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[Open] Moonlight Night - Sea Train Arrives: The Disturbance in Jaya  - Page 2 Large
'Without music, life would be a mistake.

Landing in front of the restaurant, "I wouldn't mind a bite to eat. It's crazy that this place is still opened with everything going on around town." Junbei said, turning to Mavis. Breaking into the restaurant doors, Junbei inspected the room to find quite a few diners, all of them looking at Junbei with shocked eyes as he bursted through the door. Bowing head, the man turned to the room coordinator, "Table for two please" Junbei said, shooting the man a grin. After being escorted to the tables, Junbei and Mavis took seating, each looking through the menu's on what to order for there feast. "Ugh. Don't worry about it, Mavis. Whatever ya' want it's on me!" Junbei said, looking through the men for what he wanted to eat.

"So Mavis, what's your story? If we're going to travel together, I might as well know your dream! If I can assist you in anyway, I'll try my hardest!"
Junbei smiled and inquired, as his stomach growled. It'd been awhile since he'd eaten a meal with someone, Charlotte gone missing and the only friend he'd made of late was Cyrus. He hoped the blonde haired rebel was doing well, smirking at the thought.


Mavis Lockheart


Mavis Lockheart
As they landed she felt the breeze lift her skirt up, her face became red, she was flustered. Mostly hoping her captain didn't notice as soon as they touched the ground she smiled at the captain. It was sort of bizarre that this restaurant was open, and booming with business too. Junbei seemed like the guy to take no risk after such an event, he busted the door down. As they walked in she immediately saw staring gazes.

"Sorry... Sorry..." Mavis apologized for the both of them, feeling the need to apologize for some odd reason.

As they sat at their booth with their menus in both of their hands he told her everything was on her. Mavis nodded. Her eyes wondered over a baked chicken salad with sparkling water. That sounded really good right now. Her stomach growled, agreeing.

As expected her newly acquainted friend and captain was curious of her past, dreams and such.

"Alright... I'll only tell you a little, because I just don't like talking about the past." Mavis sighed, her lips perched, as she pouted at the thought.

Mavis gulped, she might as well start with the harder stuff.

Taking a deep breathe she looked at Junbei, her eyes sparkled in the lighting they were full of trust but pain.

"My mother is a deceased queen, killed by my father... this gun in her gun it's my only thing I have to remember her. Although I never got to meet her-" Her voice began to choke. "S-She uhm. Died after giving- b...birth to me."

Mavis wiped her face with a napkin, looking at her feet. She didn't want him to feel bad for her at all but how was he suppose to react. She looked back up, her eyes were red.

"Please don't feel bad for me..." She smiled weakly, "Moving on, I want to be the number one sniper in the world. Also I want to travel the world learning it's history as well. Knowledge is power."

She looked back at the menu, preparing for her order mentally noting what she wanted for when the waiter came back.



[Open] Moonlight Night - Sea Train Arrives: The Disturbance in Jaya  - Page 2 Large
'Without music, life would be a mistake.

Walking over to the table, the waiter went to ask the man and the woman for their orders. As he approached the table, he saw the man with tears floating down his eyes. "Mavis..." the man said, crying streams of tears. "Ahh... Looks like he just got dumped." the waiter thought, looking at the woman's expression, she seemed quite cheerful. Clasping his hands together, the man bowed his head and shouted, "I'm sorry!" Junbei apologised. "Ahh... Now he's begging." the waiter thought backing away from the table to take another customers order. "Number one sniper and travelling places." Junbei sat back and smiled lightly, "That's a beautiful dream." Junbei said grinning. Junbei tried to change the subject slightly, it seemed to be a painful topic for Mavis and he didn't want to see her sadden anymore.

"When I was a kid... My best friend would make silly faces to cheer me up." Junbei said, stretching out his cheeks and wiggling his tongue in attempts to make the woman laugh. "I've felt pain myself..." Junbei said staring at the menu once again. "The most important thing is that you picked yourself up and tried again. You're awesome Mavis. I'm glad to have you aboard for my journey to Skypeia." Junbei said once again shooting her a grin. "Now! Enough sad stories and smiles, they can't fill stomachs, only hearts! WAITER!" Junbei shouted at the end of his sentence. As the waiter backtracked, "He's happy again... Did they work it out?" the waiter thought. "Can I take your order sir?" the man inquired, smiling falsely. "I want everything on the menu, except for anything spicy! Double Pasticho Milkshake!" Junbei exclaimed.

Mavis Lockheart


Mavis Lockheart
Mavis noticed the waiter walking up, she looked at him and then Junbei he was starting to cry, right then and there she wanted to hug him and shush him. Why was he crying... she was better in the long run it gave her less time to grow up which made her mature and learn quicker. It gave her more experience on life, more than most people her age would have. Junbei had apologized for her past. Why?

Mavis smiled at Junbei, "No need to be sorry, Junbei."

She noticed the Waiter slowly backing up, grabbing another couple's order. That was also when it hit her that this may look like a date to people. She blinked looking around she saw all the stares they were getting. Not judgmental stares more so like jealousy or in-awe stares. She noticed how some of the men in the room were staring at her with hungry-eyes, and how the women were practically drooling over Junbei.

"Figures." Mavis giggled.

When Mavis' attention was directed back at Junbei he was making silly faces, she smiled at his attempt to cheer her up. Just then a roar of girls screaming could be heard.

"Damn you can smell the ocean from here." Mavis slid in a sly remark about the girls being wet and salty.

As the waiter was called over, Mavis ordered her Baked Chicken Salad, lightly sprinkled in Parmesan Cheese, with a side order of Mozzarella sticks and Sparkling Water.

"Hey Junbei thanks for this. I really needed it..." She smiled at him.

For some reason Mavis already trusted her life in this man's hands.



[Open] Moonlight Night - Sea Train Arrives: The Disturbance in Jaya  - Page 2 Large
'Without music, life would be a mistake.

Junbei knew that at this point, not many words could comfort the woman. All he did was shoot her a quick grin as he'd usually do, leaning back into the chair, as he waited for the food to be prepared. As he was about to look for a random point to converse on, the waiter and his kitchen assistants arrived to serve Junbei and Mavis there ridiculous long menu order. Junbei's eyes shone, the hunger was truly real. Picking up his knife and fork, he looked down at the meatball sauce and spaghetti, drool began to trickle from his mouth. He looked back and forth at Mavis, waiting to see if she'd dig in but his hunger got the best of him and he began to eat the food, stuffing his mouth. "Ugh... He's so classless."the waiter thought. Bowing, the waiter walked away looking at Junbei quite scornfully.

Clearing his mouth, "Mavis. About Skypeia." Junbei said, digging into the deep fried shrimp with his fork. "Our journey up Mock Stream is literally going to be like flipping a coin. There's a 50/50 chance our ship can crash terribly. Are you sure you want to risk your life on a wild goose chase with me?" Junbei inquired, grabbing at his jug filled with root beer. Gobbling down it's contents, "I don't mind dying trying to make it up there but I don't ever want to be like how I was before. See, I was a caged songbird. The freedom I experience now, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world." Junbei said grinning.

Mavis Lockheart


Mavis Lockheart
When the food arrived Mavis picked up her fork, stabbing it into a tiny piece of meat, eating it. Mavis looked at her captain who began eating like a savage, this reminded her of when she first met Jade, she chuckled. She saw how the waiter looked in disgust but he bowed, he must be some fancy guy everything has to be this way kinda people. Quite frankly Mavis wasn't fond of those sort of people, however she could play the role if need be. Mavis sat back she wasn't one for eating and talking she liked to give someone her full attention, respond and then eat.

Junbei told her about the knock-up stream, she had to admit it did make her want to call it quits, however she made it so far in life she had personally accomplished a lot. She wouldn't mind dying now, if it happened it happened, but it didn't mean she wanted to die, she loved living she wasn't ready but.

"Junbei. As your crew-mate my life is in your hands. So don't worry okay, if we fail we fail, who knows maybe we can survive the fall and hope somebody else is sailing nearby, yea?" Mavis smiled at him.

 Mavis nodded at Junbei's further statement how he loved his freedom and didn't want to be caged again. That sentence could not be any more true for Mavis as well. Being her father had enslaved her the caged life was all she knew, till those pirates one day rescued her and showed her a life of adventure. For that she was forever grateful, if she was to meet them again on her journeys she would surely have to show her gratitude.



[Open] Moonlight Night - Sea Train Arrives: The Disturbance in Jaya  - Page 2 Large
'Without music, life would be a mistake.

Finishing off the last of the food on his plate, the man laid back into the chair, placing his hand to his mouth burping. "Ah! That was great!" Junbei exclaimed. Smiling at Mavis, "I wish you could give some of that courage to our navigator" Junbei exclaimed chuckling, thinking about Charlotte's terrified face when he mentioned his plans of getting to Skypeia. Reaching into his wallet, Junbei placed a large volume of beli onto the table. "This has been amazing but I'm going to handle some unfinished business Uptown." Junbei said, his demeanor changing much more seriously. Standing up from the table, the man adjusted the tonfa which were strapped on his back, in a suitcase he frequently had carrying around.

"Mavis. If you're up for it, would you like to help me out with something? I'm going to head Up Town, to this place called the Red Carpet Inn. I'm sure I'll be outnumbered by Kipp's men, could you lurk in the shadows and snipe some of his men for me. You don't have to kill them, just make sure they can't walk. I might be able to defeat Kipp but honestly, I'm not sure I'll be able to walk out of there once I do beat him. Charlotte is pretty resourceful, she'll be fine but I might need some help, can I count on you?"
Junbei said, staring into the woman's eyes seriously. The waiters huddled around the table, picking up the plates that filled the table from their humungous meal.

Junbei waited for Junbei's answer but at another part of town, Kipp's men were ravishing any and everything they could get their hands on. However, the decision was ultimately hers.


Mavis Lockheart


Mavis Lockheart
Mavis had began eating the salad with the pieces of baked chicken, it was such a flavor-blast of flavors. It's as if her taste buds were dancing. Mavis tried to recall the last time she ate something this good. Probably the night she had Sea King for the first time.

"Ahhhm. Mmm this is so yummy~" Mavis smiled at Junbei.

Mavis remembered that night very well.

-Flash back-

Mavis saw how terrified Emon was, she had to admit she was too, Captain Ty had just knocked up a super giant Sea King waking it from it's slumber, as if the raging storm wasn't bad enough. Then not to mention eleven other Sea Kings rose from their slumber as well. The ship they inhabited was as good as dead. Ty was the only one laughing, he seemed excited to test his power against the Sea Kings.

Second gave Ty no time to react, as Second's swords revealed he slashed every sea king into bits and pieces. Emon collected as much meat as the ship could carry. She remembered how her taste buds were in heaven for those several weeks. Emon was a fantastic chef he could make anything taste like it came from the divine skies above.

-End of Flashback-

Junbei told her how he had to go up town to finish some unfinished business, Mavis nodded. She understood. She continued to finish off her last bit of Salad, Junbei continued talking. Apparently he wanted her help as he went up town, he knew she would have his back she nodded. This should be easy.




Mavis: 18,000 EP + 1 SP (2 of your posts were under 250 words)
Lazarus: 22,000 EP + 1 SP

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