Shell town home of the 132th branch; a group of marines who Elisa Darkwalker had recently gained the respect and trust off due to the recent events which secretly would be called the Assault of baulk for unknown reasons. While still somewhat injured from all the fighting with bruises still covering most of her abdomen and lower back, not to mention the odd scar forming from blade related injuries. Elisa was starting to be her old self again without pain being a constant companion of her day and thus Elisa would be simply relaxing in the middle of a Random street with nothing spectacular about it besides a fountain situated in the centre with a unique design with four swans facing different directions, and water squirting from their mouths. The street had wooden houses, a stone road, some local shops and even a dusty grassed road leading to the local farming areas despite this Elisa was quite happy relaxing as she watched the fountain water flow and took in the fresh air.
Wearing a slightly more covering attire than normal in order to hide her injuries consisting of her regular white shirt covered by a black zipped up vest covering her entire torso but still letting her arms flow free with her combat gloves; additionally she is wearing black shorts folded at the waist.
Two marines give Elisa a quick nod as they quickly travel through the area; Elisa sighs as even though she understood why they acted as such she still despised marines in general as a representation of corruption though she had learned some were alright. Elisa continues to relax with her back against a wall somewhat daydreaming.
“Maybe I should go for a walk”.
Wearing a slightly more covering attire than normal in order to hide her injuries consisting of her regular white shirt covered by a black zipped up vest covering her entire torso but still letting her arms flow free with her combat gloves; additionally she is wearing black shorts folded at the waist.
Two marines give Elisa a quick nod as they quickly travel through the area; Elisa sighs as even though she understood why they acted as such she still despised marines in general as a representation of corruption though she had learned some were alright. Elisa continues to relax with her back against a wall somewhat daydreaming.
“Maybe I should go for a walk”.