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15No Private Shows Please - Page 2 Empty Re: No Private Shows Please Wed Oct 26, 2016 5:55 am



The next hit of the door would be louder, cracks forming in the wood of the fram even as she went to her pack and pulled out her guitar. It was the heaviest thing in the room within range of herself and she was ready to use it if whoever was out there managed to get in. "I'm giving you one more warning! Do not come in here! You do not have permission, and I will not allow you to take anything of mine in this room; including myself!" Her words fell on deaf ears however, as the person on the other side seemingly body slammed the door and made the fram give way. The person coming in made her gasp loudly when she realized who they were. It was the marine from earlier, the one she had said 'can't touch this' to during her performance.

A drunken hiccup would leave his lips as he eyed her up and down, an evil grin on his face as he did so. "Aye, trying to tell me I can't touch you? You're nothing but a fishman ripe for the picking. You've already been brought ashore, so it's time to strip you down and see what the catch is like!" The rum on his breath was able to be smelled from across the room as he spoke. He was clearly beyond reasoning, the alcohol putting him to his basest desires even as his position as a marine gave him the empowerment to get away with what he wanted most of the time.

16No Private Shows Please - Page 2 Empty Re: No Private Shows Please Wed Oct 26, 2016 6:12 am



"Leave now, while you still have a chance. I refuse to be taken advantage of, and will fight as if my life is on the line if you come any closer!" The fear in her voice was punctuated with tears that began to fall from her eyes and down her cheeks. This man clearly had one thought on his mind, his body giving that away if she cared to look down at all, and the pink haired female had no intention of letting him get away with what he wanted to do. Not today, not ever. No meant no, and this guy had clearly not taken no as an answer.

"Threatening a marine! That's treason! Do you know what we do with treasonous little harlots? Well, you're 'bout to find out!" The man would stagger towards her suddenly, causing her to make a noise somewhere between a stifled scream and a moan of fear. She would be able to step out of his way while swinging her guitar into his side. The guitar's wooden fram would crack as the strings caused it to play a cacophony of noise that paired with what was going on at the time; chaos. "You fish faced fucking bitch! After I have my way with you I'm going to fill your gills with sand and tie rocks around you so you sink to the bottom of the ocean and suffocate!" The man would move a bit quicker this time, the pain sobering up his senses enough to make a lunge for her and get a hard grip on her right wrist.

17No Private Shows Please - Page 2 Empty Re: No Private Shows Please Thu Oct 27, 2016 4:18 am



"Stop! Get off me! I refuse to let you do this to me!" How had no one heard? How late was it? The tavern must have been closed, and this marine must have snuck in, or broke in, while everyone else was gone. With no one else living in the rooms here that meant she was alone and had no chance of anyone coming to help her! The woman would pull back against his grip with all her might even as she swung her guitar at the side of his head. The mighty CRACK that resounded as she did so startled the girl into a scream as the man fell backward and slammed the back of his head against the backboard of the very bed she had been sleeping in mere minutes ago. The woman would throw the guitar at his body, afraid to move, and it would hit the center of his back before breaking into large pieces from all the blunt trauma the poor wooden instrument had taken. As an item meant only for music it was not that durable, and could not withstand the strength of human bones clashing against it. The tears in her eyes made it hard to see at first, but the man had stopped moving so she assumed he had been knocked unconscious so she took a deep breath as she wiped the liquid out of her eyes so that she could see again. Now she just needed to turn him in for the attempted rape and threats. That would teach this monster!

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