a less...perverted way.

He then ran back in front of them and make the gesture again before realizing that HE wasn't in it. "Errmmm...Oh!" he then ran up by the group and placed his hands on the ground. Suddenly a flame appeared on his forehead as gray candle wax began to shape up and harden into an exact replica of James, but gray and in a wannabe heroic pose. He then ran back in front of them and did the camera gesture before saying, "!" completing the sentence he said earlier before snickering.

(I know my set hasn't been approved yet, but I still wanted to do it >_>)

39A Grand Meeting - Page 3 Empty Re: A Grand Meeting Wed Mar 30, 2016 1:31 pm


Once again Gaige didn't try to stop Moss Head from touching her or staring at her melons. If being kick by Anton and nearly shot by Ciela didn't stop him. Then nothing would."I don't have to see you two in action. Its fairy obvious that you both lack experince. Or to put in it nicer terms. I'm bet neither of you have slept with a woman. If I'm wrong then give me all of the juicy details." Gaige would take one final shot at her male crewmates ability with women. Not that she care about what they do behind close doors or that she had any hint of jealously.  She found their reactions amusing. Anton was like a blushing bride when came to these topics. Will Gaige ever view captain as a true man? Maybe. As for Moss Head, he seem to be confident in his abilites even if Gaige hasn't seen him be succesful yet in the short time they met.

Gaige laugh a bit. "When I came up with the name Screaming Saints I was more thinking about all the yelling Moss Head has done today. Though I suppose grasshoppers scream?" Gaige didn't knew if grasshoppers scream so she would look at Anton. Surely he would know.

"Maybe they aren't a couple, but clerly there pent up sexual tension between the two." Gaige would whisper back to Moss Head. "The Knight Guard. That is fine. No need to flirt in front me and Moss Head to get us to agree to it." Gaige would have laugh, but instead gasp when she felt a hand on her rear-end. She didn't even need to ask who did that. She was a bit annoyed with the gesture, but would just huff as she wait for the mock picture to be taken.

Gaige would watch Moss Head with slight disinterest until she watch he make a wax replica of himself. A flame on his forehead? Wax suddenly appearing. Was this the power of a Devil Fruit? Gaige start laughing as she place her left hand on her cheek. The luck that she be assgin to a crew with more multiple devil fruit users. "Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. Moss Head. I didn't think you have such power. First Anton and now you. All the research I can do. My blood is getting pump just thinking about examining both of yours body to see what effects your powers have on it. Grasshoppers and wax are a bit underwhelming when compare to other powers, but still. What an opportunity!" Gaige herself was fruitless, but she wasn't close to the idea of eating a devil fruit. Gaige eyes lit up like a kid opening their gifts on x-mas. "Celia. Do you have special abilites as well? If you do you should tell me so I can treat you better if you get hurt." Gaige could barely conceal her exticement as she look over her crew.

40A Grand Meeting - Page 3 Empty Re: A Grand Meeting Wed Mar 30, 2016 2:59 pm



It seemed there was a massive amount of support for "The Knight Guard", which was good because Anton was all out of ideas. The guy couldn't help but blush as Gaige commented about him and Celia 'flirting'. Their relationship wasn't like that! But he had a suspicion that they weren't going to see things differently.

Thankfully, all attention was drawn to James as he demonstrated his own abilities. Most importantly, the ability to create wax. So he was a devil fruit user as well? He never would have guessed it. Anton had certainly pinked up some interesting crew mates. Gaige seemed like she couldn't be happier, gushing over what she could do to Anton and James. Despite constantly claiming that he and James were perverts (she was only half right. Anton was no pervert), he got the feeling she had a perverse side as well, taking. Bit too much glee in this, and the no pants aspect as well. As she turned her attention on Celia, the woman shook her head rapidly. "Just those two," she said, pointing to the two men, glad that she wasn't going to be in the scientist's sights.

Anton sighed, but really, today was a good day. He now felt like he was in command of a proper crew. "Well, I guess that's that then. Today marks the beginning of the Knight Guard!"

[I think we can wrap this up, shall we?]

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